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Authors: Melissa Kate

Waiting for You (17 page)

BOOK: Waiting for You
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When he was done he got out of the tub and wrapped himself in a towel before reaching for her and doing the same. He dried her hair and every inch of her body before snuggling her up in the soft fabric and grabbing her hand in his, led her to his bedroom.

He fished out a long sleeved T-shirt from his dresser and helped her into it and she soon started to feel human again. Slipping on a pair of boxers, he settled her in his bed and lay beside her. Close enough to share his body heat but without crowding or touching her. He was respecting her space and need to sort through her meltdown.

For the first time tonight she wondered how long he had been there on the beach before he’d gotten to her. Had he heard her conversation with her mother? Did it even matter?

She turned her back to him but snuggled closer so he spooned against her. His hand came to rest on her upper arm and the gesture comforted her.

Adam was silent for most of the night, not pushing her to talk or explain herself, he just did exactly what she had needed. Without words.

He rubbed her arm and the deep timbre of his voice before he said, “Losing my Dad broke me. Even though I knew it was inevitable, the day he took his last breath did me in. I beat everything around me to a pulp ‘til my knuckles were raw and bleeding. It didn’t take away the grief or the pain. You do whatever you need to do to make this better for you Audrey.”

Adam stroked her damp hair and her chest squeezed. He understood exactly what she was going through

“I never thought it would hurt this bad,” she croaked.

“It will hurt more at times but you learn to live around the loss. You see things everywhere that remind you of him and you learn to do things to honor his memory. You will get through this Audrey.”

“My parents never came, you know.” her voice was a whisper, barely audible.

“I heard, Sweetheart.” His body was warm and comforting against hers. “That will be their guilt to bear. You have lived without your parents for years and survived, Audrey. You don’t need to start relying on them now. You are a survivor.”

Audrey turned on her back and considered Adam’s serious face, the worry lines around his beautiful eyes deep and prominent. Her hand reached up to cup his jaw. She hadn’t noticed before but he had a few days’ worth of stubble on his chin and it was rough beneath her touch. She gazed deep into his emerald eyes and knew exactly how to feel better. How to get out of this dark place.

“I need you to take me out, Adam.” She arched her body into his and placed a soft kiss on his lush mouth.

He brushed his lips against hers, as though knowing exactly what she needed to pull her out.

Adam kissed her with such sweet gentleness, coaxing her mouth with tender kisses. She wrapped her arms around his neck and arched her body against his, savoring his heat and strength.

His mouth found the tender skin below her ear and the deep of her neck and she moaned as the sensations tingled deep within her. Adam ran his hands slowly up her bare sides, teasing her ribs as her skin broke out in excited gooseflesh. He pulled the shirt over her head and she pressed her naked chest against his. His erection grew hard and long against her and she ached for him to fill her.

“Adam,” she moaned. “I need you, now. Help me forget, just for a little while.”

He lightly bit her shoulder as he rubbed his erection against her.

She heard him reach for his dresser and the crinkle of the foil before he encased himself with the condom.

Their breathing was fevered and heavy and Audrey expected him to enter her hard and fast, instead he placed his heft at her entrance and entered her with painstaking ease, one inch at a time, timing their pleasure. He filled her then and Audrey felt the hurt and pain leave her from every pore of her skin. Adam replaced the sadness. He pulled out and slowly eased back in, the sensation running through every nerve in her body.

She raised her knees and took Adam in deeper and his moan reverberated through Audrey. His girth was thick and heavy inside her and the sensation was mind numbing.

He kissed her then and she let herself go, to submit to Adam and let him take over.

Adam heightened his thrusts then, faster and harder but the care and tenderness remained. Audrey cried out as her orgasm tightened and crashed, releasing all the pent up tension. Adam found his own release a moment later as her core clenched. He held himself above her, placing his weight on his forearms, kissing her tenderly before pulling out and rolling over.

Audrey turned to her side, feeling the weight start to lift. For the first time since Grandpa Joe died, she started to feel a semblance of hope.


The next morning Audrey rolled over on an empty bed. She laid her hand on Adam’s pillow, the scent of him enticing her nostrils, but it lay cold beneath her touch. He had long since been up.

She kicked off the rumpled covers, a testament to their lovemaking the night before, and sauntered into his bathroom.

The room was large and masculine with dark tiles and an enormous shower. The sink was large white porcelain with a square lip that sat flat on a granite top. The mirror was huge with a simple broad frame and her refection in it showed the toll the week had taken on her. She rubbed her eyes and tried to wipe the image away. Her hair was disheveled and she looked pale, albeit somewhat sated from the night before.

Her eyes found a new tooth brush that sat on the basin, still in its encasing and Audrey smiled at Adam’s thoughtfulness. Everything he did pinged at her heart.

A few minutes later when her face was scrubbed and her hair brushed, she set about to search for him. She had landed on his doorstep sans car last night and she needed a ride home. Emma would come for her but she really didn’t want to inconvenience her friend while she was at the bakery nor did she want to explain to her why she was in Adam’s house in his clothes.

Audrey strolled through the enormous, spacious house and room by room eliminated his presence. The architecture was really impressive though and Audrey could see how it was designed with his father in mind. She heard some music and straining to hear, she realized it was coming from the basement.

Hoping she wouldn’t get locked down there and eaten alive by rats, she found the stairwell and descended.

What she saw had her jaw on the floor and her mouth salivating like one of Pavlov’s dogs. Adam was dressed in workout clothes, well barely dressed in cut off sweat pants hanging low on his hips, revealing all his deliciously erogenous muscles. His bare chest and back were glistening with sweat and straining as he climbed high on a metal contraption. His legs were crossed at the ankles and he swung back and forth before unhooking the metal bar and climbing up a notch. His biceps stretched and bulged as he lifted himself up to do ten chin lifts before unhooking the bar and climbing higher still. The man was relentless. His brute strength had Audrey overheating.

The music blared a fevered tempo as Adam worked out and Audrey could almost touch the electricity in the room.

Her eyes made contact with his in the floor to ceiling mirror then and he turned around to face her, still suspended high up. He unhooked the bar then jumped to the ground in a flawless crouch, absorbing his weight with his ankles.

“Hey,” he grabbed a towel and swiped at his face and neck. He smelled tantalizing like delicious male and sweat and heat. “I didn’t hear you come in.” he switched off the stereo as he neared her.

“That was insane. How is any human able to do that?” she gestured to the contraption behind him, the awe and incredulity evident in her voice.

He smirked his infamous half smile and her panties ignited. “That’s a salmon ladder,” he explained, grabbing a bottle of water and downing it.

She watched his throat as his Adam’s apple bobbed and she lost the ability to think. His hair was wet and slicked back and the man was practically a walking talking erotic ad for sports. Screw that, he should be an ad for sex; whatever he was selling women all over the world would beat each other to buy. She felt the urge to lick him from top to bottom.

“You have that look in your eye, Aud,” the amusement and something exciting twinkled in his eyes.

“What look?”

“The look that says I’m about to get naked.”


Adam slung the towel around his neck and hung onto the ends, taking a slow perusal of the female before him.

He’d had a rough night after he had fallen asleep, the images of his most recent mission melding together with past nightmares and he’d found himself startled awake, drenched in sweat more than once.

Audrey had been knocked out cold and he’d been thankful that she hadn’t witnessed his freak out. His heart had pounded painfully in his chest as his dreams had transported him right back into the worst recesses of his mind. Nobody prepared you for PTSD when you enlisted and too many people who served their country in one way or another lived with it in silence. Adam was one of those people.

So, instead of torturing himself with more sleep and consequently more nightmares, he’d dragged his tired ass out of bed and away from the deliciously seductive woman draped across him and had hit his home gym.

He was two hours into it when he had found Audrey standing there, propped against the doorjamb in his shirt looking rather star struck. Most men were turned on by women in skimpy lingerie but to Adam, there was nothing more alluring than a woman wearing his shirt. This woman.

It amused him greatly that his body had that effect on her and involuntarily he found himself puffing out his chest with pride. He worked long and hard to achieve his physique and strength and he was proud of it. That it aroused her pleased him greatly.

Adam looked her over, that gleam in her eyes so full of lust and building sexual tension. He took his time sipping his water, letting her eyes take their fill of him.

He crossed the room to stand before her, her soft feminine scent wafting up to greet him. He couldn’t remember the last woman he’d ever had in his house, if he ever had and seeing Audrey in his workout room did something to him.

The pulse at the base of her neck jumped and he knew she was turned on. Seeing her arousal had his semi hard dick twitching to life.

“You seem hungry, Audrey,” he teased, crowding her space. “See something you like?”

She stared at him, words lost in her throat.

He reached for her, tracing her neckline and shoulder with his fingers. She was soft and warm as his fingers trailed down her arm, raising the skin as his explored.

Her hand came up to touch his chest and Adam’s own nipples puckered beneath her small hands. She stepped toward him and his already heated core burned up.

Before he realized it, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her toward him and captured her pliant mouth with his. The kiss was rough and moist and had every last bit of blood flooding to parts south. Her lips were soft and warm beneath his. He tilted her head to give himself better access before delving his tongue to meet hers. When they made contact, he heard her moan before he felt the vibration in his balls, squeezing and milking the pleasure from every crevice in his body.

She snaked her arms into his hair and tugged, and fuck if that nearly had him coming in his shorts. Her hips came up to meet his and he curled his hand around her soft, bare ass cheek and pushed his straining erection against her, garnering him another breathless moan.

Her smooth leg curled around his hip and her foot rested on his calf, running up and down making him lose his mind. Adam eased her against the wall and rubbed himself into all her delicious bits, of which there were many. He could kiss her forever, her mouth was like an addiction he could not quit.

Reaching between them, flipped off her (well his) shirt and threw it behind him, leaving her gloriously bare to him. Audrey’s eyes glazed over and her head fell back as his mouth found her nipples. Her breasts were weighted in his hands and he rolled her nipple between his teeth before sucking it into his mouth to ease the pinch.

“Oh, God!” she moaned, straining her heat against him and pushing out her chest for him to take more.

Before she knew what he’d done, he grabbed her and threw her naked self over his shoulder in a fireman’s grip.

She banged on his back with her fists playfully as he headed back upstairs and into his bathroom. “Adam Parker you put me down this instant!” she bit his ass through his sweats and he yelped.

“You’re going to pay for that, Audrey,” he warned as he set her in the shower and turned on the water.

She shrieked with the cold spray and huddled in the corner as the water warmed. Adam chucked off his shorts and sneakers and stepped in with her. They reached for each other instantly and he wasn’t certain whether it was their touch or the water that had warmed them up but Adam was heated. His erection was solid and painful, pressing into her belly as he kissed his way down her neck and across her clavicle. He pressed her against the cold shower door, knowing the cold against her back and warmth on her front would drive her crazy and stimulate her arousal. The dilation in her dark eyes proved his theory as he watched her slightly parted lips and heavy lidded eyes.

Fuck! She was the sexiest thing he had ever seen.

She grabbed the soap and started a slow, torturous trail from his shoulders, down every inch of his muscled torso ‘til she got to his waist and his dick. In slow motion she cupped his balls and massaged the suds into its heavy weight then stroked both hands up his slippery shaft and then down again. Repeatedly until he was dying to throw her up against the wall and fuck her brains out. Her hands went down his legs as she soaped him up and then slowly they trailed back up, around his knees and the back of his thighs. The soap was replaced by her mouth and Adam thought his balls would explode from the intense pleasure. Her tongue darted out and nipped and sucked its way till she reached the base of his shaft.

She sucked his balls into her hot mouth and Adam had to brace his hands on the shower wall behind her to keep from buckling to the ground. Her mouth was replaced with her hands as she massaged his tight sac then sucked the tip of his penis before taking him in as deep as she could. Her tongue swirled and met every nerve ending he possessed, driving him out of his ever loving mind. He locked his knees to prevent himself from falling in embarrassment. His hand reached down to cup her head as she bobbed on his erection. Peering down at her on her knees, her legs tucked beneath her with the water spraying down on them was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

BOOK: Waiting for You
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