Read The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Online

Authors: Pauline Orr,Diana Vega,Carla Burke,Evelyn Hunt,Inez Eaton,Emma Bishop,Cynthia Conley,Bonnie Robles,Sue Harrington,Kim Wilkerson

The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women (13 page)


He had and she had gone to work at once, her small, deft hands soothing and working away the tightness in his muscles until he couldn’t even remember the pain that had been there before. She had repeated the favor a few more times, and Dan had paid attention to what she did, committing the pressure of her hands to memory. His girlfriends had had plenty of good things to say about his newfound skill.


“You’re really good at this,” Juliet murmured, and Dan felt himself getting drowsy as she started to doze off. His hands ceased to massage and instead caressed slowly, until he felt her breathing slow to a sleeping pace. He ran his fingers through her hair, feeling the silkiness of the drying strands.


Juliet shifted, getting more comfortable against his body, and Dan felt a hot pulse of lust run through him as she curled up into him, wrapping an arm around his waist. Dan decided suddenly that he would have no opportunity like the one presently before him; he leaned in and pressed his lips to her temple, holding her close and breathing in her scent slowly. Juliet stirred and he backed off, directing his attention to the TV until she subsided.


Juliet stirred again, and Dan held his breath. Her eyes stayed closed but in the midst of her sleep, she moved up, planting a sleepy kiss on his lips. “I’m glad you’re here, Dan,” she mumbled, giving him another all-too-brief kiss.


“You’re supposed to be asleep,” he whispered, not wanting to wake her if she was. Juliet stretched against him, her lips dropping down to his neck. Dan was torn; he didn’t want to take advantage of her—it certainly wasn’t right to do anything with a woman who was asleep and not aware of what she was doing. But by the same token, the feel of her lips against his skin, the way her body pressed against him, was too much for him to ignore.


“Mm, you smell good.” Juliet nuzzled against his neck and then seemed to fall back into a deep sleep, her arms tightening around him for just a moment before they relaxed. Dan stayed tense for several moments until he was certain she would stay asleep. He sighed, unable to help himself as he slowly caressed her back, trying to pay attention to the television show.


After about an hour, Juliet stirred against him again, this time waking up completely. She yawned, her back arching in a luxurious stretch, and she opened her eyes. Dan tried to suppress the smile that started to form on his lips; Juliet started when she realized that she had slept wrapped up in his arms, with her head cushioned by his chest.


She gave him an embarrassed smile, starting to sit up. “Don’t get up now,” he told her, pulling her back down against him. “I’m perfectly comfortable.” Juliet blushed, hiding her face against his chest. Feeling suddenly as though he was in a dream himself, Dan pulled her up, looking into her eyes. “You kissed me,” he told her, unable to resist smiling. Her eyes widened.


“I didn’t.” Dan laughed, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her body against his.


“You did. You told me you were glad I was here and then you kissed me.” Juliet blushed again and tried to squirm free of his arms. “It’s true, isn’t it?” he asked her, brushing his lips against her forehead. Juliet shook her head, avoiding his gaze and renewing her struggles to get free.


“I was sleeping,” she muttered defensively, ducking her head down. Dan brought her face up.


“You’re glad I’m here. You like me, I know you do.” Juliet bit her lip and Dan couldn’t restrain the urge; he closed the tiny distance between them and kissed her, running his tongue over her bottom lip until she let him in. He kissed her deeply, his arms tightening around her as she began to respond.


After several moments, she pulled away and he let her. “You’re so annoying,” she said, the heat in her voice belied by the way she couldn’t quite help smiling. “You’d better not be laughing at me.” Dan shook his head, trembling with the effort of holding back the chuckle he felt building up inside of him. He kissed her again briefly.


“I happen to like you too,” he told her, running his hands through her hair. He let his hands roam over her body, looking into her eyes to make sure she knew he was being honest. “Christ, woman, I’ve liked you for years. You’re incredibly hot, talented, smart…” Juliet blushed, shaking with laughter even as she gave him a playful smack.


“As if you didn’t have women falling all over themselves for you,” she replied, sitting up but staying close to him. Dan laughed, reaching out and taking her hand.


“You’re not like them,” he told her, pulling her down onto him but not letting go of her hand. He brought it up to his lips instead, pressing a kiss to her palm. “You’ve never fallen over yourself for me, for one.” Juliet snorted, looking up at him through her eyelashes and Dan thought that she had no idea how utterly alluring she looked when she did that.


He leaned in and kissed her again; pressing her body against his so that he could feel every inch of her, feel the heat of her through the thin fabric of her pajamas. He could feel her nipples hardening as he deepened the kiss, letting his hands run over her curves. He moaned into the kiss, nipping at her bottom lip playfully. He could feel himself getting hard, just from the contact of their bodies.


Mindlessly his hips pushed up into Juliet’s as he tried to ease the ache in his throbbing cock. He broke away from the kiss, letting go of her and brushing her hair back from her face.


“How awake are you?” he asked, looking into her eyes. She was more awake than she had been before, but he could still see the marks of fatigue on her face. Juliet’s eyes were dreamy with arousal, but she gave him a tired little smile.


“About 60%,” she answered. Dan took a long, shuddering breath and fought down his rising lust. He could wait. He’d waited for years. Another few hours wasn’t going to make a difference.


“Go curl up in bed then. I’ll get dinner and then we can go to the studio and get some work done.” Juliet stared at him for a moment; Dan gave her a playful shove and sat up to kiss her on the cheek. He brushed his lips along her jaw to her ear and whispered; “There is plenty of time for me to fuck your brains out when you’re not sleep-deprived. Go sleep.”


Juliet turned her head and claimed his lips, giving him a long, lingering kiss before she stood and meandered toward her bedroom, shooting him one last inviting look over her shoulder before she went in to rest.




They were in the studio again; Juliet had insisted on driving her own car, and after her hours-long nap, Dan couldn’t argue with her. He had ordered delivery from a high-end restaurant in town, salads and grilled chicken and steak and pasta.


When Juliet had emerged from her bedroom, her hair deliciously tousled and finally looking fully rested, she had been stunned at the sight of the food he had ordered. “I could have cooked,” she told him as he handed her a plate and silverware. Dan had shrugged, taking his own plate and leading Juliet to the dining room table.


“I couldn’t have, and I figured it would be nice for you to wake up to some delicious food, instead of having to cook something.” He was a notoriously bad cook, apart from making breakfast. He could manage eggs and pancakes and bacon—anything more than that and he was at a loss.


Dan smiled to himself, thinking that he’d enjoy cooking breakfast for Juliet in the morning. In the meantime, he feasted his eyes on her, taking in the improvements that full rest had made in her. He had watched TV while she slept, and when that had palled, he had begun writing a song—one inspired by his host.


He could hear the tune in his head, but he would wait until he was back among his brothers to work on the melody—or at least, until he was away from Juliet. He wanted it to be a surprise for her, assuming things went well.


Dan sat at the sound board, watching Juliet in the vocal booth. She had gotten dressed as soon as she finished eating, and it hadn’t been easy for him to restrain himself from picking her up and carrying her back into the bedroom; she was wearing black, tight-fitting corduroy pants and a dark green tee shirt that set off her dark hair and olive complexion perfectly.


The cords were held up by a pair of black suspenders that only served to emphasize her curvy figure—particularly her full breasts. She had left her hair down, but now that she was in the vocal booth, she smoothed it back, her small, deft hands twisting and wrapping it into a bun that she skewered with a pencil after securing it with an elastic.


He cued up the track they were working on; it was his favorite time of the evening, after the main staff of any studio typically went home. It was a time for messing with arrangements, getting creative, trying new things.


He sat back in his seat, preparing to listen critically. One of the skills he had cultivated through years of working in the musical industry was to separate his affection for a performer from his judgment of their performance. It was for this reason as much as anything else, he knew, that Juliet had asked for his help. She could trust him to tell her when something wasn’t working.


She caught the cue, and began to sing. Dan didn’t have the lyrics memorized yet; he was listening for the overall feeling, the tone of her vocals. She got through the pass, and Dan leaned into the intercom mic. “Try singing that second part one step higher in the verse,” he suggested.


“Like this?” She considered a moment and then he heard her singing the part; it still wasn’t quite right.


“Drop it a third.” She tried it again. “Perfect.” He re-cued the track and listened to Juliet as she hit the section, nailing the part this time. He smiled to himself, calling her into the control room to listen to it.


She sat down next to him and he played it back; he caught himself watching her more than he was paying attention to the recording, and pushed his mind back onto the matter at hand. He liked to watch her when she had the particular abstracted look on her face that meant she was focused on something. There was something beautiful in the slight tension at her brow, at the distant look in her eyes as every part of her listened.


“What do you think?” he asked her when the track finished. She sat back, still with that abstracted look on her face for a moment.


“I like it.” She hummed to herself, slightly higher than the vocal she had just recorded, and Dan knew that she was finding the harmony she would add in, shaping the fabric of the sound she wanted.


“Want to work on the harmonies?” he asked. He wanted to keep things as businesslike as possible, but he was distracted.


“Sure. We can set a delay and do a few passes with playback in the booth.” Dan nodded and watched Juliet’s small, capable hands dancing across the boards, setting a delay of ten minutes on the system.


She picked up a timer and spun out of the chair, heading into the vocal booth; he followed right behind her. “Let’s just try the first one naturally, and see what we get—then we tweak from there.” Dan nodded, putting on a headset and listening for the playback. He listened to the warm tone of Juliet’s lead-in and found his note, joining in on the chorus.


The night wore on and both of them gradually became giddy—between caffeine and natural fatigue, they were cracking each other up. They had moved into the live room and started work on the percussion for one of the tracks, and finally they ended up back in the control room, listening to what they had recorded. Dan kept glancing at the huge, worn couch that Juliet had apparently slept on before he had arrived.


“Let’s take a break,” he suggested, feeling like his jeans were uncomfortably tight. He had stolen a few moments as they had worked to kiss her neck—had pulled her into his arms in the vocal booth and sealed her lips during the recording delay, making a little game of it to see how quickly they could both recover. There was no one in the studio; even the cleaning crew would be gone for the night.


Dan guided Juliet over to the couch, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply. He knew he should wait until they were back at the house, but he had been holding himself back for hours. Every time he had kissed her had been like adding coals to the fire of his lust for her.


Every time she had stretched, exposing just a tiny slice of tattooed skin above the waistband of her low-slung corduroys, he had forced himself to look away rather than put his hands all over her—which was what he had really wanted. Juliet broke away from the kiss, looking up at him with a faint smile on her lips.


“Oh, this is going to be
kind of break,” she commented, her hands beginning to move across and over his back. Dan chuckled, pressing her body as tightly against his as he could. He nodded, letting his hands move up from her waist to her breasts.

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