Read Wolf’s Princess Online

Authors: Maddy Barone

Wolf’s Princess (36 page)

“What if it’s the lady’s second time?”

His breath seeped out of him in a long, heated exhale. “Then she deserves all the time she wants. Unbutton your blouse.”

“No.” She enjoyed the way his eyes widened. “I mean, not right now. I think we should play a little bit.” She let her gaze slip from his eyes to his lips and down his torso to the front of his pants. “Are you hard?”

“Hard as a rock, princess.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I wanted to see what I had to do to make you hard.”

His laugh was strangled, as if he tried to keep it back. “All you need to do to make me hard is look at me.”

“Well, I can’t look at you with your clothes on. Will you undress?”

“Anything you want.”

He undressed quickly, in a business-like way rather than a strip tease.

“I was going to ask Tasha for some pointers,” she said. “You could undress a little slower next time.”

“Sure, next time,” he agreed. “You want to play? We’ll play.”

He seated himself in the hard wooden chair beside the bed and stretched his bare body out like Mitzi did when she slept in the sun. Then, sitting with his hard erection jutting up, he grinned at her challengingly, and twirled a finger at her.

“Unbutton your blouse.”

For a moment she stared at him with narrowed eyes.
This is a game
, she realized.
He really does want to play
. She tilted her head down and to the side and cast him what she hoped was a sultry smile. Very slowly, with deliberate fingers, she unbuttoned her blouse one button at a time and let it hang open.

His answering smile was pleased and appreciative. “Take it off. No, just let it fall on the floor and leave it there. Nice. Now the shoes, take them off. And the socks.”

She stood before him wearing only her jeans and her bra. He beckoned her closer with one crooked finger. He set his hands palm down on his spread thighs and reached his head forward to press his cheek to her bare belly. The tip of his tongue traced a lazy circle around her navel.

“Still armed I see,” he said looking at the hilt of the knife protruding from its hidden sheath in her jeans. “Good.”

“I always have my knife with me.”

“Unbutton your jeans. Now pull the zipper down. Oh, I like that, that little bit of blue showing. Did you do away with your plain white panties?”

She was pleased he noticed them. After her shower this afternoon she had taken pains to find a pair of panties that weren’t white to wear for tonight. “Maybe. Or maybe these are just a special pair that I packed for a special occasion.”

“And this is a special occasion?”

“Seems pretty special to me.”

“Hmm-umm,” he agreed. “Open your jeans and push them down just a little ways. Yes, just like that, so I can see those pretty blue panties. I like the lace. Are they getting wet?”

“Maybe.” It was meant to be a throaty tease, but her voice broke into a squeak.

“Take off your jeans. Come stand here. Closer.”

She kicked her jeans off, leaving them in a pile on the floor. His breath was hot on her belly and her breathing was uneven as he ran the fingertips of his right hand over the edge of the waistband of her panties. His left hand was spread firmly over her lower back. His fingers teased her, petting the front of her panties and sliding down to graze over the crotch, and back up.

“You’re damp, but not wet. Not wet enough yet. Unhook your bra.”

She obeyed, but it took a few tries because her hands were trembling.

“Stop,” he commanded. “Don’t take it off. Let me.”

“Bossy,” she complained, but it was only a murmur.

He sent her a grin before taking one shoulder strap between his teeth and drawing it down her arm. Even though the air in the room wasn’t particularly cold, her nipples puckered. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the mirror and stared as if she were watching strangers. That handsome man with the messy short dark hair was Sky. But that pale woman with her plump, pouty breasts tipped with nipples the color of raspberries couldn’t be her. She didn’t look like that. The woman in the mirror was sensual, her body arched to offer herself to her lover.

Heat blazed through her at the sight. A photograph of them, in this exact pose, would be art worthy of display at a gallery. Sexy art. She didn’t want anyone else to see Sky like this. He was hers. His body was hers. He was nipping at her breasts now, barely scraping his teeth over her nipples. The feel of it stoked the heat even higher. He said her panties were damp but not wet? He didn’t know what he was talking about. Right now her body ached to have him inside.

She glanced down between their bodies and saw his penis standing straight. It was dark with blood, and a drop of moisture glistening at the tip.

“Sky.” With her palms on his cheeks, she drew him away and leaned to press her lips to his. “I want you. I’m ready now.”

Still kissing him, she peeled her panties down her legs and stepped out of them. She lowered one hand to his penis to guide him to where she wanted him, and slowly lowered herself. It wasn’t as easy as she’d thought it would be to impale herself. Her body was too tight to allow him to slide in, so she bore down for a few seconds, then relaxed, and did it again. Each time she forced him a little deeper. He tightened his hands on her waist.

“Slow down,” he said in a voice tight with strain. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

It didn’t hurt. Maybe it was just slightly uncomfortable. He was the one who looked like he was in pain. “Are you okay? Am I hurting you?”

He laughed. “If this is you hurting me, please keep going.”

She did, gradually forcing his penis all the way inside her. When she was seated in his lap, her legs trembling with the strain, she dropped her forehead to his shoulder with a panting groan. The change in position pressed his penis against a certain spot inside her. Pleasure shimmered.

“Oh,” she said, blinking. She rocked her hips to find that pleasure again. “That’s nice.”

“Hell, yes,” he muttered. “I can help. Here, let me.”

Under her thighs she could feel his muscles bunching as he thrust up into her. Each time he bucked in the chair he rubbed over that spot.
G-spot, that’s what it’s called
, she thought vaguely, but she couldn’t hold any thought in her mind at all. Now that she knew what an orgasm was, she wanted another one. Together they strove for it, until he slowed.

“Are you done?” she cried, disappointed.

“No, I just need to find a more comfortable position. My ass is going to be one big bruise.”

Somehow she found a giggle. “Oh, no. I’m sorry, I didn’t think about that.”

He kissed her. “I’m fine, but let’s try another position.”

Holding her securely with one arm under her hips and the other around her back so he wouldn’t slip out, he stood and walked the two steps to the bed. He laid her down so her feet could touch the floor, and stood between her legs.

“Let’s see, where did we leave off? Oh, yes, here.”

He moved inside her, pulling out and pushing back in, but the angle wasn’t right. She tilted her hips, trying to guide him over that one perfect spot. Sky seemed to understand what she was trying to do. He pulled out, making her moan in protest.

“Quick, up on your hands and knees,” he said. “Let’s see what this is like.”

“Doggie style?” A little astonished, and a lot turned on, she flipped over, presenting herself to him.

His hands settled on her hips and she felt his penis nudging her opening. He pushed inside her in a steady, gentle drive. Her body welcomed him far more easily than before, and the angle was even better. With each thrust, he glided over her G-spot, re-igniting her incipient orgasm. She thought, in a distant, dim sort of way, that she must be moaning. Or maybe she was just breathing really loudly. Behind her, Sky growled low in his throat, the sound rising and falling in time with his thrusts.

“Oh.” She moaned. “Oh, right there! That’s good, Sky, that’s so good. I’m almost there. More! Don’t stop yet, please don’t stop.”

“I won’t,” he said. It sounded like he spoke through clenched teeth. “Come on, princess, come now.”

The orgasm didn’t hit her that very moment, but it was only a few seconds later that her back arched with the force of her release. Sky kept his steady rhythm going until she stopped shuddering. When she fell to the bed, limp as a wrung out rag, he hooked one arm around her waist to hold her up, and then his pace quickened into wild, desperate thrusts.

With her brain still sluggish with the force of her orgasm, she realized how lucky she was. He said something about ten minutes being plenty of time for a man, but only a selfish man would give so little time to a woman. No, that wasn’t exactly what he said, but that was what he meant. He’d shown himself to be generous. He’d held back to be sure she found pleasure, and only then did he search for his own. She gathered her strength to lift her head to look over her shoulder at him. His face was clenched, and the next moment his mouth opened in a hoarse howl.

Like their reflection in the mirror, it was a beautiful sight worthy of framing. She wished she could take a picture of him like this. He was beautiful. Too bad her phone with its camera had been dead for eight years. If she wanted to see him like this again, she knew what she would have to do. A smile curled her lips. It wouldn’t be a chore.

He collapsed on top of her, driving the breath out of her. He mumbled an apology and shifted a few inches so only his shoulder overlapped hers. Face down on the bed, their legs hanging off the mattress, they panted for long moments while their bodies calmed.

Rose turned her head to look at him and found him looking back at her with a half-smile of smug male satisfaction. A week ago that expression would have driven her to hit him, but right at this moment she admitted he was entitled to look like that. His expression sharpened and he lifted his head to look at the door.

A yowl from across the hall pierced the quiet. Rose lifted her head too. Was that Stone? He’d never made a noise like that before, but maybe in the throes of passion…No, that wasn’t Stone. His voice sounded next, the irate snarl of a wolf warrior about to do battle.

“I’m going to kill that cat,” he hollered.

Sky pressed his face into the mattress, his shoulders shaking.

Rose lifted up to stare down at him. “Sky?”

He didn’t answer. She put her feet on the floor to get up to go rescue Mitzi, but he threw an arm over her shoulders and dragged her back down again. That’s when she realized he was laughing. Actually, giggling. She stared until he finally took a deep breath and turned his head to look at her. His face was flushed with passion and mirth. The blue of his eyes was brightened to a shade close to neon with the tears of laughter. His dimple bit into his cheek adorably. Rose simply stared at his face. He was stunning.

“Sky, you are so beautiful.”

Mirth was replaced by surprise. He glanced away from her, his brows puckering slightly. He appeared almost embarrassed as he looked back at her. “You are the beautiful one, Rose.”

She knew darned well she barely passed for pretty, but it was nice of him to say it.

“You think I’m lying?” He sounded annoyed. “Look at you. Your nose is perfect.”

That was the best he could come up with? “My nose?”

He ran the tip of his finger down it. “Yes. It’s a small, straight, elegant nose. And it’s right above your mouth. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve spent admiring your mouth.”

“Admiring? Or lusting after?”


“You sure tried to kiss it every chance you got.”

“Of course I did. And that’s not going to stop now.” He kissed her gently. “I think it’s the shape that has me fixated. It’s a perfect mouth for kissing. I love the way the top lip has those two arches right there in the middle. And the lower lip is so full and plump.” He kissed her again. “Or it could be the color of your mouth that I love best. Most of the women I know here in Omaha use lipstick to make their mouths red, but yours does that naturally, especially when you’re excited. I look at your mouth and think of strawberries. I love strawberries.”

He leaned up on an elbow and nudged her onto her side so they were facing one another. “Your skin is so fair and clear I can see your veins. Like these ones here.”

He used the same finger he’d touched her nose with to trace a line from her throat to her breast. She’d never spent a lot of time staring at her own breasts, but she looked now, seeing the faint blue lines of veins beneath her skin. “I hate blushing,” she confessed. “My face gets so red, everyone can see when I’m embarrassed.”

“Or aroused?” He rubbed a thumb over her nipple. “These are like your lips: beautifully, naturally red like strawberries.”

“I think they look like raspberries,” she countered.

“I like strawberries better.” He sat up and urged her to stand. “This is getting uncomfortable. Let’s get into bed properly.”

She was getting uncomfortable, curled on her side with her bent knees hanging out over the edge of the bed. She scooted off the bed. He looked her naked body up and down and held out a hand to stop her from moving. “And that’s another thing I find extraordinarily beautiful.”

“My body? I’m skinny and maybe a tish over middle height for a woman.”

“Slender,” he corrected, getting up to stand beside her. “With legs that go on forever.”

She smiled at that. Maybe he was making the rest up, but she did have long legs. Trying not to show how his words touched her, she got into bed and held the blankets open for him to join her. “I think you’re most beautiful when you laugh,” she said, to change the subject. “You don’t laugh enough.”

He settled onto his back beside her and pulled her against him with one arm. “There hasn’t been much to laugh about here in Omaha.”

“I suppose not.” Rose lay on her side, her head on his shoulder, her arm over his waist, and one leg draped over his. It was a surprisingly comfortable position, but worry made it impossible for her to relax completely. “What happens now that the vote has failed?”

His chest rose and fell in a deep sigh. “I don’t know, but nothing good.”

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