THIS TIME (The Grace Allen Series Book Three Paranormal Romance) (19 page)





walked a slow circle around me as I stood shivering in his chambers. My hair
was dry and brushed. It lay in soft waves on my shoulders, calmed by a glamour.
I was naked and cold as Lu examined me.

stood in silence and stared unseeing at a spot on the wall. I felt him move
around me. Heat and anger radiated from his flesh.

lifted a lock of my hair and brought it to his nose.

so much better, my bride, although you have lost weight which I do not care for,”
he sighed and grazed his hands along my naked shoulders. I ignored his touch, biting
my tongue, even though I was dying to remind him that I was thin because he’d
fucking starved me. “I see you finally understand.” He kissed the top of my head
and then he turned and took the gown from the hook on the door.

felt him at my back as he pressed the gown close to my skin. I struggled to
remain numb as the gowns texture changed, I staggered and sucked in too much
oxygen. Coughing, I swayed as breathing became almost impossible. The gown had
wrapped itself around me, like a strait jacket with a life of its own. I stood in
horror, chilled to the bone as silk and lace tightened around me.

threw his head back and laughed, an elegant sweep of his neck. I glared as I
tried to suck air into my lungs. My nerves were thin and I fisted my hands,
digging deep to strengthen my determination.

are a vision.” He pulled my hand up and spun me. As I turned my eyes landed on
him. I felt my heart hammer in my chest.

had changed that fast. He stood before me as he had once before. A vision of
unearthly beauty. I had no words.

looked pleased at my silence and I wished with all I had that I could lash out.
Anger overwhelmed me as I took in his horrible magnificence. It was the
ultimate punishment to my heart. A creature so unbelievably beautiful, so
could be the Devil himself.

hair was long once again and swept from his face to fall in glowing, golden
waves. Shirtless, his skin was a honey, golden tan making his beautiful tattoos
stand out boldly. The ink along his left arm matched mine almost perfectly. He
watched me, his slightly pink lips framed his perfect white teeth in a mocking

sniffed as a tear slid down my cheek. I wiped it away.


laughed to myself and shook my head. Figured that his beauty would cause me to
cry tears of blood once again. I hated him. He was every temptation capable of
sin. He was a nightmare because he was a dream.

unfurled his midnight wings, they spread wide as he folded his arms. He was
mocking me and I whimpered, my knees weakening. My automatic reactions to him
were pissing me off. I felt like a puppet controlled by lust and flesh. I
closed my eyes as he took my hand. His touch was gentle as tears of blood
sparkled along the bodice of my gown.

moved down a narrow corridor to what I could only describe as my doom. My mind
raced with thoughts. The spell I had worked was stamped behind my eyes. I had
so much to lose.

squeezed my hand, ripping me from my tortured thoughts, “I’ve enjoyed the game
you’ve been playing,” he said, “but you realize that ends tonight.” 

listened, my heart sinking,

soul is ripe with defiance.” He pulled me along, his eyes forward as we
maneuvered around piles of sloppy goo that I was sure used to be actual living
creatures. “I’ve tried to fuck it out of you,” he continued, “but you haven’t
wavered.” He shrugged. “A testament to your grand control I suppose.” Then he
stopped, I braced myself on his arm as my feet slid in the sludge. “Soon it
won’t matter what you wish to do. You will finally, irrevocably belong to me.” He
smiled. “Your power, your body. I will finally travel the road forbidden.”

looked away, ignoring him. He wanted to get a rise out of me so I ground my
teeth together and struggled with my rising fury.

grabbed my bare arm, jerking it up hard, I shrieked in shock and sucked in a
breath. His cool eyes found mine and held. “The marks you bear are your own
doing, Grace Allen. This above all other things proves you have felt strongly
for me. You can never deny the pleasure you find in my arms.” He squeezed my
arm and I grimaced in pain. “Never forget that.” He glared and bared his teeth.

stumbled as he gripped my wrist and pulled me further down the hall. He was
angry. My silence in the pit had really pissed him off. He was a puzzle,
wanting so much to be loved and desired, yet when I tried to show him any
emotion, he would spin it, make it ugly and wrong. I watched him as we moved
along. It was true. I had felt for him, in my own pathetic way. It was every
foolish female’s desire to change a man unchangeable, but the task I had set
out to accomplish was doomed no matter what I tried to do.

wanted my light, yet he refused to allow it to shine.

grime on the floor appeared to thicken the further we traveled. My spiky heeled
shoes were like ice skates, squishing and slipping in the muck.

stench was revolting and I cringed and yelped as I realized my feet had left
the floor. Without missing a beat, Lu’s giant wing swept underneath me,
pressing against my back, it slid up, allowing me to gain my footing once more.

stood for a moment, Lu standing quietly by my side as I struggled to catch my
breath. Lu’s wing continued to brace me and I looked sideways at him. He stared
straight ahead and I frowned. He was an enigma, and despite what Mariee
thought, I had no desire to solve it.

continued on until finally we entered a great cavern so large it seemed like
another world.

Oh, God

heart dropped as fear caused the goosebumps to rise along my flesh.

of every shape and size skittered along the walls. Clinging to the uneven
surface of the stone, their claws clicking and scratching the rock as they
moved. Little bits of stone crumbled and rained down onto the backs of the
demons on the floor. They chattered and screeched like crows, sending icy panic
into my blood.

blew out a slow breath as Lu led me through the swarm. My breathing hitched as
they reached out and ran their freezing hands across my legs. I wanted to
scream and run as fast as I could.

realized too late that I had unconsciously slid my hand around Lu’s arm. His
derisive snort was the only hint he had noticed. I didn’t give a shit. I’d take
the demon beside me at the moment. At least I knew I’d survive the walk with

we traveled deeper into the vast chamber, the number of shining demons grew.

rose higher and higher making our way to a giant dais that rose above the
squirming, writhing bodies.

removed my hand and I quickly made a fist, drawing it up to my chest as we
walked slowly up the steps, his rising excitement was palpable. Heat surrounded
me and I folded my arms tightly across my stomach. The air was heavy as I
frantically scanned the demons.

watched us from every horrid face.

I’m so fucking unprepared for this

doubts rose to the surface as he pointed his finger for me to stay. He moved
away, leaving me behind. His steps picked up as he approached a large covered

arms flung wide, Lu spun, and a cocky grin lit up his face.

recoiled, calling on all my strength not to bolt. His eyes found mine and he
pointed a long finger at me. “You and I are bound, but for one small act.” His
voice boomed throughout the cavern.

little ceremony, he reached for the satin shroud.

felt the floor dance under my feet as his wings opened. Spreading wide, they
appeared to grow in size. I held my breath as he gripped the fabric in two
great fists. I knew what would be there and I knew I wasn’t ready.

rushed to my palms and my mind frantically worked to remember my carefully
worded spell.

met my eyes and in one grand flourish, he flung the cloth into the air.

were almost unrecognizable and I fell to my knees in shock.

God,” I heard my voice squeak. My eyes flooded with tears, blurring their
horribly beaten bodies. They were nude and covered in blood. The only way I
knew that they were still alive was that Lucifer needed them alive.

body shook and I squeezed my eyes shut. Pain crumbled my heart to dust as the
vision seemed burned onto my retinas.

hands gripped my shoulders and I jumped.


looked up.

I sniffed, “what are you doing?” Confused, I looked toward Lu. He was smiling
at Cain as he helped me to stand. My skin shivered as Cain led me to stand in
front of Lu.

bit my lip in anger, no way was I going to stand here and marry this demonic

moved to stand in front of me and gently gripped my wrists.

remember your plan?” he whispered and I lowered my brows as I stared into his
deep blue eyes, “you’ll be needing it right about now.” He smiled and stepped

looked down and sucked in a gasp of air. He’d shackled my wrists. The chains
were heavy and bolted to the ground. I looked up in shock as suddenly, the chains
pulled tight and I was forced to my knees.

screamed and tried to rush him but movement was impossible. He laughed and
shook his head. “I warned you.” I jerked back and screamed, cursing him, I
shouted and kicked. My mind was a wash of hurt and confusion.

Lu’s voice cut through my tirade and I watched in horror as the man I stupidly
thought was on my side prostrated himself, his hands fisted and crossed in
front of his chest.

Lu spoke low, and in a movement too quick for my eyes to follow, Cain withdrew
two long blades and held them high above his head.

watched in horror as two shrouded demons approached the altar. Standing on
either side of Lucian and Seth, each demon took a fistful of one man's hair, and
pulled his head back to expose his neck.

screamed and pulled on the chains, my magic was no use against the bonds.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and Lu looked at me and smiled, his brows
high as if letting me speak. “Please, don’t do this!” I cried out blinded by

shook his head in disgust and he nodded to Cain who then bowed and then
transferred the lethal bladed into Lu’s hands.

was now or never. I closed my eyes.

blood grew warm as the glamour surrounding me fell. My hair began to dance and
whip about my head as I silently spoke the words I had memorized. There could
be no mistakes, nothing overlooked. I inhaled as the souls of the Madea swelled
inside me, energizing every cell. My power built inside my mind. I felt my eyes
glow as I slid the shackles easily from my wrists.



smiled as he lowered the swords, his eyebrows high. And then suddenly, the room
burst into flame as Lucifer charged me. I lashed out, sending out a protective
arc of power. He bounced off and flew several feet back.

dare?” he ground out between his teeth. His eyes narrowed as he blew out a
great puff of smoke.

wide, I backed up a step. He’d never done anything like that before and I’d
pissed him off plenty.

crackling sound met my ears as his skin began to sizzle and pop. His eyes
bulged inside of his head, his features split and contorted painfully. Lu
growled, his arms bulging, his chest swelling. Bones cracked as every part of
him literally grew before my eyes.

felt my magic waver. I stood gaping. What the fuck was happening?

was over ten feet tall. His glossy black horns rose another three feet into the
air. Goat eyes watched me from a face only slightly familiar. His skin was as
black as bat wings, his sharp teeth were white as snow and curved to deadly

My holy Hell, Seth has nothing on those

do you like your groom, my darling?” he laughed and I staggered back in
astonishment. His voice was deep and guttural, it vibrated my chest like a base.
“I’m thrilled that you’ve finally found your spine.” He laughed and my heart
pounded against my chest like a jackhammer. Terror had nothing on what I was

hands began to shake and I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on the last
few words to my spell. It was almost impossible with his demon face branded
onto my retinas. He was a nightmare although no gore covered him. He didn’t
need it.

fur-covered legs moved closer to the demons who, despite all that was happening
around them, had never wavered in their stance. Seth and Lucian’s heads were
still painfully pulled back. As the horrid, cloven-hooved monster approached, I
knew my time was up.

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