The UN Series Complete Box Set (70 page)




I slide the new pillowcase on my pillow and lie down on top of our new clean sheets. Slade is still in his office. At some point, while I was doing laundry he closed his door. I made him some dinner while the sheets were being washed. I half expected for him to appear and take me in the kitchen, but that was just wishful thinking.

I get up off the bed and head into our bathroom. I think a hot bubble bath sounds good.

I pour some bubbles in as the water rises. I take off my panties and step into the bathtub. I hiss in a breath at how hot it is, but it feels so good. Once settled, I lean my head back and just enjoy the sound of the water filling up the tub.

“May I join you?”

I open my eyes and look up to see Slade unbuttoning his shirt. “If you want.” I shrug carelessly.

He takes off his shirt and then goes to work on his pants.

“Fuck, Angel,” he hisses as he places a foot into the water.

I let out a little giggle. “I like it hot,” I say as he sits down behind me, making the water splash over the side of the tub.

I lean back against him and he wraps his arms around my shoulders. “Sorry about earlier.”

“It’s okay.” I understand his work is important to him. I would never try to come between that.

“Let me make it up to you.” His arm comes around my side and he reaches up to massage my breast.





I lightly pinch her nipple and she arches her back. I reach down and take her hands in mine. I lift her hands to her tits. “I want you to play with them.”

“I, uh....”

“It’s okay. I want to watch you while I make you come.” I love that she has never done the things that we do. I love that I get to experience her first reaction to them.

I place my hand between her legs, sliding two fingers in and out of her. She leans her head back on my shoulder and closes her eyes.

She moans and lifts her hips up a bit and I watch her pinch her nipples a little harder. “You’re so fucking sexy.” I lean down and whisper in her ear. “I could never get enough of you. Of this.” I push my fingers in a little deeper, emphasizing what I meant.

I smile as her body slightly jerks. My cock is so fucking hard for her. I want it to be my dick moving in and out of her, not my fingers. But I won’t, tonight is just about her. I want to pleasure her. She’s always trying to make me happy and I know with everything that has been going on, I feel like I’m either worried about her safety, or yelling at her. Even if I have to make her come twenty times to make it up to her, I will.

She starts to pant and I see that her hands are resting on her perfect tits.

I bring my hand around and place it over her hand. “Don’t stop, baby.”

She moans as she grips her breasts roughly as if she had forgotten what she was doing.

My fingers get more forceful and my thumb runs over her clit. I lean down and start to nibble on her ear. I open my eyes as she tightens around my fingers and I watch as she pinches her nipples and pulls on her breasts.

Her sweet voice fills the bathroom as she comes, body shaking and panting for breath. I remove my fingers and let her rest against my chest as she continues to breathe heavy.

“I love you.” I bend down and kiss the top of her head.

“I love you,” she whispers. I know she’s tired. It’s been a long day for both of us.

“Come on. Let me get you washed up and then you can go to bed.”

She just nods her head and I smile. Although my dick is hard and aching for her, it will just have to wait until tomorrow.




“Can you guys replace it?” I say into the phone, talking to Tate, while sitting behind my desk at the firm.

“Yeah. It shouldn’t be a problem. If you want to bring it by tonight, you can leave it over the weekend.”

“Okay. There’s no rush. Tomorrow is Halloween and she has the Tahoe she can drive.”

“I’ll order the window after we hang up. If you want to drop it off tonight, I can put it in as soon as it arrives.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, Tate.”

“No problem.”

I hang up the phone and look at Micah sitting across from me.

“Do you think it was the same person who broke into your house?” he asks, sounding worried.

“I don’t know,” I growl, running a hand through my hair. “I thought the person that broke into the house was after me. What if they are after Angel?”

“Maybe Jax is back in town?”

I stare at him, trying to decide if that could be a possibility.

He shrugs. “He did cheat on Sam in your house. Now you are with her.” He shrugs again. “It makes sense.”

“Yes, it does.”

“Has she heard from him?”

I begin to say no, but pause. Has she heard from him? “Not that I know of.”

“I’m just thinking out loud, don’t listen to me.” He tries giving me a reassuring smile.

“I’ve been looking for you,” Holly says as she comes walking into my office. “I thought you had a meeting. I’ve been sitting in your office for twenty minutes,” she complains, walking toward his chair with her hands on her hips.

“Sorry, babe. My meeting was cancelled, so Slade and I have been trying to figure out who could have broken the back window of Slade’s truck.”

“It was probably Jessica.” Holly plops down into the chair next to Micah. “I swear I don’t know how Sam is putting up with that shit.” She leans up as if she wants to now jump out of her seat. “The bitch just won’t stop. She….” She trails off as Micah and I stare at her wide-eyed.

“What are you talking about?” Micah asks before I can.

“Nothing.” She looks to the floor as she rubs her forehead and lets out an exasperated sigh.

“Holly,” he urges as she stands up. He grabs her hand as she attempts to walk away.

“Holly, if you don’t tell me what you meant, I will call Angel right now and demand that she tell me what she has been keeping from me,” I growl.

She turns to face me and her shoulders slump. “I can’t,” she whispers.

I reach over and pick up my phone but before I can even dial her number, Holly snatches it out of my hand. “Please don’t tell her,” she cries, “she will kill me.”

“Then start talking,” I snap. “Someone broke into our house. Someone broke a window to the truck while she was out shopping.” I release a long breath. “I can’t keep her safe, Holly, if I don’t know all the facts.”

She once again falls into the chair she had just gotten up from. “Jessica has been contacting Sam.”

“How so?” Micah asks as my jaw clenches.

“At first she called Sam from a blocked number, several times. The first couple of times, Sam just ignored it. Then whenever she would answer, Jessica would just hang up. Well one day she actually spoke to Sam. Sam came into work wanting to know what Jessica’s number was.”

“Why would she want her number?” I ask confused.

“Because she had been calling Sam from a blocked number,” she repeats, “so I helped her get the number. The next time Jessica called her using a blocked number she let it to go voicemail and then called Jessica back.”

“And?” Micah asks as I try to process all of this.

She closes her eyes briefly. “Jessica started sending Sam pictures.”

“What sort of pictures?” I ask, standing from my desk.

“Pictures of you having sex with women,” she says quietly.

“What the fuck?” I bark, making her jump.

“Why haven’t you told Slade?” Micah asks also standing from his chair.

“It gets worse.” She sniffs. I can tell she wants to hide and cry. She has betrayed her best friend, but I don’t give a fuck. She is going to tell me everything.

“Then keep going,” I demand.

“Yesterday she sent Sam a video.”

“A video?” I question.

She nods. “A video that you recorded of Bridgette giving you a blow job and then the two of you having sex.”

“I don’t fucking believe this,” I shout.

“It’s not Sam’s fault,” she cries.

“It’s her fault I didn’t know about this,” I shoot back. Obviously, I know it’s not Angel’s fault that I allowed women to record, or take pictures while I was fucking them.

“Calm down, Slade,” Micah says, getting my attention. “Let’s go about this a different way than screaming.”

I point at Holly. “They have both been hiding shit from us.”

Micah runs a hand over his head. “I know.” He looks down at Holly. “What else is there? You said Sam wanted her number? Has Sam been ignoring her, or calling her as well?”

Holly looks up at me with those big brown eyes and slowly shakes her head. I sit down in my chair, letting out a breath. “What has she done?”

She looks at Micah. “You know when I had you come and get me from their house and take me back to your parents’ house to get my car?” He nods. “I took a picture from Sam’s phone of her kissing Slade so she could send it to Jessica.”

I let out a sigh. “This sounds like high school bullshit.” What the fuck did Angel think she would accomplish from that?

She looks at me. “I know, but Sam didn’t know how else to fight back. Jessica tried to pull off those pictures as if you were with those women now. She told Sam that you have been out cheating on her. Sam knew they were old and didn’t believe her for a second.”

“Fucking fantastic,” I say, placing my head in my hands.

“Are you going to tell her that you know?” Holly asks quietly.

“Of course,” I bark, snapping my head up. “I’m not going to keep shit from her like she is me.”

“She didn’t want to make you mad. She knows you have been busy with work and everything else going on,” she tells me, standing from her chair.

I just shake my head. Right now, I don’t give a shit about everything else going on. I’m pissed at Angel for keeping this from me.

Micah kisses Holly on the head and asks her to go wait in his office. “Do you think Jessica has anything to do with all of the stuff that has been happening?”

“I don’t know. At this point I don’t know jack shit, apparently.”

“Don’t be so hard on Sam, Slade.”

I just glare at him with a furious expression on my face. I’m in no mood to listen to him tell me what to do in

He throws his hands up in the air at a loss, turns, and walks out of my office. I pack up my bag, close down my computer, and lock up my office.




I walk into the house and hear Angel’s voice from the spare bedroom. I make my way down the hall and stand in the doorway as she places clean sheets on the bed.

She laughs, drawing my attention up to her face. “Of course you’re invited,” she says, talking on the house phone. “The party starts at six tomorrow night.” There’s a pause. “No, you don’t have to dress up.”

I have a feeling she is talking to Tate about my parents’ Halloween party.

I push away from the doorframe and head down the hall. I do not want to go to my parents’ Halloween party tomorrow. I have a feeling it’s going to be nothing but drama. I have always gone in the past, but it was just for a little while. Josh and I usually ended up leaving after an hour or so and hitting some much more exciting parties. You know the kind where the women who wear too much makeup and dress like whores finally fit in.

Once in our room, I remove my tie, and start to unbutton my dress shirt. I’m going to have a hard time not letting her know that I’m onto her. And for that bitch, Jessica. Fuck, that bitch had better stay the hell away from us.

“Hey, baby. I didn’t hear you come in.” Angel’s voice comes from behind me.

“I didn’t want to bother you. You were on the phone,” I respond flatly.

She frowns. “Is everything okay?” She walks up to me, pressing her body against mine.

I place my hands on her arms and push her away. “Yeah. I need to take a shower.”

“Would you like some company?” She gives me a small smile.

I shake my head. “I’m going to take a quick shower and then hit the gym. And I need to drop the truck off at the shop for Tate.” I need to let off some steam and the gym is the best place to do that.

“Oh. Okay.” Her soft voice makes me want to ask her why she has been keeping secrets from me, but I won’t, not tonight. I think I need to cool down a little bit first. Maybe within a few days I will be able to calmly talk to her about this situation she is in with Jessica.

I text Micah asking him if he can meet me at Marcus’s shop in a couple of hours so I can drop off the truck and then place my phone on the bathroom counter.

I get out of the shower and dry off. Coming into our bedroom, I see Angel sitting on the bed talking on the phone.

“Okay. Thanks.” There’s a pause. “Love you too,” she says as she hangs up.

I go into the closet, wondering who she was telling ‘I love you’ to. “Who was that?” I ask, pulling a shirt off of the hanger.

“It was Holly.”

I bet she just ratted me out. “What did she want?” I prod, trying to not sound like I’m prying, but instead just generally curious.

“Not much.”

I pause before I put a pair of basketball shorts on. Holly must not have said anything about it. She knows I was extremely pissed earlier. I doubt she’s going to make it harder on Angel. Maybe she was checking to see if I had ratted her out.

I bend down, grab my gym bag, and walk out of the closet. “I’ll be back later.”

“Okay,” she says as she walks into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

I turn around and make my way to the garage as I dial Micah’s number.






I turn into the neighborhood Holly had given me the address to earlier. She found out where Jessica lives, and I am tired of this over the phone bullshit. I know this is not the smartest thing I have ever done, but I don’t have many options on how to stop this.

I get out of the Tahoe and look over the house. There is not one light on. Even the neighborhood seems dark. I make my way up to the door and knock on it without hesitation.

What do I plan to do?
I don’t know.

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