Read A Little Wild Online

Authors: Kate St. James

A Little Wild (28 page)

Damn right, he hadn’t. She wouldn’t have agreed to meet him here tonight if the thought of kyboshing their bargain hadn’t left her feeling like a relationship control freak.

She touched the bag. “What did you bring?”

“Chinese take-out.” His half-smile warmed her. “You said you were hungry.”

“I didn’t mean for food.”

Innate sexiness resonated in his slow shrug. “I guessed that. But you’re a demanding wench in the bedroom. I figured I’d need the nourishment, either before or afterward.” His deep voice softened. “Chinese food heats up nicely.”

Zach Halliday heated up nicely, especially when he was in her arms. “Good, because we’re not eating it for hours.” She stored the bag in the fridge. “I want to ask you something.”


Her palms prickled, and she wiped them on her jeans.
Don’t fail me now, inner nympho.

Since her attack of motion sickness last weekend, she’d obsessed over her failure to achieve her post-PNE jungle-sex mission. Monday in the shower had diminished her worries to a degree. She and Zach had started a fine tradition with their adventurous lovemaking, and she needed to keep it going.

She couldn’t risk letting down her guard and
falling for him.

Heart pounding, she asked, “What’s your wildest fantasy?” Interest sparked in his eyes, and she continued, “How about a blow job…in front of the living room window? Curtains open. Or I could tie you up.”

His rich chuckle rumbled between them. “Babe, I love how free you are with me, but we don’t have to go for kink every time.” He brushed her cheeks with the backs of his fingers.

Tenderness swirled inside her. She slid him a teasing look. “You don’t like kink?”

“I love kink, in moderation.” His gaze held hers. “You’ll do anything I ask?”

Tummy quivering, she nodded.

“I have something really radical in mind. No backing out once you hear it.”

“That’s fine.” So, so fine.

His expression grew serious. “I want to make love with you, Tess.”

“Hey, baby, I’m there.”

“I don’t think you get my meaning. I want to make love
you, not to you. Missionary position. Traditional. Very traditional. Slow, tender, loving.”

“Loving?” She swallowed.

“I want to make love, not have sex. I want it in your bed. And I want to spend the night.”

Bittersweet yearning tunneled through her. To wake up with him? To feel his strong body spooning hers in the cool morning light?

“That’s really what you want?” she whispered.

Fingers skimming her face again, he nodded.

Her mouth dried. She’d said she wouldn’t back out. She would keep her word. They’d “make love” this once, curing him. A man of Zach Halliday’s reputation wasn’t built for emotional commitment. They’d experienced hot and heavy countless times, so now he wanted it slow and gentle.

Big deal. He probably needed the variety.

“Okay,” she murmured, praying she wasn’t making a huge mistake.

His whisper brushed her mouth.

Tenderly, he kissed her then lifted and carried her to the bedroom. Tess allowed him to undress her, his movements so slow and gentle that a lump rose in her throat. Dangerous emotional territory lay ahead, but if she could get through this night with Zach, she could handle anything life threw at her.

She helped him remove his clothes, and they fell together onto the bed. His light kisses sprinkled her throat, her breasts and belly…the fine hairs growing back below. His sure hands stroked and re-learned her curves as she re-learned his heat, his tangy scent and thick cock.

When his face finally hovered above hers, his arms supporting his weight as their gazes locked and he entered her, she experienced the most incredible of erotic sensations. Her legs were open to him, but they had been open like this several times before.

However, this time, it felt like her entire body was opening, blossoming. As if her physical self couldn’t contain her need for him. It expanded inside her, moved up and out of her, into him.

As his body moved within hers, his intense gaze searched her face. For what, she dared not consider.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

Tears pricked her eyes. “You, too, lover.”

“Lover,” he murmured. “I love how you say that. Like you want me to crawl inside you.”

Yes, that was exactly what she wanted. Him. Inside her. Always.

“Lover. You’re my lover.” But he was also her friend. She’d never before realized it was possible to share sex and friendship with the same man.

How she would miss him.

“Zach?” she whispered. “When we burn out, I’d like to stay friends.”

His heated gaze consumed her. “What makes you think we’ll burn out?”

“Because, twelve days ago, we agreed that eventually we would.”

“What I feel for you isn’t only lust, Tess.” His big fingers swept her jaw. “It goes much deeper, sweetheart. Can’t you feel it?”

Her chest burned. She didn’t want to feel it, didn’t want to read eternity in his compelling brown eyes. She only wanted now. Him. Her. This.

Their bodies, hot and tangled. In sensual rhythm, as one.

Not their hearts. Never their hearts. Just their bodies.

She coaxed his mouth onto hers, sought his tongue, and claimed it.

She pumped her hips.

Now. This was all she wanted.

“Hey, lady, there’s a chow-mein noodle hanging off your nipple,” Zach said.

His tempting bedmate glanced down at her naked breasts. After three rounds of highly satisfying lovemaking interspersed with rejuvenating naps, they’d finally advanced to the Chinese take-out. Zach had helped Tess reheat the food and divide the portions between two plastic bowls so they could eat in bed without food sliding off plates and mucking her light purple sheets.

A halfway success story. So far, she’d only messed up her body.

She grinned. “I like it there.”

“Beats a nipple ring. At least it’s edible.”

“Yes, it has a purpose.”

“Which is?”

“For you to lick it off.”

“Mmm.” Her nipple stiffened beneath his hungry gaze.

“Well?” she prompted.

“Just wondering how I should do it. I could nibble it off.” The areola tightened. “Maybe suck it off.” The nipple stood at attention. “Or chew it a good, long time.”

She moaned. “I thought you wanted to eat, Zach.”

He lifted his gaze. “I do. It’s just a matter of what I want to eat.”

She stuck her nose in the air. “Make up your mind. It’s getting cold.”


She laughed.
“The noodle.”

“Can’t have that.” His semi-hard penis twitched beneath the sheets. He lowered his head to her breast and swirled his tongue, capturing the noodle. Noisily, he slurped the tidbit into his mouth. “Mm, good.”

“That’s quite a technique you have.”

He repositioned his bowl on his lap. “You inspire me.”

She scooped chow mein onto her fork. “You’re not this inventive with all your lovers?”

“I don’t remember anyone but you.”

“Liar. Your reputation preceded you, remember?”

“Don’t believe everything you hear, sweets. I doubt I’ve slept with half the women who claim I have.” Men could grow weary of being used for sexual sport, too. “I’ll have you know I’ve remained celibate for months at a time.”

Her mouth curved. “How many months?”

“Two…and a bit.”

“Quite a dry spell. Should I consider myself special that you broke your vow of chastity for me?”

“Yep.” Wary of the conversation becoming too serious for her, he mirrored her light tone. When they’d made love earlier, something had changed between them. Not only for him, but for her, as well.

Whether she realized it or not.

Whether or not she wanted to accept it.

For days now, Zach had known he loved her. Already the feeling dug deeper, had grown more electrifying and resilient, soaking every cell of his body.

He didn’t need her to tell him how she felt, because he sensed it. Just like he sensed that she didn’t want to tell him. She let him know how deeply she cared for him in ways she probably didn’t imagine. The soft light in her baby-blue gaze, her catch of breath when he came near, the demure smile when she thought he wasn’t looking.

Maybe he was mistaken. He’d never visited this emotional terrain before. But something that felt so right and perfect had to be true.

Dad had often said the same thing about Zach’s mother, that her love had felt right and true. So family legend went, when ambitious Graham Halliday met carefree Floretta Manzinelli, his structured life blew apart, fell into place, and everything became clear. What was important, what wasn’t. What came first—love, joy, commitment, family.

Zach’s mother had softened his father’s rough edges, had helped form Dad into the benevolent philanthropist and businessman he was today. Zach couldn’t wait to experience how Tess’s love would shape him, or how his love for her would influence her personality and choices.

“You should consider yourself very special,” he reiterated.

“You’re special, too.” She winked. “’Specially gifted in the bedroom.”

Pretend you don’t feel it, babe. I can take it.

Accommodating guy that he was, he changed the subject. “How are things at Greenburg?”

She beamed. “Lawrence took me to lunch today.”

“Does he do that often?”

“No. So today was major.”

“Excellent. What did he say?”

“That I’m doing a wonderful job tying up the acquisition. He’s thrilled I’ve brought a van Hoyt into the firm, and he predicts great things for my future.” Pride surged on her face.

“What about Phil Renfrew?” Zach asked. “Does L.G. treat him to lunches?”

“Maybe some other time, but not today.” She stabbed a water chestnut with her fork.

“Think he’s realized the guy’s a brown-noser?”

Her shoulders lifted. “Phil’s not so bad. To be honest, I’ve never worked with him before, just ran into him at the office. Now, with the acquisition, I’m realizing his attitude’s mainly for show.”

Zach chuckled.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing.” Apparently, Tess and Renfrew weren’t as dissimilar as Zach had thought. Not that he considered
a brown-noser. But an expert at wearing a game face?

She said, “Our relationship hasn’t progressed enough that Phil would share the coup of a lunch with Lawrence with me, so—”

“You didn’t tell him about your lunch.”

“He’ll find out in due time. The office grapevine rarely withers.”

“You’d still love to beat him out for a partnership, though.”

“Yes.” She cleared her throat. “What about your dad? Are you still working for Halliday while supervising the renovations?”

“When necessary. Dad’s out of town this week checking out a fast-food franchise. Olivia went with him. That’s his lady friend. They’ve been together three years. She’s good for him. He used to be so lonely.” Zach finished his chow mein. “It’s best he’s gone this week, or he might start asking where I’ve been hiding. I’ve sloughed off the Halliday stuff whenever possible.”

Tess pushed around her remaining noodles with her fork. “Why not tell him about the climbing center, Zach? Now that you’re at the renovation stage, he’ll understand.”

“I’ll tell him after the opening. He can be a mule. If I say something too soon, he’ll spend from now until celebration balloons are cramming the place trying to talk me out of my plans. I can’t allow him that advantage.”

A thoughtful look passed over Tess’s face. “Is Ethan suspicious?”

“Nah. He has too much on his mind. The guy needs a break like you wouldn’t believe.”

Her eyes glittered. “Zach, I probably shouldn’t say anything, but Chloe thinks he’s hot.”

Zach coughed. “Ethan?” His bowl careened down his lap. He grabbed it before almond chicken crumbs spewed onto the sheets.

Tess’s buoyant nod bounced her long curls. “Remember her message on my answering machine, when she carried on about The Suit? Turns out she meant Ethan. Only she didn’t know who he was then.”

“She does now?”

Tess nodded again. “He came into Lovin’ last week when I was there. Chloe hid in the can while I talked to him. She was appalled at herself for having a crush on a businessman. They’re not her type. Or so she thought.”

“That’s probably a good thing. I doubt Ethan could handle Chloe.” From what Zach had witnessed, Tess’s friend was a human firecracker. And Ethan was, well, Ethan. Too buttoned up to realize when he needed to unbutton.

A mysterious smile played on Tess’s lips. “We’ll see.”

“What do you mean?”

“They’re dating.”

“Impossible. Ethan’s interested in—” Lightning struck. “Chloe’s his mystery woman?”

She laughed. “He’s mentioned her?”

“Yes, but I didn’t think he meant
.” Zach set his bowl on the nightstand.

“They went to dinner and a movie last night,” Tess reported with a healthy serving of glee. “He’s taking her sailing this weekend.”

Despite loving the sport, his brother hadn’t sailed in years.

“What do you know?” Ethan and Chloe, him and Tess. Maybe someday they’d attend each other’s weddings, have kids around the same age, alternate Christmas dinners, coach minor league baseball…

Pleasure heated him. “Opposites attract, like us.”

Her smile wavered.

Deal with it, babe.

She placed her bowl on the opposite nightstand.

Zach reached for her, murmuring, “Let’s snuggle.”

Uneasiness lingering on her features, she curled up under his arm. Her springy curls tickled his chest. The light-scented shampoo they’d shared in the shower enhanced her clean, sexy aroma.

He kissed her scalp.


Her quiet voice lifted to his ears, and he closed his eyes. He could stay like this forever. “Yes?”

“You’ve never mentioned your mother. Now your father’s out of town with this Olivia woman. Are your parents divorced?”

He shook his head, chin grazing her hair. “My mom died when I was fourteen.”

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