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Authors: JT Schultz

Tickled Pink (16 page)

BOOK: Tickled Pink
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Richard’s brow lifted. “This is what friends do,” he stated and motioned for Toni to enter the house. “We’re glad we can be here, we would have been here sooner but got hung up in the checkout aisle of the worst store imaginable.”

Andrew’s gaze dropped to the bags. “You dragged your rich husband, to a discount department store at midnight?” A weak smile curled his mouth.

She crinkled her brow. How dare he sound so accusatory? “Your wife was desperate, crying and so—yes I did. And he survived and will be a better person for it.” Toni flashed him a killer smile. “Traumatized—he might need a therapy session or two—but a better person.”

Richard shook his head. “It doesn’t mean I’m ever going back.”

The other man smiled, some of the tension easing. “I hear you. I hate that store, but I’ve been known to traipse the aisles with the wife.”

Her husband shook his head. “I get it.”             

Little footsteps pattered against the hardwood and all three adults turned. A sad little boy studied them with curiosity then spotted the stuffed monkey whose head poked out of the bag. His face lit up and ran over to Richard and removed the plush toy. He glanced up at her husband. “Daddy was a monkey. I’m a horse.”

Richard’s expression became puzzled as the young boy clutched the monkey.

Toni’s brain kicked into gear and turned to the two men. “
Sheng Xiao, based on a twelve year cycle around animals. Keep in mind its origin is about 200 years before Christ. The calendar and animal system were derived by the Han Dynasty.”

Richard blinked at her. “And you just had a nerd moment. So he is relating to the Chinese zodiac?”

She blanched. “Yes and sorry.”

Andrew chuckled. “Don’t be, to know you is to love you and we know you’re a bookworm.”

“Well you did,” she breathed. “But Richard—”

“Andrew and Kayla mentioned you were a research type of girl the other night.” He paused and studied her. “I like it.”

His simple statement warmed her. “I should find Kayla.”

“She’s in the kitchen.” He then turned to the boy still clinging fast to the stuffed monkey. “Gabriel, this is Richard and Toni. They’re good friends of your Aunt Kayla’s and mine.”

He darted his gaze between them. “Hi.” He then rested his attention on the bags. His gaze darted nervously to the living room where a strange woman sat, her stiff posture indicating impatience. When he stared back at them, his brown eyes were filled with sadness.

Toni sighed and turned to Richard. “Why don’t you and Andrew deal with the government official and show Gabriel the presents. I’ll go find Kayla.”

His brows were furrowed and he had obviously picked up on the distress of the little boy. “Sound’s good.” He leaned in and lightly kissed her lips. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered.

She nodded and turned to Gabriel. “Are you hungry?”

A thoughtful look crossed his face, and uncertainty tainted his young features. Richard repeated the question in what she guessed was Mandarin and the little boy’s face lit up with a shy smile.

He nodded. “Yes.”

Toni nodded. “Okay, I’ll go find your aunt.” She stepped away from the men and understood why Kayla was so upset. Of course, her friend was usually strong, but the woman who’d called her had been having an emotional meltdown.

She stepped into the kitchen area and spotted her friend sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar crying. “Kay?”

Kayla lifted her tear stained face. “Toni,” one word, and she was back to crying.

Toni shot a look over to the coffee pot then back at her friend. “You look like hell and coffee isn’t on.”

Her friend laughed shakily. “I’m off coffee, but you’re not a guest. Make some if you want.”

She shook her head and stepped over to the coffee pot. “Since when are you off coffee?” She reached into the cupboard above and pulled out the coffee filters.

“Oh, since I found out I was pregnant.”

Her body froze but by some miracle, she turned to Kayla. “Seriously?”

“Yep, I’m positive and due in late August.”

Oh yeah, I’m going to need coffee for this conversation and maybe tequila.

Toni turned back to the coffee pot; quickly added grounds and water then turned on the machine. Kayla sat in silence as Toni pulled up the stool next to her. “Okay, I have a meeting in the a.m. so forgive me if your coffee pot took precedence over your news and the drama.” Her brow furrowed. “Do you actually have a government official sitting in your house?”

“I do and she’s mean. I don’t think she likes me because I can’t understand half a word she says.” Again, tears touched Kayla’s lashes. “She looks at me like I’m stupid.”

She reached out and wrapped her arm around her friend’s shoulders. The same friend who she’d always felt was more a sister, since she was an only child. “Gabriel is gorgeous. A real cutie.”

Kayla nodded. “Isn’t he? He’s so sweet and tries so hard to make Andrew happy, but his English isn’t great and I am hitting the panic button.”

“This isn’t like you,” Toni soothed. “Of course, everything seems out of control. Your hormones have to be doing double time and traveling at Mach five.”

“I’m terrified Toni!”

“Heyyyyy. No need. Richard has a very good grasp of Mandarin and will help you guys through this. You need to breathe and relax for both yourself and the baby you’re carrying.”

“What if the cancer comes back—doctors suggest waiting two years—I’m not two years in the clear until late spring and…”

Toni noted the terror in her friend’s tone. “Whoa, breathe; come on you’ll be okay. You’ve come too far to start thinking negative now.”

“I was focusing on my baking and opening a coffee shop and now I can’t.” She shook her head. “In the blink of an eye, I’m now guardian of a seven year old boy who barely speaks English and I’m about to have a baby on top of everything. Andrew and I won’t even be married a year when the baby comes and suddenly we’re the parents of two.” Tears filled her friend’s eyes. “Do you know what it’s like to have your world change overnight?”

“Not to sound completely selfish, but yes.”

Her friend’s movement paused and she blinked at Toni. “Oh, God, I’m sorry. How are things?”

“Amazing. I can say that court ordered or not, I’m married to an amazing man.” Toni pulled herself from a chair and walked over to the fridge and started hauling out vegetables, lunch meat and cheese. She brought it over to the island where her friend sat. “Gabriel is hungry. I’m sure the guys are too, whether they realize it or not.”

Kayla rested a hand on her forearm. “What would I do without you?”

Toni blinked at her friend. “I’m not sure, but that is the same question I asked myself when you had chemo, surgery and then radiation.” She shook her head and tried to embrace the fact her friend was here, alive, and so far, well. She met Kayla’s gaze. “I know you’re scared, I would be too.”

“I know we aren’t given anything we can’t handle, but I stand in total disbelief thinking
?” Fresh tears fell.

“Have you told Piper you’re pregnant?”

Kayla shook her head. “No, she’ll freak and be worried about the cancer coming back.”

Toni sighed and focused on making sandwiches and finger foods. “She is stronger than we both know. I already sense she has faced demons greater than either of us could ever imagine.”

“You have no idea.” Richard’s smooth baritone invaded as he stepped deeper into the kitchen. “But you’re right.”

Both women turned and Richard knew he had their undivided attention. He ventured deeper into the room and glanced at the coffee pot. He rummaged through a cupboard or two until he found mugs then walked over to the fridge and hauled the flavored creamer he knew the woman he married adored. Richard filled two mugs and passed the one with cream to Toni. Again, he walked over to the fridge and hauled out a bottle of Ginger Ale and passed it to Kayla.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He lifted his brows. “Where are the crackers?”

She blinked in surprise. “Pantry cupboard.”

He nodded, found the soda crackers behind the door and brought a sleeve of saltines out. “Piper swore by this.”

“Andrew told you?”

All he could do was nod. “Yes.” he offered up a smile to Toni’s closest friend. “Piper swore morning sickness needed to be renamed to all day sickness.”

Kayla blinked at him. “Agreed.”

He turned to Toni. “I know Piper doesn’t talk much, but two years ago, my brother-in-law died in a car accident.”

Her mouth formed an
“I’m sorry.”

Richard had shut down to the point where he bordered on hate where his sister’s husband was concerned. “Don’t be, I’m not.” Pain infiltrated his heart and yet he stood in the kitchen with two women who in his mind represented strength. “He was awful to Piper. Would leave her with bruises, sometimes in front of Lauren. My niece would cry herself to sleep. Real men don’t act that way.”

Both women flinched, then his wife spoke. “She’s never said a word.”

He shook his head. “Do you know she carried shame for over a year? I’m so glad she has you and now Kayla.”  He smiled. “Please don’t ever let on I said anything.”

Toni nodded in understanding. “Piper and Lauren live six blocks from here, do they fall in the same school boundaries?”

Richard smiled. “Yes, I ran it. There is no reason Gabriel can’t go to the same school.”

“Except we can’t afford a private school.” Kayla’s pallor turned green.

Toni’s expression turned animated, he already knew what was going to leave her mouth. “I’ll pay. It’s a really good school and they’ll help Gabriel with his English, give him the attention he needs.”

Kayla shook her head. “I’m not catholic—neither is Andrew.”

Toni laughed. “Well according to my mother I am and my sister-in-law already has a child registered. Considered it done.”

Richard loved her confidence and studied the woman he’d married. There were many things about Toni to love. “I’ve called for the company limousine service; they’re picking up the Chinese government official and taking her to the airport.”

Kayla shook her head. “What does that mean?”

He grinned and walked over to where Toni made sandwiches. She swiped one that had already been cut in half and lifted it. Things were more than comfortable. He took a bite and chewed, swallowed then looked at Kayla.

“Gabriel is yours, free and clear, but know I’ll be here. I’ll help where I can till his English improves.” He took another bite of the sandwich Toni held and studied her. Despite everything and fate’s sick sense of humor, he had a woman with a big heart as his wife.

He took another bite of the ham and cheese in her hand and knew then and there, he may have been sentenced to marriage, but she was a blessing in disguise, one with passion and integrity. Yeah, he’d done okay, now he just had to stop himself from falling in love with her.

He shuddered.
Yeah right. It might already be too late.


Toni’s days blurred into a week. She was running tired between the crew creating havoc at
Stewart Locke Investments
, her out of control friend Felix who had instantly become best friends for life with her mother and mother-in-law while planning the Toys for Tots Christmas party and helping Kayla juggle school registration and life with a seven year old.

She now stood in what had been a guest room, now converted into a little boy’s dream bedroom. Her gaze wandered to the window and she glanced out at the large yard. Surprise filled her as Richard and Andrew tossed the football around with Gabriel. Her mouth twitched into a smile as her husband walked over then squatted down and showed the young boy how to hold the ball.

“Wow, it looks amazing in here!” Piper exclaimed.

Toni turned from the window and faced Piper where she stood with Kayla. “It turned out well.”

“Gabriel is so happy, Toni, thank you so much.” Kayla shook her head. “You and Richard have been so great.”

She darted another glance out the window and again smiled as the three continued to play. Piper and Kayla stepped over to where she stood and looked out the window as well.

“My brother is playing football?” The surprise wasn’t hard to miss.

She exchanged a quizzical expression with Kayla then glanced at her sister-in-law. “Why is that a surprise?”

“He just didn’t seem to do anything fun anymore. All he ever did was work.” She smiled and shook her head. “All that’s changing. He is happy and seems to have joined the living outside of the office.”

“He’s been a great friend to Andrew,” Kayla offered, then shrugged and met Toni’s gaze. “You know you’re right, sentence or not, you did well with him.”

“My brother is a charmer when he wants to be, and has a good heart.” Piper paused and a sad expression crossed her face. “He was such strength after my husband died. Really stepped up and helped me with Lauren.”

“He’s a great guy.” Toni darted another look to the man she was married to. Seeing him with Gabriel, she knew he’d be a great dad. A weird sensation trickled over her and for the first time she wondered if maybe there were worse fates than being married, having a family.

BOOK: Tickled Pink
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