Read Winterset Online

Authors: Candace Camp

Winterset (33 page)

“Does Kit know about it? Now he is free, as well.”

Reed nodded. “Yes. I told him all about it when I asked him for your hand.”

“That sly fox!” Anna laughed a little waterily, dabbing at her eyes. “No wonder he has been so merry today. I thought it was just capturing the murderer.”

“No doubt it was that, too,” Reed said. He came closer to her, reaching out to take her hands. “Miss Holcomb, I will ask you again…will you marry me?”

“Yes!” Anna cried, leaping into his arms. “Yes, I will marry you—a thousand times over.”

Reed laughed, his arms closing around her. “I think I can make sure that once is all we will need.”

Anna leaned back a little, looking him in the eye and saying seriously, “I love you, Reed.”

“And I love you, Anna.”

His lips closed on hers.

ISBN: 978-1-4603-0225-5


Copyright © 2004 by Candace Camp.

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