Read The Traherns #1 Online

Authors: Nancy Radke

The Traherns #1 (47 page)

Sourdough Recipes

For best results use glass
containers. Never leave in a metal spoon or use a metal container. Sourdough
was used in curing small animal hides, so it is powerful.

To make a starter: mix 2
cups of whole wheat flour, 2 cups of warm water, and 1 package of yeast. Place
in a warm place or closed cupboard overnight. Next morning, put a half cup
starter in a scalded pint jar with a tight lid and store it in the refrigerator
to use later. This is your starter and should be used at least every two weeks.
Each time you make your sponge, set aside some starter.

For Pancakes (3 people): To
the rest of the sponge, stir in 3 eggs (2 if you are using white flour), 1/2
tsp. salt, 1 tablespoon sugar or honey. Put 1 teaspoon of soda into a little
liquid, stir to dissolve. Add this and 2 tablespoons melted fat/oil just before
you cook. Bake on a hot griddle.

For Waffles. Set the sponge
just like hotcakes. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar. Put in
the 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved) and 1/4 cup melted fat, just before baking. You
can make these with regular flour and use just 2 eggs.

For muffins: Put 1 1/2 cups
whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 cup non-fat dry milk, 1
teaspoon soda into a bowl and make a well. Mix together 1/2 cup melted fat and
1 or 2 eggs with the sponge. Add 1 cup of raisins with the flour, if wanted.
Stir only enough to moisten the flour. Bake 375 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
Yields 12 large muffins.

There are many sourdough recipes on the web. These are from an old
Alaskan government publication.


Nancy Radke has always invented stories in
her mind, even "watching" stories in her dreams where she could
control the characters and outcomes. She has turned this talent into writing
traditional romances and romantic suspense, with plenty of plot twists. Born on
a wheat and cattle ranch, she still surrounds herself with animals and plants.
Her family lives close by, so she enjoys her grandchildren's sports and other

Lately she has been working on the
& Tell Bible,"
a children's picture Bible on DVD that she
wrote with her daughter. While waiting for the artists to finish drawing the
thousands of pictures needed, she plans to write more romances, which help fund
the Bible project. Also planned is more of
The Traherns
, a series
of historical short stories, starting with “The Tallest Man in Texas, available
on Amazon in May 2013.


  [email protected]    



Copyright  ©  2013 Nancy L Radke

All Rights Reserved

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my husband of 51 years, whom I loved completely.

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