Read The Sex Solution Online

Authors: Kimberly Raye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Series, #Harlequin Blaze

The Sex Solution (17 page)

While she’d loved the feel of his stubble rasping against her cheek, she found herself suddenly desperate to feel the masculine smoothness rubbing not only her cheek, but lower, down the slope of her neck, the rise of her breasts, her nipples, the tender insides of her thighs…

She drew a deep breath and tried for a calm tone. “You’re early.”

“Actually—” he stepped forward, backing her into the small hallway before kicking the door shut with the heel of his boot “—I’m running pretty damned late. This has been a long time coming.”

His words sent a thrill of anticipation through her before she reminded herself about his sudden change of heart and the reason behind it. “I agree with you, but it’s all wrong.”

“It feels pretty damned right.”

“I know it does, but that’s just because you’re not thinking clearly right now.”

“Thinking is not at the top of my list right now, sugar. It’s all about feeling.”

She wanted to dispute his words, but when he looked at her with his hungry gaze, it was as if she’d stepped into her wildest fantasy and the only thing she could manage to do was drag some much-needed air into her lungs.

He glanced past her. “Where’s Spur?”

She licked her lips and fought for her voice. “Drowning today’s sorrow in a double-dipped cone down at the Dairy Freeze.”

“And then?”

He’s coming home.
That’s all she had to say to kill the excitement in his eyes and shatter the fantasy.

“Then he’s going to bingo,” she murmured. She’d dreamed of this moment, fantasized about it for so long that she couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth. No man had ever looked at her quite this way, with this intensity, with this blatant need and it made her feel like…a woman. A real, bona fide, not-too-big-in-the-hips woman. Attractive. Sexy. Wanted. “It’s triple-play night and he says that he’s due for some good luck after today.”

“Good.” He flipped the dead bolt on the front door and turned on her, backing her up the few steps to the wall.

“What are you doing?” she asked when he reached for the hem of her T-shirt.

“Undressing you.”

“But—wait,” she said as he pulled the material up a few dangerous inches, his fingertips brushing her bare skin. Reality zapped her and she realized that this was far from any fantasy and as much as she wanted him, she wanted him to want her.
“There’s something I have to tell you first.”

He pulled the shirt up over her head and tossed it to the hardwood floor. His fingers went to the clasp of her bra and her breasts spilled free.

“About this afternoon—”

“You have the most incredible nipples I’ve ever seen.”

“It really wasn’t—I do?” She stared up into his dark, heated eyes and saw the admiration. The appreciation. The want.

And suddenly the only thing Madeline Hale could think of was how it would feel to have Austin’s mouth on her, regardless of the reason why.


so bad last night, and I wanted to taste them. I really wanted to taste them.”

Before she could drag in a breath, he dipped his head and drew one sensitive peak into his mouth.

He sucked her so hard and so thoroughly and it was all she could do to keep from sagging against him. Wetness flooded the sensitive flesh between her legs and drenched her panties. He drew on her harder, his jaw creating a powerful tugging that she felt clear to her womb. An echoing throb started in her belly, more intense with every rasp of his tongue, every nibble of his teeth, every pull of his sinful lips.

Heat flowered through her, pulsing along her nerve endings, heating her body until she felt as if she would explode.

He didn’t touch her with his hands, just his mouth working at her until she moaned long and low and deep in her throat. Her nipple was red and swollen and throbbing when he finally released her to lick a path to the other breast. The tip of his tongue rasped her ultrasensitive flesh, sending goose bumps up and down her arms and making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

“Please,” she murmured, and he gladly obliged, seizing the other nipple and delivering the same delicious torture. Pull and nibble and pull and nibble and…


She grew wetter and hotter, her body throbbing with each movement of his mouth as he worked her, pushing her closer to the edge, to a mind-blowing orgasm.

And at nothing more than having her nipple suckled.

It didn’t make any sense, yet at the same time, it made perfect sense because this wasn’t just any man. This was

The thought sent a burst of panic through her and she opened her mouth to protest. But then his mouth was on hers, swallowing her words, his hot fingers rolling and plucking her damp nipple, and all thought flew south to the wet heat saturating her panties and the steady, frenzied throbbing between her legs.

He pulled her flush against him, his hands trailing down her bare back, stirring every nerve ending along the way. Fingers played at her waistband before slipping lower, his palms cupping her buttocks through the material. He urged her up on her tiptoes until her pelvis cradled the massive erection straining beneath his zipper.

The feel of him sent a burst of longing through her and suddenly she couldn’t get close enough. She grasped his shoulders, clutching at his T-shirt as she wrapped one leg around his thigh to fit more snugly against him. She couldn’t get enough of him as she kissed him with all of the passion that had built over the past sleepless nights.

Her tongue danced with his and she sucked, drawing him deeper, wanting more yet not getting enough.

When he tore his lips from hers, a whimper slipped past her swollen lips.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped. “Please, I don’t know what I’ll do if you stop.” She was pathetic, she knew. Begging a man when she should have been telling him the truth.

Then again, she
telling him the God’s honest—she needed him more than she needed her next breath.

“I’m not going to stop.” His fingers went to the snap on her shorts. The waistband eased and her zipper hissed, and the denim sagged on her hips. Large, eager hands pushed the material down, his fingers snagging the straps of her panties and urging them down, as well. Until she was completely naked. “In fact,” he went on, “if I don’t get inside of you right now, I’m going to burst.”

Satisfaction rushed through her and she smiled.

He caught the expression with his mouth, urging her lips apart in another deep, mind-blowing kiss as he lifted her. He wrapped her legs around his waist, his denim-covered erection flush against the sensitive folds between her legs.

The sudden contact drew a gasp from her lips. She grasped his shoulders and shimmied against him. The friction of the rough material against her clitoris worked her into a frenzy, until she couldn’t take any more. She threw her head back as a deep, pleasure-filled moan vibrated up her throat. Delicious tremors racked her body.

“Christ, you’re beautiful.”

She heard his deep, raw voice through the thunder of her own heart and his words sent a rush of joy through her. She didn’t stop to analyze why. Instead, she concentrated on the sincerity in his voice and let it feed the satisfaction gripping her body.

So lost in the throes of her orgasm, she didn’t even notice that he’d carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom until she felt the soft mattress at her back.

She glanced up in time to see him peel off his shirt and unfasten his jeans. He shoved the denim and his white briefs down in one smooth motion, his erection springing forward, huge and greedy. A white drop of pearly liquid beaded on the tip and she couldn’t help herself, she reached out and touched the moisture, bringing it to her lips to taste the salty sweetness the way she’d tasted it four nights ago.

He groaned at the sight of her before leaning over to reach into his pocket. He pulled out a condom and smoothed it over his throbbing length in one deft motion, and then he was leaning over her, pushing her into the mattress as he urged her legs apart and settled himself between her trembling thighs.

He kissed her then, licking her lips and sucking at her tongue, as if he couldn’t get enough of her mouth flavored with his essence.

Her insides were still quivering when he drove into her, burying himself to the hilt with one powerful thrust. She was tight, grasping the full length of him with enough force to make him groan. He lay still for a moment.

“You feel even better than I remember. So tight and wet.”

“You feel better, too. Bigger. Hot. Hard.” She couldn’t believe she’d said the words, but she couldn’t help herself. With his voice so deep and stirring in her ears, she found herself eager to give him the same pleasure that he gave her when he said such things.

That’s what she felt, from her toes clear to the very end of each and every hair on her head. The sensation swamped her, making her feel hot and needy and alive. She closed her eyes, determined to savor every moment. The weight of his body between her legs, the tickle of his hair against her most sensitive spot, the weight of his testicles resting between her thighs.

“Look at me, Maddie.” His deep, raw voice drew her eyes open and she stared up.

Hunger blazed hot and intense in his gaze, but there was something else, as well. A possessive light that sent a tremor of warmth through her, as if she were the only woman he’d ever been with. The only woman he’d ever wanted to be with. The first and the last…

“It’s Madeline,” she murmured in a rush of panic. “Not Maddie. Madeline.”

He didn’t reply, he simply smiled and started to withdraw. The movement was slow and tantalizing, and her thoughts faded in a wave of pleasure. He stopped just shy of completely pulling out, the head of his penis still nestled just inside.

He pulsed with the force of his desire and she felt him thick at her opening. Before she could draw her next breath, he thrust deep again, sending a burst of heat through her and making her own body throb in response.

He pumped faster with each thrust, driving her toward another orgasm while he worked toward his own. She clutched at him, raking her nails down the length of his back, grasping his buttocks, pulling him deeper as she lifted her pelvis to meet each of his movements. She couldn’t feel him deep enough or hard enough or fast enough…

Yet her climax built, lifting her up and jerking her down like a wild roller-coaster ride. Up and down, higher and higher, faster and faster until she finally reached the last peak and raced over the edge, her heart pounding, her blood rushing, her body singing with exhilaration.

She cried out and felt him stiffen. She opened her eyes just in time to see him poised above her. His entire body tensed as he threw his head back, his teeth clenched. Every muscle in his body tightened and bulged as he followed her over that last and final peak.

He rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him without breaking their contact. His heart pounded against her own and his breaths came sharp and ragged.

Maddie rested her cheek in the curve of his neck and fought for a calming breath. She needed to gather her wits, to think.

Impossible with him so close.

She could only feel. The tickle of his hair against her chafed nipples, the hot slickness of his thigh on the inside of her own, the length of his penis nestled in her slick folds. He was still semihard, the large, smooth head twitching and pulsing against her most sensitive spots with each of his deep, shuddering breaths.

Gathering her courage, she climbed from atop him. He caught her wrist with one large hand, his fingers burning into her as she tried to scramble from the bed.

“Where are you going?”

“I—I need a drink of water.”

He stared at her for a long moment, his dark eyes piercing her, looking straight through her and seeing everything she fought so hard to hide. She didn’t think he would let her go, but then he released her and she scrambled from the bed.

A few minutes later, she reached the dark safety of the kitchen. She paused, her palms flat against the cool tile as she drew in some much-needed air.

The reality of what had just happened hit her and filled her with a mixture of emotions. Everything from elation to dread. While she’d dreamed of this, she hadn’t dreamed of
The pounding of her heart, the buzzing of her nerves, the rush of adrenaline. She felt too alive, more so than when he’d touched her that first night, or the next. Tonight had been different. More intense. Powerful.

Thanks to
The Sex Solution.

“That went way too fast,” he said from behind her.

“I know what you mean.”

“We should have slowed down a little.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“We skipped too much. I was just so turned-on that I couldn’t help myself.”

“It was the lotion—” she began, but he cut her off with a press of his fingertips to her lips.

“But that won’t happen again because I’ll hold on next time. I promise.”

“I put the final ingredients together and perfected the product. That’s why you were so turned-on tonight. It wasn’t really me—next time?”

time.” He lifted her onto the table and reached for the bottle of honey that she’d left out.

She was about to repeat what she’d just said when she felt the cold thickness of the honey trickle down the slope of her breast. She half turned to see his hand poised over her shoulder, the bottle of honey in his hands as he squeezed.

She closed her eyes, savoring the erotic feel of the syrupy liquid sliding, tantalizing her bare skin. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip and her nipples sprang hard and greedy to life. Not fifteen minutes ago, they’d been going after it and here she was up for more action.

And so was he. She could feel his erection pressing into her buttocks. He wanted her again, as much as she wanted him. Maybe more.

Guilt rushed through her. Then again, she’d told him the truth. It wasn’t really her fault if he’d decided not to listen. She’d tried.

She would try again, but not right now. She couldn’t find her voice, particularly when his arms came around her to catch a drop of honey and smooth it over her nipple.

Later. Tomorrow. Monday at the latest.

But she
bring up the subject again and make sure that he understood. He would call it quits then, she had no doubt, but until then…

She intended to enjoy every sweet, stirring moment of their time together.


Austin was an incredible lover, but over the next week, he went above and beyond anything she’d ever imagined. It wasn’t just the way he touched her—his hands so strong and sure and stirring—but the way he made her feel when he touched her.

Feminine. Sexy. Beautiful.

Not that she had any delusions about the last one. Austin had always been popular with the ladies for a reason, and now she knew why firsthand.

She leaned up on her elbow and watched him as he moved about the darkened bedroom. His bedroom. A beige-and-navy-blue plaid comforter covered the king-size bed. The walls were paneled a dark, rich oak. A hand-carved dresser sat against the far wall, a matching nightstand just to her right. It looked like him. Simple. Masculine. Powerful.

And it smelled like him.

She drew in a deep breath and let the scent of warm, aroused male fill her nostrils.

For privacy’s sake, he’d brought her here after the honey episode in Cheryl Louise’s kitchen. She’d barely recovered from another monumental orgasm when Uncle Spur had knocked on the door. Rather than sneak out the back door like a teenager caught after curfew, Austin had slipped his T-shirt over her head, picked her up and carried her out to his truck, much to Uncle Spur’s surprise.

She’d been embarrassed, but the feeling had quickly passed when Austin had driven out of the driveway and pulled her up next to him. With only the T-shirt covering her bare body, she’d felt self-conscious, embarrassed and aroused, all at the same time.

That’s what he did to her. Truthfully, he did stir all of the old feelings she’d felt as a naive seventeen-year-old, but there was more. Because she wasn’t seventeen. She was a grown woman and she responded like one.

They’d spent all the spare time they could together over the past seven days, in between Austin tending to his cattle and Maddie tending to the dogs and plants. She’d never felt more like a woman in her whole life.

“You’re awake.” His deep voice drew her from her thoughts and she smiled as he sank down onto the edge of the bed to pull on his boots.

“It’s early.”

“Early to bed, early to rise.”

“We didn’t go to bed early. We never got out of bed.”

He grinned and leaned over to plant a long, lingering kiss on her already passion-swollen lips. He leaned back and stood up to fasten the button on his jeans. “I won’t be able to make it back to the house for lunch. I’ve got two hundred head being delivered today. I’ll be lucky to make it back in time for dinner.”

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