Twisted Mind (Chequered Flag #2) (22 page)

BOOK: Twisted Mind (Chequered Flag #2)
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“I love you, Taz.” He pressed his lips to mine harder. “I don’t know where I’d be right now if I hadn’t met you. I know I’d be worse off.”

I kissed him back, holding him in place by the back of his neck. Rather than speak the words immediately I threw all of my feelings into the kiss, refusing to part until we were both in desperate need of air.

“I love you too, Dustin.”

He forced me onto my back to hold himself over me and I framed his face with my hands. “You’ve healed me without me realising it was what I needed, and I don’t want to consider a future without you.”

He bit down on my thumb gently then kissed my palm. “You healed me first with those happy macarons.” He locked our fingers together and held them above my head while he supported himself on his other arm. He lowered his mouth to mine, and our lips were about to touch when someone knocked on the door.

I jumped at the noise and Dustin chuckled. The sound was musical and relaxed, so different from how he had been earlier.

“Ignore it, they’ll go away,” Dustin murmured, closing the gap between us to trail his lips over my jaw. Each kiss added more flames to the growing fire in my stomach.

The knock came again, more insistent this time.

“I don’t think they’re going to leave,” I whispered against him.

As if to prove my point they knocked again and a man’s voice called out, “Dustin?”

Dustin rested his forehead against my shoulder. “My brother has the worst timing in the world.”

“Oh shit. I said I’d text Raine if I found you.”

He kissed the nape of my neck, already pulling away from me. “You’re telling me all of this could have been avoided?”

“It’s not my fault
distracted me. When was I meant to remember? Between orgasm one and four? I couldn’t remember my name, let alone your brother’s fiancée.”

He smirked. “You couldn’t remember your name?”

I pushed him off me. “Go answer the door before your head gets any bigger.”

“It’s not my head that’s getting bigger, babe.” He ground his hips against me and I stifled a moan. Attempting to appear serious and knowing I failed miserably I pointed at the door.

Once he’d slipped off the bed, pulled on his boxers, and was halfway towards the door, I headed into the bathroom to find a robe. I didn’t want to be lying naked in bed when Teo and Raine entered the room.

Voices in the bedroom filtered through into the bathroom. I smoothed my hair and attempted to fix my make-up. Without time it was a hard task to get rid of the ‘just fucked’ look I had going on.

With a sigh I gave up and exited the bathroom, realising there wasn’t much I could do about my appearance. Considering our clothes remained strewn across the room, the bed messed, and we were both nearly naked, nobody could miss what had been happening.

“I’m fine, guys. Really,” Dustin insisted when Teo and Raine continued to eye him with suspicion. “Go and enjoy your night. Taz is taking care of me. You don’t need to worry.”

“Yeah, we can see that.” Teo’s lips quirked as he took in the room. When he met my gaze I flushed. I drew the robe tighter around my body and sidled up beside Dustin.

Noticing my discomfort, Dustin took my hand and brought it up to his lips to place kisses over my knuckles. It did little to calm me or ease my embarrassment, if anything my blush deepened.

“Sorry, Raine. I forgot all about texting you.”

“It’s my fault,” Dustin said, “I kind of pounced on her as soon as she walked through the door. I didn’t know you were all searching for me.”

I snapped my head to stare at Dustin incredulously. I couldn’t believe he’d said that to his brother and best friend.

“Well, we’ll let you get back to…whatever you were doing. See you on the flight home.” Teo draped an arm around Raine’s shoulders to guide her from the room. As soon as the door clicked shut behind them Dustin spun me to him and his arms circled my waist. He drew me against him, the hunger in his eyes returning with a vengeance.

“I think we should take his advice.”









Chapter Thirty






I hadn’t expected to tell Taz I loved her over the weekend. In fact, the first time I had admitted it even to myself had been when I left her in the garage with Anthony. As I’d lain in bed with her though, I knew it had been right. It wasn’t the sex talking, although seeing her writhe beneath me only helped solidify the thought that she was it for me.

After everything she’d done for me, I couldn’t hold it back any longer. Elora’s admission, whilst painful, partly released me from the past. Although a shock, it didn’t feel like before. This time the change in me was positive. I no longer felt tied to Elora or what could have been. As if someone had cut the string on a helium balloon, I now drifted towards a future where Tazia was the only option for me.

Since we’d arrived back in the UK I had no intention of letting her out of my sight either. Not until Anthony had the results back from his friend in the lab on the notes Tazia received. It hadn’t been until Elora left that I registered her dig at Taz, but I stuck with Anthony’s plan and forced myself not to go asking questions. Now we were home, it was all I could think about.

“Pull my keys out of my pocket will you, babe?” I didn’t want to let her go for even a second.

Taz dipped her hand into my front pocket, and I was sure she stroked my dick on purpose. It stood to attention under her touch then Taz removed her hand and opened the door to my flat, leaving me disappointed.

The head appearing over the back of my sofa drew a squeal from Tazia. She leaped behind me, poking her head out to peek around my arm. If I hadn’t been tense myself I would have laughed at the over the top reaction. With where my thoughts had been, Nadine’s appearance scared the shit out of me.

As the only other person who had helped me care for Raine when her life went to hell, we’d grown close so that I thought of her as more than just ‘Raine’s friend’. While we were all in Abu Dhabi, I had trusted her to look after Michael and Ralf.

“Sorry, Dustin. I didn’t know you weren’t going to be alone. I wanted to say hey and that there were no problems. I fed them half an hour ago too.”

“Hey, Nadine. Don’t worry about it. This is my girlfriend, Tazia.”

I couldn’t contain my grin at finally being able to say it out loud to another person.

The girls smiled at each other and Nadine picked up her bag. “I’ll get out of your hair. Let me know if you ever need me to watch them again.”

Nadine gave me a quick one armed hug and whispered, “She’s pretty. I approve.”

With a chuckle I hugged her back. “Wasn’t looking for it, but nice to know. Thanks again for feeding the seahorses.”

Once we were alone I focused on Tazia. I had expected her to say something to Nadine, yet all she’d done was move over to the tank to study Michael and Ralf.

“Want to tell me what has you so spooked, babe?” I rested my chin on her shoulder. “Or do I have to start guessing?”

“I don’t think you’ll need many guesses. It’s probably the same thing that has you scouring the corridors and not letting go of me since we walked into the building.”

I forced a laugh. “You noticed, huh?”

“It’s not like you were subtle about it.”

“We’ll find whoever’s doing this, all right? I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ve seen what this kind of shit did to my brother’s relationship. No way in hell is someone coming after you to get to me.”

“Is that what you think this is?”

What was I meant to say? I had no idea what was going on. All I based my assumption on was Aston’s vendetta against Raine because of Teo. It sounded egotistical to even speak it, but why else would someone go after Taz? She wasn’t a person who appeared to have enemies. Even the situation with Max had turned out to be something totally different than what I had thought so it had to be connected to me somehow.

“I don’t know, Taz. I wish I could give you an answer, but I can’t. We’ll get them though, okay?”

She sank back against me with a yawn. “I know, I trust you.”

My heart swelled at her words. To hear her putting so much faith in me was surprisingly moving. What worried me, however, was that maybe she put
much faith in me. My schedule was booked solid for the next few weeks to learn the ropes with Sabre. I had a few photo shoots coming up and they wanted me gaining experience with the car as soon as possible. All of that would take me away from Tazia a lot.

“What would you say to me hiring someone?” I knocked her legs out from beneath her and carried Tazia back over to the sofa bridal style. When I’d settled her on my lap she regarded me suspiciously.

“Hiring someone to do what?”

“A bodyguard of sorts. Someone to watch out for you when I’m not around.”

Her nose crinkled in annoyance. “I don’t want someone following me around, Dustin. I think you’re going overboard.”

“It would only be until we find out who’s doing this.”

Tazia shook her head defiantly. “I don’t like it. I don’t want to be followed around. It’s not like I go anywhere besides work and I’m around people all of the time there.”

I blew out a frustrated breath. “Even if it would put my mind at rest?”

“I said no. It’s not worrying me enough to warrant that, and how would I explain it to everyone?” She crossed her arms.

I knew when I was fighting a losing battle. For a split second I considered going against her wishes and hiring someone behind her back. However, I really didn’t want to misplace the trust she’d put in me. We were both finally in a good place, and I couldn’t bring myself to jeopardise it.

“Okay, I won’t. What do you want to do for the rest of the day then?”

She considered my question for a minute. “I want to bake.”


* * *


Two hours later I sat in Tazia’s kitchen while she piped whipped cream on top of the black forest gateau we’d made.

Well, when I say ‘we’, I meant Tazia did majority of the work. The most she allowed me to do was cover cherries in chocolate so I spent the rest of the time distracting her by covering her in chocolate so I could lick it off.

She huffed and puffed at my antics, but her eyes always gave her away. She enjoyed the attention as much as I enjoyed giving her it.

“You know, I can think of a lot better places to put that cream.” I plucked a cherry off its stalk with my teeth.

Tazia glanced up at me but said nothing. She resumed covering the sides of the cake with a steady hand.

“Really? You’re not even slightly interested?” I stepped behind her, bracing my arms on the counter to trap her in. I pressed my body into hers, rolling my hips, and Tazia’s hands shook. The line she had been piping wobbled. I lowered my lips to her ear. “I’ll tell you anyway.”

“Dustin.” My name slipped from her lips in a husky protest, the growl she’d intended dampened.

“First I’d start at your mouth.” I raised a hand, my finger brushing over her bottom lip. “Then I’d move down here.” I trailed my finger over her throat and felt her swallow beneath my touch. “I would then circle these.” I covered her breasts with my hands, flicking my thumb over her nipples to feel them harden to pebbles.

Tazia gasped and this time the line she’d been piping slipped right across the cake.

I chuckled in her ear. “Do you want that, babe? To feel my lips sucking it all off?”

Tazia spun, her nose barely inches from mine and her body pressed against me.

She gazed at me salaciously. “I’d rather play my game.”

“What’s your game?”

Taz stretched up onto her tiptoes and dropped her voice to a sultry murmur. “It involves your cock, this cream, and my mouth.”

A jolt of pleasure shot straight to my dick. It leapt in my jeans, straining even further against the denim. I hadn’t thought it possible to become harder.

I grabbed Tazia by the ass, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around me with a giggle as I carried her to her bedroom, the cream still in her hands. “Did my game win?”

“Your game wins every fucking time, babe.”















I hadn’t been able to quit humming to myself in happiness throughout work the next day. It didn’t help I’d been filling various pastries with whipped cream either. Every cake sent my mind soaring straight back to the gutter as images of what I had done to Dustin the day before consumed me. Even while I walked home I couldn’t stop grinning.

I loved flipping the tables on Dustin. He thought he was the only one who could tease with his words and I’d never tire of proving him wrong.

I did still have to finish that gateau though. For obvious reasons baking had ended up as the last thing on my mind.

Regardless, it would have to wait another day since I’d agreed to meet Dustin at his photo shoot. They were doing something for next year’s line-up and had all of the Formula One drivers there. Dustin had left telling me he was taking me out for dinner tonight and who was I to argue with that? Between one thing and another we still hadn’t gone on a proper date.

I froze the moment I stepped into my flat.

My heart missed a beat then took off racing.

I felt lightheaded as I stared at the white envelope on the floor.

I slammed the door shut behind me, making sure it locked, and pulled out my phone. Reaching for the envelope with a trembling hand, I forced myself to pick it up.

My legs buckled the second I reached the sofa and I collapsed on it. I peeled back the envelope holding my breath.

There was no card this time, only a single sheet of lined paper folded in half. The perforated holes at the side showed it had clearly been torn from a notepad, but I was only stalling the inevitable by studying it.

I closed my eyes and unfolded it.

I had to dare myself to crack an eye open and peer down at the words.


I warned you not to get attached.


I threw the note to the table, wanting to physically distance myself from it. Picking up my mobile from my lap I dialled Dustin’s number immediately.

It rang.

And rang.

And rang.

Cursing, I hung up when it went to voicemail. I dialled him again seconds later, only to get the same response.

“Damn it!” I shouted, hanging up for the third time.

Figuring he’d check his phone at some point, I sent him a text.


Me: I need you to pick me up.


Despite my refusal of a bodyguard, I wasn’t stupid. Dustin probably thought I didn’t take things seriously, but no one would make me leave my flat without Dustin after that note. I knew when and when not to be cautious, and this was one of those times I had to be.

As soon as Dustin arrived he would understand. He’d want me texting him over risking going out alone.

With a determined huff I pushed off the chair and strode into my bathroom to get ready, not willing to allow anyone to derail my evening with Dustin.


* * *


I was dancing around to the radio in my towel and applying my make-up when someone knocked on my door. The sound was faint over the music the first time and I thought I’d misheard. Then it came a second time, louder.

Hurrying through the flat, I clutched the towel to my chest and peered through the peep hole, expecting to see Dustin on the other side. When I found Perry I paused and glanced down at my lack of clothing.

“Hang on, Perry.”

I hurried into my bedroom, throwing on the first outfit I saw—which happened to be the dress I’d picked out to wear that evening.

Returning to the door I cracked it open and poked my head through the gap. “Hey.”

He had his back to me and spun at my voice. “Hi. Sorry to bother you, Tazia, but I have my gran upstairs and I can’t leave her to run out to the store. You don’t happen to have any milk do you? I’m out and she’s going to drive me crazy if she doesn’t get her tea.”

“Oh, yeah, sure. Hang on a second. Does a cup work or do you need more?” I called over my shoulder.

“A cup will be fine. Thanks.” The door clicked shut as I reached into my fridge. “You look very dressed up. Are you going anywhere nice?”

I set the bottle on the table and searched for a jug. “Dustin’s taking me out for dinner. It’s kind of our first official date.” Walking back over to him I held out the jug. “Here you go.”

Perry’s eyes dipped between the jug and my face. His sinister expression had an unease settling in my stomach.

“Oh, Tazia. You didn’t really believe I wanted milk did you?”

I stepped back, fear chilling my body even at the speed at which my blood pumped through my veins.

Perry glanced over at the table and his grin grew wider. “You got my note then.”

“That was you?” I sidestepped in the direction of the sofa, my phone appearing in the corner of my eye.

Perry mirrored my movements. When he moved to close the distance between us I threw the jug at him and lunged for the phone. My fingers grazed the back, but Perry got there quicker.

He grabbed hold of my wrist and within a split second pulled it up behind my back to the point I had to stand on tiptoes to prevent it breaking. In my peripheral I saw Perry reach for the phone with his free hand.

“Can’t have you calling Coates now, can we?” His breath swept over my ear and sent a shiver snaking down my spine.

“What do you want, Perry?”

“I thought it was obvious. I want you, and I don’t like other people touching my property, especially Coates. I saw you first. I
see them before him, yet he still ends up with the girls.”

I counted to ten in my head, desperately trying to keep my cool.

“What time were you meeting Coates?”

“Not for a few hours.” I lied, hoping it would placate Perry and give Dustin time to get to me. He should have been leaving the studio any minute now.

I could hold out that long.

I had to.

BOOK: Twisted Mind (Chequered Flag #2)
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