Read Twelfth Moon Online

Authors: Lori Villarreal

Twelfth Moon (26 page)

He slumped over her, his weight a welcome sensation as it pressed her deeper into the mattress. One hand tangled in her hair, his fingers toying with the curls. Just as he’d come home to her, Cadence felt as though she was home while in his arms. She would never let him go. Whatever it took, she vowed, she would find a way for them to be together.

“That was…,” Cadence said breathlessly.


They lay there for so long, she wondered if Jonah had fallen asleep. But then he stirred, lifted himself off her, and settled at her side, one arm flung over his head. “I want you to meet my family.”

Oh dear.




JONAH WAS MISSING from her bed. Cadence sat up, the quilt dropping, revealing her bare breasts to the cool air. Shivering slightly, she scanned the room. The darkness of night was fading with the coming of dawn, allowing her just enough light to see. Her gaze quickly found him, in panther form, sleeping on the floor next to the bed. Her heart went out to him. He hadn’t been able to prevent himself from shifting and rather than disturb her, he’d moved to the floor.

Still feeling sleepy and deliciously sated from the night’s wild love-making, she slid her legs over the edge of the mattress and dropped to her knees beside Jonah. She snuggled closer to his soft fur, his warmth taking away the chill on her naked skin. He stirred only long enough to sniff her hair, then with a deep sigh, went back to sleep.

The next thing Cadence became aware of was the sensation of something rough and wet stroking her cheek. She opened her eyes to the early morning sun brightening the room and met Jonah’s unblinking silvery gaze, made all the more striking framed by the inkiness of his black fur. “Did you just lick me?”

He nodded his large head, and then winked.

Cadence let out a short burst of laughter. “You’re a rogue no matter what form you’re in.”

Jonah snorted softly, and then nuzzled her neck, forcing her onto her back. With liquid grace, he rose on all fours and, starting at her feet, slowly stalked up her body. His intense gaze held her immobile, each massive paw placed with care on either side of her as he moved.

She was breathless, waiting to see what he would do. Then as he dipped his head and licked one breast, she gasped, arching her back. Her heart hammered in her chest as his hot, wet, rough tongue glided languorously over her nipple, hardening it to a rigid point.

Cadence had never experienced anything like this. To be lying naked, the cool floor at her back, with the heat of a very large panther covering her front – doing wicked things to her.

Her gaze flicked downward and she gasped again.

There was a very large, extremely
panther hovering over her. His penis extended outward from his body, red and thick and glistening. She became a little alarmed, wondering if he intended to…

As though reading her thoughts, he backed away from her and settled at her side with a loud sigh.

She sat up once more, feeling a little breathless. She wondered what it would be like to mate with him while they were both in panther form. The idea of such a wild, primal coupling heated her blood, making her skin feel flushed and tingly. She had to force her thoughts back to the present. “You need to shift to your human form.” Her voice came out as a husky rasp.

Jonah simply stared at her. Had he guessed what she’d been thinking about? No…there was no way. She swallowed. “We’ll go to my family’s cabin in the woods where we won’t be disturbed. I’ll teach you how to be a panther.” She stood then, and began dressing, Jonah’s sharp gaze watching her every move.

She chose a simple, light blue gown that buttoned up the front. The family had decided a long time ago that there was no need for a personal maid. Considering their secret, they felt it was best to keep the number of servants to a minimum. She and her sisters were able to dress themselves, and had become quite expert in the latest hairstyles.

It amazed her how comfortable she felt walking around naked, performing such personal tasks in front of him. But then, he was a panther at the moment, not the large, handsome, virile man he was in human form.

When she finished, she sat on the bed, facing him. She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. “The feeling begins here.” She placed her fist on a spot just above her stomach. “Imagine yourself in your human form. Compact that thought into a tight ball until it takes hold.”

Cadence waited until she was sure he understood. “Now close your eyes.”

When he complied, she spoke softly. “Let it spread outward, to your arms, your legs, your head. It feels like a tickle at first, and then there’s a pulling sensation.”

Holding her breath, Cadence watched as Jonah’s transformation happened almost instantly, the panther melting away, to be simultaneously replaced by his human body.

There he was, kneeling before her – beautiful, naked – hers.

The sight of all that bare bronzed skin, rocky muscles, long legs, and what lay nestled so blatantly between them, heated the blood in her veins, making her breathless. Cadence wanted to tear off her clothes and rub herself against him, to feel him enter her with his male hardness. She swallowed audibly, forcing herself to calm down. They had things to do.

She cleared her throat. “Very good. You accomplished that fairly quickly.”

“Yes.” The fire in his eyes told her he knew what she’d been thinking. “The tricky part is holding my human form. I don’t seem to be able to do it for very long.”

“You will with practice.” He was staring at her so intently, she had to ask, “What is it?”

“This is the first time I’ve seen you in a dress. You’re so beautiful.”

Cadence did something she rarely did. She blushed at his compliment. In the past, she’d been immune to the flowery words given by the occasional admirer. But coming from Jonah, it made her heart sigh with pleasure. She grinned. “I think I need to find you some clothes before I ravish you.”

“You may do so any time you wish, Hellcat,” he said low.

She gave him a saucy look over her shoulder as she moved to the door. “I promise you, later I
wish it.”

As she stepped into the hall, closing the door behind her, she heard his growl and smiled.


BY THE TIME Cadence and Jonah entered the dining room, everyone was already gathered for breakfast. Jonah had fidgeted in his borrowed clothes all the way down the stairs. Her father was a good-sized man, but Jonah’s muscled body put a serious strain on the seams of the shirt and trousers.

Besides her father, Jaelene, and Kara, young Tommy was at the table as well. Tommy was the boy Cadence had taken under her wing years ago. He was also considered part of their odd family. Mrs. Clemens bustled around their chairs, placing dishes in the center of the table.

The smell of bacon, ham, eggs, sausage, potatoes, and freshly-made pan biscuits drifted on the air, making Cadence’s mouth water. She’d forgotten how divinely Mrs. Clemens’ cooking tasted. Her renewed health, combined with the energy Cadence had expended during the night, had resulted in a hearty appetite.

Mrs. Riley was nowhere to be found, probably tending to some household matter.

“Hi Cadee!” Tommy jumped up from his chair, grinning and clapping his hands. He came to stand in front of Cadence.

Tommy was seventeen-years old now, but with the mind of a much younger child. When he was little and couldn’t pronounce Cadence’s name, he’d called her ‘
,’ and it had stuck.

Cadence smiled and reached up to ruffle his sandy-colored hair. “Hello, Tommy.” He was at least four inches taller than she was.
“Where you been, Cadee? I was so sad without you.”
Jonah hadn’t stepped completely into the room yet, standing slightly behind Cadence, so Tommy hadn’t noticed him yet.
“I was on a journey, Tommy, but now I’m back.”
Tommy looked down at his feet. “Oh.” And then he whispered, “Because of that man. I remember, Cadee. He hurt you.”
Cadence started. A sick feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. “How did you know about that, Tommy?”
He hung his head, drawing a pattern in the rug with the toe of his shoe. “I-I followed you.”
She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “Did you see what happened?”
Why had Tommy followed her and not shown himself? Why hadn’t he helped her?

Tommy’s foot stopped its motion and he looked up. “No. I-I was a-scared. I hid under the steps.” Then his expression turned angry. “But I waited and when you were gone, I went up them steps.” His fists were clenched so tightly, his knuckles were white. He turned his head to the side, saying low, “I wanted to kill him.”

Cadence gently placed her hands over his fists, rubbing them until his fingers relaxed. “Tommy,” she said softly, getting him to look at her again. “Did you – was the man alive when you went in?”

A slight sound coming from behind Cadence distracted Tommy. He stepped back and with a frightened expression, pointed over her shoulder. “You!”

Jonah stepped forward to stand next to Cadence.
“Y-you’re dead! I s-s-saw Ghost Man kill you!”
“Ghost man?” Jonah and Cadence spoke in unison.
At that moment, Ba'cho walked into the room.

When Tommy saw Ba'cho, he began backing away, his whole body trembling. He pointed at Ba'cho. “Him!” He jabbed his finger for emphasis. “Ghost Man looked just like him!”

Jaelene popped up from her chair. “Itsá!”

Jonah moved with lightening speed and grabbed Tommy by the arms. “Was the man who looked like me still alive before the other man came?”

“Y-yes,” Tommy stuttered. “H-he had b-blood all o-over him, but h-he was crawling – o-on the floor.” He whimpered. “D-don’t h-hurt me!”

“Jonah!” Cadence put a restraining hand on his arm. “Please let Tommy go. You’re frightening him.”

Jonah released Tommy, turning his intense gaze on Cadence. “Don’t you understand?” He brought his hand up and gently cupped her cheek. “
You didn’t kill him.

“Ghost Man came,” Tommy said from behind Jonah. “He touched the other man and the other man fell to the floor. When Ghost Man saw me, he grinned like the Devil, and then he disappeared. Poof!”

Cadence could hardly believe what she was hearing. She didn’t kill Robert Kincaid. She wasn’t a murderer! Her eyes filled with tears, her heart beating madly in her chest. “Is it true?” she whispered, gazing into Jonah’s silver-gray eyes.

“Tommy,” Jonah said without breaking eye contact with Cadence. “Are you sure the injured man was still alive when you first went in?”

“I’m sure of it. He was cussin’ somethin’ awful, calling my Cadee bad names. Then Ghost Man appeared like magic.” He shifted his wide-eyed gaze to Ba'cho. “That ain’t him is it?”

“No, Tommy, that’s not Ghost Man,” Cadence said. “He won’t hurt you.” She reeled from the significance of what Tommy had told them. She would no longer be wanted for murder and Jonah was free from his obligation to bring her in. He would have faced serious charges had it ever been discovered that he’d let her go.

Jonah turned a wry smile on Cadence. “You never checked to see if Robert was dead, did you?” A huge weight lifted from his heart. He’d already decided it didn’t matter whether or not Cadence had killed Robert. Jonah loved her and wanted her in his life, regardless. But he still felt a great deal of relief knowing that she hadn’t been the one.

“I was too frightened,” she admitted. “But I still hurt him and I’m sorry for that, Jonah.”
Everyone gathered around her and Jonah, taking turns hugging her.
“He hurt you first,” Kara said. “You had every right to defend yourself.”

,” Jaelene warned.

“Well, it’s true!” Kara cried defensively.

Ba'cho stepped forward. “Itsá’s hand was in this from the beginning.” His dark eyes touched on each of them. “It was he who set all your fates into motion.” Then he spoke to Jonah. “Your brother was already troubled. Itsá merely took advantage of his weakness.”

“We’re all sorry Jonah lost his brother,” Jaelene said, and shooting a pointed look at Kara, continued, “He did hurt Cadence, but if he was under Itsá’s influence, we can’t be certain he would have done such a thing otherwise.”

“Thank you, Jaelene,” Jonah said quietly.

“I’d like to get my hands on that Itsá,” Kara shot angrily.

No you wouldn’t
,” Jonah, Cadence, and Ba'cho said simultaneously.

Ba'cho’s dark eyes settled on Kara. “Itsá is powerful and dangerous. You will stay away from him.”
Kara slammed her fists onto her hips, directing a challenging glare at Ba'cho. “Itsá isn’t the only one with power.”
Ba'cho moved to stand in front of Kara, looming over her. “You are no match for him, little girl.”

Kara’s green-gold eyes blazed with intensity. “I’m not a little girl,” she ground out through her clenched teeth. “And if that
,” she spat vehemently, “lays a hand on either one of my sisters, he’ll find out just what I

Cadence choked on a burst of laughter. “Kara!”

Jaelene covered her mouth, turning her head.

Ba'cho narrowed his eyes, his expression dark with displeasure. His gaze never leaving Kara, he crossed his arms over his massive chest. “What is that word…

Kara shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny, but remained silent, her face flushing bright red.

“It’s Romany. It means—” Cadence choked again, trying to contain her laughter. “

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