Read The Truth Behind The Lies Online

Authors: Lolah Lace

Tags: #interracial romance fiction

The Truth Behind The Lies (14 page)

BOOK: The Truth Behind The Lies
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“Why not?”

“Same reason as you. I can find better things to waste my money on.”

“Are you worried about who we’re going to see?” He casually inquired.

“No, not really.”

“Are you sure? I could be taking you to see a death metal band.”

“I’m not worried. I’m dressed too cute for death metal.”

Bash’s eyes left the road to dance around my body. “That is so true. Too sexy for death metal.”

I settled into my seat and listened to the music that played on the radio. When we got to the Horseshoe Casino I saw the artists name on the marquee. BELL BIV DEVOE.



“Bell Biv Devoe, are you serious?”


I love Bell Biv Devoe. “This will be fun.”

“Everybody likes them. Everybody listened to
a thousand times in the nineties.” He started singing. “
It’s driving me out of my mind. That’s why it’s hard for me to find.

I joined in. “
Can’t get it out of my head. Miss her. Kiss her. Love her. That girl is poison.

This guy right here is the greatest. And his voice, he can sing. Damn! I never would have guessed that.




The concert was two hours long and phenomenal. Ricky, Ronnie and Mike tore the place up. Bash had a great time and I had a ball. I always had a good time with this man.

After the concert Bash told me he booked a room at the hotel. He claimed it was so we wouldn’t have to drive back to Downers Grove so late. I didn’t expect it but I just went with it. Me and Bash in a hotel room together? I guess tonight was the night. I wasn’t prepared but I’m glad I didn’t know ahead of time. I would have obsessed about it.

The hotel room was pricy and elegant. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Bash. He is a classy guy. I went straight into the bathroom. I needed to make sure I was good. I had to check for nose boogers, eye boogers, out of place hairs and all the other stuff. I was good. I debated on whether I should pee but I was good. I had a few drinks earlier but I was okay for now.

When I left the bathroom I saw Bash had turned on the flatscreen. He was watching CNN. I think it was a plane crash in another country but he seemed to be intrigued.

He turned back and saw me and he turned the TV off. He walked over to me and planted a hungry kiss on my lips. He shoved his hand inside the hole in my dress that exposed my cleavage. He palmed my breast and groped me like I belonged to him. I think I do.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and surrendered to his forceful touch. I ran my hands down the length of his back and tugged at his shirt. I looped my hand underneath and tucked my fingers into his waistband. I stopped myself. I waited to feel if he was hard. I felt something rubbing me but was that all him? I glided my hands done the front of his pants and felt his dick.


I needed to see it. It felt huge. It was huge. My hands never lied to me before. My hands held a few dicks so I knew he was packing and not slacking.

My dress was down at my waist. Bash had freed both my breasts. I was braless tonight because of the cut of my dress. He was quick and crafty. He was good at maneuvering clothing right out the way.

Bash bent slowly and sucked my breast into his mouth. I was still fixated on seeing his dick. I quickly unbuckled his belt. I tried to block out him suckling on my breast so cunningly, so sensually. I finally got to his button and zipper. I pushed the pants off his hips. I pushed my hand over the top of the elastic on his boxer shorts. I reached down and grabbed his wood. Damn!

Oh my!

He was thick. My fingers didn’t touch when I wrapped them around his huge penis. This was not want I expected.

He was playfully biting my nipples. I can’t concentrate. I ran my hand done his shaft to gage his length. He was so unbelievably thick and long. I needed to see it with my eyes. It felt bigger than anything I had ever had before. That couldn’t be. I needed to see it. The lights were bright in the room. I got to see this thing with my eyeballs.

Bash trailed his smooth kisses from my breast to my neck. He sucked hard on my collarbone before he moved to my lips. I was so wet from the foreplay. He could simply slide inside me with ease no matter how enormous his dick is.

I stumbled backwards as Bash gently laid me down on the bed. I was on my back staring up at Mr. Vandervol. He cupped my calves and removed my shoes one foot at a time. He dragged my dress down the long length of my legs.

Oh my.

My eyelids closed when his knuckles skimmed down my legs and up again. I was so willing. I looked at him and observed as he removed his shirt. I watched every muscle move as he moved like an agile athlete. I visually inspected him as he removed his shoes and socks. Beautiful. His pants and his boxer shorts were next.

Oh my god. My mouth gaped. He was so large. He was mouth watering smooth. A decade ago I would have been scared of his big dick. Now I couldn’t wait to feel him inside me. I can’t wait for Bash to bust me open. A German inside me sounds like the best idea ever. Do me baby, in my Bell Biv Devoe voice.

Bash climbed on top of me. I gazed up at him. He was so astonishingly sexy. He could make me cum without penetration. I want him to enter me hard, rip into me. I have to have this man. I had my liquid courage and I know I can take that gigantic dick. He just has to open me up and break me in. He can pound me around this hotel room until he gets comfortable in me.

Bash licked my neck in long strokes. I arched upward to meet his savage tongue. He sucked at my collarbone. It was so sensual, so utterly erotic.

Bash worked his way back to my open lips. He sucked on my tongue. It felt like forever but still not long enough. Begging for him to fuck me lingered on the tip of my teeth and gnawed at my lips. I tried to arch up to the ceiling to meet his body. I hoped to entice him to lower his weight on me. His firm member was rubbing my thigh and weighing down on me.

I dreamed of taking him in my mouth. I was afraid he would knock my teeth out with that massive thing. I giggled inside.

Bash reached down between his legs and held his dick. He rubbed the head back and forward on the fabric of my thong. I had already soaked completely through the material. He could feel how wet I was through the cloth barrier.

“Oh Bash.” I hummed and dug my fingers into his back muscles.


“Get a condom.” I said as I impatiently waited for him to kiss me again. I opened my eyes when he didn’t move or shower me with more kisses.

“I don’t have any condoms.” His forehead creased. “Do you?” I heard the record scratch and it screeched to a halt.

“No.” Was this really happening to me?

“Why not?” He asked me when I was the one that started this line of questioning.

“I didn’t know this was going to happen. That we were going to --” That was a lie, sort of. I never buy condoms. Men always have them, every man but Bash.

Bash blinked slowly. “So is this a deal breaker?”

“Yes. Condoms aren’t negotiable.” I wish they were. Bash is special but that’s my number one rule. No glove, no love. No sleeve, please leave. No! No! No! Hell No! Is this really happening to me?

Bash rested his weight on his forearms. He was gathering his thoughts. I think that’s what he was doing.

“What are you afraid of, pregnancy or disease?” He asked through slightly gritted teeth. Was this going to turn into a negotiation?

HIV jumps out at me first. I could come up with a list of things that worry me when sexual intercourse is involved. I did truly think he was clean but looks can be a deceiving bitch.

“Both,” I replied because they are equally scary.

Bash rolled his eyes at me. If I would’ve blinked I would have missed it. He blew air from his lips and it rolled off my face. Panic set in my bones. This is not how this was supposed to go. If I wanted to plan this better, I couldn’t. I didn’t even know we would end up at this hotel. This is not my fault. But I feel bad, empty, frustrated, like a damn party-pooper.

I could hear Bash breathing steady as he lay his body next to mine. He was looking up at the ceiling.

“Are you mad?” I asked. I was sure he was.

“No, I’m not mad. I’m disappointed and obviously not prepared.” He didn’t look over at me.

This has never happened to me before. I wonder what it means. I also wondered why he doesn’t just get in his car and go buy some condoms. They probably sell them downstairs in the gift shop. It’s just past midnight. The gift shop is probably closed.

I felt exposed. I was only in my wet nasty thong. My breasts were out and soft. I lost my heat. I think he did too.

Should I offer him a blowjob? Not offer. Maybe just perform one on him right now. I really don’t know what to do in the situation.



“Are you mad?” Damn, I asked that already. What is wrong with me.

He turned only his face towards mine. “No, Nina I’m not mad. Let’s go to sleep and figure this out in the morning.” Bash rose from the bed. He started putting his boxer briefs on.

“Nina do you need water or something?”

“No, I’m good.” I lied. I was not good. Too worried about him not being good.

“Okay let’s just get some sleep.”

“Okay.” I muttered.

He got up and left the room. Where’s he going? I felt deserted, sad and sick. I never wanted to hurt Bash in anyway. Was my condom rule too strict? There was no way Bash had a sexually transmitted disease. Then again he had to have woman throwing themselves at him. But he has restraint. I can see that much about him. He can’t fend off every horny hoe. He had to have fucked some of them.

Plus the reality is I’m not on the pill. I stopped taking them two months ago when I was done with David. I hate taking medication of any kind.

I crawled toward the headboard and curled up under the covers. I didn’t have any pajamas so I tucked myself in. I closed my eyes.

A few minutes later Bash returned. He climbed into bed and pulled the covers away from my body. He pushed my body sideways so I was lying across the bed. I didn’t protest, as I was unaware of what he was trying to do. He half covered me with the sheet. He lay down at my waist and draped my leg over his neck. His face was smashed into my pussy. He snaked one of his hands over my exposed butt cheek.

Okay. This was weird. I felt his nose snuggle into my pussy and them he stopped moving. He was going to sleep like this, with the stench of my hot coochie in his face. I knew I wasn’t fresh down there. I had leaked out minutes ago and completely soaked my thong. My pussy had to smell hot and funky. It made me uncomfortable. Bash didn’t seem to care. What is wrong with him? Or what is right with him?

I was self-conscious. My juice had caked up between my thighs. Pushing him away seemed unwise. He was snuggled up in my pussy like it was a down pillow. He was cool. I was the one that was uncool.

Fuck it. I tucked my hands under my pillow and tried to relax. Bash fell asleep in the gap of my pussy. He was dead to the world. I fell asleep about thirty minutes after he did. That was after I stopped obsessing about his face in my kitty cat.










The next morning we showered separately. He went first because he woke up first. The suite was big and spacious. I couldn’t see him at all but I knew he was around. Earlier I heard him exercising in the other room before I heard the showerhead spray.

I smelled coffee and decided to drag myself out of bed. I didn’t want to. There was something about being alone with Bash in a neighboring state that felt legit. Even after that fiasco that went down last night. I liked being in his general vicinity.

Luckily there was hot water when I got into the shower. It didn’t take long to get myself together. I had to dress in the same clothes as yesterday, my slinky green dress. I didn’t put on my old underwear after my shower. My thong was gross at best.

“You ready babe?”

“Five minutes!” I yelled from the open bathroom door. He called me babe. I guess last night wasn’t a major fiasco. He didn’t wake up pissed at me. He woke up with a face full of pussy. I smiled at myself in the mirror. Man, that was weird. Last night. Maybe I should have just given him some pussy. Too late now.

“We have to beat the morning traffic.” He called out. His subtle way of saying, bitch hurry your ass up.

I emerged from the bathroom feeling so fresh and so clean. Bash was in his pants from yesterday. He wasn’t wearing his button up but he had on a plain sleeveless white tee. It didn’t seem right calling it a wife beater when he was wearing it. His body makes me reexamine my condom rule. Damn! He is so fucking fine.

Bash put his shirt on in one swift movement. He didn’t bother with the buttons. We left the room in seconds. He returned the keycard to the front desk. We got into his Porsche and hit the 294 Tri-State tollway.

BOOK: The Truth Behind The Lies
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