Read A Little Bit of Trouble Online

Authors: A. E. Murphy

A Little Bit of Trouble (11 page)

     She laughs in disbelief, “Are you kidding me? You didn’t call me! If you were that concerned you would have called! What’s the big deal anyway? Why are you that bothered about me?”

     “I’m not arguing about this now.” My bedroom door opens, Amelia walks in.

     “Daddy, who is it?” she inquires and jumps onto my bed. “Is it Auntie Maya?”

     “Who’s that?” Loryn asks a little breathlessly. Is she jealous?

     I roll my eyes, “It’s my daughter Amelia. I have to go.”

     “Right, me too, I have that lunch with Maya soon.”

     “Have fun,” I respond automatically and hang up. Then I tac
kle my daughter to the bed, mid-jump, and start tickling her to death. “Little monster. So nosy.”

     She squeals and laughs and kicks… right in the gonads. Argghhh. I fall backwards and groan. Shit. Ouch. Fuck. That hurts. Amelia, thinking it’s a game charges me with a loud battle cry and starts pummeling me, let’s keep this to ourselves shall we?
Not something I want going around, the whole getting beaten up by a five year old. “Ok,” I rasp out, still cupping my sensitive privates with both hands. “Let’s go get ice cream.” I need ice.

     She hollers and cheers all the way to the kitchen,
I grab her a Popsicle and grab a bag of frozen peas before slumping into the armchair and resting them on my aching balls. I cover myself with a throw so Amelia doesn’t notice.


     And this is pretty much how we spend our day, me with sore balls and Amelia running riot.

     Sunday is the same, I have no visitors although apparently Jacob Stone is coming back down to visit soon and will let us know when. He’s a good guy, he’s Maya’s movie star best friend. They have a weird connection, one I remember James being extremely nervous of at one point. I’m not sure what it is that draws Jacob and Maya together but it’s
odd, they just like each other. I think they just get each other. That should be a fun couple of weeks, I get roped in to joining them on their escapades whenever he’s down. I wonder if he’s bringing his mom with him. She’s a nice lady, she’ll probably spend the time she stays fawning over the baby and Amelia.


     It’s Sunday night, I’ve just put Amelia to bed when my phone starts ringing. It’s Loryn.

     “I thought I’d call before you started berating me,” she giggles. “How are you today Lucas?”

     “Where are you?” I demand when I hear chatter in the background.

     “I’m with Maya, Marie and Summer, we are in a place called… wait… Maya, where are we?” Maya says something, Loryn continues, “Did you get that?”

     “Can’t say I did.”

     “We’re in a place called Cocktail’s, drinking cocktails,” for some reason she starts cackling at this. “It’s really fun.”

     She’s out… drinking, and dancing, what’s she wearing? Why the hell is she out drinking and dancing? I can’t pick her up, I have Amelia! “Loryn. You shouldn’t be out.”

     “Okay, okay, Mr. Grumpy. Want me to come see you?” What? “I could kiss you again, but then you’d probably push me away again right?” And again… what? “I have to go. Marie wants me to meet some people…. Hey Lucas?” I clench my fist around the phone, the only people Marie knows outside of us are all male.

     “Yes?” I bite out, feeling my agitation rise.

     “You’re kind of moody.”

     “You’re pissing me off.”

     She sighs, “What did I do now?”

     “I’m calling you a car…”


     “I’m calling you a car, it will be outside in twenty minutes. Get in it.”

     “You can’t tell me what to do.”

     “Loryn,” I snap but she hangs up. Fuck. I call Maya, no one answers. I call Summer, I get the same response of no answer. So I call Marie, she always answers. “Put Loryn in a fucking cab and send her to mine.” I hear males laughing in the background.

     “Chill out Lucas, she’s in good hands. She’s enjoying herself.” I start pacing, pissed off by her relaxed answer. Does she not understand that Loryn is… she’s in danger and shouldn’t be out dancing and drinking? Especially with men!
“Lucas is jealous.”

     “I am not jealous!”

     “You’re jealous because she’s here and dancing with men and you’re not one of them!”

     “She’s what?” I shout, ready to call James to go pick her up for me.

     “Dude, chill, I’m joking. She’s not even talking to guys. I swear. She’s totally into you.” This brings me no relief. “I’ve got to go. Speak tomorrow.”


     I have no right to her, I have no claim to her. I just want to see her safe… right? That’s it, that’s all.

There’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep now! Fuck!













































Chapter Ten

Stupid ass women


     As soon as I drop Amelia off at school I drive straight to Loryn’s. She better be in. My heart is racing as I bang on the door. I call her over and over again but I get no answer. Fuck. Where the hell is she? Thoughts of her tangled up with another male come to mind and I instantly feel sick.

     “LORYN!” I shout a few times but she either doesn’t hear me or she’s just not here.
Why do I even care? Is this some kind of weird guilt trip because I was a dick to her in my teen years. Christ, I was a dick to everyone. Crystal was no better! She was a bully to anyone different. That’s just the way school was and still is. So why am I so concerned for this god damn female now? Why do I break out in shivers at the picture of her dead in a ditch somewhere? Why am I sick at the thought of her in the arms of another man? Maybe because right now she’s vulnerable, she’s been through a lot and she needs… hell. Fuck if I know what she needs.


     I’m about to call Marie from my car and head to hers, when a cab pulls up behind me. A rather hung over looking Loryn scrambles out of the back of the yellow cab and starts fumbling through her bag for her keys. I instantly hop out of my car and assess her. Shit, she looks hot, that is definitely one of Maya’s dresses. It’s deep purple, and short at the bottom, I’m sure Maya has worn it before.

Her tits are almost spilling out. She still hasn’t noticed me, fuck she looks good. I grab her elbow, she squeals and brings her hand to her chest to calm her hammering heart I assume.

     “Lucas, what are you doing here?” I grab her keys, unlock the store and wait for her to turn off the alarm. Then I lock the door behind us and pull her up the stairs. “Lucas? You’re freaking me out.”

     “Why are you coming home now?” I demand and sit her on the sofa. Unfortunately my gentleman side wins the internal battle, I find myself pouring her a glass of water and grabbing her a couple of painkillers.

     “That’s none of your business.” She takes the tablets and gulps down the water. I place the empty glass on the worktop. “Why are you here?”

     “I was worried,” I admit and cross my arms over my chest. “Why the fuck are you coming home now?”

“I stayed at Marie’s,” she shrugs. This does not make me feel better at all. “Just Marie and I, we were drunk and crashed at hers.”

     “Just you two?”

     “Yes,” she laughs and stands before me. “I promise.” The tension in my body releases. I push her towards the bathroom. “Am I allowed to shower now I have your permission?”

      “Shut up,” I grumble feeling like an idiot.

      “Okay, don’t leave.” Leave? How can I fucking leave? You drive every cell in my body fucking crazy. I don’t say this, I just nod and wait with my dick pressing against my zipper as she showers.



     “A little privacy please,” she calls
twenty minutes later as the bathroom door opens. I turn quickly and head over to the kettle seeing as she has no coffee maker, I have to do it manually. Must make coffee. I hear her rummaging around in her tiny closet. She’s naked, in here, with me, in nothing but a god damn towel. Shit.

     The kettle boils at the same time as my blood, “Fuck the coffee.” I snarl a
nd throw the kettle in the empty sink.

     Upon turning I find
a wide eyed Loryn in nothing but a towel just like I assumed, with her damp hair resting on her shoulders. I stomp over to her, grab the back of her head and slam my lips down onto hers. She melts into me instantly, without even a moment’s hesitation and damn it feels good. I pick her up with ease, our lips still attached and throw her on the sofa. Her towel falls open as I rip my shirt over my head. She gasps and tries to cover herself.

     “Don’t move,” I demand as my eyes follow every soft curve of her body
, her hands drop limply to her sides, from her gorgeous breasts with their pebbled nipples to her naked mound and right down her everlasting legs. So toned and sexy and powerful looking, I want them around my hips so fucking bad. I bite my lower lip and groan low in my throat. “Christ, you’re fucking beautiful Loryn.” She goes to cover herself again. “Don’t ever cover yourself around me.”

     She gulps as I drop to my knees in front of her. I press a sweet kiss to her lips and trail more down her jaw
, making her skin break out in tiny goose pimples, to her collarbone and over her right breast. She gasps when I suck her nipple into my mouth and tease it with my teeth and tongue. My fingers dig into her back as I slide her further down the sofa, her feet rest on the floor with her legs open either side of me.

     My lips venture further down, to her ribs where I lick and kiss each one individually. I keep on going, circling my tongue around her naval, occasionally nipping at the skin arou
nd her waist making her jerk, spasm and moan. She’s so sensitive.

     “What are you doing?” she hisses and grabs my hair when my mouth finally reaches her hips
, she starts wriggling and trying to push me away. “Don’t do that!”

     I look up at her through my lashes, “Why not?”

     “Because I… I don’t like it. It doesn’t do anything for me.” More like she’s embarrassed.

     I laugh and push her hands away. No way am I giving up the chance to taste her sweet core for that stupid fucking reason. Her hands go to my hair again
in another attempt to stop me, I sigh and stand up. She instantly covers herself with the towel. I ignore her for now, pad over to the cupboard and pull the bed down.

     “Lucas, what are you doing?”


I then head back over to Loryn. She jumps up, her arms hugging the towel around her body.

     “Stop being stupid,” I say softly and kiss her lips. She shudders, I take my chance and lift her over my shoulder
, she screams. Two steps later I throw her on the bed and grab her hands. She instantly tenses when I pin her hands together with one of mine. “That’s better.” I take note of her wide eyes.

     “Lucas, don’t…” I work my way down her body after throwing the towel out of the way
as I go. My lips teasing and sucking at every available inch of her skin. “Lucas stop. Don’t, that’s… oh god. Do that again.”

I smile against her and swirl my tongue around her clit. She smells fucking beautiful, she tastes amazing. I’m back on devour mode, I’ve finally caught my prey.  “Lucas!” she moans as I push my tongue into her tight entrance and play with her nub with my thumb. With my other hand I release my solid length from my jeans, it springs free and I sigh against her at the instant relief.

     She moans and cries out, her back arches off the bed as I continue to tease, lick and suck her. I take pity on her cries for more,
she pleads for me to finish her off so I press two fingers into her and up against the soft wall where I know the magic happens. Her already tight wonder tightens even more and pulses around my fingers, she bucks against my face without shame and her legs clamp around my head. I’ve never heard a woman scream my name so loud. Fuck yeah.

     “Are you on birth control?” I ask h
er softly and release her, so I don’t have to double Dutch. A failed helped in the production of Amelia so I don’t take chances. She lies limply on the bed, breathing heavy, her eyes squeezed shut, still shuddering from the aftermath of her orgasm. I watch her nod and don’t wait any longer. I can’t wait any longer. My heat sinking missile is ready to meet its target. After quickly pulling on a condom, I wasn’t being presumptuous or anything I always carry condoms with me, I line myself up with her wet entrance and push it in by just an inch until the head pops inside. Christ she’s tight. I almost come on the spot. Fortunately I have better self-control than that.


     “Lucas,” she mumbles and clenches me. “More.”

     “Ok baby,” I say and claim her lips. I kiss her deeply and press in even more, my entire body shakes, my dick feels like it’s on fucking fire it’s that damn sensitive. So warm and wet, I need more. “Gonna fuck you now.”

     And then I slam home, she cries out, I think I’ve hurt her a little. I can tell by her sharp gasp but her body is showing signs of pleasure too, the way her insides are quivering and her eyes flutter and the heavy panting breaths that make her chest rise and fall dramatically. Christ she’s beautiful. I pull out slowly, torturously, wanting to take my time, wanting her to come again so I can watch every second of that intense explosion of pleasure pass over her face. Her hands wrap around my back and her nails bite into my skin as I slam into her again.

     “Look at me,” I demand, wanting to see her eyes every second that I’m inside of her.
“Please baby.” Her eyelids flutter open and soft browns focus on me. I smile at her and drive into her again. She moans and resists the urge to close her eyes, I’m resisting that same urge. I have to see this. “Fuck, Loryn.” I shudder and thrust in and out of her twice before pressing in deep and circling my hips.

     She sighs and clenches my dick
as if trying to suck it deeper into her folds, I’m so close to losing it. It feels too good. Every nerve in my body is pulsing, shuddering, my entire body is quivering. I need release but I need to see her find hers first.


     It’s been too long since I had sex.


     I pick up the pace and raise myself onto my knees until I’m sitting back on my heels. Her arms stretch out to the sides, her head goes back as her hands clench the sheets. My eyes can see every inch of her body but what affects me the most is myself disappearing inside of her with each thrust and how deep I’m reaching. My hands grip the soft globes of her ass as I lift her, still driving into her. Releasing one of her perfect ass cheeks I thumb her clit. Her eyes close, her lower lip trembles and her breathing quickens in time with my own.

. Your. Fucking. Eyes,” I demand with each thrust.

She looks straight at me, that burning intensifies. Fuck… fuck. And then she screams, and fuck me what a scream it is. It sends me over the edge, my entire body seems to clench, and I can’t hold it anymore. Mesmerized by every whimper and moan that escapes her I watch her face, I watch her eyes roll back in pleasure before I finally collapse on her and pump into her at a frenzied pace. My control completely shot.

     My dic
k throbs and my stomach tightens with my balls, my orgasm tears through me with an intensity I never knew possible, it doesn’t seem to be stopping. “Loryn,” I mumble and collapse in fatigue, I take deep gulps of air and try to calm my erratic heart.

alizing I must be crushing her, I roll us over, not ready to leave her warm depths yet. My semi is still buried inside of her and I’m rather comfy so…


     “You ok?” I ask softly as my fingers trail up and down her back. She nods against my chest. “Have a nap. I’ll wake you up in ten.”

     “Why ten?” She rests her chin and arms on my chest and looks at me curiously, a little nervously.

     I give her a devilish grin, “So we can go again.”

She giggles and collapses back onto me, “Ok. But make it twenty.”

     “I’ll wake you up in ten,” I repeat and cup her head so it stays on my chest. “Sleep.”



     I count every second, and with each second my dick hardens even more. As soon as ten minutes pass I roll her back over onto her back.

     “No, ten more minutes,” she mumbles sleepily.

     “You’ll want to be awake for this babe,” I say and lift her up before pressing her against the cold wall. She squeals but her annoyance is soon lost when I start moving inside her again. Fuck yeah.



     What time is it? Damn I’m tired. Twelve fifteen, still got time. Loryn is asleep beside me on her front, my leg and arm are thrown over her back, effectively trapping her to the bed. I climb out of bed and head to the bathroom. She stirs a little when I come back and wipe her down with a warm cloth but she doesn’t wake. At least, not until I sink back inside of her and lift her ass in the air.

     “Again?” she asks sleepily but I can hear the excitement in her tone.

     “Again.” I confirm and what an again it is.



     Shit, my alarm wakes me, time to head to school. I climb out of bed and get dressed. I’ll have to shower later, I like the fact I’m covered in Loryn. It gives me some sort of strange male satisfaction.

Sitting on the side of the bed I slowly stroke the length of her bare back. She buries her face into the pillow and grumbles. I kiss her shoulder and nibble on her ear. Fuck this woman is irresistible. You’d think I’d be empty by now… hell no.


     “No, I’m sleeping. No more,” she grumbles with a little smile teasing her lips.

     I kiss her nose, “I have to go babe.”

     Her eyes spring open, “Where? Why?”

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