Too Much: A Loveswept Contemporary Erotic Romance (All or Nothing) (31 page)

“Your sub hurts as well, Sir. Her heart is broken. Trampled. Because her Dom didn’t trust her.”

Ice dusted the air between them. She could feel his rage and let her own fly up to meet it. How fucking dare he?

“You walked out of that fucking office and didn’t give me the benefit of the doubt, Sir.”

He hissed in a breath. “I saw your face, sub. It was full of doubt. You doubted me. There was no room for trust with all the doubt on your face.” His voice was horrible.

“You’re a blind man.” She waited a few seconds.

“Then what was there, sub?”

She shivered at the silk in his voice.

Danger, danger, danger
, her mind screamed.

Shut the fuck up already
, yelled her heart.

“There was revulsion. Those pictures were horrible, Sir. Surely you’d seen them? Oh, that’s right, you’d been there. You had video. I guess the pictures were redundant.” She let her rage pepper her tone and didn’t care.

For a split second she wanted to be untied so she could get in his face and yell at him. But that would defeat the purpose. He was talking with her. She didn’t want that to end. Not yet.

“You’re silent now, Sir. Whatever you saw on my face was a reflection of fear and confusion. And your lack of faith and trust in me hurt.”

“You didn’t tell me you’d received any pictures, Daly.”

“You hadn’t given me time. You see,
, I decided after those pictures were delivered that I would trust in you. Then I forgot about them. Could have been the marathon fuck sessions we engaged in. Could have been the stress. But the bottom line is I had seen most of those pictures, especially the damning ones, and I had decided to trust you any-fucking-way.”

“I don’t understand,” he said.

In his tone was the doubt Daly needed, and she pounced.

“You weren’t very forthcoming yourself, Jeremiah. So much you knew but never told me. So much you kept from my brother and me. I should be the angry one, but instead, here I am, trussed up, half naked, and waiting on the man who stole my heart to steal my body and make me forget.”

“Forget what?”

“That you left me. That you hurt me.”

“Goddamn,” he murmured. “What did

“You crushed me. But I came right back, Jeremiah, to show you that my love is stronger than your lack of trust. Because I want you to trust me and know that I love you more than anything or anyone else on earth. And you are mine.”

Long minutes passed and she wondered if he’d left, but then she felt his touch on her lower back. And then she felt his lips and she knew, she fucking
, that she’d managed to do something she’d never thought possible.

She’d gotten her Dom back.

“I’m sorry, Day,” he said, then licked the strip of skin between her thong and the edge of her corset. “So fucking sorry. I couldn’t get past my own fear.”

Daly groaned. “We’ll talk about it later. I’ve got your attention now and you can start making it up to me, Jeremiah.”

“How?” He was tortured, and Daly wanted to erase that note from his voice. It was time
to make it right for both of them.

“I need you, Jeremiah.”

“I don’t deserve you,” he immediately responded.

“I think I’m exactly what you deserve,” she returned. “And you made a promise to me a couple of weeks ago.”

His hand drifted lower, stroking over her ass, pinching lightly before he rubbed. “You have such a gorgeous ass,” he whispered right before he bit her.

She yelled out and he laughed.

“The rules, sub, give them to me.”

“Rules are naught between us. You have my everything because you will give me yours, Sir.”

“I don’t deserve you. I’ve hurt you time and time again. But tonight, Daly, tonight, little sub, I hope you’ll give me your forgiveness.”

“Make me fly, Sir,” she pleaded.

“You’ve given yourself to me. You trust that I know what you need. All you give to me I will hold close and care for in all ways. You are mine to do with whatever I want. You. Are. Mine.”

Her body relaxed into the soft leather and her heart soared.

Chapter 29

She’d come to him and his surprise at her tenacity, her strength, knew no bounds. He had no right to her forgiveness. He’d done her wrong yet again. He wanted to beat his own ass, but knew it was impossible. So instead, he’d concentrate on making her his again—marking her, bringing her orgasm after orgasm and taking her higher than she’d ever been. His sub had taught him a lesson about strength. It wasn’t one he’d ever forget.

How he’d hurt her. Threatened her with a restraining order because if he had to see her he’d beg for her. He’d mistaken her disgust at those pictures as disgust for him.

His precious Daly was everything. How could he have not trusted in her?

The answer was simple. Fear. As he walked around the beautiful red leather spanking bench her body was tied to, he thanked God she’d been stronger than him. Power flowed through him at the thought. She’d been stronger than him and now he’d take that back, return it to her a thousand-fold.

“Your safe word, little sub. I would have it,” he ordered.

“July.” It was a reminder. He wouldn’t forget this time.

“I hope you can handle what I’m about to give you. You’ve earned it, little sub. Begged for it, and now I’ll give it to you.”

Copeland saw the wooden paddle resting beside her and smiled. “You brought my paddle, but I think tonight, I’ll use my hand first, little sub. I want to feel the heat of your skin under my palm. I want to feel the sting as I tap your ass.”

She moaned. “Yes, Sir.”

“I want you to count each strike. I want you to yell it. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, little sub. I’m so proud of you. So proud you’re mine. I don’t deserve you,” he said with a light stroke over the back of her thigh. “I don’t think I like these panties. They hide that pretty pussy from my view.” He ripped the material easily and stuffed it in his pocket. “Spread your legs, sub.”

She did, and he flicked over her bare lips, lightly caressing her clit before he pulled away. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Such eagerness. I can smell you and my mouth is watering. I’ve dreamed about your taste. And now you’re here.”

He tapped her hard on the ass and she raised it higher. He spanked her again, hard taps that didn’t cease. Steady and consistent until her ass glowed red. Then he stopped and rubbed the sting away.

“Your skin is so soft. You’ll hold my marks tomorrow. I love knowing that. Now we forgot one thing. Do you know what that is?”

“No, Sir,” she said breathlessly.

Copeland smiled and adjusted his hard cock. He wanted inside her. “You didn’t count. So it looks like I’ll have to use the paddle now. You did that on purpose, didn’t you, little sub?”

“No, Sir,” she responded, but there was a delicious shiver in her voice.

He settled the twelve-inch black lacquer paddle on her ass and rubbed it over the redtinted ivory skin there. “You will count this time.”

He swung, and the sound of the paddle meeting her flesh was punctuated by her indrawn breath. It was beautiful.

“One!” she yelled.

He dropped the paddle to her flesh again.


“Good girl,” Copeland said. “But you’re forgetting a really important part of that.”

He spanked her again, harder.

“Three, Sir!”

“Goddamn, that’s lovely,” he said reverently as he backed away and looked at his marks on her. The curve of her ass was delicious, and now it was red like a candied apple. “I’m going to fuck this ass soon, Day.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I didn’t need your permission. I already have it, sub.” He reached for her pussy, gathering the wetness there and rubbing it over her anus. The puckered hole called him. He’d rarely taken her there. He didn’t know that he would tonight. She needed preparation and he wouldn’t last long enough for that here, now.

But he could play. Slowly, he played with her, stroking over the forbidden hole. Before too long she’d relaxed, and he was able to put in a single finger to the first knuckle. She squirmed, and he swatted her another time.

“Four, Sir!”

He removed his finger and rubbed it over the most recent mark.

“I want your pussy wrapped around my cock, sub.” His heart was pounding. A combination of the last two weeks without her, the constant strain of thinking she didn’t believe him, and now this.

“You showed what was mine to others, Daly. There will be punishment for that. Perhaps
I’ll not let you come tonight,” he mused.

“No, Sir, please let me come.”

Two more hard spanks with the paddle and he threw it to the floor. She’d failed to count, but it didn’t matter. He licked over the marks, she moaned, and it was enough.

He freed himself.

“I’m going to fuck you now, little sub. I can’t wait,” he ground out.

“I’m yours,” she said.

He bent over her, placing his cock at her entrance, and knew there wasn’t another woman alive who could get him so out of control. “I need you.”

“Everything,” she whispered.

He dove deep and she screamed his name. His cock flexed in the warm recess of his woman’s body and Copeland knew bliss. It was the forgiveness he’d found tonight in his woman’s submission. It was her offer to pardon him when he’d been unable to absolve himself.

“Always,” he said in her ear.

Her ass was warm from his spanking, and he knew the feel of his body against those marks pushed her higher.

“Tell me,” he demanded.

“I love you.”

“What will you give me?”

She remained silent, and he wondered if he’d stolen her voice with his thrusts.

“What will you give me, little sub?”

“Everything, Jeremiah. It’s already yours!”

He drove into her over and over, let his body have its way, and she loved it. She loved him.

“Again,” he snarled.


He felt her tighten on him and then she exploded in his arms, internal muscles gripping him so tight he wondered if he’d ever felt the like.

“Always!” he shouted as his release rushed over and through him, cleansing and filling him up all at once.

He stayed inside her until she groaned.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked cautiously.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered. His heart stopped. “And I loved every second of it.”

He let his breath go. “Imp.”

“Untie me, Jeremiah. I need to hold you,” she said softly.

He did, and when he picked her up, she curled into him. He strode to the elevator and
took her upstairs. He removed her fire-engine-red corset, smiling at the lazy heat in her eyes, and then he washed her down, rubbed Tiger Balm into her skin, and laid her on the bed in their bedroom.

It was theirs. She’d stamped her ownership all over it a couple of weeks ago. He hadn’t been able to sleep here since.

“I’m here now, Jeremiah. Let’s sleep and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

She’d read his mind and he rubbed his chest. He was the luckiest son of a bitch in the world. He didn’t deserve this woman. But he’d never let her go again.

He lay down behind her, pulling her close into the curve of his body as her breathing evened out, and he reaffirmed his vow. He’d never let her go again.


Chapter 30

Daly woke disoriented. The warm body at her back reminded her quickly that she wasn’t dreaming. The hard cock pressing into the crease of her ass told her that warm body was awake and very much ready to go.

She smiled and turned over, ignoring the tenderness of her behind while at the same time relishing it. He’d spanked her and she’d come so hard she’d almost passed out.

“Morning,” Jeremiah said as she opened her eyes.

“Is it?”

He lifted his head and glanced at the clock. “Three thirty, to be exact.”

“Too early,” she whined.

“I didn’t wake you up,” he said with a smile in his voice.

She giggled. “You might not have, but that greedy cock of yours was poking me in the back.”

“I’m sure if it was
you, you would definitely not be complaining about waking up.”

“Can we test the theory?”

He brushed a wayward strand of hair from her face. “Not right now. I know how easily you capitulate. After all, this greedy cock of mine was made to be seated in that amazing pussy of yours.” Jeremiah kissed her lips, laved the seam of them with his tongue, and then pulled away.

“You walked away from me,” she said quietly, and the wince that crossed over his features was a dagger to her heart.

He stared into her eyes so long she wondered if he’d respond. Then he sighed. “I did.”


“I’ve thought about nothing but that for the last two weeks. I’ve swung from rage to pain back to rage and ultimately, it all comes down to this: I didn’t give enough of myself to you. I didn’t trust you.”

She smiled, and his eyebrow rose in surprise. “I know.”

“Of course you do. But I didn’t until last night when I saw you tied to that fucking bench in my club in front of God and everybody.” Jeremiah ran a hand down his face, and then fisted that same hand in her hair. “You’re so strong, Daly. You humbled me last night. That the woman I loved and turned away from came to me that way? Do you know what that did to me?”

“I hope it showed you I both love and trust you,” she said solemnly.

“It showed me that out of everyone in my life, for the entirety of my life, you are the only one willing to hold on to me. And you’re the only one I will hold on to. I don’t know if you’re aware of what you did last night.”

“I loved you, Jeremiah. Something I didn’t do right three years ago. Something I hope I get the opportunity to do forever.”

His eyes burned. “You are my everything, Daly Edwards. Everything I am belongs to you. You took me apart last night and put me back together. For the rest of my life I’ll do whatever is needed to keep you safe inside my soul. Because I love you, though that word is so pale in comparison to how my heart burns for you.”

The tears came then, and Daly knew she’d won. She’d wrangled this dominant man who had a soft, tender heart. He was hers and she was his. They’d somehow managed to overcome her insane father, his brother, and each other.

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