Read Trancing the Tiger (Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachael Slate

Tags: #fantasy romance, #Multicultural

Trancing the Tiger (Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Trancing the Tiger (Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 1)
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Snake huffed, releasing her.

She rubbed at her red-marked wrist, backing away from him into the wall that was Sheng.

“What’s the problem, Li?” His gleaming gaze lifted off her to glower at Sheng behind her. “If you won’t do what’s necessary and claim Rabbit, I will.”

The threat hung in the air, thick, constricting. She fought against choking while Sheng stepped forward and nudged her behind him. Away from Snake’s vicious gaze, she processed his words.
Claim Rabbit?
She snorted. No way in hell would she give Rabbit to Snake.

“Turtle send for you?” Sheng’s tone was dry. Nonchalant. The opposite of what his tensed muscles proclaimed.

Snake smirked. “He hasn’t made up his mind between us and you’re looking less and less likely, Li.” He curled his lip at her.

A dark and violent energy rose within her. She hated the way they treated Sheng because of her inadequacy. Her hands clenched at her sides, nails piercing her palms. The wave of hostility swelled, threatening to engulf her.

“Especially if you can’t secure a—” The taunt froze on his tongue. His cavalier expression morphed into something awed…and covetous.


The hairs on the back of Sheng’s neck lifted. He spun toward Lucy and tilted her chin to peer into her eyes, to spot whatever Snake had seen.

Just Lucy shone back from within those golden depths.

Too late.

He faced Snake again, but the bastard had already collected himself, yet nothing concealed the flash of greed in his sinister grin. The asshole had noted the same energy in her that Sheng had and now he craved it for himself.

Did Snake recognize what he’d glimpsed or was he as ignorant?

Snake focused back on Lucy. “I bet these plebeians haven’t told you a damn thing yet. Probably not even about the deal your uncle made for you. Whoring you out to the Hai San.”

“What about my uncle?”

Sheng tensed as Lucy spoke, her heart bleeding through every word.

“Now, Lucy. It doesn’t work like that. I’ll tell you everything, but you have to come with me first.” Snake extended his hand and, damn, but she stared at it a moment too long.

Enough to tell him she contemplated leaving. “What is he talking about, Sheng?”

Her pained question struck him, making him wince. “I didn’t keep your uncle’s involvement from you, but it’s never been the right time to get into the details.” He grated his explanation, grimacing beneath its feeble strength.

time? Oh, and when will that be?”

He fisted his hands tighter at her sharp inhalation. Ignoring Snake, he cupped Lucy’s chin. Fear and hurt condensed with moisture in her eyes. Dammit. He’d never meant to hurt her.

“Anytime.” He let his sincerity shine through. “I’m an open book. Ask me anything.”

“What about Chicken?”

Sheng flinched, half in surprise, half in pain at the inquiry. He hadn’t anticipated this from her.

“Yes, Li, what about Chicken?” Snake’s tone, half-mocking, half-dripping with animosity, broke Lucy and Sheng apart. “Should I tell her? Should I tell her, Li, how you killed Chicken? How it’s her blood on

The blinding hatred in Snake’s accusation was nothing compared to the loathing Sheng had for himself. Lucy glanced at him, her eyes begging him to deny it, but he had no choice except to admit defeat. “It’s true.”

Her lips parted as she regarded him first with horror then trepidation. He didn’t blame her. He’d failed with Chicken and he was failing with her, too.

If Snake wasn’t such an evil bastard, Sheng would hand her over, but he couldn’t do that. Because it really would be like shoving her into the snake pit. A gentle creature like Rabbit wouldn’t last even one meal with the Ghee Hin.

He spoke to Snake instead. “I’ve already claimed responsibility for Chicken just as I am for Lucy. She’s not going anywhere with you, so leave.” He folded his arms and stared the bastard down.

Despite his wealth and status, the asshole didn’t possess an ounce more arrogance than his survival instincts dictated. In a physical match, Tiger bested Snake any day of the week. In the battle of rights, Snake knew the Council was divided between him and Sheng. If he aspired to usurp complete control, he’d have to do it in a manner none of the Elders could find fault with.

Snake had to beat Sheng the legit way.

Why he didn’t report Sheng’s intrusion onto Ghee Hin territory to the Elders agitated Sheng more than pacified him. Either the bastard didn’t have any proof or he reserved calling Sheng out for a more auspicious occasion.

Sheng would bet his ass on the latter.

“So be it. Lucy, find me when Li reveals his true colors.” Snake backed down, casting one last haughty smirk at her.

Tiger leapt forward at the taunt, but Sheng reared the spirit in. He’d bought a measure of precious time and he’d not waste a second sparring with the Ghee Hin Master.


Snake and his gang strolled away. Should she have joined them? Lucy’s ears twitched, and Rabbit paced with an uncharacteristic impatience.

Those men brimmed with evil intent, but at least their cards were clear. Sheng, on the other hand? Was he just as dangerous as he appeared? Did nothing sincere or genuine exist beneath the badass sarcasm?

No. She refused to believe he’d killed Chicken’s host regardless of him taking responsibility. She wouldn’t jump to conclusions, not before giving him a chance to explain what had happened.

He didn’t even give her that. Sheng marched straight across the chamber to the Matchmaker and spoke a few harsh words with her before crooking his fingers at the Chosen.

Mei, Kassian, and Fang bounded to his side like hounds given a command by their master. When she didn’t join them, his deep voice vibrated off the chamber walls. “Lucy, we’re leaving.”

Without waiting for her to obey, he stormed out with the others. Her nose twitched. She glanced between the fuming Matchmaker and the retreating figures.

Her breath huffed as she made her decision.


She dashed to the door in time to sneak through before it slammed. The others didn’t slow their pace, so she jogged to catch up. As she neared, Mei slipped her arm through Lucy’s.

“I’m glad you chose us. Trust me, you do not want to get involved with the Ghee Hin
, or their leader, Snake.
” She bobbed her shoulders as though the notion of befriending Snake was synonymous with a parade of spiders crawling across her skin.

“What about that other man, Delun?”

“Oh, do yourself a favor and don’t get Sheng started on him,” Mei whispered. “His family is the head of the Ghee Hin, our rival
, but Sheng hates how Delun hands his responsibilities and whatever off to Snake. Sheng calls Delun Snake’s lapdog, and that’s when he’s feeling generous.”

They departed the temple, and Sheng hailed a taxi. Lucy piled in with Mei and Sheng while Kassian and Fang headed to their bikes.

Squished on one side by Mei, the other by Sheng, Lucy attempted to squeeze her body into a tiny wedge. Didn’t work. Half her leg draped over Sheng’s thigh, his heat blasting her with such intensity even the air conditioning couldn’t cool her off.

Must be the attraction.

Contact with him never failed to arouse her—body and soul.

Any woman in her right mind would desert a man who’d admitted to killing someone. She couldn’t shake the edge of suffering that had laced his voice, as though the admittance itself was a laceration through his heart.

The taxi ride ended too fast. She’d barely collected her thoughts. This day had passed from fantastic to horrific, never losing its dream-like quality.

The second they pulled to a stop in front of Kek Lok Si, Sheng ordered Mei, “Look after her.”

Meaning me.
Lucy opened her mouth to protest, but decided against it. Maybe he required a moment. Maybe she did too. She followed the girl into the building, up the elevators, and into the training gym where they collapsed on the foam mats.

“What a day, huh?” Mei stretched on her back, yawning.

Lucy would’ve liked to nod off too, but two pressing issues refused to release their grasp on her brain. Chicken and her uncle.

“Are you going to elaborate on what happened to Chicken or will you clam up like the others if I ask?” She tilted her head to observe the other woman.

“Wish I knew more, but what I can tell you is that Chicken used to be in Snake’s
.” A small, sad smile curved Mei’s lips. “She tried to switch allegiances, to join with Tiger.” She sighed. “Things went wrong, and Chicken wasn’t quite right afterward.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “She committed suicide four years ago. Before I met Li.”

Lucy blinked, studying her friend’s face. The solemn expression etched into the woman’s features spoke the truth. Lucy’s heart twisted inside her chest. No wonder Sheng blamed himself for killing Chicken.

“Snake blew up.” Mei doodled invisible shapes on the mats. “He and Li went at it, but the Elders stopped them, forced them into a hostile truce. Ever since, Snake’s been seeking a way to oust Li.”

“Which is why we need you, Lucy.” Fang sank onto the mat beside Mei, ruffling the hair on her head in a brotherly gesture of affection.

“Hey!” She slapped his hands away, laughing.

He leaned back onto his elbows. “Snake would do anything to get his hands on you.” His voice lowered in warning. “The Elders on the Council are divided between him and Sheng, and are basically going to sit on their asses, watching this play out.” He snorted as if he held no love for the Elders. “Snake lost Chicken so he’s down in numbers. Li has us three and now you, right, Lucy?”

Her throat tightened. The failed joining today made her question everything.

“She’s with us.”

She jumped at the low, accented voice behind her. Sheng. Her stomach fluttered. Guess he’d recovered from their encounter.

“Lucy, can I have a word with you?” He extended his hand to her.

At the warmth in his eyes, any trace of apprehension melted away. She slipped her hand into his, and he pulled her to her feet.

Chapter 19

Sheng winked at Fang, uttered a “be good” to Mei, and led Lucy out of the gym. Her hand was cool in his, her actions stiff. He owed her so many explanations, but finding a starting point was going to be brutal.

He guided her to the third level of the temple and they stepped into the evening air. The warm, humid breeze washed over him, bathing him with its soothing essence.

Reluctant to release her hand, he brought it to his chest, over his heart. “Thank you.”

She lifted her face, her brows pinched together. “For what?”

He sighed. “Coming back with me. I haven’t given you any reason to.”

“That’s not true.” She paused, her pink tongue gliding across her bottom lip. Damn, she made it impossible to concentrate on anything but claiming her sweet mouth.

“I think you’ve told me what you believe you can. That doesn’t mean I don’t deserve to be told everything.” She raised one dark brow. The steadiness in her voice yanked his mind off seducing her.

That would come later. If she still wanted him, that was.

He nodded, swallowing. “Ask away.”

She tilted her head. “Is it true, what Snake said about my uncle?”

“Xiaodan lives the life he does because of his connection to you. Ever since he approached the Council with news of your existence, he’s milked the crap out of them. Promising you hosted the Dragon, and that he’d convince you to come here.”

She blanched. “Okay, but what about Chicken? Why—”

“Because I should’ve done more to help her.” He tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. “I shouldn’t have rushed the joining. Chicken asked to switch loyalties, but it’s not as simple as it sounds.” Her eyes flashed with confusion, so he tugged on her hand. “Let me show you.”

The statues were off to their right, and he headed for Tiger’s. Releasing her hand, he brushed his fingers against the cool stone.

“We’re a part of each other.” Tiger’s essence hovered from him to the stone and back.

Her delicate mouth parted as she regarded him.

“The spirit isn’t a complete entity like a human body. It’s more like a cloud, and you can extract pieces of it here and there. When Monkey, Rat, and Ox joined with Tiger, they each gifted me a piece of their spirits. It’s why I can control them, why they must obey me.”

She peered closer and her breath hitched. Did she recognize them, the three other entities inside Tiger’s? “Amazing.”

He grinned at her enthusiasm, but recalled the purpose of this lesson. Chicken. He called Tiger back into his body. “Chicken joined with Snake, but she wanted out. I tried to help her, but I failed to sever her connection with him.” He flinched as tiny, twisting knives screwed into his chest. “I went behind the Council’s back, and when I couldn’t help her, she…” He shook his head. The news of her suicide was as much a shock today as it had been four years ago.

“She killed herself?”

“Yeah. Jumped from a cliff high enough to kill even a Chosen.” His chest shuddered as he exhaled.

BOOK: Trancing the Tiger (Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 1)
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