Read Wilde Ride Online

Authors: Maegan Lynn Moores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Ride#1

Wilde Ride (21 page)

It was

The next evening, Ryder is at the bar for a couple of hours so I decide to grab my eReader and head to the sofa to start reading my newest romance novel. My cell phone buzzes, alerting me that I’ve received a text from Ryder.

Babe, 4got wallet. Sending 1 of the boys 2 get it. Can U get it 4 them? On dresser in bedroom. Tks.

I instantly respond.

No prob

I make my way to the bedroom to get Ryder’s wallet. When I see the black leather wallet, I’m instantly curious and have to snoop. Opening it up, I take out his driver’s licence. Shit! Even his driver’s license photo looks hot.

Looking closely at it, I notice that today is his twenty-seventh birthday. That little shit didn’t even tell me! Hmmmmm. I instantly get a naughty idea. I’m going to give the birthday boy a little present.

My hair looks pretty good, so I just brush it out a bit to give it some volume. I do a smoky eye, using sparkly, gray eye shadow and paint my lips in a dark shade of red. I look like a freaking sex kitten. It’s amazing how Ryder’s love has changed my whole outlook on my body. I’ve never felt sexier and now I actually feel confident wearing more revealing clothing.

I put on a sheer charcoal gray, lace demi bra with a matching pair of bikini style panties. I slip into a pair of dark red, fuck me shoes that are the same color as my lipstick. Then to complete the ensemble, I put on my black trench coat. The hem of the coat hits just above the knee. I feel very naughty wearing only my bra and panties underneath my coat, but I’m sure Ryder will appreciate it.

When Gunner knocks at the door, I tell him that there’s a change of plans and that I’m taking Ryder his wallet. He looks me up and down, giving me a knowing grin. I blush and walk past him towards the SUV.

I want him now more than anything I ever wanted before. I strut into the Wilde Ride, working my trench coat.

“Where is Ryder?” I ask Dex, who is currently working behind the bar.

“He’s in the office, just go on back,” he answers. His eyes look at me from head to toe, as well. “Nice,” he says, smirking.

“Thank you,” I reply, blushing once again.

When I walk into the office, he’s nowhere to be seen. I’m feeling pretty upset thinking there goes my seduction plan. “What the fuck?”

Then I hear the water turn on in the office bathroom. I walk over, open the door and in my best, sultry sounding Marilyn Monroe impression, start singing, “Happy Birthday Mr. President.” Ryder turns around and looks stunned.

“Aren’t you gonna come over here and open your birthday present?” I ask him, as I bite my lower lip and tug on the ends of the belt on my trench.

Ryder practically runs over to me. He unties the belt on my trench coat and pulls it apart.

“Fuck me,” he groans, as his eyes rake my body with surprise and pure desire for me. He completely removes my coat and lets it fall to the floor around my feet.

“Oh, I plan to,” I purr.

I reach for his Harley belt buckle and work on getting it off him as soon as possible. When I finally get his pants undone, I yank them down and see only his hot flesh. Kneeling on the floor, I take his long, hard erection into my hand and lick him from base to tip.

“Oh God, Ella!” he groans.

I take his cock and put it in my mouth, starting the process of in and out with ample amount of suction. He has his fingers laced into my hair, holding me while pumping into my mouth. As he is doing this, I can feel the added wetness forming in my panties.

The next thing I know, he is yanking me to my feet. Then his hands are around my waist and I’m lifted up onto the bathroom counter. Ryder slides both his hands up to cup my breasts over my bra, while kneading one and rolling the other nipple with his thumb and finger. He is going to send me over the edge just like this. He undoes the clip on the front of my bra, exposing my breasts, and lets them hang freely into his grasp. He trails kisses on my neck and collar bone and then slides down to my nipples sucking one in and nipping it with his teeth, sending it right to my core.

“You are one sexy fuckin’ minx,” he says against my neck making his way up to my mouth.

In his haste to claim my body, Ryder once again rips off my panties. He slowly trails his hands down to between my legs and slides them along my wet folds.

“So wet for me.”

As my hips buck, his magic fingers swirl my clit and he enters one finger and pumps it as he is ravishing my mouth with his.

“Oh Ryder, I’m going to come,” I gasp.

“Not yet baby. I’m gonna have a taste first,” he says.

It happens so fast, one minute he’s kissing me and the next he’s between my legs licking me. Flicking my clit with his tongue and pumping his finger in and out, setting me off. I couldn’t hold it if my life depended on it. I explode, and as I am slowly coming down from my earth shattering orgasm, he enters me and takes my mouth with his.

Against my mouth he orders, “Ella, I am gonna take you fast and hard, but you will come with me again.”

“Oh God yes,” is all I can manage to say, as he starts driving in and out of me frantically.

I can feel it building again and I know it is going to be amazing. More amazing than the one I just had, not five minutes ago. I mean one thing for sure—-Ryder definitely knows what he is doing in that department.

“Come Ella. I can feel it building. Let it go now baby,” he demands.

As he is saying this, he sends me over the edge with his words. Then as I am coming down from my orgasm, his fingers grip into my ass as he thrusts his last few times and drives himself into a climax as I hold on. As he does this, I look him in the eyes and whisper against his lips, “Happy Birthday, baby.”

“God, you are so fuckin’ beautiful and keep surprisin’ me. And Ella, that was the best birthday gift ever,” he says in a satisfied tone, wearing a huge grin.

We stay there a few moments longer, just enjoying the feeling of togetherness and holding on to each other. Then he lets me go and says, “Get cleaned up and dressed babe.”

I get cleaned up, but I only wore my bra and panties under my coat. Ryder managed to rip yet another pair of my underwear off, so now I’m reduced to only wearing a bra under my coat. I think I’m going to have to go home and get some clothes on.

“Sorry, I kept you from your work.”

“Don’t ever be sorry for doing what you just did. That was one of my many fantasies with you, come true.”

Oh God, I love when Sexy Ryder comes out.

“Maybe we will have to work on your other ones too.”

“Oh you better believe it babe. Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, I could eat; we just worked up a good appetite, but I think I’m going to have to get some clothes on first, baby. I’m only wearing a bra under my coat, remember?”

“You had to remind me, didn’t you?” he groans.

He grabs my hand and hauls me out and into the bar. He drives me back to the house to get dressed, before we head out to the restaurant for dinner. Oh, and I finally remembered to give Ryder his wallet when we sat down to eat. Ryder laughs at me when I show it to him because he completely forgot about his wallet too.



Chapter 21

Victoria’s Secret

The week after Ryder’s birthday went by so fast and now I am seriously looking forward to spending the weekend alone with Ryder. Fresh out of the shower and standing naked by the dresser, I look into one of the drawers, contemplating what underwear to put on. Realization dawns on me that I am getting low on my panty supply. Ryder has this little ‘ripping off my panties’ fetish that is seriously compromising my selection. I smile, thinking of Ryder ripping my panties off in the living room last night. Damn, they were my nicest ones too.

I’m thinking I need to make a quick trip to the mall and visit a Victoria’s Secret and soon, when Ryder’s solid arms wrap around my naked waist, pulling me back to his chest. Kissing my neck and moving one of his hands to gently caress my breast, he murmurs against my neck, “Watcha doin’, baby?”

“I’m trying to find some panties to wear. It seems like you’ve ripped them all off of my body. Looks like I’m going commando, like someone else I know,” I say, giggling, as his kisses tickle my neck.

“Babe, you gotta know, I don’t have a problem with that.”

“Ryder, baby. I know you don’t have a problem with that, but you gotta know that I have to teach teenage boys at school, which you so graciously pointed out to me, are probably jacking off in the bathroom thinking about me. I’m so not comfortable going to work not wearing any underwear under my skirts.”

“Good point. Go get you some sexy panties, babe,” he returns with a sexy grin.

“Only, if you promise not to rip them off me anymore. You know you can just haul them down my legs and take them off, right?”

I feel his whole body shake with laughter, and he says, “Can’t make that promise. When I need inside you, I can’t waste time. As sexy as they look on you, they block my access. They are the enemy, and the enemy must be destroyed.”

Is it wrong that what he says completely turns me on?

His lips meet mine, and my tongue instinctively seeks contact with his. God, I could live on Ryder’s kisses alone. The man is a kissing God. We tumble towards the bed and I’m thankful that I’m not wearing any panties at the moment because I’m sure that they too would be ripped from my body.


I’ve just parked in the parking lot at the mall and Diesel has pulled his Harley next to my car. He doesn’t look exactly thrilled to be following me around the mall all afternoon.

“Dude, you don’t have to follow me into the mall if you don’t want to.”

“Yeah, I do. Ryder wants someone with you all the fuckin’ time.”

“I’m at a mall in the daytime, where there are thousands of people. I’ll be fine. When I’m finished shopping, I’ll text you and you can meet me back here.”

“Ryder won’t be cool with that.”

“I’ll deal with Ryder.”

After another few minutes of convincing him, Diesel reluctantly gets on his motorcycle and pulls out of the parking lot.

As I make my way into the Del Mar Shopping Complex, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up because I get an eerie feeling that I’m being watched. Maybe sending Diesel away wasn’t such a great idea after all. If something happens, Ryder is seriously going to kill me. I quickly glance around the parking lot looking for any sign of Brent, but I don’t notice him or anything out of the norm.

Seriously, Victoria’s Secret is the freaking bomb! I’ve got at least a dozen sets of matching bras and panties. Yeah, I know it’s just underwear that I need, but they are matching sets. You can’t buy one and not the other, right?

Suddenly, I get that feeling of being watched again. I lift my head up from the sexy lingerie displays and look around, but I don’t see anything odd. It must just be me imagining things. Shrugging, I head towards the fitting rooms to try on my selections.

I try on all thirteen sets and love every one of them, and I know Ryder will too. Halfway through my pile of undergarments, I look in the mirror I see a shadow on the floor underneath my dressing room door.

“Hello, who’s there?” I receive no answer and the shadow immediately disappears. It was probably just one of the sales girls. I shrug it off.

All in all, I decided to buy all thirteen sets and a gorgeous teal color silk robe, to replace the one that was stolen at my apartment. While I’m waiting for the sales girl to finish checking in my purchases, I text Diesel to let him know I’ll soon be ready. He instantly gets back to me saying he’ll be there in fifteen minutes.

As I’m leaving Victoria’s Secret something catches my eye. I watch as Brent walks into the Footlocker store right next door. A small shudder goes through my body. So he’s still in town then, but where is he staying? Ryder hasn’t been able to find him at his house. Has he been following and watching me this whole time? Panic strikes me and I know I have to get out of here now!

I speed walk to my car, but I notice Diesel still isn’t there. Unease hits me as I approach my car. I see a slip of paper tucked under my windshield wiper. Picking it up, I scan the parking lot, still not seeing anything. I unlock the door and get in the car, quickly locking them again. As I wait for Diesel, I unfold the piece of paper. Reading the message left for me.

Ella, all the bras and panties look hot as fuck. Especially the little black & pink number you had on in the change room. Although, I’ve gotta say, they look way better off.

P.S. You didn’t need the robe. I still have yours.

Holy Shit! It wasn’t a random B&E at my apartment. It was fucking Brent! I start to freak out, when there is a knock at my window and I scream.

“Jesus! What the fuck’s wrong with you?” Diesel asks.

I unlock the door and tell him about seeing Brent in the mall and then I show him the message that was left for me under my wiper. He starts heading towards the mall, but I stop him by grabbing his arm.

“Where are you going?”

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