Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (13 page)

BOOK: Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Trace noticed the first thing Doc did when he entered the room was pull the shades closed and dim the lights. “Damn nurses think sunlight is a fucking cure-all. You’d think they’d learn as often as I bitch at them about this. Patients wake up and their eyes are assaulted by the light, and it feels like lightning shooting through their eyes.” Turning to Tori he softened his tone. “Now, pretty lady, how about you give that awake thing another shot now that the light won’t stab your brain with hot swords. That’s it. Open those beautiful eyes and let me introduce myself.” Doc’s voice was so soothing Trace had to blink to be sure it was really coming from the gruff old doctor he’d grown up visiting for everything from broken bones to the chicken pox.

Trace watch as Tori struggled to open her eyes again. When it appeared as though she had focused on Doc’s face she had smiled at the heavily lined face of the older man who was leaning over her. Trace smiled at her, knowing her simple response to the prickly old doctor had probably just earned her a friend for life. He listened as Doc spoke in a soft, gentle manner to her. “That’s a good girl. Now, can you tell me your name, dear?”

“Tori…um, well, actually it’s Victoria…Victoria Paulson.” Tori looked alarmed by the sound of her own voice. Trace didn’t care that it sounded so broken, it was pure music to his ears. “Can I have a drink? My throat is so very dry.”

Doc put the straw to her lips and let her have several sips before returning the cup to the nearby table. “Well, you gave all your friends quite a fright, my dear.” Then leaning forward and whispering close to her ear, he said, “And I’m not even going to go into the state your man has been in.” Smiling at her, he asked her a few more questions then turned to Trace and told him to keep it light and easy and that he’d be back in a few minutes.

Tori had heard all the conversation between Trace and the doctor, well, she’d heard the words, but she hadn’t really tracked it because she was stuck on the elderly doctor’s words…
My man? Did he really say that? Or did I dream that, too?
When Trace turned back to her after the doctor had left the room, Tori wasn’t sure exactly what he was thinking because his face was such a contrast of emotions. When he moved to take her hands in his again, she wondered if she’d been dreaming earlier when she’d heard him talking about the plans he’d had for the evening. She wasn’t sure whether she should ask or not, but finally decided she’d just take a small step. “How long have you been here?”

Trace smiled at her and said, “After I found you in the snow, I carried you to the ambulance, princess, and I have only left your side for fifteen minutes since then—when that demon dressed as a nurse ran me out so they could settle you in to this bed.” He laughed softly and stroked her face. “It was touch and go for a while whether or not they were going to kick me out for the ruckus I raised. Thank God the Lamonts basically built this place and Zach was with me in the waiting room. His family connections and charm kept me from being booted.” When Tori gave him a shy smile, he asked her, “What are you really wanting to know, princess?” He must have known by her expression she was asking around what she was really trying to find out. After everything she’d been through she knew better than most people just how short life could be, so she didn’t plan to waste another second of it.

“Well, I am trying to decide if I dreamt what I heard because of wishful thinking or if it was real.” She tried to turn away from his intense look, but he held her chin easily with his fingers.

Trace smiled and said, “It pleases me that you think what you heard might be wishful thinking on your part. That bodes well for me.” He chuckled softly then continued. “Princess, if you heard me talking about my plans to ask you to be my wife, then you have it exactly right. I am so sorry that you interpreted my nervousness as an attempt to distance myself from you.” He shook his head, he couldn’t believe how things had gone so horribly wrong. “If it’s any consequence, Mitch nearly took my head off about my deplorable behavior, and Bryant and Rissa have been running a close second and third. And that is without even mentioning Jenna who has been likened to the Tasmanian devil when she’s riled up.”

Tori was surprised that all his friends had taken up for her, but it warmed her heart to think that she had found not only the man of her dreams, but a real home as well. She’d spent her entire life feeling like she was on the outside looking in, like she’d never really belonged anywhere, and now, she was stunned by how quickly her life had fallen into a place. She felt like the final pieces of a very large puzzle were falling into their rightful places. Tori finally realized she’d been lost in thought and that he was looking at her as if he was expecting an answer to some question. Her head was still fuzzy, and she wasn’t sure how long she’d been “gone,” so she finally asked, “I’m sorry, did I space out?”

“Tori, I’m just wondering about my proposal. I, well, I was wondering if you would do me the great honor of becoming my wife?” He pulled a small white leather box from his pocket and opened it, showing her the most amazing ring she had ever seen.

She looked at the ring and gasped. “Oh my God, Trace it is so lovely, but I’d marry you even if you used quarters at the gumball machines at the front of the grocery store.” She looked up in to his eyes and whispered, “I have no idea how this happened, but you owned my heart from the moment you locked me in that café office to keep me safe.” She smiled at his surprised look, and continued. “It’s true…no man had ever done anything so gallant for me…ever. You made sure I was safe and then ran straight to the danger to try to help. Everything else was icing on a very sweet cake. Well, except the sex…and well…”

Tori was sure Trace wasn’t about to let that sentence go unfinished because it could go so far in either direction and wasn’t’ surprised when he said, “Princess, I’d appreciate you finishing that sentence please, before my curiosity gets the best of me.”

She felt her face flame and knew it was a brilliant red, but she finally found her voice and answered. “Well, the sex is just so incredible. Really, I had no idea it could even be that wonderful. There is just so much about it that is over-the-top perfect…well, could you maybe give me fifty or sixty years to come up with a way to explain it?”

Trace’s smile was so blinding she wondered for a minute if she had ever seen a man so handsome. And she was humbled yet again by how she’d gotten so lucky to arrive in Climax just those few minutes late and how so many things had to have occurred in just the right sequence to get her to this point. And she sent up a silent prayer of thanks to the sweet great-uncle she’d never even met who made it all possible.

Chapter 11


Trace hadn’t wasted any time at all sliding the large diamond ring on to her finger and getting his friends into her room to share in their joy and to celebrate. The nursing staff had nearly come unglued until Zach Lamont had once again worked his charm like a magic spell. Even Doc Woods had joined in when he’d stopped by to let them know her blood tests had revealed a common sedative, and that as soon as he could get her discharge papers worked up, she’d be free to return home as long as she wouldn’t be alone.

Assuring Doc that his fiancée would indeed be closely monitored, Trace had immediately started making phone calls to ensure his friends had completed the security check they’d planned to make in and around this house and that the new perimeter alarms were ready. Colt Matthews was also making calls and arranging armed patrols and had also distributed pictures of Gary George to just about everyone within a hundred miles.

Tori watched while the men fell over themselves with security concerns, and she was grateful when Rissa made her way to her bedside and took her hand and whispered, “Don’t look so worried, sweet friend, they are always like this when one of ‘their’ women is in danger. Kat, Jenna, and I have all been there, and I can tell you this is their regular MO for these types of circumstances.” Tori couldn’t help but smile when Rissa laughed, then continued. “I’d say you’ll get used to it, but that would be a lie. But I can honestly say you’re in good company! Kat, Jenna, and I can sympathize with you! I also knew it was possible that you’d be released today, so I brought you some clothes.” Rissa had snickered when Trace’s face snapped to theirs in alarm. Tori smiled reassuringly at Trace when she heard Rissa say, “Don’t worry, Trace, I’ve got it covered, you don’t have to take your lovely fiancée out into a cold Colorado January evening in that sexy little number she was wearing at The Club.” Both women giggled at the relief in his eyes.

“Rissa, you are an angel. I hope those two knuckleheads you’re married to know what a treasure you are.” Trace’s warm words to Rissa touched Tori’s heart. Just knowing he was a good guy to others was reassuring that it wasn’t an act, that he really was as wonderful as he appeared.

Tori nearly laughed out loud when Rissa boldly told Trace, “Well, feel free to share that information with them at every opportunity, cowboy, because I keep telling them that very same thing, but it doesn’t seem to make much of a dent sometimes.” Rissa was obviously enjoying the glares she was getting from both Mitch and Bryant as they continued working on the logistics of Tori’s return to the ranch. Tori snickered as Rissa smiled sweetly at them, and both men rolled their eyes, and even though they returned their attention to their phone conversations, they’d moved so that they flanked their spit-fire wife on both sides.

Rissa looked at Trace and smiled. “I was just assuring Tori that even though you are all going all ‘Alpha Male’ on her, your hearts are in the right place, and that her safety really is at the heart of the issue.”

It hadn’t even occurred to Trace that she might be overwhelmed by everything taking place in her room. He turned to her with concern etched in his expression and asked her, “Princess, if this is too much right now, I understand and I promise you as soon as Doc gets your paperwork done we’ll get you out of here and home so you can get some rest.”

Tori finally realized that at some time during the night he had changed out of his leathers, and she was amazed at how sexy he looked in his faded blue jeans, sapphire-colored chamois shirt and dark-brown cowboy boots.
It ought to be illegal for a man to look that hot. How am I supposed to rest when we get home when I’ll be looking at that?
He leaned close, and she couldn’t help but inhale his clean scent. He smelled as if he had just showered with an underlying scent that was unique to him. Tori saw him smile when she leaned into him and inhaled deeply. “Sweetness, you keep looking at me like that and I’m going to have to clear the room and fuck you before we leave, and as much as that is exactly what I’d like to do, I’m pretty sure the hospital staff would not approve.” His words dripped with intent, and Tori felt her pussy gush with cream in preparation even though her mind knew it was going to be hours before he could fulfill his promise.


* * * *


Trace had seen Tori rouse a bit and he knew she was vaguely aware they had pulled to a stop in front of the ranch’s main house, but she had drifted off again by the time he’d made his way around the truck and opened her door. Trace had worried the cold air would startle her, but she barely stirred, a testament to how exhausted she was. Doc Woods had given him a twenty-minute lecture on how to care for her and had finally conceded that, yes, he could always call the hospital if he had any questions. Rissa had managed to distract the good doctor yet again, and Trace made a mental note to send a large gift basket to her for all her help and support. God only knows what would have happened last night if Rissa hadn’t seen Tori go out of sight and sounded the alarm. Hell, he’d be in her debt forever for that alone.

Trace scoped Tori up in to his arms and carried her gently up the front steps. Just as they approached the front door, it opened and the Lamonts’ housekeeper and cook, Selita, standing alongside Mia Marshall, stepped aside to let them enter. Mia had married Dylan Marshall a few months ago, and Trace had to smile at her rounded belly. He’d been thrilled when they had found love again. Mia had divorced Dylan a few years earlier in a misguided attempt to keep him safe when she was working a very dangerous case, but as a result of some very strange circumstances, lightning had struck twice and they’d remarried and were expecting their first child in just a couple of months.

“Well, what a pleasant surprise.” Looking at Selita he added, “Selita, I’ll bet my kitchen smells like heaven on earth.” The older Hispanic woman glowed at his kind words. Selita had worked for the Lamonts for the better part of three decades, and despite Trace’s best efforts to lure her away, she had always turned him down, but she still kept him well supplied in frozen dinners. She made them in advance and then sent several home with him whenever he visited the Lamonts.

“Mr. Trace, you are always tiger’s roar for me. I just left you a few things so you can spend your time caring for your beautiful wife-to-be and not making those Oscar dogs I saw in your ice box. Shame on you for eating those things. You should come to ShadowDance more and I could keep you eating better.” The tiny woman known at ShadowDance as the Honduran Dynamo was shaking her head in disgust at what she’d found in his refrigerator. Selita was well known for butchering common expressions, and sometimes talking to her could be confusing, but more often it was just a hoot.

Trace looked at Mia and smiled. “And, Melita, you are looking like one hot little mama. I’ll bet your husband is over the moon about that sweet baby you are carrying.” He knew for a fact Dylan Marshall was indeed thrilled that he and Mia were expecting their first child in a few months. Dylan had never gotten over their divorce, and Trace always marveled at how openly affectionate the former agents were with one another. Dylan had retired due to an injury at the same time they’d divorced, and his move back home to Climax had been marked by a deep sadness, and it wasn’t until Mia had come back into his life that anyone had seen the reappearance of the fun-loving man they’d all grown up with.

BOOK: Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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