Read The Virgin Master Online

Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

The Virgin Master (25 page)

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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me and relax.”


Jeremy nodded. Evan saw that he was already half hard again and congratulated himself.
Using an obscene amount of lube, Evan held his breath and slowly slid his index finger inside
Jeremy; he felt Jeremy pushing out, slightly opening up and
heard him catch his breath as Evan penetrated him. “Okay? Any pain? Burning?”


“Feels good, actually,” Jeremy said, surprise clear in his voice. “This is going to be okay.”


“This is just one finger
. Y
ou have to tell me if it gets to be too much or hurts.”


Evan continued to move his finger as he spoke; when
Jeremy relaxed and adapted to his finger, he pulled out and lubed up two and went back in. Jeremy’s breath hitched and he tightened up. Evan immediately stilled.


“Remember to push out, sweetheart. Am I hurting you?”


Jeremy took a deep breath and Evan felt him relax again.


“Burns a little. But it’s already better. Just wait a minute.”


“Whatever you need.” Evan felt sure at this point that they weren’t going to make it today. But he would keep trying until Jeremy said to stop. Once again he felt it when Jeremy’s body adjusted to the
trusion and this time he felt for Jeremy’s prostate. He knew he found it when Jeremy moaned and grabbed his head.


“Oh, Ev! Oh God!”


Evan began actively stretching by scissoring his fingers, being
sure to continue rubbing Jeremy’s prostate occasionally. He also kept an eye on Jeremy’s cock which now began to fill to full hardness with the attention being
aid to the prostate. Going for three fingers, Evan bent and added his tongue to the mix causing Jeremy to buck upward and cry out. The adaptation to the biggest intrusion yet came much more quickly.


How are you doing?”


“Good, God, Ev, I think I’m ready; I feel weird, kind of open
and throbbing; but it’s a good weird.”


Evan chuckled under his breath. “Okay then. “ He lubed up his cock, having to stroke himself to full hardness because he had been too concerned about Jeremy to be aroused by what he was doing. Jeremy looked him in the eye, his pupils blown with arousal. “God, Ev, hurry; want you so bad.”


Desire roared through him mixed with a surge of tender possessiveness. He entered Jeremy smoothly having used enough lubricant for fifteen such encounters. Jeremy remembered to relax, but Evan’s erection was a great deal larger than three of his fingers. Jeremy made a little pained sound and Evan froze. Jeremy wrapped his legs around Evan and pulled him in even deeper. Evan bent down and captured Jeremy’s mouth in a long loving kiss. He felt Jeremy, once again, adapt and relax. He looked at Evan with astonishment.




“Yeah. Just pressure. I think you could move.”


Evan knew it didn’t feel really good to Jeremy yet, but it would.
He angled until he caught Jeremy’s prostate every other stroke. Jeremy began to moan and clutch at Evan.


“Evan, please….”


“Please what?”


“I don’t know, but harder?”


“Like this?”


Evan snapped his hips into Jeremy hitting his prostate
Jeremy arched up and cried out.


“Yes! Yes!”


Evan got lost then. He pounded into Jeremy and the last rational thought he had was wonder that Jeremy thrust back at him with equal passion. His orgasm blindsided him, tearing through his body and mind and he collapsed on top of Jeremy writhing through the last shocks of pleasure. Jeremy’s cry of completion astonished him and he felt his cock twitch as if to come again from realizing that Jeremy had actually enjoyed the
experience and had come without being touched.


They lay spent and sticky breathing erratically. Jeremy still had his legs locked tight around Evan and Evan worked his arms under Jeremy and held him close; overwhelmed with emotion. Jeremy hugged him


“God, Evan. Thank you. I had no idea
.you’ve been so patient…
” his voice was thick and low.


“I take it you liked that?”


“Smug son of a bitch. I fucking loved it. You know it.”


Evan raised himself on his elbows with difficulty.


“You’re mine, now. All the way mine.”


“I was already. But I know what you mean. Now I really
feel it. I won’t ever be afraid of doing this with you again.”


“Good. ‘Cause we’re going to be doing this a whole lot. But don’t think you’re going to get out of fucking me, sometimes.”


“I don’t know. I kind of like you doing all the work.”
van snorted.


“Believe me, no work to it. I would get all sappy right now and tell you that having you is the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. That maybe you saved my life. But I know you hate that kind of thing.”


“Yeah. And I could tell you that I’ve loved you for years and you have really been worth every minute of the wait. That you not only saved me from a life of degradation, but saved my
family and my sanity. But I’ll never say that, because I’m too
shy to admit it.”


Evan burst out laughing. “S
hy! You’ve done nothing   but
come on to me since the day you moved in here.”
God I love you. I wonder why I can’t tell


Jeremy smiled. “Somebody had to do something. I’m just
glad it worked.”


“Me, too.” Evan dropped a kiss on the tip of Jeremy’s nose. “Me, too.”


Chapter S


Three weeks later, Evan took down his biggest prize ever
earning a huge bonus from the board
over Owens protest
e decided that he wanted to go shopping after work to buy thank you gifts for Jeff, Sandy and Alexa
and Jeremy for their help in his last conquest. This would be the first time Evan took Jeremy out into the general public. Both men were a little nervous. Evan felt slightly ill as he clipped the hated leash on Jeremy’s collar, but Jeremy smiled at him and kissed his nose.


“It’s what we have to do, Ev. I know that. It’s okay.”


“It’s not okay, Jer.” Evan grumbled.


“Don’t let little details ruin your mood.”


Evan looked at him aghast. “Treating my lover like an animal is hardly a little detail.”


Jeremy kissed Evan lightly on the lips, soft and barely
there. “It really isn’t you. It’s society. I’ve made my peace with it. In fact, since it brought me you, I can’t be bothered to be too upset. Forget it, please? Just have fun. Pretend the leash isn’t there.”


Evan loved him a little bit more.




he James Enterprises, Inc. Building had a three story upscale underground mall beneath its foundations. Jeremy had never been there so he kind of wanted to gape around, but he had to keep his head down with his eyes tight to the ground
. When
they got off the elevator on the second floor of the shopping
Evan headed immediately for Tiffany’s. There were other shoppers there with their slaves and Jeremy studied them covertly, copying their postures.
When Evan finally sat down with the designer and started drawing what he wanted to have made, Jeremy knelt at his side, leaning slightly into his leg. He couldn’t see what Evan drew and that bothered him, but Evan would show him later.


Evan designed diamond and pink sapphire earrings that he wanted made for the women, in the
rising sun
James Enterprises, Inc.,
He hadn’t made up his mind yet what to get
for Jeff. Jeremy’s gift couldn’t be obviously related to this as slaves were not to be rewarded in any way for their work. Evan had decided to get him a Rolex, like his, with special engraving.


It struck Evan suddenly that he couldn’t buy it in front of Jeremy and keep it a surprise, so, after concluding that Jeff would rather have a new motorcycle than any piece of jewelry and he would have to come back without Jeremy later to get his watch, he decided that they should get some dinner on the restaurant level. He had never taken Jeremy to a restaurant and he realized he would have to
feed him. The idea of feeding Jeremy by hand suddenly became blindingly arousing so he hurried Jeremy to the
steep escalator leading down into the food section of the mall. The escalators were packed as it was near dinner hour. Defying custom slightly, Evan stood behind Jeremy as they rode down the packed moving stairway.




A beautiful brunette carrying multiple shopping bags with a baby in a sling around her neck pushed past Evan and tried to run down the steps. Jeremy’s eyes were determinedly fixed on the stairs so he saw the second the heel of her stiletto caught in
the hem of her long skirt. She 
pitched forward with a little squeal and w
ent airborne; without thinking, Je
remy reached out and snatched her out of mid-air.


Once she had extricated her shoe from her hem and regained her balance she turned with a big unsteady smile to thank the man who saved her. Jeremy, who hadn’t seen the baby before, swallowed hard. The fall
ould have been nearly forty feet
. S
he would have surely sustained serious injuries, but the baby m
ost probably would
have been killed.


“Thank you!”



Evan saw the minute she focused on Jeremy’s collar.
er face twisted in an ugly grim
ace and she fairly spat out her n


“You put your hands on me? How dare you! Where is your


Evan tugged the leash showing her that he was right there. She rounded on him, clutching her baby close.


“You let your filthy animal put his hands all over me? He’s tainted my baby! She’s ruined!”


Evan scowled. “Would you rather she be dead? That’s a long way down.”


“Yes! I’d rather we were both dead! I demand he be punished
me your discipline instruments. Now.”


“Let’s just get down to the
bottom first, okay?” Evan said



His heart pounded and he wanted to take Jeremy and run away. Unfortunately, people all around were straining to hear, which wasn’t difficult as the woman had been shouting, and everything would be caught on the security cameras. By law, Evan
had t
o let her discipline Jeremy. She got to pick the implement and the number of strokes. Evan got to watch and sue her for damages if Jeremy got permanently damaged or killed.


Evan stole a glance at Jeremy. Jeremy’s face had gone deathly pale and his features were set in an emotionless mask, eyes fixed firmly on the floor. Evan hoped to hell Jeremy had packed the set of registered discipline tools somewhere in either his briefcase or Jeremy’s messenger bag. It was against the law to go
out in public without them.


They reached the foot of the stairs and the woman
grabbed Evan by the elbow and pulled him into a space full of tables and chairs, Jeremy perforce following. The space was deserted because the little kiosks that opened between the more expensive
restaurants were only open at lunchtime.

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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