Read Uncover Me Online

Authors: Chelle Bliss

Uncover Me (29 page)

“Yeah,” I replied, still unable to form thoughts. My body was coming down from the unbelievable orgasm that had almost decimated me.

“I’m not done with you yet.” He smiled, pushing his weight off me as he sat up.

When he held his hand out, I slid my palm against his. Still struggling to catch my breath, as he helped me sit up. He pressed his mouth to mine as I breathed him in, using his air as a means of survival. He nibbled on my lips, drawing them into his mouth. I grabbed his shoulders, digging my nails into his flesh before running them down his back. Pulling me closer as I crawled into his lap, he smashed his chest against mine. Holding my ass roughly in his hands sent tingles up my spine. I loved when he possessed me, making me feel owned. He released my mouth and grabbed me by the hips, draping my body over the back of the couch.

“Thomas!” I squeaked, wanting to face him when he entered me.

“Shhh, Angel,” he whispered, putting his mouth next to my ear, his hot breath cascading across my skin.

The couch dipped and bounced back before the sound of his zipper echoed through the living room. Looking over my shoulder, I watched as he removed his jeans and tossed them to the floor. His body was rock hard, his penis red and solid. He flexed his muscles, giving me a show. My face heated. My cheeks growing more flushed than they already were when he climbed back on the couch. Squeezing my eyes shut, I held my breath as he rubbed the head of his dick against my opening.

“You’re so wet,” he hissed, stroking the tip through my folds as he captured my wetness.

When he pushed down on my back with one hand, I melted into the couch, relaxing my body against the pillows. My breasts stuck out over the top, my ass was in the air. I felt exposed and ready.

Then he pushed his cock inside, filling me to the point of pain. I let my head fall forward and took what he wanted to give. As my body fused with his, he gripped my shoulder and hip, holding me in place as he pounded into me. Crying out, the pleasure heightened from my orgasm. I bit my lip to control the scream I felt bubbling from within.

I needed this. I wanted him. A week without him touching me as if he needed me to survive had left me feeling empty inside. With that feeling erased, I let myself get lost in the feel of him inside me. While he surrounded me with his touch, I pushed against him, tipping my head back and keeping my eyes open.

With one hand still on my hip, he dug his fingers into my hair and fisted the strands. Pulling my head back farther, I felt captured. My ass bounced off him while he jammed his dick inside me. I didn’t get a moment’s reprieve. Held to his body by my mane, I felt the tug each time he thrust my body against him to drive himself deeper. His hand gripped my hip more roughly, and he dug his fingernails into my flesh. The slight bite of pain kept my attention. My scalp ached, my pussy throbbed, and my body responded to the battering he was giving me. This is what I had been looking forward to since my rescue. He was touching me the way he used to.

I cried out, feeling another orgasm building inside me. Wanting to close my legs, I started to inch them together. Before I did, he stopped them. Releasing my hair, he brought his hand down hard on my ass.

“Hold still,” he growled, running his palm against the spot he’d just smacked.

Then his hand left my hip for a moment, pushing between my shoulder blades. Forcing my upper body farther over the couch and my ass higher in the air. His cock slipped out before the couch moved under my feet. Tapping at my heels made me inch my feet farther apart until I couldn’t open them anymore. Using my hands to keep my balance, I placed my feet flat on the floor.

His fingers raked through my wetness before rubbing against my asshole. Sucking in a breath, I felt the rough texture of his thumb against my opening. When he slammed his rock-hard shaft into me, his thumb slipped inside, sending a shock through my system.

“Oh!” I yelped, the quickness of his action catching me off guard.

“Jesus, I missed being inside you,” he bit out, hooking his thumb fully inside me.

“Fuck me, Thomas!” I cried out, the orgasm simmering under the surface.

“You’re mine, Angel. Only mine,” he said, driving deeper inside me with increasing force, battering my pussy.

With his thumb buried in my ass, I felt fuller than I had ever before. Maybe it was the week of his having been near but not touching me in a sexual way.

“Only yours,” I whispered, my face tingling with the blood pooling in my head.

While my body was tipped forward, I had the sensation of being choked without his fingers wrapped around my neck. It heightened my sensitivity as my vision began to blur.

My body lurched forward with each pound against my ass. His body began to shake, his breath ragged against my back, as his thrusts became erratic. Calling out my name, he squeezed my hip as he gave me three last thrusts before I fell over the edge with him. My pussy milked his cock, taking everything he had to give. My arms felt weak, quivering as I tried to hold up my weight and not tumble off the back of the couch.

As his body collapsed against mine, he wrapped his arms around my waist, stopping me from falling. Then he pressed his cheek against my spine, drawing in heavy breaths as his heartbeat reverberated through my back.

Adjusting himself on the couch, he pulled me into his lap, resting his chin on my shoulder. My back rested against his front, our hearts beating in rhythm as if speaking to one another.

“I love you, Angel,” he whispered, drawing in a shaky breath and splaying his hands across my stomach.

“Love you too, Thomas.” I smiled, looking over my shoulder at him.

“Give me a minute. I don’t think I can walk yet,” he said, his body twitching as an aftershock shot through him.

I giggled, tipping my head back and resting it against his face. “My entire body feels like jelly. I’m perfect right where I am.” Then I snuggled against him, wiggling my ass in his lap.

“Stop that or you’re going to make me hard again,” he said, sinking his teeth into my shoulder.

Warm in his arms, spent from the two orgasms, I melted into him and drifted to sleep.

Chapter 23

Watching Angel through the sliding glass doors, I smiled, knowing that she felt at ease in my parents’ house. She had easily become a member of the family, been welcomed into the fold, and seemed relaxed around everyone. Izzy had taken her under her wing, whether I liked the idea of not, and talked with Angel every day. They shared secrets, told stories, and giggled like high school girls, gossiping about everyone and everything.

Izzy had offered her a job at the tattoo shop as a receptionist, needing to give Mike a break from the paperwork. I thought it was a great idea, even though I wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on her. She assured me that she’d be fine, that she needed to be out amongst the people, and that Izzy would watch out for her.

I knew Angel could take care of herself. I felt overprotective of her, and it wasn’t out of jealousy, but worry for her safety. I’d almost lost her once, and I wasn’t looking to go through that experience anytime soon.

She was going to start working on Tuesday by learning the ropes, and then she’d slowly take over the day-to-day operations, including the books. I told Angel that, ultimately, I wanted her to work with James and me in our new business, but the choice would be hers.

Izzy and the others at Inked were way more fun than James and I could ever be, but I wanted her near me as much as possible. I wanted to be able to take a break each day and steal a kiss or taste her at every opportunity. Hopefully, once we were ready to start the business and had an office, the luster of Inked would be gone.

“Yo! You there?” James asked, drawing my attention away from Angel.

“Sorry. I spaced out for a second.” I rubbed my face, pulling at the corner of my eyes.

“As I was saying, we should be able to get everything off the ground in the next couple of weeks. We just need to find an office space in a central location.” James sipped his coffee, shaking his foot as he propped it on his knee. “Have any thoughts on where?”

I shook my head, still thinking about Angel and the free time I’d have in the coming weeks. It had felt like forever since I’d had absolutely nothing to do. It was good that we were starting this venture now, giving me something to focus my attention on instead of the void that would have been there.

“Closer to Tampa or a place near the beach. We could have the offices in Clearwater.”

“That would be close to us both, but it needs to be easily accessible for our clients.” He placed his coffee cup on the table and rubbed his chin between his fingers. “I’ll tell the real estate broker to focus on Clearwater and see what she comes up with.”

“We need to figure out a name so the accountant can get started on the incorporation paperwork as soon as possible,” I said, standing from the table and grabbing a cup from the cabinet.

“Hey, guys. How’s it going in here?” Pop asked as he entered the kitchen.

“Good, Pop. We’re trying to get shit ironed out for the business. We can’t figure out a good name.”

“Let me think. A name is crucial in the success of any business.”

“We know,” I replied, reaching for a second cup and filling them both.

“I’m partial to Caldo Investigations,” James chimed in from the table.

“I don’t want to use our names,” I said, glancing at my pop as he clutched the coffee in his hands and walked toward the table.

“Are you using ‘PI’ or ‘investigations’?” Pop sat down across from James.

“Either. We’re more concerned about the first half of the name.” I sat next to him. Sliding the cup against the table, I watched as the cream swirled, mixing into the dark coffee.

“Hmm,” Pop said, tapping the ceramic mug with his wedding ring.

“Torrid PI,” James blurted out, giving us both a huge smile.

“Nah,” I said, shaking my head and sighing.

“Confidentially Yours,” James said, his eyebrows moving toward his hairline as his smile grew wider.

“That sounds like a male escort service.”

“Yeah, not good,” Pop said, laughing. “But you’d probably get a lot of business.”

“Undercover Liaisons,” James tried again, his smile not as big this time.

“It’s a good play on words, but still seems like you’re male escorts.”

“I like that it sounds kinky. You’re such a killjoy, Thomas,” James said with a laugh.

“How about ICE PI?”

“Ice?” James asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

“Yeah. It stands for Investigate, Catch, and Enforce,” I replied, feeling proud of my name.

“That’s shitty,” James barked, breaking out into laughter and slapping the table.

“Yeah, ’cause Confidentially Yours was so fucking fantastic.” I glared at him, watching his laughter fade.

“You two give me a headache,” Pop interrupted, shaking his head. “All the names are good. Just pick one.”

“We should ask the girls,” James said, tipping his chin toward the sliding glass door and all the Gallo women.

“Did you forget the night Angel and Izzy started coming up with names? Let’s just figure the shit out without their input.”

“Let’s just use ICE, but I’m not sold on the investigate, catch, and enforce.” He stroked his chin, running his finger across his lip.

“Give it some time and see if you two don’t come up with something better. It’s a solid name, though,” Pop said, standing from the table as he grabbed his mug.

“What’s going on in here?” Joe asked as he walked in the room with his arm around Suzy.

“We’re just talking business,” I said, giving Suzy a smile as she rubbed her stomach.

“I’m so hungry. Oh my God.” She looked around the room, her eyes catching the pie on the counter. “Ooh, pie. I want a piece, baby.”

“I don’t know where you put it all,” James said, stretching out his legs and putting his hands behind his head.

“I swear to God this baby is going to be fifteen pounds. I’ve never been so hungry in my life.”

“I can vouch for that.” Joe laughed, kissing the top of her head.

“You eat as much as you want to, dear girl,” Pop said, grabbing a knife from the drawer.

Just as Pop stuck the knife in the pie, the sliding glass door opened.

“Are you touching the pie?” Ma asked, looking over at my pop.

“Suzy wanted a slice,” he declared. Apple pie was his kryptonite, and my mother had known it when she’d set it out to torture him.

“I’ll cut the pie before you turn it into a fruit bake with crumb topping.” She laid her hand over his, stopping him from finishing the job.

“Anything you want, love.” Pop smiled at her, moving his hand away from the knife.

“Who wants pie?” Ma yelled out, waiting for a response. She didn’t really need to ask; everyone wanted her apple pie. No one ever turned down her baking.

The family slowly filed into the kitchen, waiting their turn for a slice. Suzy was given the first piece—and the biggest, which didn’t escape Anthony’s notice.

“Why does she always get the biggest piece, Ma?” he asked, staring down at his sliver. “Shit is so unfair.”

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