The Scent of Seduction (14 page)

Truthfully, a lot of his recent late hours had been spent with Shaun and Cooper ironing out the plans for the raid on Broyles’ compound. It had brought back memories of nights back in the military when the three of them had sat with their commanding officer and team doing the same thing. In fact, all three of them were thankful for their experience because setting up an op such as this wasn't for the uninitiated.

Jaryn nodded at Shaun. “Okay, from now on the books are your problem. I'll transfer the files to your system today. I haven't filed the building permits for the chalet yet, so that's step one."

"I know the job, Jaryn."

He sighed, “You're right. I'm sorry.” He opened up the secured communication programme and typed in the contact information for the council. “Let's get this done."

* * * *

Nicole stepped around a large snowdrift that lingered on the street from the last storm that blew into town. Her boots crunched in the layer of snow that covered the sidewalk. She and Jaryn had been mated for a month, and they'd weathered the first snowstorm tucked away in their home together. She could now say with absolute certainty that her mate was an expert at conserving body heat while snuggling naked in front of a fire in the dark.

The wind that had whipped in and around the buildings of Stonepass for the last several days was silent, but another sound filled Nicole's ears and caught her attention. It started out as a buzzing sound which gradually morphed into a faint whisper of voices.

"I've got eyes on her."

"Where do you think she's going now?"

"Who cares? We're just supposed to watch and report her movements back to Alpha."

"What do you think he wants with her?"

"I think that's pretty obvious, don't you?"

"Does this seem right to you? She was a prisoner as much as we are. Shouldn't we simply let her live her life? Look at her. She seems happy. Have you ever seen her so peaceful? When are we getting out of here? It's been weeks and—"

"Shut up a second. Look at her. She's looking around."

Nicole stopped and scanned her surroundings. She didn't see anyone in the vicinity. Were the voices talking about
? Where were they coming from? What did they want?

"Do you think she can hear us?"

"That's crazy. There's no way she can hear us, we're too far away. She's only human, remember?"

Nicole ducked into the diner.

"Morning, Nicole. What can I get for you?” Gillian asked.

"A cup of coffee, please."

She took a seat at one of the booths lining the windows and tried to surreptitiously scan the street. She didn't recognise anyone out of place in the small town. But something was definitely not right.

"Here you go, sweetie."

Nicole smiled up at Gillian. “Thank you. Hey, you seem to have an ear for gossip in town. Have you heard anything about strangers being in town? Anyone looking out of place?"

Gillian sat in the booth across from Nicole. “No. Why? You have an itch on the back of your neck?"

Nicole unconsciously rubbed the scar on the back of her neck. She'd been in Stonepass for months and until a few moments ago hadn't thought Adam had a clue as to her whereabouts. But those voices seemed rather sinister. As far as she knew, there was only one female in town who someone might be searching for. She closed her eyes for a moment and opened her mental link to Jaryn.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the office with Shaun. Is everything all right? I sense some anxiety coming from you."

"I'm not sure. I overheard a conversation outside the diner that raised a few hairs on the back of my neck."

"Are you at the diner now?"


"Stay there, love, I'm on my way."

Nicole sat in the booth and sipped her coffee. She was all for being an independent woman, but she also knew that she was out of her depth when it came to Adam and his cohorts. If Adam did know her location, she certainly wouldn't put it past him to try something. She was certain that her escape hadn't exactly sat well with the controlling wolf.


She looked up to see Jaryn striding through the diner. She stood and sank into the warm strong arms that surrounded her. Her head rested on Jaryn's chest. For a moment she simply let the steady beat of his heart calm her agitated nerves.

"Are you okay, love?"

She nodded her head. Her cheek rubbed against the soft cotton of Jaryn's shirt. It was chilly outside today, but her mate had rushed to her without taking the time to grab a coat, and the fact made Nicole smile. “I'm fine."

"Sit, tell me what happened."

She slid back into the booth and let the warmth of her coffee mug warm her chilled hands. “I was on my way to the bank to make the deposit like you asked, and I heard voices. They were talking about watching a woman and reporting her movement to their Alpha."

"Did you see anyone?"

"No, that was the weird thing. I looked around, but there was nobody anywhere near me. But I swear I'm not lying. I know I heard two people talking."

Jaryn frowned. “They specifically said ‘Alpha'?"

Nicole nodded and looked back out towards the street. Even the scent of Clint's apple pie didn't seem to settle her nerves.

"Well, I can guarantee that I don't have anyone watching over you. So that means..."

Nicole looked across at her mate and whispered, “Adam. He knows where I am."

She decided to keep the little bit about them watching her for weeks to herself. She knew if she told Jaryn, he would flip out.

"Fuck. I'd hoped we'd have more time.” Jaryn ran his hand over the top of his head. He looked across at Nicole. “Don't worry, love. I promised you I'd protect you, and I will.” He picked up her hands and held them between his. “Do you trust me?"

Nicole nodded.

"Good. Shaun, Cooper and I have got clearance from the council to go to the Northwoods. We're taking a collaborative team of shifters from other packs, dens and flocks from around the country. Everyone is meeting here in the next couple of days. While we're gone, I'm going to leave Cooper here as your protective duty."

"Oh, Jaryn, you can't do that to him. He'll be so disappointed. He's worked as hard as any of you on this investigation."

"First and foremost is my duty to my Alpha and his mate. I'm honoured to be chosen to protect you,” Cooper said from behind Nicole.

Nicole jumped and looked over her shoulder. “I didn't even hear you walk up."

"If I wanted you to hear me, you would have."

"Okay, that's both a little creepy and impressive at the same time."

"Cooper, it seems that Broyles may have eyes and ears in town. You are to stay with Nicole at all times while we are gone. I
have my mate safe, and you are the most qualified for the job."

Cooper bowed his head. “Thank you, Alpha."

"If you detect a threat to her safety, I expect you to take it down. We're not playing games here."

Cooper nodded silently.

"Unfortunately, love, I have to get back to the office. Shaun and I have a comm link scheduled with the chancellor in a few minutes. Cooper will accompany you to the bank then I want the two of you to go back to the house. I'll be home as soon as I can."

Nicole stood then stepped into Jaryn's arms. “I love you,” she whispered.

"Love is too pale a word for my feelings when it comes to you, my mate."

Nicole tilted her head up as Jaryn's lowered. Their lips met. When they touched, it was as if a circuit opened between them. Nicole was blasted with the heat they shared, and when Jaryn's arms tightened around her she knew he must feel it too. Jaryn slowly backed away and Nicole let out a little whimper of disappointment.

"Till later,” he whispered.

Nicole watched as Jaryn walked backwards out of the diner, keeping his silver eyes on her the entire time. At the last possible second, he turned and walked through the glass door. Nicole sighed and looked back at Cooper.

"So I guess you're my shadow from now on. Well, there's no need to make this a solemn affair. Tell me about yourself, Cooper. Friendly conversation will make the day go much quicker."

They left the diner and Cooper kept Nicole to his left as they walked down the street.

"Why do I have to stay on this side of you?"

"So that my gun hand is free at all times."

Well that was a sobering thought. “Couldn't you just shift and take out the bad guys with all those sharp teeth?"

Cooper looked down at Nicole with a smile. “Some may consider me a superhero but even a wolf isn't faster than a speeding bullet."

Nicole chuckled. “Okay, you got me there. So you were on Jaryn's team in the military?"

"He told you about that, huh? Did he tell you about Collin?"

"The prank-pulling fairy? Yep. So give me the goods. Did he ever get one over on Jaryn?"

Cooper laughed. “Oh God, yes. There was this one time we were all dead tired from a twenty mile hump. So we dragged our ragged asses into the barracks and Jaryn goes off to the latrine to take care of some business. All of a sudden we hear this really loud crack and Jaryn's yelling obscenities that would make the toughest leatherneck blush. Turns out Collin had put a few snap cracks under the toilet seat and when Jaryn sat down...boom!"

Nicole stopped walking and stared at Cooper. Then all of a sudden she doubled over laughing.

Cooper smiled. “I swear, for months after that he checked under the seat before he dropped his trousers."

Nicole leaned against the side of the bank building as she caught her breath and wiped the tears from her eyes before they turned to tiny icicles. The air that she sucked into her lungs was cold and the tip of Nicole's nose burned from the frigid air. She looked up at Cooper and for the first time realised what an attractive man he was. Up till that point, she'd always seen him as the soft-spoken, serious sheriff and enforcer for the pack, but when he smiled, his blue eyes sparkled.

"I bet the ladies eat you up, Sheriff."

"Um, well I wouldn't know."

"You cannot possibly expect me to believe that you're a virgin, Cooper Tessen. You exude a magnetism that would get any unmated person's juices going."

Cooper coughed and Nicole giggled at the blush that crept down his neck. Cooper leaned in and braced his arm on the wall of the building beside Nicole's head. She sucked in a breath as his lips came within inches of her ear.

"I always liked Captain America more than Wonder Woman."

Nicole's eyes went wide and when she looked up at Cooper, she saw the humour sparkling in his eyes once again. She smacked at his shoulder and he stepped back with his hands up, laughing.

"All right. You've thoroughly put me in my place."

"Who's that guy? It's not Chaunterel. I thought she was mated to the Alpha, but she looks to be getting awfully cosy with whoever that is."

"Doesn't really matter. The Alpha's going to be pissed that Chaunterel has given her a private bodyguard."

Nicole stiffened and looked around. “Did you hear that?"

Cooper nodded and put Nicole behind his back. “Don't move, Nicole."

Cooper opened up his comm-unit and sent out a message. Nicole tried to peer around his broad shoulders, but Cooper kept her securely pinned behind his larger body. The cold from the stone of the building cut through her layers and the sharp edges poked her in the back. Less than a minute later, a black hulking vehicle pulled up to the kerb and the rear door opened.

"You called for a ride?"

Cooper quickly ushered Nicole into the backseat, keeping her body shielded with his the entire time. When she got in, she saw that Jeff Walker, one of Cooper's deputies, was behind the wheel.

"Take us to the Alpha's home. We need to get his mate secured, immediately,” Cooper ordered.

The vehicle pulled away quickly and sped down Main Street. Nicole assumed the deputy wasn't concerned about being caught speeding. As they entered pack lands, she saw Cooper's grip on the front passenger seat relax marginally.

"I'm sorry, Nicole. I never should have left you vulnerable like that."

She placed her hand on Cooper's shoulder. The muscles tensed under her hand. “You did nothing wrong. Nobody was hurt. That's what matters.” Cooper's blue eyes burned into hers, and Nicole saw the self-recrimination in their depths. “Please."

"I'm going to have to tell Jaryn what happened."

"Nicole? Did they get you out?"

"Yes, we're all fine. How did you know?"

"Cooper's distress message went out to all pack members so whoever was closest to you could come to the rescue. Was it more chattering, or did someone approach you?"

"I overheard the voices again, and this time Cooper heard them as well so I know I'm not crazy. Nobody came close to us, though, and they didn't exactly say anything threatening. Sounded more like gossip to me. Cooper still feels really bad though, Jaryn. He's convinced he left me too exposed."

"Tell him he did his job. You're safe, that's all that matters. I'm on my way home now."

Nicole heard the mental door between hers and Jaryn's link close. She looked over at Cooper and smiled. “It's going to be fine."

They pulled into the drive and Nicole crossed the gravel quickly and jogged up onto the stone patio. Once the facial scanner unlocked the doors, she ushered Cooper and Jeff into the living room.

"Can I get either of you something to drink?"

"I'll take a coffee, if it's not too much trouble. The wind seems to have picked up again. I near froze my ass off running from the car to the front door.” Jeff shivered dramatically. “And people wonder why I like my wolf skin better. At least then I have fur."

Nicole smiled at him. “No problem, sounds good to me as well. Jaryn and I use a French press instead of the smart perk, so it'll take me a few minutes. Cooper?"

"Wait here, please."

Cooper left the living room, going in the direction of the kitchen, then came back through the living room and headed for Jaryn's office. He had his hand on the holster of his gun the entire time.

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