The Sabermetric Revolution: Assessing the Growth of Analytics in Baseball (31 page)

Baseball Analysts

baseball analytics: baserunning metrics

business of baseball and

compared to analytics in other sports

contemporary proliferation of

contrasted with traditional scouting

data sources for

fielding metrics

history of

hitting metrics

James’ Pythagorean Expectation

number of employees employed

pitching metrics

predictive analytics

professional accreditation for

sacrifice bunting and

skill necessary for

streakiness and

used to predict Win Percentage.
See also
Saber-Intensity (SI) Index

Baseball Info Solutions

Baseball Prospectus

Baseball Research Journal


effect of on Win Percentage.
See also
base stealing;

base stealing

effect of on runs scored.
See also brun


expected Win Percentage in

NBA lottery

revenue sharing and

use of analytics in

Batting Average (BA)

effect of on runs scored

effect of on winning percentage

impact of on player salaries

impact of on runs scored

as inferior to other hitting metrics

opposite-handed hitting and

as pitching statistic

predicting future values of.
See also
Batting Average on Balls in Play (BABIP); On-Base Percentage (OBP)

Batting Average on Balls in Play (BABIP)

pitching and

predicting future values of

year-to-year reliability of

batting statistics

effect of on player salaries

effect of on Win Percentage

platoon effects and

reliability and accuracy of.
See also
Batting Average (BA); Batting Average on Balls in Play (BABIP); Isolated Power (ISO); Offensive Performance Statistic (OPS); On-Base Percentage (OBP); Slugging Percentage (SLG); Walk Rate (WR)

Bay, Jason

Beane, Billy

2002 draft and

use of sabermetrics by

Beck, David

Beckett, Josh

Belichick, Bill

Belliard, Rafael

Bellotti, Bob

Beltran, Carlos

Berri, David

big data

Bird Exception

Blanton, Joe


Bloomberg Sports

Bonderman, Jeremy

Boston Celtics

Boston Red Sox

attempt to hire Beane

base stealing and

effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

scores of

saber-intensity of

sacrifice bunting and

use of sabermetrics by

bottom dwellers

Bradford, Chad

Brand, Peter.
DePodesta, Paul

Branyan, Russell

Brown, Bob

Brown, Jeremy

Brownlie, Bobby


component weight in Saber-Intensity (SI) Index

Buckner, Bill

Buffalo Bills

Bullington, Bryan

sacrifice bunting

Burke, Brian

By the Numbers

Cain, Matt

California Angels.
Los Angeles Angels

Cameron, Dave

cap and tax plans

Carbo, Bernie

Carr, Galen

Carroll, Bob

Carroll, Will

Carter, Virgil

Cassandro, Jim

Catanella, Ken

Cerv, Norm

Chadwick, Henry

Chavez, Eric

Chicago Cubs: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

saber-intensity of

Chicago White Sox: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

Cincinnati Reds: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

Cleveland Cavaliers

Cleveland Indians: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

Click, James

clutch hitting

Colamarino, Brant

Colorado Rockies: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

saber-intensity of

sacrifice bunting and


competitive balance

efforts to promote

in European football

payroll and

revenue sharing and

Cook, Earnshaw

Cotts, Neal

Cramer, Dick

Crawford, Carl

Crosby, Bobby

Cuban, Mark

Cust, Jack

Dallas Cowboys

Dallas Mavericks

Damon, Johnny

Deer, Rob

Defense Independent Pitching Statistics (DIPS)

Defensive Efficiency Rating (DER)

emphasized by saber-savvy teams

impact of on sabermetric-intensity (SI) index

impact of on winning percentage.
See also der

Deford, Frank

Delgado, Carlos

DePodesta, Paul

as portrayed by Lewis in

use of sabermetrics by

Defensive Efficiency Rating (DER)


component weight in Saber-Intensity (SI) Index

Detroit Tigers: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

scores of

Dewan, John

DiMaggio, Joe

Defense Independent Pitching Statistics (DIPS)

Duquette, Dan

Earned Run Average (ERA)

effect of on Win Percentage

effect of park factor adjustments on

limitations as pitching metric.
See also
Defense Independent Pitching Statistics (DIPS); Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP);

Eckersley, Dennis

efficiency (in basketball)

Epstein, Eddie

Epstein, Theo

Earned Run Average (ERA)


European soccer leagues

Expected Fielding Independent Pitching (xFIP).
See also
Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP)

expected run matrix.
See also
run expectancy matrix

Expected Winning Percentage.
See also
Win Percentage (WPCT)

eXtrapolated Runs per 27 outs (XR)


Fast, Mike

Fenway Park

Ferry, Danny

Fielder, Prince

FIELDf/x data

Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP)

effect of on Saber-Intensity (SI) Index

effect of on winning percentage

effect of park factor adjustments on.
See also fip

Fielding Percentage (FPCT).
See also der

fielding statistics.
See also
Defensive Efficiency Rating (DER); Fielding Percentage (FPCT); Spatial Aggregate Fielding Evaluation (SAFE); Ultimate Zone Rating (UZR)

Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP)


component weight in Saber-Intensity (SI) Index

Fisher, Adam

Florida Marlins.
Miami Marlins


revenue sharing and

use of analytics in

Forman, Sean

fourth down decisions

Fox, Dan

Fielding Percentage (FPCT)

Francis, Jeff

Francoeur, Jeff

Frank, Stanley

Friedman, Andrew

Fritz, Benjamin

Fuson, Grady

Gant, Ron

Garnett, Kevin

Gennaro, Vince

Giambi, Jason

Giambi, Jeremy

Gimbel, Mike

Glavine, Tom

Godfrey, Paul

Goldstein, Kevin

Gomez, Carlos

Goode, Bud

Gorman, Lou

Greene, Khalil

Greinke, Zack

Grimsley, Jason

Grissom, Marquis

Grousbeck, Wyc

Gruler, Chris

Guardiola, Pep

Guthrie, Jeremy

Haas, Walter

Hakes, J. K.

Halladay, Roy

Hamels, Cole

Hampton, Brian


Hardball Times

Hatteberg, Scott

Henderson, Rickey

Henry, John

Hereen, Dave

The Hidden Game of Baseball
(Palmer and Thorn, 1984)

Hilbert problems



revenue sharing and

Holliday, Matt

Hollinger, John

home runs

pitching and

properties of home run rate

Houston Astros: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

Howard, Elston

Howard, Ryan

Howe, Art

Hudson, Tim

Huffberger, Jerry

instant replay

Isolated Power (ISO)

effect of on Win Percentage.
See also iso


component weight in Saber-Intensity (SI) Index

Isringhausen, Jason

Jackson, Bo

Jacksonville Jaguars

James, Bill

Cy Young Predictor of

fielding metrics and

hitting metrics and

as predecessor of sabermetrics

Pythagorean Expectation of

working for Red Sox

Jensen, Shane

Jeter, Derek

Johnson, Dan

Johnson, Davey

Johnson, Josh

Jones, Andruw

Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports

Justice, David

Kansas City Royals: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

Kasten, Stan

Kazmir, Scott

Kiger, Mark

Koch, Billy

Kraft, Jonathan

Kraft, Robert

labor market valuations

in NBA.
See also
market inefficiency; player salaries

Lahman, Sean


Lane, F. C.

LaRussa, Tony

Law, Keith

Lewis, Michael: as author of

depiction of Oakland A’s 2002 season

financial background of

opinions on pitchers

opinions on sabermetrics

Lichtman, Mitchel

Lidle, Cory

Lindsey, George

Loney, James

Long, Chris

Los Angeles Angels: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

scores of

saber-intensity of

sacrifice bunting and

Los Angeles Dodgers: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

Lucchino, Larry

Luhnow, Jeff

Mabry, John

MacAree, Graham

McCarthy, Brandon

McCotter, Trent

McCracken, Vörös

McCurdy, John

McGraw, John

McLaughlin, Jim

Maddux, Greg

Maier, Jeffrey

Major League Baseball Advanced Media

Mann, Steve

Marathe, Paraag

Marcel projection system

market inefficiency

future of

use of sabermetrics to identify.
See also
player salaries

Martinez, Pedro

Mehrotra, Vijay

Mejdal, Sig

Memphis Grizzlies

Messi, Lionel

Miami Marlins: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

scores of

revenue sharing and

Miller, Steven

Mills, Harlan and Eldon

Milwaukee Brewers: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

Minnesota Twins: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

(Lewis, 2003)

effect of on player salaries

post-2003 impact of


Montreal Expos: last-place finishes of

saber-intensity of

Morey, Daryl

Moyer, Jamie

Mueller, Bill

Mueller, Karl

Mulder, Mark

Murphy, Bill

Murray, Jim

National Basketball Association (NBA).

National Football League (NFL).

NBA Efficiency (NBA-E) rating

New England Patriots

New Orleans Saints

New York Knickerbockers

New York Mets: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

scores of

platoon advantage and

New York Yankees: effect of park factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of

scores of

revenue sharing and

saber-intensity of

Neyer, Rob

Nichols, Jon

Nixon, Otis

Oakland A’s: during 2002


amateur drafts and

effect of park
factor adjustments on

employees working in analytics

last-place finishes of


scores of

saber-intensity of

sacrifice bunting and

use of sabermetrics by

Obenchain, Stephen

On-Base Percentage (OBP)

Offensive Performance Statistic (OPS)

effect on runs scored

handedness and

year-to-year consistency of

Oklahoma City Thunder

Okrent, Dan

Oliver, Dean

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