Read Thick as Thieves Online

Authors: Tali Spencer

Thick as Thieves (10 page)

BOOK: Thick as Thieves
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“You know I’m not very far in, right? You took a whole unicorn horn, didn’t you? Just relax.”

He felt Vorgell’s sigh in the ribs nudging his ankles, watched those oak-tree thighs spread again with permission to continue. After giving Vorgell’s cock a fond nuzzle, Madd sucked the tip back into his mouth and went back to work, awakening a nearly steady flow of fluid from the tip. A frisson of magic burst across his lapping tongue, and he sucked at it wildly.

Vorgell’s guardian muscle relaxed, and Madd eased his finger deeper. He circled slowly, caressing a tight channel of ridged muscle. Vorgell’s body was tough and strong, honed to a warrior’s purpose, but inside he was supple and silken. Vulnerable. The muscles bore down, resisting Madd’s finger, then yielded to take him deeper. Hooking his fingertip, Madd sought the walnut-sized nub of tissue that would nail Vorgell to the proverbial wall.

Finding the bump, he gently passed his finger across it, and Vorgell yelled, bucking between Madd’s thighs like a horse beneath its rider. Madd’s cock slapped and jabbed the barbarian’s belly, enjoying such vigorous friction he nearly came on the spot. Maybe it was magic, or maybe it was just that he was having so much fun, but he was hard again, eagerly anticipating more. For his own safety, Madd kept Vorgell’s cock clamped in his fist, preventing the monster from slamming through to the base of his skull. He continued to suck while working his finger in Vorgell’s ass.

“So good,” Vorgell whimpered. “Feels so good! Oh, Madd—”

Amazing. Vorgell’s cock wasn’t flagging at all. Most men did when ass play was involved. There was a chance Vorgell would spend before Madd could finish out his own pleasure… and that just wouldn’t do. Pulling his mouth from Vorgell’s straining cock, Madd rocked back, sitting his bare ass on Vorgell’s chest. It was time to ponder his options.

“Don’t stop, not now!”

“That’s not for you to say, is it?” To make his point, he reached down between Vorgell’s thighs and grabbed him by the balls.

“Stop! Stop, I’m going to spend!”

“No. You’re not.” Madd squeezed harder, and Vorgell yelped.

When he was sure he had the barbarian’s orgasm under control, Madd released his hold on the man’s nuts. “You know,” he said, gently pumping Vorgell’s cock until precome again flowed in sweet, fat drops, “You’re not my usual flavor. But I’ve never met a man so in need of a good, hard… screw.” He released his hold on Vorgell’s cock and dismounted, then delivered a slap on the thigh. “Flip over. Spread your knees. I’m going to do you a favor.”

Vorgell stared at him, longing mixed with gratitude and trepidation. “Really, Madd? Will you? Oh, gods!” With a mighty heave, the bound giant rolled over onto his chest, ass slightly raised and his cock pushing into the mattress like a third leg. His knees were a good chest width apart. “Like this?” he asked.

“Yes,” Madd said, then murmured, “nice.”

Even Vorgell’s ass looked godlike, as lush and round as any ass Madd had ever had the pleasure to gaze upon. Vorgell’s muscular thighs spread wide, showing him the man’s sac, rosy and full and beautifully fleeced with golden hair. Just above that sight, a well-teased hole winked with pretty pink invitation. Madd’s cock practically leaped toward it.

The big man was proving to be a good investment after all. Madd dropped his hand to his groin and stroked his painfully hard shaft a few times to wet his fingers with lubrication. There was just enough bed for him to kneel between Vorgell’s rock-hard thighs, his cock placed exactly where it needed to be.

Having slicked his fingers with precome, he wiggled two digits firmly into Vorgell’s hole and pushed until they were well inside. He crooked his forefinger, sweeping the hot spot and awakening another cry of pleasure. He practically had to mount the man to reach under him, but he managed. Taking Vorgell’s big cock in hand, Madd gathered more slippery juices that he added, mixed with spittle, to the fingers he twisted slowly and carefully, loosening the tight muscles. He smiled when Vorgell started pushing back, rolling his pelvis and seeking more bumps against his pleasure spot.

“How’s this, big guy?”

“So good,” Vorgell kept mumbling, again and again. His arm muscles bulged and shoulders strained, tugging at his bonds while he bucked on the fingers working his ass. “So good, Madd… please….”

“Good as unicorn horn?”

“Just as good. Just as… Wolf Gods and Harpies, Madd. I can’t take this… finish me now!”

Why not? Madd grinned. He dug in his toes and lined himself up, pulling his fingers out with a soft, wet pop. “Here’s something better than unicorn horn,” he said.

He drove his cock straight into Vorgell’s begging ass. The sight—and then the feel—of his cockhead being swallowed by the tight ring of muscle nearly made him come. He was already on the verge. He clamped his teeth down hard on his lip, fighting for control.

“Mother of the Gods!” Vorgell gasped.

Madd held on as the big man stiffened, then sagged forward onto his chest, groaning, ass still raised while Madd thrust and watched more of his cock disappear into that gorgeous creamy flesh. He pushed again, sinking deeper, until he was fully inside. Vorgell’s ass gripped him snugly in a glove of hot, living flesh.

“There you go, big boy. I’m inside you now. This is what you really want, isn’t it? Sorry if it hurts. Is it too much?” Madd asked.

“No. No, please don’t stop now.”

With slow, firm strokes, he resumed fisting Vorgell’s cock, sending a shudder through the big man’s body. Pleasure would help Vorgell through the initial pain of penetration. His own pleasure at feeling Vorgell’s tightness and heat was intense. He breathed raggedly as Vorgell’s channel clenched around him, a supple, perfect caress.

“Oh gods, Vorgell, you feel good.”

“Madd… Madd, please… fuck me. I need it….”

At that moment, Madd knew he had mastered the hard-muscled body rocking beneath him. Vorgell’s cock filled his hand like a fish fresh on the hook, wildly seeking escape. A few more thrusts and the barbarian would explode. Using his thighs for power, Madd pulled back and then pushed into Vorgell, answering each cry of mingled pleasure and pain with another thrust of his erect cock. He had the big man screaming now, blessing gods whose names he’d never heard. Another jab at the sweet spot pushed the blond giant over the edge. Vorgell wawled like a lioness in heat and his huge cock jerked and released in Madd’s hand, shooting jets of semen against the mattress and coating his fingers.

“My turn now,” Madd announced.

Releasing Vorgell’s softening cock, he grabbed the big guy’s firm buttocks and plunged into him deep and hard. Vorgell’s ass bounded beneath his thrusts, so damn hot and tight Madd knew he wouldn’t last. His cock was already harder than a dragon’s claw, pounding inside a man whose throat released delirious moans with every stroke.

“Fuck, you’re tight!” he grunted.

Vorgell lifted his head, his bound arms tugging and pulling, his buttocks impaled and quivering as Madd drank in the sight. He was fucking the man senseless and he owned him, was claiming Vorgell more with every thrust.

“I’m coming,” he gasped, then grunted and just did it.

He came hard, spurting into the happiest ass he’d ever screwed while Vorgell called out his name as if it belonged to one of his gods.

Drained and thoroughly pleasured, Madd collapsed across Vorgell’s broad back and stayed there while the barbarian’s body sank beneath him. Vorgell was still breathing hard from his struggles when Madd pulled his right hand, covered with Vorgell’s come, to his mouth and licked it clean. Along with bitter semen, the sharp, sweet tang of magic danced across his tongue like bright sparks, like peppermint, exploding in his mouth and then his body. A few minutes later, his cock retreated from Vorgell’s now rosy, open hole.

“On your side,” he said. The sated giant obeyed then inhaled sharply when Madd bent over his belly to lift and lick his spent cock. Still half-erect, the gorgeous member bobbed above the bedsheet. When he had licked Vorgell’s cock clean, Madd stretched out in front of him, buttocks to the other man’s belly.

“How are your arms?” He tipped his head enough to see Vorgell’s smile.

“Good.” From beneath nearly closed lids, Vorgell perused him warmly. “It was a good thing you tied me. Seeing your sweet ass bobbing in front of my nose was driving me insane.”

insane. You have unicorn magic bubbling through your bones and shooting out of your cock.” Madd lay back again and felt some of that magic seeping into his blood, dispersing through his body, where it would stay until he did something with it. “So you liked that?”

“I did. Yes.” After a moment, Vorgell spoke again. “Did you?”

“What do you think?”

“You were good. Both ways.”

“So were you.”

For a while, they were both silent, but Madd could tell Vorgell was happy by the way the man nuzzled his shoulder. Beard brushed his skin, and the touch of a kiss at the curve of his neck awakened a deep ripple of… what? Pleasure? Contentment? He stiffened, and a pang shot through him, a warning not to like it too much, or allow this man to become attached. It had been a stupid fuck, nothing more. Hadn’t it?



“You’re the first.”

The unease in the pit of his stomach deepened. “No, I’m not. You fucked yourself with that damn horn first. And I’m sure you’ve sucked men before.”

“Here and there. Mostly they sucked me. They think that’s what I want, and I do, but… no man ever demanded that I suck him. I like cock and would have complied gladly, but none ever dared. No free man ever gave me that, or what you just did.” Something wistful took hold of Vorgell’s voice. “I’m not what most men want, I know that. I’m big and hairy, not cute and small. I have a big ass, not a tantalizing little one. A rough, bearded face, not one that’s pretty and delicate.” The sigh that issued from the big body at Madd’s back would have propelled a ship across the bay. “When I was taken captive, the slaver picked and chose from my band the men he wanted to sell. He first chose those he would sell as pleasure slaves. He mocked us, telling us we would live in luxury, but we would be required to suck cock and take cock up the ass. Some of the men wailed against that fate, but I thought it would not be so bad.”

Madd sat up and turned to look at his recumbent friend.

“The slaver did not choose me.” Vorgell wore a pained grimace. “I was chosen to be sold to the quarries or the mines, or chained to a ship for the rest of my days. Do you wonder that I fled?”

“No. I would have joined you, had I been there.” He silently thanked Vorgell for not mentioning that he, Madd, would have been sold as a pleasure slave.

Both of their stomachs chose that moment to rumble. They had fed one hunger, but awakened another. With a laugh, he tugged Vorgell until the man flopped again onto his belly. Then he undid the leather bindings from the barbarian’s arms. Vorgell sat up and began rubbing his chafed wrists.

“For what it’s worth, Vorgell, I think you look good.”

The big man smiled. Sitting beside him, Madd picked up his right boot and spilled three quarters of gold into his hand.

“Forgot I had these, didn’t you? Well, this one’s yours,” he said, pressing a gold bit into Vorgell’s hand. He held up another. “And this one’s mine. But this one—” he flipped the third, “—is going to buy us dinner and the provisions we need to get us to the baron’s castle.”

“So we’re doing it?” Vorgell asked.

Madd nodded. “I have to. This collar does things to me, things I can’t handle for much longer. Magic can’t be escaped, only broken. If I don’t get this thing off me somehow, it will keep pulling me toward him. I think maybe… maybe it’s why I wanted sex tonight. I don’t even know… how pitiful is that? And I’m so damn tired of being pitiful.” Trouble was, he thought it really might have been the collar acting through him. He didn’t want it to be, but…. “Magic’s a curse, Vorgell. Believe that. I have to go to the castle, take that chance, even if it’s the last thing I ever do. I won’t ask you to go with me… but you’re welcome to come along.”

Vorgell reached for his pants. “If it involves helping you, I’m in. But we eat first. My cock is quiet, but my belly is ready to wake up the town!”

Chapter 9

blinked and realized he had nodded off. A full belly on top of the most amazing sex he had ever had… no wonder he had succumbed. As he became more aware of where he was, and with whom, he sighed happily but not too deeply. He wouldn’t disturb Madd for the world. Madd’s head rested on his outstretched arm, near enough for strands of his lover’s hair to catch in his beard. His other arm lay across Madd’s gently moving ribs, holding him close. The weight and heat of their bodies created a nice warm hollow in the mattress. Just lying here like this, with Madd snuggled against him, buttocks tucked into Vorgell’s belly, was enough.

Though he was tempted to pull Madd closer, Vorgell knew better. If Madd were anything but asleep, he would object to being held. He would also object to Vorgell’s erection being happily nestled along the crack of his ass, something Vorgell enjoyed too much to wish to disturb. For this moment, life was exactly the way he wanted it.

BOOK: Thick as Thieves
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