Read The Temptress Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield,Karen J,Book Cover By Design

The Temptress (40 page)

BOOK: The Temptress
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I watched Myrtille walk out of the door and I
sat back on the sofa, covering my face with my hands. I was exhausted. It was
done, she had no choice but to sign and she knew it. I hadn’t been unfair, I’d
not asked for anything that I hadn’t worked for and earned myself. I’d
suggested we each keep our own assets, but she could have the marital home in
Paris along with all of the contents, except for the artwork I’d chosen and
paid for myself. She’d looked broken as she’d picked up the pen, I don’t think
anyone had ever told her “no” in her life, she was used to getting her own way
with everything, well no more. Even if Lulu hadn’t pulled that trump card out,
I’d have been prepared to go bankrupt just to free myself of her. I’d clawed my
way from the gutter to being one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Paris
once before, I could have done it again, but I wanted to be everything that
Lulu needed. She had done well for herself, but I needed to provide for her and
my son, it was my duty as the man of the family. Or the family that I hoped
we’d become. Thinking of that put a smile back on my face. I got up and went in
search of the bathroom. I washed my hands and stood looking at the bed for a
moment, perplexed and opened the wardrobe, to find it full of clothes. I was
not impressed. I strode out to her office, throwing open the door to see Lulu walking
down the corridor towards me. I stopped to drink her in, I was angry, but the
sight of her softened that, I’d never seen anyone with beauty to compare, or
such a body. I was annoyed to find my heart beating faster, what hold did this
woman have over me? It was unprecedented and alarming how she affected my temperament.

‘Are you ok?’ she asked, reaching up to touch
my face. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation. I felt every touch from her
right to my heart, just as I did that very first night with her. I loved that
she was strong, a force of nature, opinionated and vocal, yet when I commanded
it sexually, she became meek and compliant. My erection that was lost the
minute Myrtille had entered the room, returned with force.

‘I am more than ok,’ I confirmed, grabbing her
and throwing her over my shoulder.

‘Luc Le Grand,’ she gasped. ‘Put me down, right
now. We’re in my office!’

‘Yes, we are. An office with a bedroom. Which
you will explain to me,’ I ordered, as I shut her door and turned the lock.

‘Don’t they have bedrooms in France?’ she asked,
a hint of sarcasm in her voice. ‘Traditionally it’s where one sleeps. You will
put me down.’

‘Yes, I will,’ I confirmed, as I tossed her
onto the bed in question. I gritted my teeth as I looked down at her, her
breasts barely concealed by her jacket. Blood was pumping through my system, I
was horny and angry. ‘I demand to know why you have a bedroom and wardrobe full
of clothes?’

‘You’ve been snooping? You’re so out of order,’
she gasped, glaring up at me.

‘You have this to attempt to seduce men in
here?’ I asked, my muscles tensing at the thought of it.

‘You did
just ask me that. I told
you that sex was not part of my job, it’s not part of any of my girls’ jobs.
We’d go in to tempt only, to get evidence of their willingness to take us to
their rooms, or to get them in there to capture them undressing for us. The
most was stripping to underwear, before excusing ourselves, but never here.’

‘This stops. Immediately. I will not tolerate
you flirting with other men, let alone letting them see your body in underwear,’
I growled, feeling even angrier. ‘You belong to me,
no one
sees you.

‘It’s just my job, I may still need to flirt if
a distraction’s required.’

‘You want me, it ends. Choose. Now.’ I ensured
the tone in my voice was unmistakable, I would have no one seeing her, looking
at her the way I did, or her looking at them. It was unacceptable.

‘It’s my job, you’re being unfair.’

‘I do not care, Lulu. Would you accept me
flirting with other women, letting them see my body, maybe even kissing my

‘No,’ she shot back, making me smile a little.
‘Fine, I’ll stop,’ she muttered under her breath, with a scowl at me. She was
displeased, but this was tough,
was a small price to pay for what I
was prepared to offer her in return.

‘Excellent. Now, why do you have a bed, you
evade the question.’

‘Because some nights I work late, I didn’t want
to risk waking Tristan or having him see me looking like someone else. Occasionally,
when I was really busy, Mum would have him so I could work until the early
hours, I’d sleep here and keep spare clothes for the morning.’

‘You’ve never had sex in here?’ I demanded, not
sure if I wanted confirmation.

‘No, of course not,’ she exclaimed, setting my
mind at ease.

‘Well now you will,’ I confirmed, undoing my
button and zip, relieved to hear this room had been used for no other purpose
than to sleep.

‘I thought you had to get back to Paris?’ she
asked, her eyes wide with surprise, widening even further as I freed myself
from my tight boxers.

‘You cannot be trying to tell me that you no
longer want sex? Your body betrays you.’ I cocked my head as I studied her with
a frown. She quickly scooted down the bed, sat on the edge of it and grabbed
the waistband of my trousers, pulling me towards her. I groaned as she grasped
my shaft, her fingers curling tightly around it as she ran her tongue over the
tip. My God, she had never touched me before, because I would not allow it, and
it surpassed any of my expectations. ‘Mon Dieu,’ I moaned as she parted her
lips and nearly swallowed me whole.

The feeling of warmth surrounding my cock,
along with the suction as her head moved back and forth was incredible. Even in
the days when I was sexually active, I rarely let a woman take me in her mouth.
I was usually too busy looking after their needs and somehow allowing a woman I
hardly knew to suck my cock, seemed too personal, more personal even than sex.
Lulu though, I’d dreamed of having her lips wrapped around me, but reality was
far better than I’d dared to dream of. I heard a low growl escape my lips as I
grasped her pony tail with one hand, chuckling for a second as I wondered if
she’d chosen this horse related hair style especially to taunt Myrtille, but as
she bobbed back and forth, trying to draw my very soul from me, I soon brought
my mind back to her technique. My other hand clasped the back of her head,
encouraging her to move faster. I looked down, through eyes half-closed with
pleasure, groaning with satisfaction.

‘Regardez-moi, ma belle, I need to see your
face,’ I commanded. She complied immediately, those eyes of deep amber, tones
of yellow and orange, more beautiful than any roses or sunset, met mine and I
felt my body stiffen as the spasm in my balls announced my impending release. I
pumped my hips harder and faster, ecstatic that she took everything I had to
give her, all the way up to the moment that I tried to muffle the roar of satisfaction
as I shot my load again and again to the back of her throat. Watching her
swallow me had me lightheaded and overjoyed. ‘Mon Dieu, incroyable,’ I uttered
as I tried to catch my breath. Incredible was an understatement. She pulled
back, delicately wiping that tempting sexy mouth of hers and tucked me back in,
doing up my trousers, then she rose and slid my jacket off my shoulders.

‘What time must you be at the airport?’

‘Six o’clock,’ I mumbled, incoherently, still
on a high.

‘You’re exhausted. Come and lie down, you need
some sleep.’

‘I need you,’ I confirmed, trying to pull her
against me, but she evaded my clutches and took my hand.

‘You can have me next time you’re here. Please
come and sleep for me.’ She encouraged me to lie on the bed with her, curling
her body tightly around mine as I fought the urge to close my eyes and heard
her tapping on her phone. ‘Claire, sorry for the short notice, would you be
able to pick up Tristan and look after him until I get back at around six? I’ll
cook for us when I get in … great thanks.’

‘Tristan, my boy.’ I tried to sit up, the
thought of seeing him spurring me to move, but she pulled me back down again
and cradled my head on her soft chest.

‘Your boy is fine. He’s asking me lots of
questions about you, I don’t think it will be too long before he agrees to see
you. Turn that mind of yours off. You’ve been working too hard, flying around
the world, not sleeping, worrying about your ex-wife and Tristan, you need
rest. Sleep for me, Luc, please. I’m so worried about you. You look exhausted,
sleep now.’

‘Ma belle,’ I whispered in amazement. No one
had ever cared about me, it was a feeling I could get used to. ‘Talk to me,
tell me about those first few hours with him again.’ I closed my eyes as I
listened to her talking in a soft voice, as her fingers gently massaged my
scalp. I wanted to stay awake, to hear the wonder in her voice as she recounted
how our son came into this world, but was surprised when I woke with a start to
the sound of beeping, to find myself alone. ‘Lulu?’ I called, confused for a
moment as to where I was.

‘I’m here,’ she called. I rubbed my eyes and
sat up on the bed as she appeared in the doorway. ‘I’m sorry, you were fast
asleep so I’ve been working, my alarm must have woken you.’ She walked over to
the bedside table and turned off the noise, then came and sat on the edge of
the bed next to me. ‘Do you feel a bit better?’ she asked, taking my hand in
hers and kissing each finger.

‘I do,’ I confirmed, as I squeezed my fingers
tightly around hers.

‘I let you sleep until the last moment, you’ll
miss your flight if you don’t leave now.’

‘Merde,’ I muttered, as I dragged our hands
away from her mouth and kissed her. ‘But I haven’t looked after you.’

‘Then you just make sure you look after me when
you’re here next,’ she replied, with a twinkle in her eye. ‘Which will be

‘I have to tie up loose ends in Paris, then I
will return Friday to view some properties for my business here in London. I
will be free all weekend and I’d love to make it up to you, but you have
Tristan, oui?’

‘I’ll ask if Mum can have him Friday and
Saturday night, so we can have some of the weekend together, but I’d like to
spend Sunday with him.’

‘I cannot wait to meet him properly,’ I sighed,
with a heavy heart.

‘I can imagine, but he’s asking questions which
is a really good start. Just be patient for a little bit longer?’ She dipped
her head, to gaze up into my downcast eyes.

‘I have no choice, but it eats me up inside,
Lulu. Thank you for what you did today for me with Myrtille, to protect me, and
our son. You have no idea what this meant to me.’ I clasped her face as I gazed
at her earnestly, my heart swelling with love.

‘I did it for us, Luc. Call me tonight?’

‘Without a doubt, maybe I can tell you of all
the things I long to do to this body when I next see you, help you release some
of the tension I see you are feeling.’

‘I’d love that,’ she blushed, as she placed her
hands on my chest. ‘Please go now, or I’ll never let you go.’

‘I don’t ever want you to let me go again, Lulu
McQueen. I will lay all of my cards on the table now. I am in this for life.
You are the woman that I’m going to marry, who’ll give me more sons, daughters
too. I’ll love you all with a fire more intense than the ninth circle of hell.
I already love you like I have never loved anything, I didn’t even know I was
capable of such intense feelings or emotions until that night I saw you. You
stole my heart and it has been missing ever since, right until that moment in
the bar when I found you again. The happiest day of my life.’

‘Kiss me,’ she moaned, as her eyes filled with
tears. I did, I kissed her like I’d never see her again, my heart aching to
hear her return my words. I’d never been gifted love in my life, it was a rare
and precious commodity that I would award the highest respect. While I was
desperate for it from her, I would wait. I wanted her to be as certain in her
convictions as I was, that nothing was ever going to come between us. I’d make
damn sure of it. Much as I valued my money, having lived without any for too
long, I’d give away everything I owned to keep this woman safe and at my side.


BOOK: The Temptress
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