Read TheSurrenderofLacyMorgan Online

Authors: Suzanne Ferrell

TheSurrenderofLacyMorgan (15 page)

“See how she’s splayed open for her lover? Craving his
touch, his pleasure in bringing her to the brink?”

“Oh yes.” She watched as the man’s hands opened her nether
lips, the hot pink flesh for her to see.

“Now watch.” He slid his hands around and beneath her
thighs, lifting the woman above his cock, backward, until the head slid into
her flesh. Releasing his grip, he let her sink down until her body completely
engulfed his thickness.

The pleasure of him filling her, stretching her more than
she’d ever been stretched before, brought a moan to her lips. The almost
exquisite pressure teetering on pain felt too much. She shifted her weight,
moving him slightly out.

“Wait,” he commanded, his voice tight and harsh. His hands
gripped her thighs to still her movements. “Give me a moment.”

He’s fighting for control.
A wicked need spread
through her, and she shifted forward, taking him in deep again.

“Oh damn.” His moan, her reward.

That’s when she knew.

He was hers. His pleasure at her control.

Meeting his blue gaze in the mirror, she stroked her hands
up over her breasts, cupping them as she shifted her weight back and forth
again. His cock slid out just to the head, her juices glistening on the veined
and swollen shaft. Then she took him back inside.

“Mmm,” she purred.

“Fuck yes,” he growled. “More, darlin’. Ride me hard.”

She fought to keep the pace slow and steady. With each
movement the musky scent of their lust filled the air around them. Each thrust
brought him deeper inside her. Each glide out was shorter and shorter, until
she rode him like her horse in a full gallop over the flat plains. Pleasure and
pressure built inside her.

Movement in the mirror caught her attention. She froze,
impaled on Quinn’s cock as the door to the next room opened. Dakota stood in
the doorway. Her eyes met his and the heat in the liquid brown depths sent her
blood to near boiling.

“Don’t stop.” Quinn gripped her hips, forcing her back and
up again, gliding her off and on his cock. “Dakota loves to watch.”

Wanton greed filled her as she returned to the erotic

Two men. With her own need for release, she could please two
men, control their lust, build it, tease it. At this moment, she and her body
were the center of their sexual world.

Riding the man beneath her, she watched the other man open
his trousers and pull out an equally swollen cock. Gaze locked on her, Dakota
fisted his hand around his manhood and began pumping himself, matching her

“Faster,” Quinn moaned in her ear, his breath fanning the
skin of her neck, his hands moving her hips. The desperate edge to his voice
spurred her to increase the pace more than his words or hands.

And she gave in to her own need. Gripping his cock with her
woman’s heat, she ground down on him hard. His hands replaced hers on her
breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples, taking her higher.

Dakota’s impassioned moans mixed with Quinn’s as she wrapped
her hands behind her neck and drove them faster, harder and higher to the

Suddenly, her body arched, strung as tight as a bow, her
head thrown back on Quinn’s shoulder. She came.

“Oh God, yes!”

“Yes, pet, come for us!” Quinn groaned, his cock spasming
inside her, jets of his seed coating her deep.

“Uhng, yes!” Dakota moaned from behind them, his cock
spurting its release over his hand.

Another spasm and then a third shook her body. Quinn held
her tight against him, murmuring his praise into her ears, coaxing yet one more
spasm from her before she fought to suck air into her lungs.

“You were magnificent.” He grasped her chin and turned her
head, claiming her lips in a soul-searing kiss. Closing her eyes, she tasted
his passion and his pride in that kiss, trying not to think how she’d succumbed
so easily to her body’s shameful lust.

A few minutes later, Dakota, clean and re-dressed, cleared
his throat. “We have a problem.”

* * * * *

Sated, her wounds cleaned and re-bandaged, Lacy slept in the
other bedroom while Quinn listened to what Dakota had discovered in town.

During dinner, he’d watched every move Lacy made, wishing he
could take her back into the bedroom and bury himself deep in her heat once
more. But when Dakota removed her dressing and he saw the condition of her
shoulder—the inflamed red tissue and small dots of blood oozing from the edges
of her wounds—he knew she needed to rest.

“The sidewinder said he was looking for a woman wearing a
necklace matching the one Lacy wears,” Dakota said.

“A bounty hunter?” All Quinn’s attention snapped to his
blood brother.

“He told the storekeeper she was his wife, but no doubt that
was a lie.”

Even if he didn’t believe Lacy was married, Dakota’s
declaration that the other man lied confirmed it. No one could get a lie past

Dakota paused as he used a soapstone to sharpen the Arkansas
toothpick he carried strapped in a sheath sewn into his knee-high moccasins.
“He did seem to know too much about her to be just a bounty hunter working on
the right side of the law.”

“Devil’s man?”

“My guess, yes.”

“Where’s the body?”

“On his way to Beaver Run, Montana.”

“You let him go? And you sent him to the town where we found

“Seemed like as good a place as any for him to travel, and
we know it’ll take three days there and three back. Two each way if he pushes
it.” He shrugged then slipped the giant knife into its sheath. “Better to let
him chase after his tail than tip our hand. Think about it. We kill one of
Devil’s men or lock him up in the town’s pokey, word could get back before
we’re ready to take down the gang. We don’t know how many men Devil sent after
our pet.”

“You’re right. But I still would’ve killed him and hidden
his body out in the mountains somewhere.”

“Don’t think I wasn’t tempted.”

“Hope he doesn’t circle back and cause us trouble later.”

“How long until you think Lacy’s ready?”

Dakota knew as well as he did their plan to ride into
Devil’s camp hinged on Lacy trusting them and obeying them above everything,
including her fear of her stepfather’s retribution.

“Tonight was a major step for her. She’s just about there.
Another few days should do the trick.”

“Good. She needs a few days of rest off the trail to let
those wounds heal before we head into that den of snakes or she’ll never
survive it.”

“She’s stronger than she looks, Dakota.” Quinn pulled out
the bottle of whiskey he carried in his saddlebag and poured them both two
fingers’ worth. “Why do you suppose Devil would send someone to track one lone

Dakota took the glass he offered him. “Between her exotic
beauty and her natural submissiveness, Lacy’s a treasure any man would want to

That made sense. Over the years he’d seen more than one man
go crazy because a woman he wanted to own had fled. As much as he enjoyed the
game of controlling Lacy’s sexuality, she wasn’t an object to be owned or
enslaved. Their conversation earlier this evening had shown how independent she
was. Also, Lacy swore she never allowed Devil close enough to force himself on
her. “There’s something else going on. My gut tells me so.”

Dakota paused, his whiskey halfway to his lips. “We’d better
figure it out before we get to the camp. Or none of us will make it out of
there alive.”

Quinn nodded. Cap had taught them years ago to avoid

“Know your quarry, boys. Even the smallest detail can be
important when you’re hunting an outlaw. The only surprise should be you
getting the drop on them, not the other way around.”

So what detail had he missed about Lacy and Devil’s gang? He
had a few days to ferret it out of her.

“Did you send the telegrams?”

Dakota nodded. “Ian’s still in Chicago.”

“And Nicco?”

“He’s in Santa Fe. My guess he should be here about the same
time as Ian.”

Over the years, Cap had adopted other orphaned boys,
bringing them to the ranch to live. They’d been known by everyone in the
surrounding area as “Cap’s boys”. The five of them had grown up to be as close
as brothers. Their love and respect for Anson and Juanita bound them tighter
than blood ever could.

“And Will?”

“Will’s got foaling and cattle breeding going on at the
ranch. But you know he’ll be here as soon as he gets the message.”

Quinn studied Dakota. The five of them had sworn to bring
Cap’s killers to justice together, but this bounty hunter or member of Devil’s
gang looking for Lacy just moved their timeline up.

“So our choice is we head out on our own or wait around
Goldwater a full week for the others to join us and pray Devil doesn’t leave on
another raid or disappear altogether now that the mountain passes have thawed.”

“Or one of his men finds Lacy first,” Dakota added, reading
his thoughts. “I’ll start searching the woods for the right plants while Lacy
rests. Should have enough by the time you’re ready to leave.”

“Three days. We’ll leave word for Ian and Nicco to follow,
but in three days’ time the three of us will ride into hell.”

“You’re sure Lacy will be ready to do her part?”

A knot clenched in his chest. “No matter if she’s a hundred
percent ready or not, she’ll face Devil and willingly put herself in his

Chapter Eight


Curled in a deep cocoon of warmth, Lacy snuggled back
against the solid log of heat pressed along the length of her back. She started
to drift back to sleep when a hand—a man’s warm hand—settled on her hip.

“Quinn,” she murmured, floating back into consciousness.

“It’s me, darlin’,” he whispered in her ear. His warm breath
fanned her cheek and neck. The scent of whiskey wafted over to tease her nose.

Accustomed to sleeping in his or Dakota’s arms the past few
nights, she eased back against him. The warmth of his body and his protective
presence relaxed her further. Secure. Four days and nights with the two lawmen
and she felt safer than she had since living in New Orleans with her mama as a
child. Before the war brought Devil.

Quinn slid his hand over her hip to her abdomen, trailing
his fingers up to cup her breast, erasing all thoughts of her vile stepfather.

She tried to twist around to face him.

“Don’t move, darlin’,” he said, increasing his grip on her
breast and the weight of his arm holding her in place. “Don’t want to ruin
Dakota’s hard work and open your wounds again.”

As her body relaxed against him once more, he nibbled on her
earlobe, sending tendrils of delight skating over her body. The heat between
her thighs flared and spread in all directions.

“He was very gentle…” She sucked in a breath as his lips
slid down the column of her neck, making the chains of her collar gently scrape
her flesh. “When he re-dressed it.”

“Did you thank him properly?”

“Properly?” What did he mean? The sensations he created over
her skin confused her sleep-muddled brain.

“A warm, sexy kiss is always the best way to thank a man for
caring for you.” He slipped his hand to her opposite cheek and slowly turned
her head, sliding his lips over hers, teasing with his tongue until she was
breathless. “Did it excite you?”

“When he was fixing my shoulder?” Why was he asking
something so odd?

“No. When you saw him watching us fucking earlier? Did it
excite you? Did it make you come even harder knowing you were pleasing us
both?” He slipped his hand down between her thighs to stroke her pulsing sex.
“Did watching him pleasure himself as he watched you ride my cock thrill you

She wanted to protest. To deny the truth in his questions.
But she couldn’t lie to him or herself, especially since he’d seen her

“Yes.” Her mind filled with the image of the woman impaled
on the thick cock, the sheen of desire flushing her skin as she fulfilled her
lust on one man and watched her other lover in the mirror.

“You see it now, don’t you?” He lifted her thigh and slipped
his leg between hers. The hard thickness of his cock pressed into her moist
folds. “The woman taking control of her two lovers’ pleasure. Of her own.”

He knew the lust inside her, the need she wanted to keep

“You want to please us both, don’t you?” he demanded as he
slid deeper inside her, holding her still as he filled her.

Damn him. How could he force her to admit what she was? A
whore like her mother. And damn him, she had enjoyed pleasing them both.

“Yes. God, yes.” She shifted her hips and drew him into her,
clenching and pulling with the core of her being.

No more words or questions came from him as he held her
firmly against his body and drove himself in and out of her, pushing them
closer and closer to the edge of reality.

He swirled his tongue over her ear. “Come for me,” he
growled, then bit down on her earlobe.

The sudden pain shattered her control—her body spasmed and
her moans filled the room. Quinn clenched her tight to him, the warmth of his
seed filling her sending another spasm through her.

After a few moments, Lacy relaxed back against him once
more. His arms held her fast, his breath slow and steady. Sated and drowsy, she
listened to him sleep.

What manner of man was this? Demanding at one turn, tender
at another. He delighted in controlling her body, but also listened when she
spoke her mind. And though he seemed to want to have her passions to himself,
he didn’t hesitate to share her with his friend.

What was wrong with her? She wanted to escape, didn’t she?
She’d tried, at least that first day. Now? All she seemed to want to do was be
held by these two men.

Oh, they planned to turn her over to the territorial judge
at the end of this trip. She didn’t doubt it for a moment. Of course, if they
did it would mean they’d somehow kept Devil from killing her and had brought
him to justice.

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