Under the Open Sky (Montana Heritage Series) (24 page)

“No, but that was fun,” Amanda admitted.

“I don’t know, screaming fans might be fun,” Jenny joked. “Lots of cute, horny guys,” she cut her gaze to Trent.

Amanda laughed at her brother’s enraged expression.

“There was nothing funny about that,” Trent pinned his sister with a look.

“Yes, there was: your expression,” Amanda argued.

“Trent, they are intentionally pushing your buttons and you are playing right into their mischievous little hands,” Cade informed his friend on a chuckle.

“Hey, Jenny, wanna dance?” David asked. Someone had put a song on, no one having yet stepped forward to take Amanda and Jenny’s place.

“Sure,” Jenny agreed.

“Have fun,” Amanda called after her friend. “Come on,” she took Cade’s hand and pulled him toward the dance floor.

“Where are we going?” he queried of her.

“To dance,” she informed him as slid her arms around his neck.

“You’re going to get me in trouble, Manny,” he warned her.

“How’s that?” she wanted to know.

“Your brother is already plenty angry without me dancing with you,” he nodded to where her brother still stood, his expression dark.

“He’ll get over it,” she predicted.

“For my sake I hope so,” Cade smiled down at her.

“How’ve you been, Cade?”

“I’ve been busy but good,” he settled his arms more firmly around her.

“You meet any interesting women?” she asked with a teasing smile.

“Yeah, there’s one girl on campus that must have a piercing in every available facial surface. Multiple piercings in each ear, eyebrow, her nose, lip; I keep waiting for her to come back with something through one cheek.”

“Funny. That’s not what I meant and you know it,” she smiled up at him.

“I’ve been out a few times with a couple of girls but they were just into my looks,” he joked.

Amanda laughed, “I have
doubt of that.”

“I’ve missed you,” he admitted.

“I’ve missed you too.”

“You and Jenny keep life interesting, waiting to see what outrageous thing you two will come out with next.”

“See, I keep telling you that it just isn’t as interesting without you and Trent here to shock. We’re down right boring when you two are gone,” she informed him.

“You aren’t capable of downright boring, Manny. And I’m pretty sure that you and Jenny didn’t gain the nickname the Dynamic Duo by sitting on the sidelines; I suspect tonight’s performance wasn’t out of the norm for you,” he teased. “So what happened with you and Chris? When we left from Christmas break I figured you two would end up a couple, but it seems you started seeing someone else.”

“Chris is alright but I wasn’t feeling it. It seems the less I was feeling it the more he was. He about drove me crazy,” Amanda admitted.

“Playing hard to get, Manny?”

“No, just not all that into him. He seemed to think the way to spend an evening was making out. Trying to have a conversation with him was like trying to talk to a fence post!”

“So you ended up with great conversation guy?”

“Kevin. Sort of; we aren’t really a couple, we just go out some. He’s nice.”

“Nice? Usually that’s the kiss of death with a girl,” Cade mused.

“We’re not really all that romantic, does that sound odd?”

“It sounds like you’re good friends,” he told her.

Amanda nodded, “That’s probably true.”

“Your brother would love to hear you say that.”

“Do me a favor? Let him sweat it; it’s good for him,” she joked.

“You’re mean, Manny.”

“No, my brother is over protective.”

“He loves you.”

“Yeah, I know,” she smiled.

She glanced over to see if her brother was still glaring at them and frowned.

“What is my brother doing talking to her?” Amanda demanded.

“He’s been a little wild since Angie’s death; at least at school,” Cade admitted.

“And he lectures me?” Amanda frowned up at Cade.

“Only because he loves you.”

“What makes me better than the women he uses?” Amanda’s anger was rising.

“I didn’t say it was right, Manny; just telling you the truth,” Cade offered as an explanation.

“Excuse me, Cade,” Amanda ended their dance abruptly and made a bee line for her brother. She watched her brother lean in closer to Bianca Smiley and felt her anger rise.

“I need to talk to you,” she ordered her brother. Bianca was not someone she liked.

“Now?” her brother asked impatiently.

“Now,” Amanda insisted.

“Excuse me, Bianca,” Trent nodded to the young woman beside him. She and Trent had graduated together. The only thing she seemed to be doing since was men.

“What do you need?” Trent demanded.

“What are you doing with the likes of Bianca Smiley?” she demanded to know.

“Excuse me?”

“Bianca Smiley? Really? You yell at me for
a guy and you’re pursuing Bianca. Talk about hypocritical!” Amanda was steaming now.

“I was talking to her…”

“With Bianca that’s practically a guarantee to her bed. Don’t cheapen what you had with Angie with a slut like Bianca Smiley!” she yelled in his face. Her brother looked like he had been slapped. Amanda, digging her keys from her jacket pocket, shook her head in disgust and turned to storm away.

“You aren’t driving angry,” Cade caught her by her arm as she passed.

“I need to go,” Amanda insisted.

“Come on, let’s go outside where you can cool down,” Cade led her through the crowd and out the door. “You okay?” he asked after they were outside; Amanda leaned against her Jeep.


“Mandy, are you alright?” Jenny’s eyes were huge as she rushed their way.

“Give me a minute,” Amanda requested.

“Wow, I think the entire party heard you, music and all,” Jenny teased.

“She has a habit of calling people sluts and bimbos in their hearing. Never let be said she talks about people behind their back,” Cade teased her.

“I shouldn’t have lost my temper,” Amanda admitted. “I’m just tired of being lectured by him at every turn about my actions. It’s okay for him to make out in the barn with Angie or sleep with a slut but I’m bad if I kiss a guy? He claims that his relationship with Angie meant something, so I don’t see how could even entertain the thought of a woman like Bianca.”

“He’s a guy,” Jenny shrugged in resignation.

“Gee thanks,” Cade shot at her.

“You were the one making out in the barn with Miranda; you have no room to talk,” Amanda reminded him.

“Your barn sees a lot action doesn’t it?” Jenny joked.

Cade’s gaze snapped to Jenny and then Amanda. “Damn, Manny.”

Feeling some of the tension in her belly uncoil, Amanda snorted and laughed. “I didn’t tell her,” Amanda defended herself.

“I figured it out,” Jenny nodded; “I’m smart like that.”

“Oh man,” watching as Chris approached, Amanda groaned. She watched his gaze land on Cade; Chris’s steps faltered.

“He bothering you?” Cade wanted to know.

“His girlfriend dumped him,” she admitted on a sigh. She could tell he was debating whether he should join them or not.

The decision was made for him.

“What the hell was that, Amanda?!?” Trent was stalking her way now. He brushed past Chris to stop in front of his sister.

“I just don’t see how you could have a meaningful relationship with Angie and then settle for that,” Amanda explained.

Her brother seemed to deflate all at once.

“Women like Angie don’t come along every day, Mandy.”

“No, they don’t but don’t miss another Angie while you’re foolin’ around with a Bianca,” Amanda shot at him. To her consternation there were tears in her brother’s eyes.



Amanda was sad to see the summer come to an end. It had been too short and when it was all said and done she had seen too little of her brother and Cade. Her work schedule had not slowed and she had spent more weekends than not at work. Her one relief was that her father didn’t want her working this year, preferring instead that she concentrate on her senior year and graduating well. Little did she know that she would spend much of the year trying to juggle a suddenly insane social life. She and Jenny were as close as ever but Amanda seemed to gain a new male admirer every day. She accepted several dates, enjoying most but becoming frustrated with some when it became clear that the only thing they wanted from her was sex. She wasted no time putting them in their place. Seemingly content with their odd non-relationship, Jenny continued her on again, off again relationship with David.

As the holidays neared, Cade called to ask her father permission to remain at school for his job. He was making good money and earning some experience. Her father agreed and assured him that he could work for him over the summer, but that it wasn’t necessary over holidays. Amanda’s heart dropped at the news, but other than Jenny, she shared her disappointment with no one.

The holidays came and went; the Chinook winds shook the house, rattled the windows, and left Amanda feeling lonely despite her close friendship with Jenny and her ever revolving cast of dates. The Chinooks gave way to a late snow and finally spring. Trees started to bud and the streams thawed causing localized flooding. Her birthday arrived, different this year with her brother gone and her ability to drive. Things seemed to be perpetually changing at a pace that made Amanda’s head spin.

As her prom neared, Amanda found herself with several options for a date but excited about none. Had Kevin not gone to live with his grandparents when his parents went through a nasty divorce it would have been a no-brainer. She finally decided to accept Chris’s invitation; she might was well go with the best looking guy in school and have good photos, she finally decided in frustration. Jenny laughed at her reasoning.

When the night of her prom arrived, Amanda dressed carefully and admired the dress she had chosen. Amanda had chosen spaghetti strapped, fitted dress in a pale green. The top was beaded with a small ribbon beneath the bust and heavy smooth satin beneath that skimmed her curves to just below mid-thigh. After having her hair yanked and pulled into a complicated twist, she had returned home to do her makeup and dress. She now stood in front of the mirror and surveyed herself. She would be more excited if she’d had a date she was actually looking forward to, she mused.

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