Read Zeus's Pack 9: Rave Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #mm

Zeus's Pack 9: Rave (11 page)

Jesse had promised to fill him in on the coroner’s finding, but Dorm was with the sheriff as well, so Tony knew if Jesse didn’t tell him everything, his partner would. Dorm was sore at Tony for not filling him in on the shifter thing, but Dorm was an agent through and through. He would set his personal feelings aside and make sure Tony knew everything that was going on.

“I knew the guy,” Rave said as he entered the room with Logan.

“He was a town jackass, but he never hurt anyone.”

Tony flipped the page on his notepad, pen poised. “Tell me about the victim.”

“He was a bigot. He hated gay men and let every man he suspected as being gay know it. But Clancy had never hurt anyone. He was harmless. Well, as harmless as a bigot can be.”

“Is that all?” Tony asked as he wrote the information down. There had to be a pattern to the killings. Or was Aba picking his victims at random? Most killers had a preference, and Tony was trying to see if Aba had one as well.

“That’s all I really knew about the guy.”

“Did you know the dead couple?” Tony asked, but Rave shook his head.

“You’ll have to talk to Jesse about them. He knew the couple, I didn’t.” Tony saw something in Rave’s eyes. It looked like sadness and regret as he stood there. Tony wondered what Rave could have in his life that made him feel that way, but didn’t ask.

“This is my town, the pack’s town, and I really don’t know any of the citizens.”

Well, that explains the emotions in Rave’s eyes.

Rave shook his head as he headed toward the bedroom door.

“Maybe some other time.”

Tony really didn’t like his words thrown back at him, but what could he say? He sighed as Rave walked out of the room. Tony glanced at Logan standing at the edge of the bed, looking a little pale.

“You all right?”

Logan twisted his lips, giving Tony a
look. “No. Seeing a dead boy tends to make me feel a little queasy, if you hadn’t noticed.”

“How did you know the man was forced to kill himself?”

Logan sighed. “I saw it in my mind.”


Logan shrugged. “I was staring at the dead body, and then I saw the man, his former life, and then there was an image of someone chasing him toward Aba. But Aba is the one who had a knife in his hand. He gave it to the victim, made him take it, and then he made the poor shmuck slice his own damn throat.” Logan began to look sick all over again.

Tony just prayed Logan didn’t vomit. He had almost vomited outside the home of the couple when he saw Logan upchucking in the bushes, but thankfully Tony hadn’t smelt the foul odor or he would have been right beside his blue-eyed mate.

Tony stood, walking over to Logan, brushing his hand down the man’s back. “Don’t get sick on me. I can’t take the smell of vomit.”

Logan nodded, swallowing a few times. Tony leaned closer, inhaling Logan’s scent. It was wonderful. Logan smelled like chicory wood and a hot summer’s night. He wanted to rub his scent all over Logan as well. It was a very strong urge.

“You’re, uh, sniffing me, Tony.”

“I know.”

“I already told you I wasn’t having sex with you, so back off.”

Tony chuckled as he took a step away, his eyes raking over Logan’s body heatedly. “I could change your mind.”


Tony heard the word spoken, but he also heard uncertainty in the man’s voice. Logan wanted him. It was in his iridescent blue eyes and the way he stood there staring at Tony with longing. But he could see a touch of anxiety in their depths as well.

“Are you sure?” Tony asked. “Tell me to back away, and I will.”

Logan didn’t say a word. He just stood there, slightly shaking.

Tony moved back toward Logan, standing so close their bodies almost touched. He inhaled once more, the scent almost making him high as he grinned slightly, letting the scent of his mate wash over him, through him.

“You’re sniffing me again.”

“I can’t help it. You smell so good.” Tony reached up and brushed a knuckle down Logan’s cheek, and his mate flinched. “Do you think I would hurt you, Logan?” he asked.

Logan didn’t answer him. He stood there as still as a statue, watching Tony closely. Tony walked around to the front of Logan, bending slightly and brushing his lips across Logan’s. His mate didn’t back away.

“Do you want me, Logan?” he asked as he slid his hands up his mate’s chest.

Again, Logan stayed silent, observing Tony.

Gliding his tongue over Logan’s bottom lip, Tony watched Logan’s blue eyes deepen to a cobalt color. They were swimming with want. Tony was starting to catch on. Logan wasn’t the least bit aggressive when it came to sex. But Tony was, so he was going to have to guide his mate.

“Take your shirt off.”

Logan stood there for a long second, his eyes almost defiant. Tony started to do it himself, but Logan’s hands reached for the hem of his shirt, slowly peeling it up and off. Tony glanced at what Logan had just revealed, appreciation flooding him as he looked at the tight expanse. His mate wasn’t overly muscled, but he had a nice, defined chest.

Tony kissed Logan along his collarbone, his hands wandering up Logan’s back as his mate sighed deeply. Tony grinned. He knew Logan had wanted him. Tony walked behind Logan, his fingers tracing his mate’s skin along the way. “I want to fuck you, Logan.”


That was an odd question. It made Tony pause for a brief moment before he pulled his shirt off and then pressed his chest into Logan’s back. “Because you are my mate.” He kissed Logan along his shoulder blades. “And you are sexy as hell.”

Logan shivered.

Tony ran his hands from Logan’s shoulders to his elbows, letting his nails gently scrape Logan’s skin. Goose bumps formed along Logan’s flesh, his head rolling forward as Logan moaned.

Using the slightest pressure, Tony began to bend Logan over the bed, kissing his mate down his spine as he ground his erection into Logan’s jean-clad ass. Logan began to relax under Tony’s touch, his body stretching out on the bed, on his belly, as Tony ran his fingers over every inch of exposed flesh.

“Does this feel good?” Tony asked.

“Um-hum,” Logan said like a lazy cat being petted.

Tony massaged Logan’s shoulders, kneading the flesh as his cock stayed planted against Logan’s ass. One hand kneaded the right shoulder, and the other hand swam up into Logan’s hair as the nails scraped lightly over Logan’s scalp.

Logan shivered again.

Tony let the hand in Logan’s hair trail down Logan’s back until he reached Logan’s waistband. He ran his fingers along the material as he continued to massage Logan’s shoulder. His hand skimmed around Logan’s waist until he reached the snap on his mate’s pants, unfastening them as he sank to his knees.

Logan didn’t move, but Tony could hear Logan’s breath coming out in pants. He pulled the material from around Logan’s waist until the waistband was at Logan’s ankles. Pulling the cheeks apart, Tony began to lap at Logan’s skin, his tongue skimming around Logan’s hole.

Moans were coming from Logan, becoming louder as Tony sucked at Logan’s entrance. He pushed one finger inside his mate, stretching Logan as he continued to bathe Logan’s backside with his tongue.

Another finger slid into Logan as Tony felt his cock lengthen and throb to get inside of Logan’s ass. He reached down and undid his pants, pushing them around his waist and down his legs as he stood, bent over, licking Logan’s asshole.

Tony blanketed Logan’s back, his bare flesh rubbing over Logan as his fingers stretched his mate. He rubbed his chest over Logan’s back, his thighs over Logan’s. Tony was once again marking his mate, but it was Logan this time.

“Do you want me to fuck you, Logan?” Tony whispered into Logan’s ear as he pulled his hand free.


Tony pulled away, heading for the drawer with the lube. He smeared the gel on his cock as he walked back over to Logan. Tossing the bottle onto the bed, Tony blanketed Logan again. He curled his fingers around his cock and positioned the head at Logan’s hole.

“Show me you want it.”

Logan pressed back, his fingers curling into the sheets as he turned his head, his eyes closed. Tony’s eyelids fluttered as his cock sank into Logan’s ass. He blew out heavily as he fought for control.

Tony laid his arms over Logan’s, their fingers entwining as he heard the door open and close behind him. Tony didn’t have to look over his shoulder to know Rave had entered the room. If it wasn’t Rave, he was shooting someone.

Pressing his knees between Logan’s legs, Tony pushed Logan’s legs out a little further as he pulled back and then slid back into Logan’s tight ass. His mate moaned. Tony looked into Rave’s eyes as his mate moved closer, coming into Tony’s line of sight. Rave’s brown eyes had gone all weird again, the brown bleeding out into the white as his canines began to appear. Tony nodded, and Rave undressed.

“Do you want Rave, Logan?”

Logan stiffened under Tony, his breath coming out a little more quickly.

“Are you afraid to have us both at once?” Tony asked as he felt Logan’s heart beating faster through Logan’s back. Tony pressed his chest tighter against Logan’s back, nipping his mate on his ear. “Are you?”

Logan nodded.

“Do you think we would hurt you?” Tony asked.

Logan shook his head. Tony could see the relief in Rave’s eyes as he climbed up onto the bed.

“Are you just afraid of having two men at once?” Tony asked.

Logan nodded.

Rave bent at the waist, gently kissing Logan as Tony moved inside his mate. He wanted Logan as relaxed as he could get the man.

This was Logan’s first ménage, and Tony wasn’t going to frighten the man. Tony wasn’t sure if Rave had ever had one before, but Rave’s expression hid the fact if he hadn’t. Tony had had a ménage a time or two, but even if he hadn’t, the thought of being with two men didn’t intimidate him.

Tony could feel Logan tremble beneath him as he whimpered, opening his mouth wider for Rave’s kiss. Tony turned his head, kissing Logan’s shoulder, letting his lips ghost over his mate’s skin.

His cock throbbed in Logan’s ass, but Tony had stopped moving, letting Logan lead the way.

Rave cupped Logan’s face, taking the kiss deeper. Logan curled his fingers tighter into the sheet as he tilted his head, giving Rave more room.

“Do you want to suck Rave’s cock?” Tony asked as he slid his hands down Logan’s body, his fingers digging into Logan’s hips. He was trying to relax Logan, trying his best not to plunge into Logan over and over again, but it was hard as he watched his mates kiss.

Rave moved away, kneeling in front of Logan as he circled his fingers around the base of his cock. “Open for me, Logan,” Rave said as he ran his free hand through Logan’s thick hair. “Suck my cock, baby.”

Logan opened, sipping at the head of Rave’s cock, moaning lightly as his tongue lashed out and lapped at the clear liquid falling from the slit at the top of Rave’s shaft. Tony growled low as he began to move inside of Logan again. He pressed his knees into Logan’s legs, pushing them even further apart.

“That’s right, baby. Suck my cock.” Rave almost purred the words as Logan took Rave’s shaft deeper into his mouth. Tony was half tempted to pull out and throw Logan all the way onto the bed, but having his mate bent over the side was just too damn exciting for Tony.

He watched Rave and Logan as his cock thrust inside his mate, biting his bottom lip as he let the feeling of utter pleasure fill him.

Tony shivered when he felt Logan pushing at his mind, but it wasn’t anything he had ever felt before. Logan was pushing his passion, his desire inside of Tony, amplifying what he was already feeling. Tony glanced up at Rave and saw the surprised look. Logan was pushing into Rave’s mind as well.

This time Tony wasn’t stopping Logan. The feeling was too intense, washing over him like a tidal wave as he thrust harder. Logan cried out around Rave’s cock, the feeling almost too much as Tony held on. It was pure silk running through his blood, and then a burst of warm air shot over Tony, making him gasp as his eyes shot to Rave.

Apparently Rave was feeling everything Tony was feeling because Rave was staring down at Logan with awe. Rave pulled his cock free, jumping from the bed like it was a damn springboard, and then pushed Tony free of Logan’s body.

“What are you doing?” Tony asked.

Rave grabbed Logan and used his preternatural strength to lift their mate and toss Logan onto the bed. Logan looked at both of them with shock. Rave crawled back onto the bed and sank deeply into Logan’s ass. Tony crawled onto the bed and scooted his body under Logan, taking Logan’s cock into his mouth.

He was going to have a long talk with Rave about manners, later.

Much later. Logan cried out again as Tony sucked his cock to the back of his throat, the intense emotions from being with Logan and Logan projecting his feelings into Tony’s mind still riding him hard.

He felt as though he couldn’t get enough of the man.

“I can feel you, Tony,” Rave said from above as he pounded harder into Logan. “I can fucking feel you inside of me.”

Tony formed a seal, sucking Logan hard as he, too, felt Rave, along with Logan, inside of him. He wasn’t sure what in the hell was going on, but Tony was going crazy as lust, desire, pleasure, and everything else that felt too damn good hummed inside of him.

He grabbed his cock, stroking it quickly as he worked Logan’s shaft inside of his mouth. He felt as though an animal had been unleashed inside of him. His jaguar. Tony growled around Logan’s cock as his teeth ached so damn badly that he was surprised his gums weren’t bleeding. He wanted to bite, and bite hard, but his canines never elongated. They were as blunt as Logan’s.

Tony became frustrated, attacking Logan’s cock as he squeezed his cock hard. He wanted to claim Logan and then Rave. The feeling was so strong that Tony damn near bit Logan’s cock. He breathed through his nose, trying his best to calm himself, to calm the jaguar trapped deep inside of him.

Logan shouted, the lights in the room bursting all around them as Rave roared out at the same time. Tony knew for a fact that Rave was sinking his teeth deeply into Logan’s shoulder and felt anger and want fill him until he was overflowing with emotions.

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