Wyne and Chocolate (Citizen Soldier Series Book 2) (17 page)


they’d talked earlier, he could tell she was a little sad today. He harbored a
guess it had to do with having no shop on one of the busiest chocolate candy
days of the year. No doubt she’d missed out on a shit load of sales and it was
bothering her, although, she’d never admit it. No she preferred to hide her
emotions behind her pretty smile and funny mouth.

gotten real good at hiding behind jokes or just not participating in things so
he didn’t have to deal with people. Until Jill. She drew him out, made him feel
wanted. Needed.

That was
what he was going to do for her today.

With a
plan finally forming in his head, he set his mug in the sink and left the
kitchen, whistling.

Chapter Nineteen


hat was usually one of Jill’s favorite days just wasn’t cutting
the mustard this year. Valentine’s Day had always been big for her, even before
Confection Connection had opened. Whether she’d worked at a bakery, or just
worked out of her home; creating, sculpting, decorating chocolate treats filled
her soul.

than those initial orders from last month, she had none of the crazy rush, long
hours, and last minute requests to make her feel…needed. Wanted.

hell. Wasn’t she pathetic?

“I’d say
you’re good.”

It took
her a second to realize Lea had been talking about the round display table
they’d just finished setting up with a beautiful light blue cloth she’d
purchased online. All it needed now was her chocolates, and pretty stripped
boxes with her logo on them.

so much for your help. I’ll just be happy when I’m actually opened in a few
weeks,” she said, straightening to stare at her smiling friend. “I feel bad
you’ve given up some of your day for me.”

be. I was thrilled to have something to do while I wait for Ben.” The cute
brunette glanced at her phone. “He should be here soon.”

A rush
of excitement washed through Jill at the thought of her friend’s upcoming
night. A big night. She could hardly stand it. Hopefully, Lea wouldn’t be mad
at her for not spilling the beans, but these were big beans, and not hers to

she wasn’t above wishing Ben would catch it all on tape so she could witness
Lea’s expression when her friend first saw the chocolate replica of the antique
box. And the ring, too, of course. That was important, too.

good was happening today
, she thought with an inward
sigh. Something she contributed to, too.

“So, do
you have any Valentine’s Day plans for…I mean

laughed. “Why do I get the feeling that wasn’t a verbal mistake?”

it wasn’t and you know me too well,” Lea replied with a grin. “So? Do you?”

Try as
she might, Jill couldn’t stop the blush rushing up to her face. “I might have
made…I mean bought him something special.”

Her friend’s smiled turned wicked and gaze inquiring. “Why do I get the feeling
that wasn’t a verbal mistake?”

it wasn’t and you know me too well.” She grinned, using her friend’s words.

laughed and nodded. “Touché. So, what have you done? Made some delicious


“In the
shape of what?”



She drew
both lips between her teeth before smiling as she answered, “On what part of
the body it gets poured on.”

sucked in a breath. “Ooh, I want some. You have any extra? If not, is there
time to make some? I’ll help.”

“As a
matter of fact…” Jill snickered, walking over to her purse to pull out a small
gift bag. “I have a little present for you. I made you some, too.”

Lea accepted the bag and pulled her in for a quick hug. “Thanks! It’ll go great
with the lingerie I’m wearing.”

drew back. “Mine, too.”

two what?”  Mason asked.

strode into the room looking so gorgeous he took her breath away. Dressed
casually for the outdoors, he wore a brown coat open over a navy sweatshirt and
jeans. Yum. She had the uncontrollable urge to step into him and snuggle
against the soft fabric covering his mouthwatering, hard muscles. But
considering Lea was beside her and Ben just waltzed into the room, she held

older Wyne’s face lit up. “Why do I get the feeling you two were talking about
something interesting and would you care to share?”

Lea replied, carefully slipping the bag into her purse. “Nice try, handsome,
but it’s not going to work.”

walked closer and held out his elbow. “Well then, sweetheart, come on so we can
get a start on our day.” With a quick wink to her and Mason over Lea’s head,
the smiling man led his smiling girlfriend to the door.

A few
seconds later, she was alone in her shop with Mason. He glanced around at the
half-finished displays and empty counters and nodded.

looks great in here, Jill. It feels like you.”

snorted. “Yeah, disheveled and a mess.”

“No,” he
said, stepping right into her, circling her waist with his big hands. “Classy,
yet friendly and fun.”

shot through her system, and she melted right there. “You’re so sweet,” she
said, lifting up on tiptoe to kiss his delicious lips, asking herself the same
two reoccurring questions.

What was
the gorgeous guy doing with her? And how long before he left her?

When she
drew back, he set his forehead to hers. “And you are working too hard. It’s
time for a break.” He stepped back to grab the gray hoodie and brown vest she’d
set on a counter and held it open for her. “Come on. Let’s take a walk.”

she said, excitement kicking up her pulse at the prospect of spending time
alone with him so early in the day. It was barely ten in the morning. It wasn’t
like she was swamped with work and couldn’t leave until closing.

fishing a maroon knit hat from his pocket and shoving it on, he took the gray
one from her hands. “Let me help you with that,” he said and carefully pulled
it on her head, holding it in place. “It’s colder out than it appears.”

He was
so close she could smell his delicious scent and see each individual hue
twinkling in his brown eyes.

she whispered, staring at his tempting mouth.

groaned and stepped back, entwining their fingers. “You’re lethal. Come on, I
need that cold air.”

she let him lead her outside and enjoyed the simple act of walking in the cold,
crisp February air with the handsome man at her side. Bordered by fields of
dead, brown grass, unveiled by last week’s unusually warm temperatures, the
deserted dirt road cut between the mountains offering a beautiful view. A
remarkable setting, despite the cold, and she intended to enjoy it. Today was
Valentine’s Day. She wasn’t going to worry about why the gorgeous Wyne chose to
be with her, or how long he was going to be in her life.

He was
there now, releasing her hand to drape an arm around her shoulders, his long
body brushing hers as she slipped her arm around his waist and walked happily,
silently, in the knowledge he’d sought her out and suggested the stroll.

As they
came upon her favorite place, the horse pasture, he slowed his steps, as if
knowing she wanted to stop and watch the magnificent creatures. Their snorts
and whinnies materialized in puffs of white smoke in the frosty air. Sensing
their presence, a few of the horses strolled up to the wire fence to offer
their faces up for a petting.

happily stroked each horse, marveling in the play of browns in their beautiful
chestnut coats. “They’re so beautiful,” she said softly so as not to spook

It was a
few minutes before she realized Mason hadn’t moved, or spoken. He just stood
there staring at her with the strangest expression on his face. One of
puzzlement and struggle.

couldn’t imagine what was going through his head, so she cocked hers and
offered him a smile. “What? Am I petting them wrong?”

His lips
twitched and he drew near, reaching for both her hands. “No. You’re doing it
right. You do everything right.”

honesty and wonderment in his eyes hit her deep. Her heart caught. Pulse
hiccupped and body swayed into his without her permission. He lowered his head,
brushing his lips over hers, tasting, sipping, sampling until she had to grab
onto his collar and hold tight because her legs suddenly felt like rubber.

“I have
something for you,” he said when they broke for air.

He unzipped
his coat and pulled out a small red bag. She sucked in a breath and had to
force her arms to move through the shock attacking her system. He actually
thought enough about her to get her a present without wanting something in
return. She peeked inside then laughed as she pulled out the cutest little
stuffed wolf, the same shade of brown twinkling in his eyes.

“I love
it. He reminds me of you and our snowmobiling adventure,” she said, snuggling
the little guy into her neck.

“I saw
it and thought of you,” he said, watching her with undisguised hunger and
something more.

heart rocked at the something more. She felt it, too.

carefully touched the heirloom on her blue scarf. “Maybe you can put your
grandmother’s pin on the wolf and carry him in your purse.”

It was
silly, she knew, but there wasn’t anything she could do to prevent the burning
in her eyes and throat. No one had ever done anything like this for her. Had
her in mind.

you okay?” He tipped her chin up and frowned.

nodded, blinking back the tears. “Yeah, sorry. I’m not used to someone…”

of you?”

nodded again, and his gaze blazed with some unknown emotion that made her feel
wonderfully warm.

used to it. You’re in Wyne country now.” He leaned in and kissed her lips,
languidly, yet firm enough to know he meant business.

slipped the wolf in her vest pocket, then ran her hands up his chest. “You’d
better be careful. I get drunk on Wyne,” she said against his mouth.

A grin
tugged his lips, and he drew back an inch to stare down at her, mischief and
excitement in his gaze. “How drunk?”

for my clothes to fall off so you can unwrap the present I’m wearing for you

stilled. “You got me a present…and you’re wearing it?”

nodded. “Yes. Under my clothes.”

closed his eyes and swallowed, and when they reopened, a fierce hunger
smoldered in his brown depths. “When can I have my present?”

you want.”

sucked in a breath. “Damn, you’re lethal.


devilishly dark, he pressed his forehead to hers. “And if I want it right now?”

my luck…” She smiled. “Might I suggest somewhere less public?”

heart rocked in her chest when he glanced around then stepped closer.

alone, and I need something to tide me over. Now.”

now?” Her pulse tripped.

now,” he replied, walking her backward until she brushed a fence post. “I need
a glimpse.”

opened her mouth to respond, but he ate her words, devouring her mouth, kissing
her long and deep as he unzipped her vest and hoodie, and slipped his hand
under her sweater. The air was cold, but his hand was warm and thumb wicked as
he brushed it across her nipple poking through the special black and red laced
teddy she’d bought for him.

He drew
back and glanced down. “I love my present,” he said, voice low and rough. “Very
much.” Tugging the lace aside, he exposed her pebbled peak to the cold air,
then to his warm mouth as he bent and sucked her inside.

gasped and grasped his head, suddenly not as concerned with their location,
even arching into him, silently begging for more. She could feel him smile
against her breast, then she stilled when he unhooked her jeans and slipped a
hand inside, following the teddy all the way down to the bottom.

wet,” he said, before drawing back to hook her jeans, fix her sweater and zip
her hoodie and vest.

played with the collar on his coat. “Your fault.”

got much more for you,” he said, cupping her ass and grinding his erection into

actions induced more quivers, and she glanced around. “I hope you’re ready to
take this somewhere less public, because I also made us some of this.” She
slipped a hand in her coat pocket and pulled out the bottle of chocolate.

In the
blink of an eye, she was swept off her feet, and he was marching her back
toward the resort. Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled
closer. Apparently, Lea wasn’t the only one about to have a memorable night.

Chapter Twenty


wo hours later, Mason had to admit, his brother had been right.
Damn right. The bath he’d taken with Jill to wash off the leftover dried
chocolate their tongues had missed was incredible. Soaping her gorgeous curves
while she sat with her back against his chest in the big tub his sister had
installed in his condo and he’d never used, had had him seeing double and
barely hanging on long enough to roll on a condom and sink into Jill’s hot

ya thinking?” she asked against his neck as she snuggled into him on the bed,
where he’d managed to get them after they’d dried off and caught their breath.

He was
still working on that.

a hand down her spine to cup a soft cheek, he smiled as she shifted closer.
“That the more I get of you, the more I want.”

nodded against his chest. “I seem to have the same issue.” Then her hand
trailed down his body, and with one, long, well-placed stroke, he sprang back
to life. He rolled them over until she was flat on her back smiling up at him.

have to remember to pull that lever more often.”

nipped at her neck, then began to work his way down her warm body. “Yeah, I
like you on your back.”

sighed and did this sort of melt into the mattress thing that had her body
relaxing and her legs opening up in the most inviting way. He detoured around
her gorgeous breasts, but was unable to pass by without licking her nipples
then blowing on them to watch them pucker and tempt him to linger. He did.
Taking his time, drawing one into his mouth and tugging, his own body
tightening as she moaned his name and arched up, filling his mouth with more of
her soft curves.

my God,” she said on an inhale, pumping up more than his ego.

breasts, he was enjoying her little tremors when her cell phone began to ring
on his nightstand. Before she could move away from him, he reached over and
grabbed the phone to hand it to her.

Lea,” she said excitedly, smiling at him as she answered. “Hello?”

He slid
back down her body, put his mouth on her breast, sucking the gorgeous peak into
his mouth hard.

“Oh my

wasn’t sure if that was in response to Lea or him, so he switched to her other
breast and gently bit her nipple.

“Oh God,
that’s good,” she gasped again, squirming.

unsure if it was him, he kissed a path down her quivering belly to nip her hip.
She sucked in a gulp of air, so he made his way inward.

I’m so happy for you.” Her voice went up an octave on the last word when he
pushed her legs wider and kissed her inner thigh.

He drew
back to stare at her glistening folds. “Beautiful.” His gaze locked with hers,
and because hers held a warning, he brushed his thumb over her center while he
slipped a finger inside.

“I’m so
happy f-for-r…” She lifted off the bed. “…y-you both.”

Ah hell,
she was so wet and warm, he had to have a taste. Bending back down, he put his
mouth on her, licking and tasting and nibbling, unable to get enough. God, he
loved her body. Loved her taste. Loved…

She arched up. “I have to go, too.”

his head, he smiled at her. “Not go, you have to come.” Then he resumed his
meal and she whimpered.

congratulations, again,” she said, hanging up and tossing the phone before
grabbing his head, her fingers digging into his skull. “You’re bold.”

He drew
back. “Want me to stop?”

pushed his head back down. “Don’t you dare.”

he said against her wetness, adding a finger to push her closer to the edge,
wanting to taste the release she sought.

With her
hips bucking, she cried out his name and shuddered wildly before she came.
Lapping at her, he prolonged her pleasure, enjoying her sweetness in the
process. Thanks to the giving, responsive woman, today was the sweetest damn
Valentine’s Day he’d ever had.


pening week at the new shop came and went in a blur. Jill
enjoyed the flurry of activity and showing off Ryder’s exceptional work, along
with several new chocolate mixtures she’d created at home while waiting for the
Grand Opening of the Confection Connection Factory, or CC Factory.

class came in for a tour and several more schools contacted her to schedule
tours throughout the spring. Teresa had handled them like a pro. Internet
sales, thanks to Mason’s web guru magic, had gone through the roof, and despite
being off of Main Street, the shop itself had been busy with locals and resort
guests all week. She even sold out of
Better Than
chocolates on her
third day, prompting her to hire more staff, at Mason’s urging, and now she had
a day shift and evening shift, with no more shortages.

what do you say, Fireball, ready to call it a day?” Mason asked, walking into
the backroom where she was washing out the sink.

stopped to smile at him. “Just about. We had an unexpected rush an hour ago
from the group of skiers that just arrived from the city.”

hugged her from behind and kissed her neck. “Yes, we’re booked solid again this
weekend, but I managed to get us a room.”

She twisted around in his arms and stared into his warm gaze. “Why would we
need a room?”

celebrate the end of your Grand Opening week,” he said, using his forefinger to
brush a strand of hair behind her ear that had escaped her ponytail. “You’ve
worked your ass off and deserve a treat.”

the sound of that, she slid her wet hands up his shirt and played with his
neck. “You know where I can find a treat?”

his palms over her butt, he yanked her in close and nipped at her lower lip.
“Hell yeah.”

this room you got us, is there something in it that your place or mine doesn’t

he said, brushing his lips across her cheek to whisper in her ear, “A big,
heart-shaped tub.”

Mason in
a big tub. She was totally on board, and honestly happy for the first time in
years. She had a new shop that was doing well, another about to be rebuilt,
good workers, wonderful friends, and a great man who treated her with
respect…and was damn hot in bed.

life was good again.


he next morning, Jill was eating breakfast with Mason, Lea,
Ben and Ethan when Keiffer breezed into Ethan’s kitchen, stride purposeful and

thought I smelled Lea’s cooking,” the youngest Wyne said, grabbing one of the
breakfast sandwiches from a dish in the middle of the table. “Mind if I take
one to Greg? I’m running late. Was supposed to be at his garage a half-hour
ago. I guess I celebrated Jill’s successful week a little too much last night
and overslept.”

“As long
as you get back here by noon to take that group of skiers to the slopes,” Ethan

nodded. “Will do.”

snickered. “Don’t go blaming Jill for your excuse to party.”

smiled. “Yeah, leave me out of it.”

no can do.” The youngest Wyne shook his head and pointed at her. “I blame you
for selling the Thompson sisters something called
Better Than

She shot
a gaze to Lea and they both laughed.

on, Keif,” Mason said, warm hand sliding over her knee. “You can’t go blaming
Jill for creating irresistible chocolate.”

The guy
shook his head and swallowed his mouthful. “I’m not. I’m blaming her for the
name, because these girls said it was
Better Than
sex, and you
it was my duty to prove them wrong.” A smug smile curved his lips.

rolled his eyes. “You’re full of shit.”

Keiffer rubbed his stomach. “I’m full of your fiancée’s cooking.” He wrapped a
sandwich in a napkin, said, “Got to go,” then rushed out the door.

carried a carafe to the table and filled everyone’s coffee. “I swear, sometimes
that guy is the Pocono’s equivalent to Harland County’s Kevin.”

snickered. “He wishes.”

Mason agreed. “I’m not sure he could handle triplets.”

triplets,” Ethan added.

sugar,” she said, glancing from brother to brother. “Are you telling me that
the handsome cowboy who stood up with Lea at Brandi’s wedding had…” Sheez, she
couldn’t even say it.

squeezed her knee. “Yep. I’d say Kevin’s a master and my brother’s a wanna-be.”

and I wanna-be done with this morning’s ski run so I can take my son ice
fishing this afternoon with Dad,” Ethan said, reaching for another breakfast

She only
half-listened as the brothers talked fishing and ice and the frigid
temperatures that had kept the ice thick enough to fish so late in February,
her thoughts drifted to the man lightly brushing her leg with his thumb. And
the heart-shaped tub they’d enjoyed numerous times yesterday.

He was
so giving, in bed and out, and she wasn’t used to the honesty. God, the
honesty. Mason was refreshing. Unusual. So open. Upfront. He had no hidden
agendas for her to worry about and never blew smoke up her ass to get her to do
something. Truth was important to him. Her, too. She understood only too well
why he had issues with being kept in the dark about things. Renee and her
cheating and betrayal had seen to that. He was an open book and expected,
demanded, the same from those he cared about. The last few weeks with him were
amazing, and his ethics were starting to restore her faith in the male
population. Maybe not all men were dishonest. Maybe he really was the one, her
heart insisted. Maybe it was okay to fall for him.

God, she
hoped so. She feared she already had.

“I think
you’re all crazy,” Lea was saying, sipping her coffee. “You wouldn’t get me to
sit on the ice freezing my butt off just to drop a line in a hole.”

laughed. “Yeah, but you sure don’t complain when we bring home a good catch.”

it would be a shame to let the fish go to waste after you’d suffered all day in
the cold,” her friend replied.

not that cold,” Mason said, stirring his coffee. “Sometimes we light a fire.”

reeled back and stared at him. “A fire? On the ice?”

He nodded.

“Is it

he repeated, squeezing her knee again, sending tingles up and down her leg.
“It’s not a—” He stilled, gaze fixed on something to her left. “Ben, what is

twisted to find his brother, pale, jaw clamped and shaking.

Ben jumped up and jammed his arms in his coat just as Mason’s cell started to

stiffened and yanked out his phone. “You okay? What? Oh God. Okay. Don’t touch
anything.” He shot to his feet, Ethan joined him.

Ben was
already dialing his phone. “Tell him I’m calling 911.”

She rose
to her feet with Lea, heart hammering the breath from her lungs while thumping
in her throat.

be right there, Keiffer,” Mason said. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Don’t do
anything. Ben already called them. Stay on the phone with me. We’re on our
way.” He shook his head at her, his expression somewhere between devastated and
concerned as he rushed out of the kitchen with Ethan, barely grabbing the coat
she shoved at him.

Jill was
shaking, knowing something horrid happened, but had no idea what. Lea grabbed
her hand and shared a worried gaze as her ears picked up Ben requesting the
police head to Greg’s garage…

For a

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