The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS) (15 page)

His lips were pulled back as he growled, exerting himself in a way that made me wonder if he was trying to bind us cock to cunt. Vaguely, I thought about how easy it was for anyone to walk in on us, even my mother, and while that should have disturbed me, I felt like a sexual deviant. It was erotic and freeing. Throwing my head back, I let go of all my inhibitions, letting Ares lift both legs up to wrap around his waist and rode him hard.

A fog from our combined body heat misted the mirrors and window of the restroom, while the sound of our slapping skin vibrated along the walls. It was pure hedonism. I raked my nails down his firm chest, tracing the indentations of the pectoral muscles as he continued his forcible lunges in the caverns of my sticky, wet need. “Oh! Don't stop, Ares!”

He grunted in response, flexing his pelvis in a way that caused him to peg my clit with each upward thrust and the sensation made me dizzy, it felt so wonderful. In the background, I no longer heard the constant chatter of customers in the dining area and the music had long stopped. It was only sounds of my cries of passion that brought noise to their ears.

That low pull started in my belly, spreading along my trembling thighs and up along my body to my breasts, where it settled in my tight nipples. They tingled in anticipation of the orgasm to come, standing out as though they could reach and grab for it.

Ares body was getting close as well, this I could tell. His muscles bulged larger than life, while a red and black glow enveloped his tall frame, pulsating from him to me and back. In my mind, his voice slithered, wicked and sexy.
Make me proud, woman. Give me what I want.

Lost in his hold over me, I obeyed without so much as a fight and with his final jab, pressing against the soft cervix within, he came, his power flowed like a current through my very soul and pushed me over the precipice of ecstasy that wrenched his name from my throat in a fierce scream. As more waves washed over me, I saw white pinpoints of light dancing before my eyes and thought if I only went blind from this experience, I would be lucky.

Honestly, the way my body convulsed around him, I was pretty sure my heart would give out at any moment and I'd perish until I was nothing more than a pile of dust. It took several minutes before the last tremor died down, leaving me weak as a babe and I had to rest all of my poundage in his strong arms. I bet he was glad to be a god, because had he been a normal man, his back would have given out and we'd both be on the floor in a sweaty heap.

Once I was able to see straight again, I glanced up at him, noting his cocky, yet triumphant smirk and the weight of what had just occurred came crashing down on me like a jet engine of embarrassment. I sobered quickly, letting him drop my feet to the floor and fixed myself as best as I could. Sadly, one look in the mirror, after wiping away the condensation, revealed the smeared makeup all over my face, a lost cause indeed, my hair was now a tangled mass of crazy, while love bites were scattered along my neck and breasts.

Ares stood, not caring that his clothes were disheveled and went to wait at the door for me.

  I wondered how much luck I had. There was always the chance most of the people had gone or maybe the bathroom had thicker walls than I believed. Unfortunately, this wasn't going to be my day of good fortune, as the severity of my situation hit me, once I stood and looked out at several hundred eyes gaping in shock. I saw expressions of disgust, amusement and everything in between bouncing back at me.

From my peripheral view, the main reason for my humiliation leaned against a column, zipping his pants back up for all to see. If anyone had a doubt of what happened in the restroom, his actions confirmed them. Not much else to do, and even less to say, I held my chin high and walked with a false dignity back to my table, trying hard to brush off the feeling of so many onlookers.

Almost to my chair, I faltered when I came face to face with my parents.
Somewhere, in my world of hope, I prayed they had left, and knowing they hadn't, I opened my mouth to say anything to do damage control, but realized I had nothing.

My mother's eyes shined with tears and my father, he just glared at me.


“Don't, you dare! Don't say a word to us, Vanessa. Never in my life would I think you'd do something so stupid! Where is your head, girl? Your mother and I are going home. As much as I want to forget what I just heard, I never will. You have truly shamed yourself, and for what? This jerk? I have never been more disappointed in you than I am today. You, daughter, have broken my heart. C'mon, Ginny.” With his grip on my Mom's arm, they left.

While I felt the urge to stay with Ares, I fought against it and ran after them, but by the time I made it out, they had gotten in their car and left me alone and ashamed.

The world moved around me while I stood frozen in a nightmare. A cold set in and I felt as though I would never break free of it. A firm hand curled around my shoulder and I was flashed back to my home, but without Ares.

He’d gotten what he wanted for that night.

In the darkness of my room, I undressed and slid under the cool covers. Tears fell down my cheeks, soaking my pillow in the sorrow that replaced the lingering remnants of desire that the War God had left there. I needed help, but didn't know where to start, so I did the only thing I could think of. Something I hadn't tried since childhood—I prayed. “Please, if anyone or anything out there hears me, I can't do this anymore. I'm so lost. Help me.” My sobs continued until I could cry no more.

Exhaustion from the night's events and the spilling of my pain took over, but I could swear, as my eyes drifted closed and my mind floated into the land of dreams, I felt the barest brush of lips against mine.

The soft caress of a whisper spoke to me in a language I shouldn't have understood.
Érchomai, agápi̱ mou.
I am coming, my love. The voice was deep, familiar and comforting.

Chapter XIV



              I sat with my legs crossed and my body posed in the Lotus position. I relaxed my mind while anger simmered just below the surface, lingering since the day before when Calvin called and told me what had happened to Vanessa at the restaurant. She hadn't left her home since the incident, nor had I seen any sign of my douche brother, but I felt him. His presence surrounded her house like a cloak of evil and though I wanted to rip his fucking heart out, I had to stick with the plan.

Even if I didn't like it, it was too perfect to fail. At least, that's what I hoped as I inhaled deeply and centered myself one last time before standing in preparation. My eyes fixed upon the weapon of Ares' demise and I couldn't help but grin wickedly, touching along the golden blade. The air behind me swirled with a sweet wind and I didn't have to turn around to know the second half of the scheme had finally come.

              “Are you ready, uncle?”

My jaw dropped when I saw him for the first time, taking on the form of his twin brother and even I had to admit, though they were not identical, Eros looked close enough. With gentle hands, I wrapped the sword in a cloth and moved around to place it in my nephew's grasp.

He had to grow his hair to match the longer, dark length of Himeros, and kept his eyes flashing in their various colors, so as not to give away his secret identity. Other than those two changes, he was good to go.

I felt the anticipation of what was about to occur coiling low in my belly.

Just as his long fingers curled around the cloth covered weapon, I heard the distant roar of my brother's cycle. Before he came to me, it was Eros's job to call Ares and have him come to Vanessa's, making him think that he, as Himeros, was going to claim her away.

Certainly, the War God could have flashed his way there, ruining everything, but he chose to be a casual dick about most things in life, so he showed up on his motorcycle. Just as we expected him to do.

“Let's get this done. Are you scared, Eros?”

“Me, scared? Please! It's just Ares who we're tricking, you know? The God of War and blood lust.”

I chuckled at my nephew's sarcastic remark, until I heard the booming voice of my brother looking for Himeros and Vanessa's scared, soft one explaining that there was no other person in the house.

My anger snapped and if Eros hadn't been there to stop me, I would have teleported over to the bastard and punched his teeth down his throat.

              “Remember what Athena said, Hephaestus. Anger will only cause us to fail, and we'll never save her. Calm your fire.”

As the God of Volcanoes, I felt the force of my rage bubbling into my chest, expanding until I was sure I would explode. Just then, warmth spread through my body, finally settling like a hug around my heart and I no longer wanted to kill Ares. Instead, love and all that came with it was what I needed to bring to the woman next door.

He meant nothing, she was my everything. Breathing out, the lava of fury resumed its stagnant place inside and I was focused once more. With a sheepish grin, I nodded my thanks to Eros.

He smiled back, patting me on my arm in return and clutched the sword to his chest. Mumbling a prayer to Zeus, he shimmered away and melding his mind with mine, I was able to watch the events unfold, while waiting for my cue to show up for the final phase of our plot.

Once ‘Himeros’ appeared between Ares and Vanessa, I was sure he was dead on the spot. In fact, if the young god hadn't flashed her and himself out of the way, they would have both been goners, as his father blasted a god bolt from his hand. The spot in which they had stood was singed black with smoke spiraling from the center. My brother growled low in his throat, slowly stalking closer to my nephew like the dangerous predator he was. So far, our strategy was not working out well.

“How dare you show your face here, boy. You have a death wish or something?”

“Uh, father, I know you have declared that you would kill me on sight, but I swear I come in peace.”

“Peace? Peace? Ha! I know nothing of the word. Do I look like your sister, Harmonia?”

Since I was connected with Eros, I could feel every tremor of fear that coursed through him and suddenly, I felt like a coward for letting him confront the War God in the guise of his brother.

It was known throughout Olympus that Ares declared war on his own son Himeros, who was caught in bed, by the older god with a nymph Ares fancied himself in love with.  The humiliation of not being picked over his son drove him mad and he turned the young girl into a wild, ugly boar, while placing the sentence of annihilation on the God of Desire.

Now, because my brother was not the smartest jack in the box, he couldn't see the difference between the boys and was about to kill the wrong one. His hand was raised, pulsating with the beginnings of another bolt and I decided enough was enough. Closing my eyes, I prepared to flash myself to the group, but realized when they opened that I couldn't.

Damn it, Eros!
The little shit blocked me from going, making it so the only way would mean detaching from his mind and leaving us both vulnerable.

Easing up, I watched as my nephew dropped to his knees and bent his head in a position of peace. He extended out his arms, holding my wrapped sword, and I held my breath to see what Ares' next move would be.

Vanessa was still standing behind Eros, too stunned to speak, but I knew she watched— Perfect.

“Father, please take this gift as my apology for the wrong I made.”

“A gift? Is this a joke?”

“Never. I had it made custom for you. Hephaestus created it. Please, take it.”

Still Ares made no move, his red eyes narrowed in suspicion and using his telekinetic powers, he pushed the cloth away to reveal the gold, black and red weapon. Like in an intense scene of a movie, no one made a sound while even the birds from outside stopped their songs, as though curious to see how the god would react.

Silently, I tried pushing my will upon him, begging he'd take the damn thing. When he finally stepped forward, holding out his hand to have the sword fly to it, the breath I didn't know I was holding spewed out of me like a deflating balloon.

Ares shifted it, tossing it from one hand to the other to test its weight and balance. Though he still scowled, I knew he was hooked, the bait was taken. “You say my brother made this for me?”

“Yes. Specifically.”

“It's perfect, but I'd expect nothing less from the cripple. How can I be sure that you haven't cursed it?”

“I haven't. I've not touched it to even do such a thing.”

I watched the scene and held my breath again.
Come on, Ares. Call me. You know you want to.

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