The Unfortunates (Unfortunate #1) (32 page)

“What the fuck is this?” Michael spits at me, but all I can do is pull back
from him as he unwraps his fingers from my neck. I gasp for air and rub my throat as I watch the blade sink into his throat, making its own slit to slide into. Blood sprays my face as the metal is pulled quickly across his flesh. I watch in shock as Michael gurgles and drops to his knees. The red liquid pours from the slice in his neck and covers his light grey suit and light blue tie. The acid in my stomach burns as it churns and bile threatens my throat. I cover my mouth with my hand. Now’s not the time to throw up. Now we need to clean and hide the body… but before that, and more importantly, WHY DID KADE TAKE SO DAMN LONG?

“God!” I hiss
, pushing my dress down and sliding off the table. “How long were you going to let that go on for?”

He points the knife
in my direction. Blood stains its sharp edge and the tips of Kade’s fingers, but it doesn’t scare me. “You’re mad at me?
You’re not the slightest bit curious to see what I have that makes your son so obsessed?
” he teases, aggressively mimicking me.

“Oh, please
.” I gently swat his knife out of my face. “I was just playing along with your game. I didn’t mean any of it.”

With a resigned sigh, he slips the knife back into his pocket and produces a white handkerchief. “Here,”
he says, handing it to me. “You have blood on your face.”

I reach out for it. My hands are trembling, shaking like never before and Kade pulls the clean
sliver of fabric back. “You’re shaking.” Somehow, his statement sounds like a demand, so I drop my hands and he steps closer, extending his ever steady limb towards my face.

Gently, he dabs at Michael’s blood that paints my skin. I wonder how I look to him… blood spattered
face and sex hair—nothing like the perfect picture of sophistication he always wants me to be, I bet.

“We did it
,” I mutter, watching his face. I don’t know what I expect him to do… cry? Maybe.

He just killed his own father
… without saying a word to him. He’s dead—gone—never to be seen or heard again. To my surprise, Kade’s lips twitch. “Yes, we did.”

I peek down at Michael’s dead body. There’s no life in his eyes… if death is a sad thing, why aren’t I crying? I’m shaking, but I think it’s more leftover adrenaline than anything else.
I look back at Kade. He’s watching me, his eyes burning intensely, and suddenly I become hyper aware of his fingers dragging up my inner thigh. Instantly, my throat dries and I begin to pulse in rhythms only he can compose. We still have things we need to finish, but I’m certain right here, right now is not a good time. If we’re caught, however, this might be the very last time I ever see him or get to feel him.
Fuck it.
I rush forward as he tosses his handkerchief and grips my face. Kade’s dark, volcanic eyes flick between mine and I know he’s thinking of something to say. A thank you, maybe? Whatever it is, I nod my head in recognition. He doesn’t have to say a thing. He never has. His actions give away more than his words ever could.

He crushes his mouth to mine in a powerful kiss that steals my breath and pushes me back against the table. I let my legs fall apart
as his fingers reach the apex of my thighs, but he doesn’t touch me
, instead, he moves to my ass and he spreads his hands along both my cheeks and squeezes, possessively. I gasp as he thrusts his hips and hard length against me, the eagerness in his moves shooting lightning bolts through my body.
He wants to do this now?
His kiss spins my hormones into a feral swirl of naughty, naughty thoughts. Maybe this is what he needs to cope with what he did. Kade feverishly drags his mouth from my lips and across my cheek before stopping at my ear. He breathes harshly through his nose and I hear him play with his zipper. Excitement—indecent excitement—courses through me—and whispers in a thick, husky tone, “Sit back, pull your knees up.”

Kade’s lips buzz over my cheekbone and down to my mouth. Doing what he says, I slowly bring my knees up. He wastes no time, one second I’m empty and the next he’
s in me, flicking his hips with deft purpose. He shudders and groans as I shuffle forward and grip his arms to secure myself against him.
he feels so good—different than earlier, different than the first time we had sex. The way he moves with wild abandon, like this is the only thing he wants, fills me with a pleasure I’ve never felt. He just killed a man—he just killed his father—and yet, being inside of me was his first priority. We could be caught any time now, but he doesn’t care. He drives into me, his tongue fiercely rubbing against mine, and he pants into my mouth, his arousing groans being lost somewhere at the back of my throat, vibrating my entire body. I fall back against the wood, stopping myself with my elbows. Far off in the distance, I hear things fall from the desk. Kade glances down at my swollen lips with the perfect smirk. Ragged breaths fall from my mouth and I chew the inside of my cheek to trap the wild noises that so desperately claw their way up my throat. Unlike me, Kade doesn’t care if he’s heard and his deep, lustful noises make me crazy. He pulls at the knot on my shoulder and yanks it down, exposing my breasts. He watches them bounce as he fucks me hard, harder than ever before, and there’s a blaze in his eyes. My head spins as he digs his fingers into my hips, pulling me further onto him with each thrust. His movements are primal—raw—and the simper on his lips exposes the predator he really is. I forget it often, but Kade is every bit the lion his family crest suggests. He controls, kills, and fucks as he sees fit.

I clench my jaw as my body grips every inch of his thrusting cock. I
push off my elbows and grab his ass, forcing him in deeper.

he rasps.

“Yes,” I pant, digging my fingers into his tone
d butt cheeks. “More.”

He thrusts even deeper, ramming into me with a force so brutal I’m surprised it feels as good as it does. The pace is wild, rapid
, and my body jerks under the powerful rocking motions of his hips. Through the tightened fabric on his arms, I see his biceps compress and he holds me tighter, pushing down so I’m anchored to the bench. Heat coils in my stomach as his face glazes over and pure lust glows in his eyes. Then, Kade groans, low and gruff, and with one final thrust his warmth spills inside me. He clenches my hips as he slows the pace.


He lowers his body onto mine as I breathe through parted lips. Slowly, I reach up and run my fingers through his damp hair. When my pant turns calm…
I know


Dread tears through me like a devastating flood.

I just know

I swallow hard, suddenly blinking back tears.
From day one, I’ve been attracted to him
Since the night he saved me, I’ve trusted no one but him. From the night I let him have me… he’s all I think about. I want no one but him. I helped him kill… let’s not beat around the bush, I took a life… for him.
For love.
I wanted to please him, to do whatever he wanted. I wanted him to trust me like I trust him. I want him to love me… like I love him.

I know
. I know, for a fact, I’m absolutely, one hundred percent, head over heels in love with Kade Sario, my Fortunate.
In love.

Oh no.









Chapter Twelve





Kade buried the body without me. I didn’t mind, I suppose. He deserves some alone time to say goodbye to his father. When he came back, he didn’t say a word. I was already in bed, showered and clean. I pretended to be asleep as he slipped in next to me. After my little revelation, I didn’t want t
o talk to him. In a way, I blame him for my feelings. He’s toyed with me from the second I arrived and I know this is what he wants… he wants me to love him so I never betray him. I’d never betray him and he didn’t have to make me fall for him to assure that. He’s my Fortunate, being faithful is the only thing I really need to do and I would’ve done it, love or not.

He keeps his distance tonight, sleeping with his back to me. He didn’t try to hug me like he does most nights and I’m not going to lie, it kind of hurts,
at the same time, it’s good for my head. I need to think clearly. I need to make sure my feelings are real and not a result of mind-blowing sex. Perhaps I need to be in my bed and away from the body heat exuding from a half-naked Kade.
Hell, even his body heat has sex appeal.
I roll my eyes and push back the blankets. My bed definitely sounds like a good idea.

I slip from the bed, holding my dress as tightly to my body as I can—as if it’ll protect me from the cold air.
If I’m being honest, wearing these dresses is really starting to get old. I could go with some pants… or a jacket, something to really keep me warm.

tip-toe across the room and out the door without a glance over my shoulder. In the morning when he wakes up, he might be mad, but an Unfortunate shouldn’t share a bed with their Fortunate, anyway. Not like one would if they were in a relationship. Vince already caught us snuggling once and I don’t want to risk it again. My feet pat against the wood, making soft sounds as I make my way down the hallway towards the stairs. As I reach out for the ball on the end of the banister and turn down the stairs, I see Thirteen.

“Thirteen?” I whisper, more out of shock than anything else.

She looks… different. Her face is gaunt and sullen—obvious even in this dim light. “Nine.”

“How are you?” I cringe at my stilted question, but let’s face it; this situation is anything but comfortable.

She tilts her chin and straightens her shoulders. “I’m all right… not as good as you, but I’m surviving.”

Not as good as me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?
I let the comment roll off my shoulder. She’s right. I’ve had it easy.

I heard about what happened at Vince’s birthday… I’m glad Kade came in time to help you.”

Instantly, I detect bitterness in her tone. Is she mad at me? “I’m sorry… did I do something wrong?”

“No,” she hisses under her breath, her voice cracking. “You never do. Now, excuse me while I go do my

I flinch. Was that a shot at me? She’s going to ‘please’ a Fortunate
, which is all I’m supposed to do for Kade… so is she calling me a whore? Can you even be a whore if it’s forced? Well, with me, it’s not force. Kade would never
me to do anything, but it is all I’m supposed to do. She attempts to storm past me, but I grab her hand, forcing her to stay put. Her bones are brittle in my hand. I feel like it’ll shatter if I squeeze too hard.

“There’s a mine
,” I tell her, unable to stop myself. “A Sario mine north of here—across the lake, over the fence, and on the other side of the mountain. It’s being used as a safe haven for Unfortunates.”

She snatches her hand away.
“Why are you telling me this?”

“I want you to go. Don’t put yourself through torture, Thirteen. It’s not worth it.”

Thirteen snorts and leans in. There’s nothing friendly about her face… the girl I knew in the Unfortunate camp is gone. “If it’s such a good plan, why are
still here?”

I blow out air.
It’s a question I’ve thought about for a while. I know I can get away. Kade leaves more than enough room for me to run, but I can’t. “I can’t leave, Thirteen. I need to be with Kade…”

Her face pinches together and I know she doesn’t understand. Who would? Choosing to stay with your Fortunate when someone is telling you about freedom—true freedom—sounds insane. Then, r
ealisation lights up her features. Her brows arch and her lips part. “You love him?”

,” I state immediately, running the palms of my hands over my dress. “It’s not like that. I mean, it is like that, but—”

“You’ve spent all this time feeling sorry for me when it’s I who should feel sorry for you.”

I frown. “Why?”

Because you’re clearly deluded. He has you wrapped around his little finger. He might protect you, Nine, but you’re still an Unfortunate. As disposable as a dirty cloth.”

With an uncharacteristic sneer, she turns away from me. I can’t be upset with her… it’s not her fault. This life has ruined her—Vince has ruined her.

“You can be free, Thirteen,” I whisper loudly. “Think about it. If we’re all disposable anyway, what’s the harm? If you decide to go, you have to warn them. Tell them that the Sarios will blow up the mine.”

She doesn’t look over her shoulder. She keeps her head down an
d her shoulders squared before disappearing into the dark hallway. I guess I can’t force her. If she knows what’s best for her, she’ll go. I got her into this mess. She was assigned as a kitchen hand and because of me, Vince uses her for other purposes entirely. Thirteen deserves better and I hope she listens. I really do.



A thump against my door wakes me, bright and early. After speaking to Thirteen last night, I crashed out. It was easier to fall asleep without Kade next to me. I had nothing here to send my body, or brain, buzzing. I sit up quickly, so quick my thin blanket slips off and lands on the floor. I rake my fingers through my hair as the distinct sound of busy feet slapping the floor just outside my door shakes my room.
I guess the Unfortunates are busy this morning.
I can only imagine what kind of ridiculous breakfast they have planned today. I force myself out of bed and over to my wardrobe. I think I’ll opt for the traditional, white Unfortunate tunic today. I’m sure Kade won’t mind, otherwise why would he put it in my wardrobe?

When I’ve pulled my hair back into a ponytail, tied up tightly with a band that pulls at my hair, I open my door and come nose to chest with my Fortunate.


His crisp black suit smells fresh and warm, like spring mornings
, and slowly, I drag my eyes up his chest, over his beautifully thick throat and onto his face. I don’t dare take a step back as I take in his dark, coal irises.

“Good morning
,” he states. I think… I think I can hear an accusatory tone. Surely, he can’t be mad that I slept in my own bed? It’s not really that big of a deal. “Sleep well?”

“Uh, I gues—”

His hands fly to my chest and he pushes me back into my room. I stumble backwards, but manage to find my balance before I fall on my ass.

“Kade,” I hiss. “What the hell—”

My words catch as he snaps forward and grabs me by the throat. He squeezes, not enough to hurt me, but enough to shut me up. “You said I could trust you!”

“Y-you can.” I manage to squeeze out at great pain to my throat. “Kaden…”

He tightens his grip. “You were on my computer.”

I literally feel blood drain from my face and the hurt that flickers over Kade’s features tells me he can see it. “Let me explain.” A sharp spike of fear shoots into the thickest arteries of my heart and I blink out a rogue tear that blurs the vision in my left eye. Thankfully, he slightly releases his grip. “The night we had sex—the first time—I was trying to sleep, but I couldn’t. Your computer was glowing so brightly so I got up to turn it off. I saw a message from your father.” Kade’s jaw contracts rhythmically, but his features don’t soften. What does it matter? There’s no way I can spin this story to help me. I invaded his privacy. “I clicked it and I read it. When I was finished, I closed it and it disappeared. I thought you wouldn’t notice.”

“I almost didn’t
,” he says. “Until moderators kick my door down screaming they saw an Unfortunate escape from this house and head for the lake.”

My brows pull together.
An Unfortunate escaped?
“Thirteen…” Oh my god. She did it! She got away! Absolute joy fills my insides, warming me like a kitchen during dinner.

“I thought it was you
,” he mutters, looking me dead in the eyes. “You were gone and there was an attempted Unfortunate escape… and I thought it was you.”

The welcomed warmth begins to cool. “Attempted? What does that mean?”

“They caught her.”

At his words, my entire body slumps and his hand falls away. “They caught—” I swallow hard. “What are they going to do to her?”

Kade doesn’t answer me. Instead, he grips me by the elbow and pulls me out of my room. I don’t dare fight him, not with so many
Moderators lurking about. One by one, they all wait against various walls, watching the uneasy Unfortunates do their jobs. On my way past the kitchen, I catch Portia’s eye and she gives me a sympathetic smile. I don’t smile back. I keep my eyes on the floor as numbness takes over.

Kade opens a door on the bottom floor, almost adjacent to his father’s room. No one is in a panic about Michael’s disappearance. They mustn’t know yet. He pushes me in and I stumble yet again. I glare at him over my shoulder before turning to the rest of the room—and what a
room it was. It’s the perfect sitting room, filled with plush, royal red couches and matching drapes. It’s then I become hyper aware of my feet as the soft, mahogany carpet kisses the soles. It radiates cosiness and warmth. I’m completely lost in the room until someone clears their throat. I bring my attention to the people who occupy the gorgeous room—Albert Knowle and his wife Melissa, Kathryn and John Milano, Will and Rita Miller, Vince Sario… and Kade Sario. All four household surnames in the one room… I drop to my knees and keep my hands behind my back. This is clearly a formal meeting.
An Unfortunate should never be standing during a formal meeting unless ordered to
. In their presence, I’m suddenly a mass of quaking nerves. Not even the brush of Kade’s leg against my arms as he stands beside me is enough to still them.

“I’ve brought her here, just like you asked
,” he states. “A waste of time, but you’ll come to see that.”

“I’m sure this has nothing to do with the poor girl,” Kathryn objects, watching me with such sympathy. She’s always been kind to me… for no reason. I like her. I like her a lot.

“We’ll see,” Vince rebuts, adjusting his navy blue sweater. “Thirteen was talking to someone last night and I’m willing to bet everything I own it was her.”

,” Kade interrupted. “She was with me. I sent her to her room in the early hours of the morning,
the alleged attempted escape, not before.”

I resist the urge to peer up at him. Why is he defending me? I invaded his privacy.
He has every right to push me under the rushing stampede.

“Why are you two here?” Albert demands. “Where is Michael?”

“I haven’t seen him since our last meeting,” Kade answers, seemingly bored.

“He’d never miss the chance to punish an Unfortunate for escaping
,” Vince adds. “He has his watch on the door which means he doesn’t want us to bother him—for anything. Maybe he’s feeling under the weather. So we’re here in his place. Deal with it.”

“Can we get started? I have
other engagements, you know.” Rita, the blonde who looks almost identical to Elizabeth (except older), flicks her hair over her shoulder and scowls at me. I guess she isn’t a big fan, either. Then again, why would she be?

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