Read Upside Down Online

Authors: Liz Gavin

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Lesbian, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Genre Fiction, #Lgbt, #Lesbian Fiction, #Single Authors

Upside Down (30 page)

BOOK: Upside Down
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like the way you think, Cindy.”

Mark arranged the pillows around and behind himself, then, spread his legs for me. His member was already hard but I knew it could get much harder. I knelt in front of my favorite prize and licked my lips as I closed a hand on him. I pumped him a little at the same time as I cupped his balls. He closed his eyes and whimpered. His trust in me was intoxicating and seductive. In a way, he turned me on by surrendering to my touch so eagerly and easily just as much as I made him harder by touching him so intimately.

While I played with his body, Cindy positioned herself behind me, kneaded my buttocks with both her hands, teased my wet folds from behind with her palms and fingers, making them wetter, then, smeared the dampness all over my behind. I thought she was going to used it to lubricate me. I was wrong. The little tramp started to lick me clean of it. She would use her fingers to produce and spread the dampness, then, used her mouth to lick and bite it off me. It was maddening.

I kept my grip of Mark’s body but used my free hand to pull Cindy up by her hair. I kissed her, tasting myself on her tongue, making her sweat. I only let go of her when I heard Cindy’s
ragged breathing.

“You were supposed to get me ready, remember?”

She gave me an apologetic grin and shrugged, “I couldn’t help myself. I’m on it now.”

I moved my hand to the base of Mark’s penis and started licking him from top to bottom, then, bottom to top again. I used saliva to make him slick and braced myself to receive his whole length in my mouth. I flattened my tongue and slid his tip inside. I bobbed my head up and down a little, then, felt his hands in my hair, guiding me. I let him run that part of the show because Cindy got me distracted.

As I was taking care of Mark, she had been teasing my back entrance. She spread me apart with both hands and darted her wicked little tongue in and out, then, up and down my little hole. It puckered each time and I held my breath. I exhaled around Mark’s hardness and he hissed because the air from my lungs vibrated all over his shaft.

“God, this is too much,” he cried out.

I put my hands on his chest and caressed his fevered body.

y, sweetie,” I whispered, my mouth still full of him, and he bucked upwards.

“I don’t want to come inside your mouth, Carol.”

“You won’t.”

I let go of his member and licked my way
through his navel, up to his nipples, where I feasted on the hard tips for a while as my hands traveled upwards to his shoulders. Meanwhile, Cindy had squirted lube inside me, turned on the little plug and inserted it in me. I inhaled sharply at the quick stab of pain and she soothed me by kissing my back, from my buttocks to my nape, as her hands reached around me to find my breasts. She pulled at my nipples and I did the same to Mark’s. I palmed his chest and she did the same to me. Our bodies in complete synch. It was an amazing sensation. My sex throbbed and I closed my thighs to ease the tension, squeezing Mark’s hand inside me. He gasped and crooked a finger to find my G-spot.

“Mark, oh-my-god.”

I felt my body was about to explode, so I sat on my heels, pulling away from both of them, and took a deep breath. I looked at them, speechless. Suddenly, it dawned on me I had the two most gorgeous people I knew, the two people I loved most in the whole world, in bed with me. My heart expanded in my chest and my eyes filled with tears. I touched Mark’s and Cindy’s cheeks with my hands, at the same time, staring at both of them. They looked a little worried but didn’t say a word or moved an inch, just stared back at me. Mark’s eyes were two endless wells of love and devotion. Cindy’s eyes were two patches of the most amazing blue skies – just like heaven, she was.

“God, I love you two so much it hurts
,” I whispered and they both hugged me.

Somehow, our mouths meshed together in a three-way kiss. It was naughty but scorching hot, also. I held them by the hair while their hands were all over my body, then, each other’s bodies. I li
cked Cindy’s lips and bit down on Mark’s. He invaded her mouth, then, teased my lips. Our bodies pressed together until the temperature got unbearable and we broke the endless kiss up.

“Cindy, it’s your turn, now. I want to get you ready for your strap-on.”

“Can I sit this one out? I’d love to just watch you two,” Mark sounded excited. “Besides, I’m sure I’ll explode if I get too close to either one of you, girls.”

I nodded and so did Cindy as she lay down in the middle of my huge bed. The buzzing of the butt plug was driving me wild. The vibrations reached all the way to my in
ner walls and I closed my eyes to try to ignore them. When I opened them again, Cindy’s body was ready and waiting for me.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” I whispered as I ran my hands from her feet to the top of her thighs.

I caressed her inner thighs with the palms of my hands and pushed them down until her knees touched the sheets. I looked over my shoulder to the edge of the bed where Mark had sat to watch us. He was holding his penis against his stomach as if to keep it under control.

“Isn’t she, Mark?
Beautiful, I mean?”

He caught a glimpse of her throbbing pink flesh and closed his eyes, inhaling. He looked in ecstasy. I could come just watching the two. But I didn’t want to do it. I framed her body with two fingers, spreading her a little and closed my mouth of her. I licked from
back to front and tapped the tip of my tongue on her hard button, then, licked from front to back. She whimpered and moved her hips. I splayed a hand on her mid-section to hold her in place. Then, I thumbed the top of her entrance, pressing over her clitoris through the thin skin there as I penetrated her with two fingers and my tongue. She arched her back and I blew inside her. She moved her head from side to side and buried her hands in my hair. She pushed me closer to her but I resisted. I scraped her hard pebble with my teeth and she wailed.

“Carol, I can’t take it anymore, please!”

I pulled my head up to stare at her, but kept moving my fingers in and out of her ever wetter body.

“Yes, you can, sweetie. But I won’t torture you any longer.”

She sighed and I was sure she thought I’d let her go. Instead, I dove down between her thighs and latched onto her nub, pulling it inside my mouth, sucking at her sweet flesh. I drank her up as she writhed and bucked. Her hand found my drenched folds and she slid three fingers inside me with ease. The harder I sucked her, the deeper she penetrated me. Those magic fingers combined with the vibrations from my behind and I felt myself on the verge of a massive orgasm. She knew it and she wanted to take me there. Her own body was quivering around my fingers and tongue. It wouldn’t take long, either.

Caught up in all the sensations that delirious pleasure brought us, my mind was about to shut down to reality when a thought made me freeze.

“This isn’t right, Cindy,” I whispered against her flesh as I took a deep breath and rested my forehead on the soft skin of her trembling thighs. “It isn’t fair.”

She moaned in frustration but got my meaning and agreed.

“Yes, we shouldn’t do this without Mark,” her voice was throaty as her eyes searched for him. “Come here, honey. Join us. It’s time.”

My heart seemed to double its size inside m
y chest, again, at the sincere emotions glistening in her dark blue stare as Mark approached us. More than anything, for our arrangement to work, they needed to learn to love each other as much as they loved me and I loved them. I knew Mark’s nature pretty well. He was a warm, loving person but Cindy had much more difficulty letting people inside her heart. Mark seemed to have earned at least a small corner in it.

He held the strap-on and helped her wear it, fastening the straps around her waist when she knelt on the bed.
I got on all fours and pushed my backside as high as I could. Mark positioned himself behind me and Cindy knelt in front. I grabbed her silicone penis and put it in my mouth to lubricate it. She reached behind my body and pulled the plug from me in one swift movement. I gasped at the electric discharges that ran throughout my whole body.

As I pumped one end of the dildo, the other stabbed her core. I felt her hands go down my back and spread my cheeks as Mark squirted another generous amount of lube in me.

“Mark, you’re huge. She’ll need a lot of that.”

“I’ve got an idea.”

I couldn’t see his face but he sounded very pleased with himself. In no time, I found out why. He ran his member along my damp folds, then, poked my entrance from behind with the tip of his erection. He was using my own moisture to lubricate himself in order to pleasure me even further. The thought was so hot my body produced an extra dose of natural lube for him. He got a little carried away and penetrated me until his tip touched my front wall. He held me in place by my waist and pushed his erection further in before pulling all the way out. He stopped for a second then moved in again almost up to the hilt.

“Mark, yes! That’s it!” I closed my eyes at the exquisite feelings
he was creating in me.

That was why I didn’
t see Cindy move under me. I opened my eyes wide when I felt her tongue licking my nub. She waited for Mark to move out and licked or nibbled at the hard button. They played like that for a while but soon she was licking and biting both Mark and me. I strained my neck down and cupped one of her breasts up until I put the nipple inside my mouth. I sucked her as she suckled me and Mark stabbed us both.

“That’s too much!” she wailed and
sat on her heels in front of me.

I caressed her breasts, soothing her heated body. She closed her eyes and dropped her head back, savoring my touch. Mark went back to poking my little hole with his now soaked wet tip.
I closed my eyes and braced myself for the sharp pain. I felt it very briefly and quickly, then, he was inside me, moving in and out. He moved slowly, waiting for my body to expand and accommodate his size.

I didn’t have much time to dwell on those uncomfortable sensations because Cindy returned to action. Mark had pulled my body upwards and he lifted my breasts up to her. She looked at him over my head and smiled broadly.

“Thank you, honey. Just my kind of treat,” she said.

Then, she
pushed them together and kissed both nipples as she inserted the large head of the fake penis in me. She swirled her tongue around my hard, aching nipples as Mark withdrew from my body. She bit down on them when he moved inside again until his crotch slapped against my butt cheeks. He closed his arms around both Cindy and me. She abandoned my breasts to kiss him. I threw my head back and reveled at the sensations inside me, then, I turned towards then and joined their wet kissing.

I moaned as Cindy found a sensitive spot inside me and hit it hard with the dildo. At the same time, Mark went as deep as he could go. His ragged breathing burned my neck. Her sweaty body slid up and down mine. I was sandwiched between these two heavenly bodies as t
hey found a rhythm to their movements. I was never totally full nor totally empty. When Mark withdrew from my back entrance, Cindy plunged inside my wet folds.

I reached behind me and cupped his balls, they were so tight I knew he was about to come. I felt Cindy’s thighs quiver against mine and her sex trembled each time she bumped into me. My inner walls had been tensing and relaxing for quite a while. I couldn’t hold it back any longer.

“I’m coming,” I whispered as I held her breast in one hand and squeezed Mark’s buttocks with another.

Apparently, they were just waiting for me to say it. Cindy’s body trembled from head to toe and she held on tight to me as she rode her ecstasy. She showered kisse
s all over my face, neck and chest. Then, she grabbed Mark’s shoulder for balance. His own body exploded inside me just as mine seemed to expand and contract a million times. He went on pumping his body in and out of me as he shouted out and squeezed his arms around us. I could hardly breathe but I also didn’t care. I was in another dimension where only bright colors and exploding sensations existed. My whole body had dissolved into thin air as I felt like floating up until I touched the skies. They were as dark blue as Cindy’s gaze. Then, I came tumbling down, falling fast through a lush forest as green as Mark’s eyes.

I thought I had died for a second or two
but my heart was beating so fast I knew I was alive. In fact, I had never felt more alive. I returned to the reality of our bodies laying together on the bed. Sated and sweaty. Limbs intertwined. I couldn’t tell where my body ended and Mark’s or Cindy’s started. He ran his fingers through my hair as she caressed my still throbbing flesh. I touched the hollow of her throat with the tip of my fingers. She moaned. Then, I turned around and kissed Mark’s swollen lips. I closed my eyes and slept instantly.


* * * *


I woke up to a delicious feeling – Mark’s mouth was on me as very soft hands played with my breasts. I opened my eyes to find Cindy lying beside me, her head resting on a hand.

“I can get used to this,” I said as I closed my eye
s again, stretched my hand and pulled her for a long, sensual kiss.

I feasted on her sweetness until we were both breathless while Mark kept exploring me with his hands and mouth.
Suddenly, she moved on her fours above my body, until she was beside Mark. Her knees were on either side of my shoulders, her head near his. She kissed his mouth, tasting me on his tongue, and wiggled her behind in my face. I grabbed her by her buttocks and pulled her down until I found what I was looking for. I pulled the little hard nub inside my mouth and sucked at it. She moaned and let go of Mark’s mouth to use her tongue on me. Just like they had done earlier, they found a rhythm to their kissing so that my throbbing folds and clitoris always had Cindy’s or Mark’s mouths, or both, on them. I arched my back and dug my fingers in her soft skin, increasing my assault on her body. This time, oblivion came fast and furious on me. For the first time in my life, I passed out – my body didn’t stand all the pleasure they gave me.

BOOK: Upside Down
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