Read WarriorsApprentice Online

Authors: Alysh Ellis

WarriorsApprentice (24 page)

For a moment they clung together, then Huon’s hands, swift
and sure, pulled off her clothes, tore at his own, tossing them aside, urgency
mounting, as if he could not bear to be separated from her another moment.

“I need you,” he groaned into her mouth.

And she had come so close to losing him, so close to never
seeing him again. She held her hands out to him.

“We can be happy, just you and me. As long as we’re
together, it’ll be all right,” she whispered. “Stay with me. I couldn’t bear
you to leave me again.”

Any dreams of the three of them together had to be
forgotten. Tybor was who he was and he could not and would not change. She had
Huon and that was more than she had believed she would ever have.

Her skin ached for contact and she pulled Huon to her,
holding him tight, afraid to let him go. He buried his face in the hollow of
her neck, his hands spread out on her back, pressing her close as if he was
trying to meld their two selves into one. Then he arched away and she clasped
him convulsively but he only made enough room to slide his rigid cock into her
warmth, his thick presence filling her just as his spirit and nearness filled
so many hollow places in her heart. She knew, though, that for both of them,
there remained a missing part their need for each other could not completely

Huon groaned, pulled back, then plunged, driving hard,
claiming her in the most primitive, basic rite. Beneath him, Judie writhed and
pushed, meeting him, joining in the frantic drive to completion—body, mind and
soul uniting to seal her bond with Huon.

The fire of passion consumed her. Her skin stretched tight
on her bones, her vagina hot and wet and tight, closing around his rigid cock
with each inward thrust, surrendering to the delicious friction. Huon’s
relentless rhythm, his lithe, lean body rising and falling above, the thin glow
of sweat on his ivory skin, the musky scent of sex and aroused male filling her
nostrils, drove her toward the peak of completion.

He raised his head, teeth bared in a grimace of sexual
ecstasy, and whispered, his voice raspy and intense, “I love you, and I will
never leave you,” and she came in a dark, hot, velvet wave.

She heard Huon’s shout as he followed her, felt the pulse of
his cock as he spent himself inside her.

The aftershocks of orgasm shuddered through them as they lay
joined. She kept her arms clasped around him, not wanting him to move, needing
to maintain their closeness.

As if their connection extended to their thoughts, Huon
changed his grip on her, then he rolled them both to their sides.

“What are we going to do?” she asked. “Where will we go?”

He kissed her softly, gently, the passion between them a
warm echo. “Sleep,” he said. “Tomorrow will be soon enough to make plans.”

As if she had been waiting for permission, she closed her
eyes and let darkness take her.

A strange tingling of her skin woke her, like someone
applying the lightest of electric currents to her nerve endings. She blinked to
clear her eyes of the haze of sleep but the blurriness deepened. The air
shimmered and a dark figure, clad only in combat pants, stepped out of the
mist. Before she had time to gather her scattered wits, Huon sat up.

“What do

“You.” Tybor uttered the single syllable in his deep,
compelling voice.

“They sent you to arrest me for desertion,” Huon sneered. “I
guess they thought you could do the job on your own. No need to waste any more
manpower on a pathetic, useless disgrace to the Dvalinn line.” He pushed the
bedclothes aside and stood up. “Well, you’ll have to kill me first because I’m
not leaving Judie.”

“No, I—”

Before Tybor could finish his sentence, Huon launched
himself at the older man, fists swinging, roaring a wordless battle cry. Tybor
fought back while Judie scrambled to the head of the bed. Huon’s fist landed on
Tybor’s nose with a thump and red blood spurted. Tybor shouted, his arms flew
up and he grappled with Huon, the muscles on his arms standing out as he
exerted himself to maintain his grip.

Heart pounding, Judie watched. She believed Huon when he
said he would die before he let Tybor take him back and the fear that she was
watching a fight to the death paralyzed her. She knew any attempt to get
between them would most likely result in her being injured and while she was
certain Huon would stop to help her, Tybor would probably use the distraction
to overpower him.

Her nails dug into her palms but she ignored the pain,
keeping her entire focus on the fight before her. Huon struggled to land a
solid punch, because Tybor had him wrapped in a relentless bear hug, and with
sick certainty Judie realized that Huon was having difficulty breathing. His
slender frame bent backward as Tybor forced him down.

With a sweep of one leg, Tybor kicked Huon’s feet out from
under him, crashing him onto his back on the floor. Tybor leaned over him,
holding his forearms, his chest heaving and his legs straddling Huon’s.

Tybor’s lips were drawn back into a fierce grimace, the
brown skin stretched tight along his cheekbones. His eyes were half shut, the
lids veiling his expression. He shook Huon once and Judie whimpered.

Tybor didn’t spare her a glance. “You still have a lot to
learn, boy,” he growled. Then his lips softened and he said, “But not as much
as I do,” and he bent his head and kissed him. A long, passionate kiss that
Judie watched wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

When at last he drew back, all three of them were gasping
for breath. Judie wanted to say something, anything, but nothing emerged from
the stunned recesses of her brain. Huon just lay there as if he had a mountain
instead of a man sitting on him.

“Nothing to say?” Tybor asked. “Either of you?” He smiled.
“Good. That gives me a chance to speak.” He looked at Huon. “If I let you up,
do you think you could refrain from attacking me until after you hear me out?”

Still speechless, Huon nodded.

Tybor stood and put out a hand to pull Huon to his feet.
Then, without releasing his hold, he moved to the bed. “Judie, Huon, I came to
apologize, to beg your forgiveness and, I hope, set things right.”

“I don’t understand…” Judie began, but Tybor held up his hand.

“Hearing me out, remember?”

“I didn’t promise that,” Judie muttered, but she shut up
anyway. She wanted to hear what he had to say.

Beneath the brown of his skin Tybor reddened and he dropped
Huon’s hand and folded his arms across his chest in a defensive gesture. “This
is hard for me. Meeting you has forced me to change my ideas about who I am.
And I didn’t take it well. I’ve fought against it. Hard.”

Huon glanced down at the marked skin where Tybor had held
him, but maintained his silence.

“Not just physically,” Tybor said, following Huon’s gaze. “If
what I felt had been simply physical, I could have ignored it and moved on.” He
lifted his head to look at Judie. “I’m good at that. It was my plan with you
all along. But you made me feel things I didn’t believe in, didn’t want to
believe in, and I did the only thing I knew how to do. I put up defensive walls
to keep you out.”

He stopped and silence filled the room.

After a long moment, Huon spoke, his voice soft. “Why are
you here, Tybor?”

Tybor wiped his hand across his mouth. “I thought about what
you said, about exploring what we have, and it kept playing over and over in my
head. I wanted to talk to you. To see you. Both of you. It was like an ache, a
pain I couldn’t ignore. I went back to look for you. You were gone. I knew
you’d go looking for Judie. So I followed you.”

“I found Judie by accident.” Huon’s brow wrinkled. “How did you
know where to find me?”

“You may not feel like a true Dvalinn,” Tybor replied, “but
you’re Dvalinn enough for me to trace the emanations you leave when you

“So you’ve found us,” Judie said. “What next?”

“That’s…up to you.” Tybor sounded uncharacteristically
hesitant. “I pushed you both away. Now I’m asking for another chance. But
before you decide,” he swallowed and breathed deeply, “I don’t…this won’t be
easy for me. I’m going to need your help and your patience. I’ll understand if
you can’t give me that,” he said and bowed his head. His knees sagged and he
sank onto the side of the bed.

Huon’s eyes met Judie’s and she nodded. She put her hand
under Tybor’s chin and lifted it. Huon’s arm slid across his shoulders.

“Give us a chance and we’ll give you everything we can,” she

Tybor leaned forward and touched his lips to hers and heat
flared immediately, igniting the sexual desire she’d thought sated from the
lovemaking with Huon. Tybor’s hands slid across Judie’s naked skin, his
hesitancy discarded, once more the alpha male, in control, seeking and giving
pleasure. His tongue thrust into her mouth, exploring, and the taste of him,
musky, male and potent, made her reel. Through dazed eyes she saw Huon turn
onto his knees, his cock hard, weeping a tiny drop of pre-cum. He slid his arms
around Tybor’s waist, undid his pants and pushed them down his thighs. Tybor’s
cock, heavy and full, bounced free, curving upwards, and Huon wrapped his fist
around it.

Tybor’s head snapped up, breaking the kiss, and he tensed,
his muscles quivering.

Huon ran his lips along the tightly corded muscles of his
neck and whispered, “Relax. It’s all right.”

His lean white fingers ran up and down Tybor’s rigid penis
and it jerked and a pearlescent drop winked into existence on the tip. Huon
leaned down, his tongue flicked out and he licked. Tybor shuddered, his strong
frame trembling. With a lingering caress of his fingers, Huon released him.

His seductive voice continued, “I want you, Tybor.”

“I want you both,” Tybor responded.

“Yes,” Judie breathed, “Like we were before. On the train.”

“Not like that.” Huon sounded certain. “Not this time.” He
cupped Tybor’s face in his hands. “Do you really want me, Tybor?”

A ripple passed across the powerful muscles of Tybor’s
abdomen. “Yes.”

“Do you trust me?”

“I trust you with my life,” Tybor replied. “And my future.”

“Then let me…” Huon’s voice cracked. “Let me have you. While
you make love to Judie, let me make love to you.”

Tybor swallowed, the muscles of his throat visibly working.
“Yes,” he whispered. Then, more powerfully, the hint of smile curving his lips,
“Hell, yes.”

Huon dropped his hands and hugged Tybor to him, then held
out one arm to include Judie. She leaned in, her head resting on Tybor’s
shoulder, waiting for Huon to go on, sensing his need to control this
miraculous moment.

“Judie, lie down on your stomach and pull all those pillows
under your hips.”

She obeyed, turning her head to the side in time to catch
Tybor’s tongue flicking out to moisten his lips. Her big, battle-hardened
warrior was nervous. She wriggled her bottom and smiled when Tybor’s expression
changed from apprehension to lust, his pupils growing dark and wide. Her heart
pounded as she anticipated Huon’s next instruction.

“Lift your hips and spread your legs wide, and Tybor…”

“I’ve got the idea,” Tybor said, swinging his head to look
at Huon. “For someone who a very short while ago was a virgin, you seem to be
giving a lot of orders here.”

“I spent a lot of time doing what you told me to do,” Huon
said. “Now it’s time for you to listen to me.” He leaned forward again to kiss
the corner of Tybor’s mouth. “Think you can do that?”

Twisting further, Tybor put a hand behind Huon’s head and
kissed him, meeting his lips, hard and demanding. The walls of Judie’s vagina
clenched and pulsed, the sight of her two fierce warriors, all hard-carved
muscle, brown and ivory, locked in a passionate embrace, driving her need to
desperation. She moaned and Huon pulled away, licking his lips.

“Later. There will be time for so much more, but for now,”
he said, “I want us joined. I want to be inside you, Tybor. I want that so

Tybor stiffened, his hands dropping to his sides, and for a
moment Judie feared he would push up off the bed and leave. A shudder flurried
across his skin and his nostrils flared as though he was some magnificent beast
scenting the air, then he lifted himself to straddle her legs, pushing himself
against the cleft of her buttocks, his heavy cock held in his fist ready for

She raised herself up, rubbing the hot, wet lips of her
pussy against his cock, wriggling until she positioned the head at her
entrance. The breath left his lungs, washing over the back of her neck her in a
warm rush, and he surged inside, his thick hardness filling her. He leaned down
until she could see his face. The tenderness she saw, the heaviness of his eyes
and the gentle softness of his mouth, took her breath away. That look and the
hard thickness filling her, the feel of his heart beating wildly against her
back, drove her to an instant rush of orgasm.

The soft pulsing of her vagina faded but he remained there
unmoving, his breath rushing in and out in short, sharp bursts.

“Tybor?” Huon’s voice penetrated her sensual haze. “Are you
ready for me?

Judie felt him tense, bracing himself. He didn’t speak but
his head moved up and down in a jerky nod. A moment later a groan erupted from
his lips. “Ah God, that’s…”

“It’s just my finger, Tybor, you need to be lubed,” Huon

Judie strained her neck but she couldn’t see what was
happening. Her awareness relied on the rapid hitch in Tybor’s breathing and the
feel of his body as it jerked suddenly against her.

“Easy,” Huon murmured. “Relax.”

“Do as he says, Tybor. That’s what you told me, remember

Once you relax it will stop hurting’,” Judie reminded him. “Are you okay

“Yes. No. Oh fuck, it feels incredible,” he gasped.

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