Unbreakable (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 2) (3 page)


She wet a few paper towels and cleaned off her face before she went to look at the menus that were still on the table. The Mexican Cantina brochure looked festive and delicious so she slid that one away from the pack. When he came over to look at it, he put the others in the drawer and then led her to his bedroom.


“I thought we were going to eat.” She’d gotten a good taste of him, and now she wanted to eat and sleep. This day had so many ups and downs she felt like she was getting nauseated, but he was leading her to a room with a bed in it and not kicking her out into the street, so she’d better not complain.


“Well, we are going to eat. You got your snack before dinner, so I want to get mine as well.” He led her toward the bed and started taking off her clothes. She was happy that he was doing most of the work for this one, because she felt like all the starch had been taken out of her, leaving her limp and tired.


He was quick with her clothes and had her naked on the bed with her thighs spread apart. Tyson was between her legs and kissing her inner thigh before she could even think about how great it was that he wanted to return the favor. Nuzzling the closed lips of her pussy, she knew that after this, she wasn’t going to be able to stop the sand man from taking her to sleep after this, but she didn’t want to be as non-responsive as he’d been when she tried to get intimate with him in the kitchen. She lifted her head to get a look at the sexy man whose face was framed by her thighs, but he pushed her back down with a hand on her chest.


“Just lay there and relax. I’ll take care of you. Did you think I was going to squirt all over you and not get you off?” He said between kisses and licks at her most responsive spot. She wasn’t sure if he wanted an answer, but she didn’t have one for him. Thank goodness he didn’t seem to mind as he went back to taking care of her without an answer.


She loved the way his voice sounded in the dim room. It was soothing and arousing, but the soothing was winning right now… until he opened up the pedals of her pussy and licked her the same way she’d done to him in the kitchen. The only thing was that she enjoyed his slow licks and sucks. He knew how to build up her excitement with his mouth.


The moan that came from her lips couldn’t be contained, and she didn’t even try. His firm, wet tongue was well versed in the language of her body, and she wanted more. He didn’t wait for her to ask though; he just went right for the gusto, sucking her clit into his mouth and lapping up the juices he was creating with his ministrations. She couldn’t help but hold on to his head and hold him where he was while she humped his face. It was like she couldn’t get close enough to him, and her orgasm was just beyond where she was now. When he clamped his teeth around her clit and softly pulsed, she could feel her body tipping over the edge.


“That’s it, Ella, give it up for me.” Her body was wound up, and his deep voice was the equivalent of a push. It sent her right over the edge as her body contracted and released a few good times. It was going to be hard to open her eyes, but she was going to do it… in just one minute.





It wasn’t easy to leave the woman who had him so twisted up he could barely decipher up from down, but he knew she was emotionally drained. Did he want to slide his hard cock into that tasty pussy he’d just coaxed to come in his mouth? Yes, but he knew she needed sleep, and he didn’t have the heart to wake her up. She’d burst spectacularly and then drifted right to sleep.


Getting up, he situated her in the bed so she was laying with a pillow under her head and underneath a few blankets. She snuggled into it as if she’d not slept in a week.


He was no longer as mad at her as he was before, so she should be happy, not that he was going to tell her that. If she would have been more manipulative, it would have been easy to nut in her face and be done with the whole damn thing. She just wanted him to look at her while she loved him with her mouth. He could feel she was sincerely sorry, but he still didn’t know if he could just let all that go. Tyson wasn’t a “get into your feelings” type of guy. Taking people as he saw them was the easiest way to separate the good from the bad, but she didn’t really fit in either category… or she fit in both. His best option would be to get something for both of them to eat so that when she woke up they could fill their bellies while they discussed what they should do next. She was a part of this now, and he hoped she understood that, although he couldn’t really tie down what that really meant for either of them.


The menu she’d picked was one of his favorites, and he skimmed it to find something that they’d both liked.


The phone rang right as he was getting ready to place the order, and it didn’t give him a chance to look at who it was before he picked up. He thought about just hanging the damn thing up, but whoever it was had his number so he’d hear them out.


“Tyson?” Bruce, his old friend from The Highway Reapers Bike Club, had surprised him with a call.
Fuck. Now this bastard was calling him on his cell phone?
wasn’t typical. They chased, you ran, and it continued until you were caught. They weren’t ones to deviate from the plan.


“Yeah?” he answered warily. He should probably hang up in case they were trying to locate him by his phone, but he wanted to know what he was going to say. This was the first time he’d called him, so something must have changed or they had new information and he needed to find out what they knew.


“I don’t know if you figured this out but the cute little piece of pussy was sent to you by your friends The Reapers.” Bruce was probably trying to separate the ranks or just see what he would think of the crude way he was referring to her. He decided not to address that at all.


“She told me.”


“Yeah. We figured, and I’m sure you know just how much we like that.” Bruce didn’t mince words – he never had – so that made Tyson think that he was going to get to the meat of this conversation quickly.


“I can’t imagine you are as fond of her as you used to be,” Bruce said. Tyson didn’t know what was going on, but he’d give him just under 5 minutes to get to the point in case they were trying to locate him. “How about this? We will give you an extension for 60 more days, we’ll go down to the amount you owed before we put all the late fees on, and we’ll put you in good standing as of right now. No more people following you or trying to pick you up.”


“That’s quite a generous offer. What’s that catch?” Tyson knew what he was going to say before the words reached his ears.


“No catch. You just need to hand over the girl.”


“What?” Tyson thought he knew what Bruce was going to say, but he’d been wrong. He hadn’t been out of the game for that long, but he didn’t remember them playing that hard with females that had done them wrong in the past. “What do you want her for?”


“We’ve been doing more and more business with females, and it looks like one might need to be made an example. She seems like the perfect one to make it.” Bruce didn’t sound like he cared either way, but Tyson was shocked at how revolted he was by the mere suggestion of turning her over to this group of thugs. It was something he would have to consider because he could use an extension, but at what cost?


“Why do you think I’d turn her over to you?” Tyson bluffed a bit just to see how well Bruce thought he knew him.


“To save your ass.”


“That’s mighty funny coming from a guy who couldn’t find me on his best day… and used bait to help him. I got your bait and made her switch sides.” Tyson didn’t like to be cocky, but this bullshit had to cease. He refused to be blackmailed by people he knew liked to play games.


“Alright. I’m just in a bit of a bind. First you and now her… all of this is making me look bad. You’ve gotta help me out here.”


“Why do you think I feel obligated to help you out?” Tyson was close to the 5 minute mark, and he could see how he was getting pulled into this bullshit story. “On the other hand, never mind. I can’t help you.” Tyson hung up when his phone said 4 minutes 55 seconds.


Bruce: I wasn’t trying to locate you I just wanted your help. I’m going to be on the run if I can’t find that girl. I’m in deeper than the fiasco with you. I’m going to be at The Flamingo Rose tomorrow night. Come share a drink with me for old times’ sake. No one but us.  I have to get a few things off my chest.


Tyson didn’t want to get involved in this, but thinking about Bruce and his family made him soften up a little, so he texted back:


I’ll think about it


Bruce: I’ll be there around 7AM – no tricks or games you know I’m good for it if I tell you that. I hope to see you there.


What a fucking dilemma this was. He had a person from his past who – until recently – wanted to end his future and a person in his present whose past he was unsure of. What he needed to do was get the hell out of town and let them all work this out without him, but how could he turn her in to these ruthless men when she had gone out of her way to save him? He couldn’t, but maybe he could share a meal with an ex friend in an open place and hope he could get him off Ella’s scent for a bit. There had to be something she could do to negate their trumped up charges.


He ordered the four Enchiladas, two smothered burritos, and six steak tacos hoping that the large amounts of food would be enough to fill her stomach. He still remembered she’d eaten more than a whole pizza by herself. She was small and cute, but she could pack it away like no one he’d ever seen before.


Sitting in the living room that was bare of anything that wasn’t non-essential, he took a minute to clear his mind. There was one couch, one television, and emptiness, because he’d never meant to live here. It was his just-in-case apartment that held his money and trinkets, and he was glad he had it. His mind whirled with thoughts of his current situation and how to get out of it, but there were beginning to be too many players and circumstances in the game. If Bruce could be trusted, and Tyson believed he could be, an extension and a clear name was a one of a kind deal that wouldn’t be offered again.


Tyson must have nodded off because the knock at the door startled him and had him reaching for his weapon, but he remembered where he was and that he was expecting someone. That didn’t stop him from cautiously looking out the window to check who was there before he opened it. The Hispanic man on the other side of the window nodded with his head as his hands were loaded down with food.


It had only been an hour since he’d knocked out the woman who confused his thoughts and made this at one time decisive man, indecisive. He wasn’t any closer to a firm decision than he was when he sat on the thick, soft corduroy couch an hour ago. Not liking how this made him feel or the way he kept looking at the door of the bedroom that he closed after he left, Tyson began taking the food out of the restaurant bags. Either the smell of the food or his strong thoughts had brought Ella from the bedroom looking rumpled and cute. Cute?
What the hell was the matter with him?


“I smell you got food,” she said, and he could tell that her nervousness was back. He wanted to relieve that for her, but he didn’t think he was going to be able to right now because he wasn’t sure what the next step was. He didn’t think he’d come to any conclusions yet about her, but he knew there was something about her that made him not want this to be over. It was probably just her pussy, but he thought he’d keep her around until he knew for sure.


“Thought you said something about eating before you went to bed,” he said still not wanting to look at her this close especially when she looked like sex personified. He wasn’t as mad as he was before, and it was possible that he was even working up to a bit of understanding. That said, it could be possible that she was up to something else. That was the trouble with honesty – when you found out someone has been less than honest, you wondered what else they had up their sleeve.


“Points for not admitting that you rocked my world and put me to sleep.”


“In this game, I’ll take all the points I can get,” he answered honestly.


She went to the kitchen and rummaged around until she found some paper plates. They loaded up their plates in silence and sat together to eat.


“I know you have questions, Tyson, and I’m happy to give you answers.”


She must have been serious because she wasn’t eating as much as he’d seen her eat, and she looked pensive throughout the meal.


“You are a very complex person, and it’s hard to get a grip on what’s going on with you. You found me in a bar and by coincidence I just happen to be the person someone was going to pay you thousands of dollars to find.” He looked at her now to see if he thought she was telling the truth or if she was just a great con woman.


“That does sound unbelievable, and I can see why you are having issues with me not being honest from the start. If you would have told me your real name from the start, it would have been a different story.”


“So you’re saying that this is all my fault?”


“I’m not saying that, but you weren’t very forthcoming with your name, and that would have made a big difference in how I treated you. The other thing is…” Ella took a deep breath and started again. “I told you that I’d just gotten out of prison and I couldn’t find a job, but I didn’t tell you that it was partially the fault of the Highway Reapers that put me there.”


She’d mentioned some of this, but he didn’t find it as important then as he did now.


“I had been going through some things and decided to score a small bag of cocaine to escape life for a while. Little did I know, the Reapers were being followed by the police, and a bust was made when I bought from them. What I didn’t know was the guy who sold me the stuff put his stash in my purse and then said I was selling to him.” Ella looked pissed as though the situation had just happened, and he couldn’t blame her.


“The police believed that?”


“I don’t know if they believed it or not, but I had the stuff in my purse and possession is 9/10
of the law, or so I was told.” She moved her food around on her plate and took a few bites every once in a while, but she definitely wasn’t eating like she usually did.


“Why did you work with them again?” He wondered why she would put so much faith in the group that had done her dirty.


“I couldn’t find a job, and I had run out of the money I’d gotten from a friend inside. The money wasn’t something I thought I could pass up, but when you told me who you really were, I knew I wouldn’t be able to turn you in.” She didn’t look at him when she said this, and the sorrow that shined through in her posture made him believe what she was saying.


“Did you want to?” He asked wondering why he wanted her to say something negative. Maybe so he wouldn’t feel too bad if he had to do it to her to save his own neck.”


“When they first offered me the assignment, I wasn’t sure I wanted any parts of it. During my time in prison, I decided I was going to go the straight and narrow. I wasn’t going to do any drugs or get into any trouble, but I tried all the usual ways to get employment, and it’s nearly impossible.”


She looked at him after staring at her plate during her speech, and her bright shiny eyes were a testament to how she felt about what she was saying.


“I didn’t think about it, really, they gave me the name, the name of a few places where they thought you might hang out, and a general description. What they should have given me was a picture, but hindsight is 20/20.” She let out a big breath as if what she said took everything she had, and he still didn’t know what to do about his situation.

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