Read Whimsy Online

Authors: Thayer King

Whimsy (5 page)




Chapter Five


hours. That is all he had been able to sleep last night. Four hours last
and six the night before. Months since he’d slept
more than that. He could almost deal with the sleep deprivation if not for the
damned heat and the need that never ended.

closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. He lay
prone on his bed, much as he had all night, willing himself to sleep. After the
last woman had fled, he had bathed again and climbed into bed wet, hoping the
moisture would cool his skin, cool his arousal.
That was marginally successful for all too brief a time.

to fuck. Even more than that, he
needed to come. The pain in his cock was driving him insane. His entire world
for the last month was centered around his cock and fucking.
clenched his teeth in mental and physical

There were
times when he accepted this as his fate as the ruler of C21, but others when he
railed against his mother for giving him the chemical injection to begin the
mating heat without his knowledge.

rulers of C21 for the last two centuries were administered the chemical
injection commonly known as
their seventeenth year.
caused a hormonal change that made
the body secrete sex pheromones. In men, it also caused hyper-sexuality, but
without the benefit of release. Sexual release could only be achieved when the
body found the perfect matching pheromones. Thus, the theory was that
helped a ruler to find his perfect
mate. In a colony continually troubled by civil unrest, stability within the
ruling house was a must.

There was
no antidote to
. The body worked
it out of the system naturally when a mate was found. The longer
remained in the system, the
stronger the effects.

Due to
fighting amongst the colonies during his seventeenth year,
had not been given the injection. He had been off fighting with his father. It
seemed that he was a natural born fighter and leader. Men followed him without
question, knowing that he would not ask more of them than he would of himself.
When his father was killed in battle, his succession to the thrown was smooth,
though he’d been barely out of his teens at the time. Keeping C21 from tearing
itself apart and keeping other colonies at bay had comprised his early years as
a ruler. Many had thought them vulnerable because of his tender years. They had
found they were wrong.

As time
forgot about
on some level. His mother would occasionally mention it, but
there were always other duties, other responsibilities. He was the only single
ruler C21 had ever recorded.

And then
one night seven months ago, he had gone to bed exhausted but could not sleep.
He had felt more aroused than was normal. He had never allowed his body to
approach that point of need. He had mistresses to guarantee that. Since he had
gone to bed alone, he struggled through the night, finally snoozing with some
difficulty, thinking to contact one of his mistresses for the next night.
had done that and the next night he had given the
a fuck marathon to end all marathons. By
the end of it, she was begging him to stop, crying out and climaxing at the
same time. He finally did stop when she passed out. At the end of it, his cock
was as hard as ever. He had not climaxed once all night. Frustrated, he had
slept from his physical exertions alone.

the course of the following weeks, he had fucked his way through all his
mistresses before his mother finally confessed to what she had done. She had
convinced his doctor to give him an injection of
at his last physical. She had somehow convinced the man that
it was what
wanted. Any other woman and
might have thought she felt guilty. After all, his
pheromones were not just taking a toll on him, but affected every woman he came
into contact with. Within minutes of his walking into a room, every woman there
began to sweat. If he lingered, they began to twist in their seats, pressing
their thighs together, suppressing moans. Breasts grew firm and nipples
hardened. During dinner with an advisor, the man’s daughter had actually climaxed
at the table.
could see she had fought it,
had seen her biting her lip and twisting in discomfort. He had tried to rush
the dinner along, but her father had been particularly verbose that night,
regaling him with tales of his days as his father’s advisor.
The poor girl had eventually had an orgasm
with a muffled scream over dessert.
Grabbing the table and panting, she had thrown
such a hungry look, he was afraid she was going to attempt to mount him right
there at the table. After that incident, his mother had had no choice but to
confess what she had done and
had made the
decision to confine himself to his chambers.

But his
mother had not wasted time on remorse. In one breath she was confessing and in
the next she was ordering him around, arranging his life.
was tired of his wasting time. She had long wanted heirs to ensure their
family’s continued rule. She had wanted to begin the mating hunt

It was
quite a risk she had taken. No one knew for sure what the affects of taking
were for a man at his age. Prior to
his injection, it had only been used on teens. He was now nearing his thirtieth
year. There was no certainty it would have worked at all.

was lucky. It had worked like a charm.
was in heat. But at first, he had refused to
participate in the hunt. He was annoyed that his mother had gone behind his
back when all she had needed to do was voice her concerns to him. He ignored
the fact that she had spoken to him about heirs time and time again. But he had
not known that she was
concerned about the future. When
they had brought the first of the volunteers to his chambers, he had intended
to reject her.
They had locked her in
with him, making it impossible for him to resist. She had pleaded with him
until he had taken her, as much for her sake as his own. He could not recall
what the girl looked like now. He did remember her screams though, as orgasm
after orgasm rolled over her.
She had
been in shock. He had been in shock, too. He literally could not stop himself
from ramming into her. After she blacked out, he had barely managed to force
himself to stop.

after month, it had gotten worse. He had gone from bedding one woman a night to
two, and then to three. It was the only way to ensure that he would not overuse
wondered how they managed to keep
finding volunteers. Traditionally, it was considered an honor to be accepted as
a volunteer. He knew the women would all be rewarded and would be forever after
treated as minor royalty. He felt like he had fucked every woman on C21, though
he hoped that was not true. He had long since buried the guilt at the excess.
Damned pheromones.
He wished they would pick someone

No one
had ever suffered the effects of
as long as he. It was not intended for the mating hunt to continue this long.
He could no longer perform his duties.

wrapped his fingers around his cock and squeezed.
He groaned and arched his hips. Desperately, he tried to make himself come. He
had tried before.
And failed.
He swore softly under
his breath as he pumped his fist up and down over his swollen flesh.

thought back over last night’s volunteers. They were all lovely, as usual. The
first was blatantly sexy. He had done nothing more than look at her and she had
been ready.
The second had seemed timid
initially, but had ended up begging him.

The third
had smelled and tasted so good, he could have eaten her for hours, but he had
wanted to be inside her when she climaxed. That she’d changed her mind about
volunteering surprised him. After all, it was an admirable duty. That she’d
been able to change her mind in the midst of all the pheromones flooding his
system and clogging the air around them amazed him. In all the months since
this began, no woman had denied him.

she had backed out, but physically, he knew she wanted him.
groaned at the remembered taste of her. Her pubic hair had been permanently
removed, as was tradition, and when he’d looked at her, he had seen her
moisture. He ran his thumb over the moist head of his cock and shuddered. The
clasp of her pussy had been so tight. His cock had only gotten a taste of her
and it wanted more.

But he
had looked into her dark eyes and seen the fear that he would not stop. He felt
on edge. Not taking her, ripping
from her warm
aroused body, had been the hardest part of this so far.

A shudder of longing racked his body as he
thought of her, of her smell, of her full lips. He moved his hand at a
frantic pace. Months ago, he would have considered it beneath him to try to
relieve himself this way. Now, he knew no shame. He arched his hips,
imaging that he was plunging into her tight pussy. He groaned. He was
so close. He could feel the impending explosion working its way up his

The sudden knock at the door had him
swearing. He was tempted to ignore it, roll over, and pump himself into
the fresh linens the servants had dressed the bed with last night for
Dessert. Her fragrance lingered. Perhaps that was the reason he could
not stop thinking about her. He would order the sheets changed again to
maintain his sanity.

At a second knock, this one sounding slightly
sighed and climbed out of bed. He
found his robe and slid into it before opening the door.


He greeted his friend with a nod and backed up to allow him entrance. 
“How are you?”

How are
you? Did you sleep well?”

ignored his
friend’s probing glance.
“As well as can be expected.”

“How many hours?”

gritted his
teeth.  “
, you grow worse than
Mother.” They were beginning to make him feel like a child. It was bad
enough that he could not perform any of his duties, but the two of them
constantly monitoring him made him feel as though he were a science

“How many?” he persisted.


“Only four?
you had three women last night.”

could see
the concerned look on his friend’s face. 
thought his condition was worsening. The less he slept, the more women they
brought him.  “Actually, I only had the first two. I let the last one go.”

“What? You cannot do that.” 
shoved his hands in his hair in agitation.

He ignored the fact that his friend was
ordering him around. “
, she changed her
mind. I know it goes against tradition and that to let people believe that
she had given herself for the good of her home would be a deception…“

His friend had begun pacing, pausing only to
glare back at him. “
, suppose she is the one?
Tradition states you must—“

“I know, believe me, I know. I am to fuck
every woman who volunteers herself up as some noble sacrifice until I find my
one true companion. Mother has drilled the honor and duty spiel into my
head every day. Somehow it is supposed to make this better and fix what
she did to me.”

“Have you thought of the girl? What of her?
She is no doubt still suffering the effects of being in your presence.”

his jaw. “She can find satisfaction anywhere, whereas I can find none,” he
stated coldly. But it angered him to think of another claiming the sweet pussy
that he had tasted and almost fucked. 

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