Read Torrid Affair Online

Authors: Callie Anderson

Torrid Affair (23 page)

My heart ached at the last comment. I wondered if she was tougher on Caleb because she knew he wasn’t Nate’s biological son. My fingers slid across the keypad as I typed out another message.

Me: Bring a Ziploc bag filled with Lego bricks tomorrow. 

Nicole: Why? 

Me: Trust me.

* * *

he following day
, a cheerful Caleb pulled back the heavy glass door to the diner. His smile widened when he spotted me.

“Hi, Aunt Brie.” He greeted me with a warm hug. 

Hey, buddy.” I tousled his shaggy hair. 

“Dad said you're going to tutor me. He said you were his tutor in college.” 

I rested my hands on my knees so we were eye level. “Can you keep a secret?” I whispered, and Caleb nodded. “Your dad only passed his biology final thanks to me.” 

Caleb gasped and looked back at his father. “Really, Dad?”

“It's true.” Nate chuckled. “If it wasn't for your Aunt Brie, I don't know what I would've done.”

I walked Caleb over to an empty booth. “You have the Legos?” I asked Nate. He lifted a gallon-sized Ziploc bag for me. “Perfect.” I shook the bag. “How are things at home?”

Nate chuckled. “Is that a rhetorical question?”

“That bad?”

He sighed and his hand massaged the back of his neck. “It’s been bad before, but I think this is the worst she’s been.”

“What do you think caused it?”

“I don’t know. She went into the hospital to deliver Caleb and came out a completely different person. I know they say having a child changes you but she’s done a complete one eighty.”

“I’m sorry.” I shrugged, offering him some comfort.

“It’s okay; he has me. And she’s not a bad mom. She just goes through these phases. But I have to head out for work. Thanks for this. I'll see you later.” I turned to walk away when Nate called for me. 


“Yeah?” I looked back at him. 

“Thank you.” His lips were hidden between his teeth.

I smiled. “Anytime.” 

Caleb sat in the back corner booth. He had his workbook out and was ready for me. I dumped half the Lego bricks on the table and showed him the trick about fractions and Legos. 

“Wow,” Caleb said when I showed him how easy it was to put his Legos together like the problem on the page.

“Now, using the Lego bricks, try to do the problems on your worksheet. I'm going to check on some customers, but I'll be back.”

Caleb nodded and started on the first problem. My heart swelled when he took the bricks and replicated the problem. He wasn’t stupid. He was a bright young boy, and for the first time I wished he was mine. I never wanted children, especially not with Julian, but helping Caleb made me want one of my own.

Or maybe I could be the cool stepmom.

I brushed the thought out of my mind quickly.

I was the cool aunt.

Chapter 32

moments turned into borrowed time. Glances weren't enough. Text messages didn't seem to satisfy our need of each other.

We both wanted more.

It was early August, and Nate and I were in a full-blown emotional affair—the worst kind. I never gave him an answer about leaving Julian, but he took what I was willing to offer. We spoke on the phone every day, and he told me about his day. We had lunch together when we could fit it into our schedules, and when Delaney had to work late at her store and Caleb was with his grandmother, Nate and I ran away to the movie theater and made out like teenagers. I came home with my lips bruised and an unbearable ache between my legs. Like a schoolgirl, I was sneaking around with my boyfriend.

I was in love.

But when we were around our significant others, we acted as if nothing ever happened. He was the man I loved and my best friend all in one.

We had rules as well. We couldn’t touch each other when we were home, so instead, we went on hikes so he could pin me up against a tree and kiss me until my lips were bruised. We had lunch in a hidden parking lot. And we both found any excuse to be near each other.

It was toxic and intoxicating all at once.

Julian was working overtime and we had saved enough money to buy a second car. I'd worked the graveyard shift and had just pulled in the driveway when my cell phone buzzed.

Nicole: I'm downtown. I want to see you.

I felt a smile appear on my face. Before I could reply, another message came in.

Nicole: I need to be with you.

Me: Give me an hour.

I jogged up the stairs, my heart felt as if it would explode out of my chest, but I would do this. I would say fuck that line and run past it. The guilt that should have brewed in me was nowhere in sight. I was tired of never giving myself what I wanted.

Before I hopped in the shower, I sent Julian a quick text message.

Me: Hey, they need me to do a double today. Do you want me to bring you home dinner?

Julian: No, it's OK. I'll grab something with Todd.

I knew he would decline the offer. He hated the diner food, but at least it made my excuse seem realistic, and he wouldn’t come looking for me. I showered, made sure every inch was perfectly lathered and lotioned, and then I picked out the sexiest bra and panties I owned.

When I got in my car, I sent Nate a text message.

Me: Where am I meeting you?

Nicole: I'm at the Ritz. Room 1103. 

I glanced in the rearview mirror.
You got this.

Anxiety crept up my body as the miles passed and I approached the downtown area of Charlotte. Traffic was minimal, but still I drove at a slower speed than normal. I was nervous. It had been ten years since Nate and I were together. I was a girl then, but I was a woman now. And the boy I fell in love with had turned into a man. The butterflies in my stomach refused to calm their wings.

I valeted my car and walked through the lobby of the upscale hotel. The vibrant wine colored walls made the large space feel warm. I kept my head lowered to avoid anyone spotting me, and my heart beat in my ears as the elevator rose to the eleventh floor. There was no turning back now.

My palms were sweaty, and I wiped them on my shorts before tapping lightly on the door. The few seconds I waited for Nate felt like hours. When the door pulled open, my eyes landed on the man before me.

His dark navy blue suit was tailored to fit his taut body perfectly. His tie was loosened and dangled from his periwinkle blue shirt. He looked absolutely delectable. The nerves I felt about being with him disappeared, and within seconds all I cared about was being tangled in the sheets with him. 

“Hi,” I whispered as walked in. 

A boyish grin grew on Nate's face. He closed the door behind me, and I spun back to face him. He lifted me into his arms in one swift motion. My back was pressed against the wall as his mouth claimed mine. Hungry and carnal, his fingers dug into my thighs, and I felt his erection pressed to my core.

I moaned into his mouth as I slid my hands up his virgin wool suit and wrapped them around his neck. Soft lips traced down my cheeks, across my chin, and down to the hollow of my throat.

“Hi,” he finally whispered back. His breath caused goosebumps to appear on the sensitive skin there. Nervously, I giggled as Nate continued to kiss my neck gently. “What's so funny?” he asked, his warm breath tickling my skin.

“I’ve never had a greeting like that.” I sucked on my lower lip to hide my smile.

He released my legs and placed me on the ground in front of him. “I'm sorry.” His hands grazed across my cheek. “I can't help myself when I'm around you.”

I rose on my tip toes and kissed his lips again. Running my hands inside his jacket, I laced them around his waist. My head rested on his chest and I felt his rapid heartbeat. “I've missed this,” I whispered.

“I'm sorry.” He sighed and I shook my head to stop him.

“I don't want you to apologize. I don't want to think about Julian, Delaney, or the past ten years. I want to be here, with you, in this moment. Just me and you.” I looked up at him and smiled.

“I love you, Brielle.” His eyes were bright, and small crow’s feet spread from them as the most delectable smile greeted his face.

“Back at you, Nathaniel.” 

Nate discarded his suit jacket and linked his hand with mine as he brought me further into the room. A large king-sized bed with a white duvet comforter dominated the room. The television sat on a large dresser, and in the corner near the large window was a tray of crudités and fresh fruit with a bucket of ice, champagne, and two glasses. 

“I didn't know if you'd be hungry. We can order room service if you'd like.”

“No.” I walked over to the tray and grabbed a strawberry before I turned back toward him. “This is perfect. Romantic, even.”

“You deserve nothing but the best.”

I loved this man. I desperately needed him. It wasn’t an infatuation or a first love that never died. There were times I felt I couldn't breathe unless he was with me. I was okay with sharing him with her. I knew that was insane, but it also meant I got some part of him, even if it was a fragment, and that was better than nothing at all.

I’d take the hidden moments.

The glances across the room.

The sneaking off to hotels in the middle of the day.

I’d take it all if it meant I got to spend a few hours with him. If it meant he was back in my life. 

I should have felt guilty, but there was no guilt inside me. Not when I was with him. For those few hours he was mine and everything around us didn't exist.

I took a flute of champagne and handed it to him, then turned back to grab the other. “Cheers.” I raised my glass to his. I tried to smile, but it was impossible when his eyes were looking at me as though he was a hunter and I was the prey. 

Nate stretched his hand out for me and I went willingly. No words were spoken as he pulled me closer. My arms laced around his neck, and he buried his face in the crook of my neck. His lips grazed down my shoulder, his fingers gently tugging my shirt and exposing my bare skin. With each passing second, I grew wetter with need. 

The wait was antagonizing.

Slowly I moved to the bed, Nate following every step I took. Sitting on the bed, I kicked my sandals off.

Nate's mouth and hands were all over my body. He was familiarizing himself with what had always been his.

I felt loved. 



Feelings that had been taken away from me years ago. 

He tugged my shirt off, then kissed down one breast as one hand reached behind me and unhooked my bra. My heavy breasts were under his lips. My nipples pebbled at his touch. 

I whimpered. 

He growled. 

Never pulling my gaze from his, I unbuttoned his shirt, undid his tie, and ran my fingertips along his soft skin.

“Lie back,” he said against my lips.

My hair fanned across the goose feather pillow, and Nate kneeled before me. He tugged on my shorts and slid them down my legs. Tossing them behind him, he ran his hands up my legs, and I arched my back in desperation. My breathing grew rapid. I didn’t know how much longer I could wait for him to be inside me. His lips grazed my skin, and his scruff tickled my thighs. My legs opened for him, and Nate gently kissed around the lace material of my thong.

“Oh, God,” I moaned when his tongue slid along my core. “Please,” I begged.

“Shh,” Nate whispered against my clit and I felt my body would explode. “I refuse to rush this. It doesn’t matter how much this pains me to take it slow. I plan to make every minute count.”

I gnawed my lower lip, both excited and scared for what was about to happen.

Entwining his fingers around my thong, he dragged it down my legs, his eyes never leaving mine. “You’re everything I ever wanted,” he muttered.

Nate kissed the curve of my knee, up my thigh, and up to the soft skin where my legs joined my body. Unable to wait any longer, I threw my head back and anticipated his tongue on the one place I needed him most. Ever so gently, Nate licked the tip of my clit, and I gasped for air.

He licked it again.


And again.

Each time I felt my toes curl with pleasure. Each time he caused another wave of ecstasy to course through my body. It was an electrical current feeding me with desire.

“Please . . . Don’t . . . Oh . . . God . . .”

Nate’s fingertips dug into my thighs as I came with passion.

My body shook. I wanted to scream, cry, laugh. Fully sated, I moaned his name louder with each shock.

“Hmm,” he hummed against my swollen bud.

I opened my eyes and pulled him toward me, my lips landing on the wet corner and my tongue licked off my arousal.

“That’s a half kiss.”

Nate smiled against my lips before claiming my mouth with his. My hungry hands undid his pants and exposed his hard cock. I stroked it gently. I wanted to taste him, but when I went to move, Nate stopped me.

“You do that and I won’t last two minutes.”

I giggled but stopped when he stood and discarded the remainder of his clothes. He was fucking perfect.



Rock fucking hard.

“How do you want me?” My voice was barely a whisper.

“Turn around.” He pointed to the mirror on the opposite wall. “I want to see your face when you come again.”

I quickly obliged.

Kneeling on the bed, I lay my head flat on the duvet. Nate ran his fingers down my spine. Every move was slow and calculated.



He lined his cock at my entrance and rubbed his head on my soaked core. Slowly, I lifted my hips and pushed against his shaft. I whimpered as he pushed further, sinking deep inside me as he held my waist. It was everything.


Nate pulled out slowly before burying himself again, deep inside me. I moaned every time he sank deeper. Gradually he picked up his pace until he was slamming into me. His hands gripped my waist as he drove harder.



He was claiming what had always been his.

“Tell me,” he grunted.

My pending orgasm was building stronger with each thrust.

Moaning a soft pleasurable cry, I managed to breathe out one word. “Yours,” I said softly. “All yours,” I whimpered. “Only yours.”

“Mine,” he growled and reached around me. His finger rubbed against my clit, and it was all I needed.

Nate was everything to me.

His touch was my fix.

And I'd become an addict who spent her weekend on a binge, followed by rehab. Because I knew he wasn't mine. I was on borrowed time, and when this was all over, he'd be gone.

There was no escaping that this ecstasy would soon be followed by unbearable pain.

Sooner rather than later, I would be forced to return to reality.

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