Read TherianPrey Online

Authors: Cyndi Friberg

TherianPrey (27 page)

“Jake’s on his way,” Erin told him. “He’ll stop by and pick
up Landon. Eli, Holt and Ian are already here. And you are number six.”

It took Carissa a moment to put faces with the names Erin
rattled off so casually. Jake was the tiger-biker Carissa had met while she
soaked in the hot tub. Landon was the renegade wolf who had joined the rebels
despite the fact that his father was a Network Prime. Holt was the bear-shifter
and Eli had been manning the security station when Carissa had first arrived at
the sanctuary.

“What does Eli manifest as?” Carissa asked.

“He’s a snow leopard,” Erin said. “And his cat is absolutely

“So theoretically, I’ll be able to shift into a tiger, wolf,
bear, raptor, jaguar and snow leopard?” It was starting to sound fantastical

“Theoretically, absorbing energy from six different males
will allow you to shift into anything you want. For instance, Quinn can
manifest as a cougar as well as a jaguar. And Ian can manifest as an assortment
of birds. It might take you years to discover all the shapes at your disposal.”

“If I survive the initial transformation.”

Quinn slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her
close against his side. Warmth and encouragement flowed across their link, but
she wasn’t quite ready to accept it.

Needing a moment of normality, Carissa looked around. A
large oval table dominated the rectangular room. The windows were covered with
colorful miniblinds and wildlife posters decorated the walls. Most pictured big
cats in their natural habitats, but one featured playful babies of every
imaginable variety.

“Is this room just for show or does someone hold classes

Erin looked around with a smile, obviously proud of her
accomplishments. “We offer private tours and educational outings. We’ve become
a popular field-trip destination for the local schools.”

“And no one suspects the truth.”

“That we have more in common with our cats than most people
realize?” Erin chuckled. “We have to pay the bills, and feeding all these cats
is expensive.”

“What will the ritual entail?” Despite their momentary
tangent, Quinn was stubbornly focused on the coming events.

“I’ll explain once the others arrive.” Erin reached across
the table and gave Carissa’s hand a squeeze. “Can you tell me about the
transfer? I had no idea it would be so invasive.”

“I’m still processing the images, but it was extraordinary.
It was like watching a movie on fast-forward, only I was a character in the
film. I felt what they felt and saw what they saw. I lived hundreds of lives in
just a few minutes.”

Resounding footsteps on the wooden stairs told Carissa the
others had arrived. She and Quinn had returned to Erin’s house and cleaned up
before Erin brought them over to the classroom so hopefully the others wouldn’t
realize how the energy transfer had affected her. She’d never felt so
aggressive, so savage. She would have bitten Quinn’s neck and gleefully lapped
up his blood if he hadn’t been strong enough to stop her.

You can bite me as often as you like once your definition
is solidified.

Are you reading my mind?
She kept forgetting that
their link allowed them to speak mind to mind. She was just starting to sense
his emotions, but she suspected he’d been able to sense hers as soon as he
anchored the link within her mind.

He smiled and shook his head.
You blushed as you ran your
tongue over your fangs. It wasn’t hard to figure out what you were thinking.

The other five men took their places around the table, each
glancing curiously at Carissa as they waited for Erin to explain.

“The first step of the ritual is a series of tests.” Erin
pushed back her chair and stood at the head of the table, adding import to her
words. “Carissa wasn’t even aware that she was being tested and she passed with
flying colors.”

“What were the tests?” Carissa was glad she’d succeeded, but
she was curious to know what she’d done.

“You could sense the ancient energy contained within the

“How do you know?” Jake’s emerald gaze was mildly
challenging. “She could have claimed a reaction without actually feeling one.”

“She didn’t claim anything,” Erin stressed. “I watched her
physical reactions as she moved about the room. Her skin flushed and she
shivered. She was obviously attracted by the energy.”

“And the other tests?” Ian prompted.

“When she looked at the journal, her Therian nature stirred
and allowed her to read Historian script.”

“Was Maggie able to read the language?” Carissa knew her
mother had dismissed Omni Prime magic as myth, but she wasn’t sure how much of
this Maggie had embraced.

“Maggie was able to read the journals. Your mother was not.”

“How else was Carissa tested?” Jake asked, drawing Carissa
back to the present.

“The last one was more like a confirmation than a test. The
other Omni Primes poured their energy into Carissa, filling her mind with the
experiences and wisdom each accumulated over their lifetime.”

“Seriously?” Eli looked at Carissa, obviously awed by what
Erin described. “You melded with your ancestors? How cool is that?”

“My mind is still buzzing with the rush of information,”
Carissa said with a smile. Eli not only looked like a ski bum, his personality
reinforced the impression.

Seven intense gazes settled on her face and she tensed.
These people were counting on her to become some sort of savior. They were
stronger, faster and more powerful than anyone she’d ever known, and yet they
looked to her for… She wasn’t even sure what they expected from her.

Erin must have sensed her anxiety or read the fear in her
eyes because she rounded the table and rested her warm hands on Carissa’s
shoulders. “We have to remember we’re here to support Carissa. This is all new
to her. She’s only known of her Therian roots for a matter of days.”

“This is the beginning,” Ian agreed. “She’ll need to be
trained and challenged if she’s to reach her full potential.”

“We’re all willing to help or we wouldn’t be here.” Holt’s
deep voice rumbled in the quiet room.

“What’s the next step in the ritual?” Jake asked, less
tolerant of chitchat than the others.

“The logistics are up to Carissa and Quinn, but her Therian
nature must be drawn to the surface.”

“That shouldn’t be hard after the energy transfer.” Carissa
looked at Quinn and heat spread up her neck. “I’m still really restless.”

“Good. It could be awkward for everyone if you
need…stimulation.” Erin squeezed her shoulders then moved away.

“I’ll be happy to help if she needs ‘stimulation’,” Jake
offered with a sexy smile.

“Not a chance.” Quinn warned him back with a hostile glare.

Erin ignored their pseudo-playful exchange and went on.
“Each of you must swear to protect and support the Omni Prime in whatever way
she might need. Then you offer her your blood and Carissa’s instincts should do
the rest.”

“Sounds simple enough.” The intensity in Jake’s expression
contradicted his blasé attitude. “Let’s do this thing.”

Carissa took a deep breath and released the tension
gathering between her shoulder blades. What’s the worst that could happen? Her
Therian nature would take over and she’d jump Quinn in front of the others?

No. She could die, leaving Ava to deal with this madness

She shook away the pessimism and focused on the miracles
she’d already experienced today. She was surrounded by people ready and willing
to protect and support her. She’d found a remarkable woman who would assist and
mentor her. And then there was Quinn.

All her life, Carissa had imagined growing old with a
strong, caring man at her side. Her mother had always put on a brave façade,
insisting her daughters were all she needed for happiness. But as Carissa
matured, she saw the loneliness in her mother’s eyes and understood the
sacrifices Willona had made to keep her daughters safe.

Quinn pushed back from the table and stood, holding out his
hand toward Carissa. “Ready?”

“Probably not, but I doubt that will change anytime soon.”

His smile was warm and gentle as he drew her to her feet and
pushed both their chairs out of the way. The others quickly followed suit until
they all stood around the table, alert and watchful.

Insisting she’d want to be dressed comfortably for the
ritual, Erin had given Carissa a flowing summer dress to wear after she
showered. She quickly realized another advantage to the garment as Quinn lifted
her to sit on the table and eased her legs apart so he could stand between. The
voluminous skirt covered her thighs while allowing him to move closer.

He pressed his hands against her cheeks and tilted her face
up. “Look at me. Think only of me.”

His mouth descended slowly, giving her plenty of time to
anticipate the kiss. He loved to torture her with patience and she was quickly
learning to appreciate the strategy. He pulled her flush with his body as his
mouth covered hers. She wrapped her legs around his hips and parted her lips.

As soon as the others have gone, I’m going to lay you
back and spread those long legs. I’m going to fuck you right here on this

His graphic words caught her by surprise. His kiss was
gentle, completely at odds with the possessive growl in his thoughts. She
responded to the kiss as the sensual promise of his words washed over her body.

Or would you like them to stay and watch

She struggled against his hold, alarmed yet titillated by
the possibility.
I want you, only you.

And I have no intention of sharing, but I could free my
cock and push inside you right now. I could make you come again and again as
they feed you their blood.

She shivered so violently it tore her mouth from his. A
familiar burn made her eyes sting and she turned her face to the side, panting.

“She’s ready, boys,” Erin announced. “Get moving. She won’t
be manageable for long.”

Quinn knelt in front of her and wrapped his arms around her
legs. Resting his chin on her knees, he looked up at her, his sexy smile
promising hours of carnal pleasure.

Ian approached them first. His expression was intense and
serious. He went down on one knee and said, “I willingly offer my life. We have
waited so long for your return. I am honored to be part of your definition.”
Then he stood and offered his wrist.

She’d expected him to cut it open or drip some of his blood
into a glass. What did he want her to do? Suddenly her Therian nature surged
and an elemental craving took over. She grasped his arm with both hands and
brought his wrist to his mouth, biting down with wild abandon.

Ian gasped, but he couldn’t be as shocked as she was. Blood,
hot and bitter, rolled across her tongue. She shuddered, fighting back a gag.
Her human upbringing left her horrified by what she was doing, but the taste
seemed to change or her perception of the metallic flavor morphed along with
her taste buds. She felt the warmth, the concentrated energy infused in the
liquid and drew strongly, wanting more.

“That’s enough, doll. Let me go.” Ian eased his arm out of
her grasp and stepped back.

Power spread through her body, warming her muscles and
electrifying her nerves. She felt aware as she hadn’t been moments before,
alert and

“My life is yours,” Landon was saying. Had his eyes always
been so blue? He offered his wrist and she didn’t hesitate. Her fangs sank into
his flesh and hot, spicy blood filled her mouth. How had she ever thought this
unpleasant? She wanted more!

Quinn had to help Landon disentangle himself from her mouth.
“Careful, everyone. She’s becoming aggressive fast.”

The rest transpired in a surreal blur of surging emotions
and blood. Each pledge made her heart beat faster and her hunger spike. She
wanted to devour them, suck the energy from their blood until she burned
through her body and escaped this mortal coil.

Quinn pushed her legs apart and bunched her skirt around her
waist. Shocked by his actions, she glanced over her shoulder and saw seven
empty chairs. A throaty laugh escaped as she realized she wouldn’t have cared.
Her entire body was a blazing, aching shell of demanding need.

He tore her panties off and she raised her legs, pressing
her heels against his back. His fingers tangled in her hair and he pulled her
head back. “Who am I?”

My love.
She didn’t know if he’d heard the
endearment, but his expression didn’t change. Her voice sounded low and
needful, almost alien.

“What do you want?”

“You inside me.” She tightened her legs around him and
added, “Now!”

He thrust his entire length into her aching core and she
came in fast, hard spasms. Slipping his arms under her legs, he dragged her to
the edge of the table then started moving. Each forceful drive rocked her
backward, but he held her legs, preventing her from sliding across the

The rich taste of blood lingered on her tongue and she
focused on his neck. She could feel his pleasure and the intensity of his
desire thanks to their mental link, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted to absorb
him, make him part of her forever.

When his next stroke brought their bodies closer together,
she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled herself up. Anticipating her
need, he turned his head to the side and gave her access to his throat.


Quinn cried out as pleasure and pain combined in a dizzying
storm. Carissa’s welcoming heat surrounded his shaft, caressing him as he
shuttled in and out. Every time he touched her, it was dramatic and
astonishing, but this surpassed everything that had gone before.

She pulled him down, making it almost impossible to move as
she greedily drank her fill. Their connection grew and strengthened. He was
drawn deeper into her mind with each pull of her lips.

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