Read Winter's Embrace Online

Authors: Kathleen Ball

Tags: #Romance

Winter's Embrace (17 page)

BOOK: Winter's Embrace
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Her eyes widened, his apology
was a big step. “I shouldn’t have run out into the icy parking lot.”

“Honey, you don’t need to
apologize. None of this has been your fault. You were upset and my behavior
was…to tell you the truth I’ve been a jackass. I was so angry and jealous. I
was afraid of losing you I put all the blame on you. When you fell last night,
my heart was in my throat and I realized how irrational I’d been. Today I was
too ashamed to face you and I was sure you didn’t want me anymore. I never did
ask if you had any injuries.”

His heartfelt words soothed
her broken heart. “I’m bruised and my knees are scratched up, but I’ll be fine.
You have no reason to be jealous. I danced with a few men but it wasn’t the
same. There wasn’t the chemistry I feel when I’m with you.”

His lips lightly caressed
hers. She waited for more, but he pulled away, and looked into her eyes. “I
want this to be right. In my effort to make you mine, I’ve driven you away and
you have every reason to be doubtful. I’ve been a jerk. I want you so much,
, but—”

“No buts, I’ve had all I can
take wondering if you’re talking to me or not. I don’t want to wonder at least
not for tonight.”

Leaning toward her, he kissed
her again. This time the kiss was hard and unyielding. She opened for him and
soon their kiss became passion filled.

She loved the feel of his hard
lips on hers. He hadn’t shaved this morning and his whiskers bristled against
her face as he kissed her jaw, then her neck. She’d be red from it come
morning, but she didn’t care. She quickly unbuttoned her shirt as his kisses
reached her collarbone. Her breasts tingled and her nipples hardened in need.
He reached behind her and unhooked her bra, helping her out of both pieces of

A shiver of anticipation ran
through her as he laid her on her back and simply gazed at her breasts. Need
coiled inside her and when he finally took her nipple into his mouth, she
gasped and a chill rushed through her. He kissed his way over to the other
breast, nibbling at her.

Reaching out she tried to get
his shirt off. She needed to feel his sexy chest. It took a few moments of
struggle, but finally, he was naked from the waist up. Winter kissed his
shoulder and stroked his muscled chest.

Stone lifted his head and
smiled at her. Unbuttoning her jeans, he made quick work of getting her
completely naked. She was about to say “no fair,” but he began to kiss her
her thighs, and all words were lost. She
opened for him and she thought that she’d die. He knew just how to make her
wild. Her body tensed and a wave of intense pleasure broke over her.

“Take you pants off, cowboy. I
need more.”

He looked at her, his eyebrow
cocked. Standing up, he took the rest of his clothes.

He was magnificent. All muscle
and so sexy. Winter inhaled sharply, looking her fill. “Well what are you
waiting for?”

“I was waiting for you to stop
admiring me.” He laughed and jumped onto the bed beside her. Leaning over, he
kissed her as his hands reached around and grabbed her bottom.

Suddenly, she was on top of
him, with him buried deep inside. She felt so excited, so full. She began to
move slowly, too slowly it seemed because before she knew it Stone held her
hips still as he pumped into her.

“Look at me,” he said. “I want
to see you. I want to see your passion.”

“See it? Can’t you feel it?”

, that I do.
I want to look into your eyes
as I come.”

His words touched her heart.
Staring into his desire-filled eyes, she felt like she was breaking apart and
flying. She kept her gaze on him, as he gave one last thrust.

Stone rolled so that they were
on their sides facing each other. He traced her jaw with his fingers and
caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. The smile he gave her was so
tender that she thought she might cry.

She started to speak but he
put his finger over her lips. “
, let’s not ruin
this by talking.”

Winter nodded and snuggled
against him. He was right. They still had things to work out, but for that
moment, all was well.


* * * *


Her heart and soul felt
incredibly light. It was still dark out but it was time to get up. Stone left a
few hours earlier. He didn't want to take the chance Rachael would find them in
bed together and he was right. It wouldn’t be good to get her hopes up before
they had a chance to really talk.

She quickly showered and got
dressed. The sun began to rise—maybe it was a sign of a new beginning for them.
More than anything, she hoped that they would be a family.

She walked downstairs
anticipating a morning kiss, but she heard voices. Business already, she’d just
have to wait. Spying Stone at the kitchen table, she smiled at him. He nodded
back. The other man turned, looked in her direction and there was no denying
those gray eyes. Winter hoped it didn’t mean trouble.

“Honey, this is my cousin,
Stu.” Stone reached out his hand to her and she grabbed it.

“Hello, Stu, it’s great to
meet you.”

Stu stared at her and he
seemed to be measuring her worth. “I have to go. Stone, you know where you can
reach me.”

Stone nodded. His jaw looked
tense. He watched Stu leave and turned his attention to
He frowned and she didn’t like the worried expression he wore.

“Stone, what is it?” She put
her hand on his arm.

“Stu didn’t know about
Rachael. All this time I thought he knew and gave up his rights.”

“Stone, what are you talking
about?” Her heart beat faster.

“Stu wants Rachael. Clare
called him and told him. Now he wants his daughter.” The anguish in his eyes
tore at her.

“Surely he realizes it
wouldn’t be good for her.”

Stone sighed, and put his hand
over hers. “I don’t think he cares. I don’t know what to do.”

“We fight, Stone, we fight
with everything we have. No one is taking my daughter away.”

Stone gave her a weary smile.
Leaning down he kissed her. “Thank you.”

“We’re in this together.”
Winter walked into his arms, hugging him tight. “We’ll get it figured out.”

The sound of little feet put a
damper on her optimism. Turning, she reached down and hugged Rachael. “Good

“Morning, Mommy.” She smiled
until her dimples showed.

Stone picked her up and held
her close. “Love you, pumpkin.”

“I love you, Daddy. Can

Spot?” She kissed Stone’s

Stone handed his daughter to
. “I have a few calls to make this morning and one
will be to Colt, but no promises.”

Rachael wiggled until
set her down.

“I said—”

“Go, make your calls I’ll
handle it from here.”

Stone gave her a quick smile
and walked to his office.

Dread rushed through her.
Trying to sound optimistic was much easier than being optimistic. Good God, why
would Stu want Rachael now? Damn Clare. What was her angle in all this?

“Mommy, can we go see Spot?”

Rachael was precious and she’d
be damned if she’d allow her to be hurt. “Yes we can but breakfast first.”

Rachael grabbed some toast off
the table and ran toward her coat. Winter smiled and did the same. It was still
bitterly cold outside, but the barn would be warm enough.

It really was no surprise to
see Colt already tending to Spot. He peered over his shoulder when they entered
the barn and gave them one of his heart stopping grins. “Well, good morning

Rachael raced to his side, he
was on one knee and she hugged his arm. “I’m going to ‘

Colt peered over her head and
gaze. “Who is Spot?”

Winter laughed, putting a
gloved hand over her mouth.

“Spot is the horsey, Colt.”
Rachael treated him to one of her beautiful smiles. “Watch and learn.” Rachael
called to Spot, and he eagerly went to her. He head-butted her and nuzzled her.

“I can’t believe it. He’s been
ornery toward me since the start but he likes you though.”

Rachael beamed. “That’s why
I’m going to ‘

“You named him Spot?”

Rachael nodded. “I
it up myself.”


“Yep, that’s what I said.”
Rachael continued to pet the horse.

Colt nodded. “I guess Spot is
as good a name as any. Have your daddy talk to me.”

Rachael glowed with happiness
and suddenly it felt to
like a kick in the gut.
She couldn’t lose Rachael she just couldn’t. Clare was plain evil. Hopefully,
Stone would find a solution.

“You okay?” Colt asked her.

The concern on his face made
her choke up but she swallowed her pain. “Sure, I’m fine. The weather seems to
be getting better.”

Colt studied her with his
brown eyes and finally he nodded. “The roads are clear, that’s something. I
need to get running. I have too many horses and not enough stalls. It’s been
bad this winter.”

“You’re a good man, rescuing
so many horses.”

Colt’s face turned red. “I
have a lot of help between Holden, Jonas, and of course Stone. Well, Rachael,
if it’s all right with your daddy, I think you just might be the best thing
that ever happened to Spot.”

Rachael turned and threw
herself at Colt wrapping her little arms around his legs. “I love you, Colt.”

Colt bent down, lifted Rachael
into his arms, and kissed her cheek. “It goes both ways.” He gently set her
down, winked at
, and left. Winter hoped he’d
find the right woman. He was a natural with kids.

Watching Rachael with Spot,
she wondered what the future would bring. The thought of Rachael leaving made
breathing difficult. Her heart twisted and tears pricked at the back of her
eyes, so she turned away, trying to compose herself. It wasn’t easy but
eventually she was laughing with Rachael as they watched Spot.

When they went back to the
house, they found it empty except for Snoopy, sleeping in front of the fireplace.
Winter fretted the whole day, waiting for Stone to come home.

Finally, he walked through the
door as she and Rachael were eating dinner. Her appetite fled at the desolation
on his face. Her heart dropped and she wanted to rush to his side, but she
didn’t want to alarm Rachael.

Stone gave her a weak smile,
kissed Rachael’s forehead then sat down at the table.

All attempts to catch his gaze
failed and he kept his gaze on his plate. He nodded occasionally at Rachael’s
chatter. He said okay when Rachael asked for Spot and
doubted he even knew what he had just agreed to. Not that it mattered. He’d
probably be glad to give Rachael the horse. He loved her so much.

After dinner, she put the TV
on for Rachael, and went to Stone’s office where he’d retreated as soon as he
finished eating. She needed to know, her heart was already breaking for all
three of them.

Opening the door she found
Stone staring out the window, his head bowed and his shoulders dropped. A lump
formed in her throat and she couldn’t get any words out. She closed the
distance between them, and wrapped her arms around his middle, leaning into his
back. A wet drop hit her hand. He was crying.


He shook his head. “Not now,
please. We’ll talk after Rachael is in bed.”

She nodded against his back
and just held him. She’d been waiting all day for her chance to cry, too.
Letting him go, she reached up on tiptoe, kissed the side of his neck, turned
quickly and left the room.

The agony was almost too much
to bear but she put a somewhat cheerful expression on her face and sat with
Rachael watching TV. The mantel clock received more viewing time from her than
the TV did. Finally, it was bedtime.

Rachael couldn’t stop talking
about Spot. They read a book about horses together. Rachael fell asleep before
the story was over and after
just sat on the
bed watching her. Misery overtook her as tears began to form and she slowly got
up and left the room. The moment the door closed, her first sob escaped.

Stone’s big hand caught hers at
that moment. He led her to his office, closed the door and pulled her close,
stroking her back while she cried. It didn’t last long. She needed to know what
was going on.

“You found a way to keep her?”
already knew the answer.

BOOK: Winter's Embrace
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