Read Vexing the Viscount Online

Authors: Christie Kelley

Vexing the Viscount (17 page)

Once the stocking was off, he trailed kisses back up the long length of her leg. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he drew a finger along the crease. Feeling her quiver brought a smile to him. He moved his head between her legs and let his tongue follow the path of his finger.

“Braden,” she exclaimed. “What are you doing?”

“Enjoying the taste of you.”

“Oh,” she said with a sigh.

Tia lay back against the bed as his tongue slid between her folds. This couldn't be right. But it felt so good. Her body tingled from the sensations. She felt a finger probe her entrance before sliding into her. Her heart pounded in her chest as he continued bringing her closer to the edge. As he stroked her harder, his finger sliding inside and out of her, her every nerve drew taut.

“Braden,” she screamed as release finally washed over her. Her entire body shook from the powerful climax. “Oh, my God,” she whispered.

He crawled back on the bed and kissed her softly, the taste of her still on his lips. Slowly, he kissed her neck, drawing gooseflesh to her arms. When he reached her breasts, he stared down at them for a long moment before plucking a tight nipple into his mouth. Instantly, her body reacted and readied for more.

She moaned as his mouth moved to the other nipple, eager for his attention. She reached for his hard cock and stroked it softly until he groaned.

“You are driving me mad,” he whispered, staring down at her.

“Good,” she replied with a slight smile.

He moved away from her reach and settled between her legs. Feeling his manhood at her entrance, she tried to relax. She knew it wouldn't hurt like the first time, still, she had no idea what to expect.

He entered her slickness gradually, as if testing her comfort level. Her body eased him inside, stretching to accommodate his size. The feeling of fullness was overwhelming.

“Are you all right?” he asked as he filled her completely.

“Yes,” she replied with a shiver. “You feel so good inside me.”

He groaned slightly. “You feel so good around me. You're so tight and wet. I just want to stay here all night.”

“It's still afternoon,” she said with giggle.


Then he moved slightly and her laughter stopped. Just that minor movement was enough to make her realize how close to the brink she was from his being inside her. This time he slid out of her and then back in. She looked up into his eyes and was lost. She was his in body and spirit. She loved the man.

Watching his face tighten as he fought off the passion trying to take over his body made her love him more. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips, bringing him deeper inside her. Her body was on fire. Climbing higher with every stroke, she never wanted this to end. But soon, she was at the top with no place to go but over.

“Yes,” she whispered as she tightened her inner muscles around him.

“Tia,” he moaned.

An explosion of color burst upon her. “Braden, oh Braden,” she said, shaking with the emotion and passion sweeping over her body.

“Tia.” He stroked her twice more before closing his eyes to his own climax.

He collapsed down on her, his breathing ragged. She wrapped her arms around him, enveloping him in her love. “I love you,” she whispered.

Chapter 18

raden stilled. His breathing all but stopped with her words. She didn't mean them, of course. Far too many women had spoken words of love in the heat of the moment, only to retract them once morning came and they fully realized whom they had fucked. He would let it go for now. He couldn't speak words of love to her. Not when he wasn't certain what he felt for her was anything but six months of pent-up lust.

He didn't like red hair and freckles on a woman.

Did he?


Oh God, she was going to want to talk about this. He supposed he could pretend to have fallen asleep.

“I know you're awake.”

“How could you know such a thing when I'm on top of you?”

She laughed softly. “Your breathing is much too erratic for a sleeping man.”

Damn her and her wise woman skills. “Well, you have me there.” He rolled off her and brought her close.
Please don't bring up words of love right now

“Is it always that good?”

Oh, thank God, she wanted to speak of sexual intercourse. “No. Sometimes it's even better. Were you sore?”

“No.” She wrapped an arm around his chest. “When can we do that again?” she whispered.

“After I rest.”

She looked up at him with worry on her face. “Did this exhaust you? I knew we shouldn't do such a thing until you were completely healed from the poison. I should let you get some—”

“Sweetheart, I am well. After making love, it takes some time before a man is ready to do that again.”

“It does?”

He smiled at her innocence. “Yes.”

“I am learning quite a bit about the male anatomy.” She put her head back down on his shoulder.

“What did you do if someone asked you a question about such things?”

“I referred them to my mother.”

He chuckled. “I think I'd prefer you to your mother when discussing such things. She is . . .” His voice trailed off so as not to insult her mother.

“A termagant?”

“Now, I wouldn't have called your mother that,” he said in an innocent tone.

This time she laughed. “I would. Sometimes I think she scares her patients as well.” She sobered. “Honestly, her patients respect her completely.”

“I have heard she is excellent at what she does.”

“Yes,” she said faintly. “Definitely better than me.”

Braden closed his eyes. He was certain she was thinking back to her patient that died of the belladonna poisoning. If only there was some way of helping her get over her guilt. He rolled her over onto her back and stared down at her. “Have you ever asked your mother if she suffered something similar to what you are going through with that child?”

She shook her head. “No. How could I? She is the one who told me to let it go and learn from it.”

He cupped her cheek with his hand. “Sweetheart, you did learn from it. I'm living proof of that.”

“I know. And you might not be here if I didn't take my mother's advice, but letting that little girl's death go is impossible.”

He couldn't imagine the anguish she suffered over this child's death. He wanted to take away all her pain. Slowly, he brought his head down and kissed her softly. Kissing her warmed his heart in a very unexpected way. He pulled back and stared down at her again. Oh dear God, he loved her.

The shock was almost too much to bear. He hadn't loved someone since.... Thankfully, a knock on the bedchamber door interrupted his insane thought process.

“My lord, Mr. Adams and Mr. Cranborne are here to see you.”

“I shall be down in a few minutes. Pour them some brandy or tea.”

“Of course, my lord.”

Braden kissed the tip of her nose. “I must go. If you would like to join us in the library that would be fine.”

“Thank you,” she said, before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him sweetly.

“Do that again and I will forgo my friends in lieu of your tempting body.”

She smiled up at him. “Go speak with them. Let your poor body rest a while longer.”

She had no idea that his body was nearly ready to go again. “As you wish.”

Braden dressed quickly and joined his friends in the library. Walking into the room, he said, “Good afternoon. What did you find out?”

He walked to the corner cabinet and poured a brandy for himself. Both of his friends were already sipping their drinks.

“Breaking your vow again?” Jack asked before putting his glass on the table.

“We had this discussion earlier,” Braden reminded him. “We will marry.” Now more than ever he wanted to marry her.

“Bunworth was at White's. He told us that Jonathon paid him a visit last night. He said Jonathon attempted to extort some money out of him.”

Braden scowled. “Did he say why?”

“No. Nor did he say if he gave Jonathon the money,” Adams replied.

Braden shook his head. His brother was in a far worse state than he imagined. Why was he trying to extort money from Constance's husband? Maybe Bunworth was keeping a mistress and Jonathon was trying to protect Constance. “Anything else?”

“Yes, Bunworth said he was supposed to deliver the money tonight at the Edmondsons' ball.”

“Did he now? Hmm, I believe we are all going to a ball tonight,” Braden said.

Jack shrugged. “Nothing better to do tonight. Are you bringing her along?”

“No, she would only be a distraction.” And Braden didn't want her to see how low Jonathon had sunk.

“A very lovely distraction,” Adams commented.

“Yes, but a distraction I don't need when trying to find Jonathon.”

“She won't take it well,” Jack added.

“She is not to know where I am going. I will tell her that it is a club and women are not invited.” And he hoped she would believe his lie.


Tia sat in the library reading while Braden investigated another potential sighting of Jonathon at another club. She glanced up from her reading and wondered just how many clubs there were in London. Not that it mattered. As a woman, she wouldn't be allowed entrance to any of them.

She could hear a slight commotion at the front door, but assumed Nelson would handle the issue. What could she do? She had no authority in this house. Footsteps sounded in the hall.

“Miss Featherstone, you have a caller,” Nelson announced as he stepped into the room.

“At this hour?” It was nearly eight.

“Yes, miss. It is Lady Eldridge.”

Emily was here! At this hour! Something must be dreadfully wrong. “Where is she?”

“In the salon.”

Tia rushed past Nelson and ran down the hall to the salon. “Emily, what is wrong?”

Emily sat on the edge of the sofa, wearing a beautiful russet silk gown. “It is just as I thought. You and his lordship haven't heard the news.”

“Middleton is not at home. What is the news?”

“Mr. Tavers is supposed to be at the Edmondsons' ball tonight.”

Tia tilted her head up toward the ceiling. Of all the nights that Braden had to leave her alone. “What are we going to do?”

“You are going upstairs right now to dress for a ball.” Emily rose and then yanked on Tia's arm. “We don't have much time. The ball has already started and I don't know how long he will be in attendance.”

“Very well. Help me dress. Mrs. Abbott has the night off.” They both hurried upstairs to Tia's room. She opened the linen press and stared at her meager gowns. She reached for the blue silk, but Emily brushed her hand away and pulled out the red silk.

“I can't wear that outside the house,” Tia protested.

“Yes, you can and you will. The Edmondsons' will allow you entrance because they tend to like to have their balls talked about for a few days. You showing up alone and wearing this dress will shock several people.”

“Emily, I don't need more people gossiping about me.”

“Shh,” Emily reprimanded. “You will be the viscountess some day and everyone will be horrified that they spread such rumors about you.”

Tia highly doubted that, but tonight she wasn't going to think about it. She would find Jonathon and bring him home. Together, she and Braden would find an excellent place for him to overcome his opium issues. “Very well,” she finally said to Emily. “You win.”

“I always do,” Emily muttered.

Within an hour, she was dressed and ready to go. “How am I going to leave with Nelson at the door?”

“Leave that to me. Just be ready and when I get him in the library, walk outside. My carriage is right in front.”

She hated sneaking out like this. Braden would be furious if he returned home before she did. Hopefully, Jonathon would be easy to find for once. If she could bring Jonathon home, Braden's anger would not be an issue.

“We need to leave now. Stay at the top of the stairs until I get Nelson in the library.” Emily opened the door and then ambled down the stairs.

Tia released a long-held breath before following her to the top of the staircase. From her vantage point, she could hear Emily.

“I just need to get my gloves, Nelson. I left them in the library.”

“I will get them for you, my lady,” Nelson replied.

As his footsteps faded away, Emily slowly opened the front door and then waved her down. “Hurry!”

Tia raced down the stairs and out the door before Nelson returned. Amazed that the footman at Emily's coach just opened the door for her, she scrambled inside before the front door opened. Safely ensconced in her friend's carriage, she caught her breath while waiting for Emily. She peered out and noticed her friend walking toward her.

Once Emily was inside, Tia asked, “Was Nelson suspicious?”

“Not at all. I told him you had decided to retire.”

Tia leaned back against the velvet squab and sighed. Then she giggled. “I don't think I've ever done anything like that before.”

“I should hope not,” Emily replied. She smiled over at Tia. “But we were quite good at it, weren't we?”

“Yes, we were.”

“So who are the Edmondsons'?” Tia asked.

“A younger couple who run with a very fast set. Their parties are known for gossip, especially who sneaked off with whom.”

“What do you mean?”

Emily laughed. “You're not that innocent, Tia. Different couples will pair off, find a room, and have sexual congress.”

“At the party?”

“It happens all the time. Just at most parties it is much more secretive. At Society balls, a woman would be subject to scandal, which is why the fast set stays in London. Those Society matrons are all out at their country estates, haranguing the girls out there.”

“So as Middleton's mistress, it wouldn't amiss to attend this party?”

“Not at all. I'd be surprised if Middleton wasn't invited.”

Tia nodded. She wondered how many times he had taken a woman to a room at one of the Edmondsons' parties. Based on what he'd told her, it most likely happened a lot. She refused to think upon that any longer. He had changed.

“We're here,” Emily said with a note of excitement.

Tia followed Emily out of the carriage and up the few steps to the house. Before the door even opened, the raucous sound of jovial voices emanated from the home. This definitely was not a sedate Society ball. A tremor of fear came out of nowhere and sliced through her.

The door opened and they entered arm in arm. To say the party was a crush would be an understatement. They could barely move through the corridor to the salon. The sound of music came from a back room. Tia silently wished Braden could have been here to dance with her. She'd so enjoyed that at Lady Whitfield's ball. What was she thinking? Braden would be furious with her, not wanting to dance.

“How are we supposed to find Jonathon with all these people?” Tia asked

“Just do the best you can,” Emily said, close to her ear. “The crowd will thin in the next hour or two.”

Hour or two?
By then Braden might have returned home. “I can't stay that long.”

“Stop worrying. Middleton is not your master. If you wish to go to a ball, you can do that.”

Tia scanned the room, but didn't see Jonathon. Another man with dark blond hair caught her eye. Emily's husband had his arms wrapped around a petite brunette with a full figure. Tia's mouth almost gaped when she noticed his thumb rub the woman's breast in public. “Emily, I don't see him here. We should check another room.”

“As you wish,” Emily replied coldly.

Tia looked over to see her friend staring at her husband. “Come on.”

“I cannot believe he was doing that in front of everyone.”

“I know.”

“I hate him,” Emily muttered. “If I could leave him I would.”

“But we all know you cannot. So, you will have to either determine a way to get him back into your bedroom, or learn to live your life alone.” Tia had no idea where her vehemence on that topic came from.

They entered the next room, only to find the same thing. There were so many people that trying to pick Jonathon from all the rest was nearly impossible. Feeling as if this was a lost cause, Tia said, “I don't see him here. Perhaps this is a waste of our time.”

“We must keep looking,” Emily insisted. “The gaming is set up in the library. We should check in there.”

Tia followed along as best she could, afraid if she lost sight of Emily she might never get out of this place. Thankfully, the gaming room had few people, which only made it easier to check. She scanned the room quickly, but her gaze stopped on a man she knew. “Oh dear God,” she whispered. “We have to get out of this room immediately.”

Emily wasted no time in exiting the room. “Who was that?”

“Mr. Cranborne. He was supposed to go to the club with Middleton. If Cranborne is here, then they must have left the club and Middleton might be home by now!”

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