Read The Other Earth Online

Authors: Amber LaShell

The Other Earth (17 page)

I nodded, "Yeah I know. The craziest part to me is that they just ship these people off to live away from all the normal people, like something is wrong with them because they can't have kids."

Brandon scratched his chin, "Yes, I caught that part. I wonder if there is a way to sneak in over there. We can pretend to be with the underground people, and maybe tell them that we are going to need more info. I would love to talk to some of those people to get their opinion on what's going on" he said.

I nodded, "
I'm sure they have some sort of back door to that sector like this one did. Besides, it's possible that they aren't really watched too closely so to speak" I said.

"What do you mean?" Brandon asked me.

"Well first, they are the furthest away from where the government is actually housed. Second, these are all just people who can't have children, and they don't seem to care much about them if you ask me." I said.

Brandon nodded slowly, "Yes I see your point." He said.

I looked at him for a few seconds, noticing that he hadn't shaved that day, "So you didn't tell me about your day" I said.

He gave a short booming laugh, "It was a bust really" he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I went over to where I was supposed to go and after I finally found the per
son in charge, they looked at my paperwork and gave me a uniform. I went to my post and maybe five minutes later my boss came out there and pulled me into his office." He said.

"Oh no, what happened?"
I asked.

"Well, he said that he had forgotten that he h
ad just hired another guy a few days before who he had already posted to that spot. So, he told me that my position was just to cover when they needed an extra hand. He sent me home and told me that they would call me when they needed me" he said.

I felt m
y mouth drop open, "So you only have to go into work every once in a while?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yes. Which I think will be a good thing. It will leave me more available to really do some research. For instance, I might be able to head out to this sector
six and check it out. I figure if they call me I could manage to get back in a decent amount of time as I can take the ship and be there and back here fairly fast." He said.

I nodded, "Yes, I think that is a great idea. I only wish I could go with you, but
I actually have to go in to work every day, and probably do nothing but move files from one filing cabinet to another" I said.

Brandon laughed and pulled me into a hug, "Oh are you jealous? Don't be jealous little sister" he said, using the position of th
e hug to tickle the only spot I had that was ticklish, and that only he knew about.

"Stop it" I said, pushing him away. "And please do not call me your little sister. It's creepy."

Brandon laughed, "Oh you know you like it, you perverted little thing you" he said.

I rolled my eyes, "I think you're the perverted one" I said.

He nodded, "Well, I can't argue with you there." He said as he stood up and walked toward their joining bathroom.

"So when are you planning to leave?" I asked him.

He turned back to look at me, "Well, I am going to wait to see if they need me in the morning and then take off if they don't call." He said.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked him, scared that once he left this area I might not ever see him again.

"Not long, probably just a few days why? Are you going to miss me?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Only in your dreams buddy" I said.

He smiled, "Oh you're in my dreams all right. I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed, talk to you in the morning Rose" he said, walking out of my sight.

















Chapter Seventeen


I sighed as I watched Brandon repacking the bag that he had just unpacked two days ago, "Are you sure they don't need you today?" I asked him, hoping that with some luck I could convince him not to go.

"Nope, I called already, they told me that unless something unforeseen happens they don't see that they will need me at all this week" he said, putting a few more pairs of pants into the bag.

"Well, what are you going to do about your clothes? Everything h
ere says Sector 1 on it" I said.

"I talked to Flora and told her that I was going on a mission to sector 6 to see if I could find out what was going on over there and she gave me a few patches to get in. She also told me that with my sector 1 badge I could
just go right in, but that there is an entrance in the back if I didn't want anyone to know I was there. She gave me a map and everything" he said.

I sighed, "Why does she have to be so damn helpful?" I asked.

Brandon laughed, "Why are you so worried?" he asked.

I crossed my arms, "I'm not worried" I said defiantly.

Brandon put his hands on my hips, "Randi, don't lie to me. I know when you are worried about something, so spill it" he said.

I sighed, "I don't kno
w, I just don't want you to be that far away. I'm scared that something will happen and you won't be able to come back to me" I said, hearing my voice take on a whine that I immediately hated myself for.

Brandon grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug, "I
know. I promise you that I won't be gone too long. I will just talk to a few people and then come right back, okay?" he asked.

I buried my face into his muscular chest, "I trust you,
I do. I just wish this planet had cell phones already, then I could at least text you or something" I said.

"I could not agree with you more on that one. They have such great technology in some regards, but don't in others. They do have telephones, just not cell phones in the way that we have" he said.

I groaned, "This place is so twentieth century."

Brandon laughed, "Tell me about it."

I pulled out of his embrace, "Okay, find a way to call here once you get there. I want an update as soon as you can. I have to go to work, but you had better come back in a timely manner mister" I said, punching him in the arm.

He smiled at me and looked around the room, first at the window, which was completely covered in a heavy gray curtain, and then to both of the doors.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him, looking around as well.

"I was ma
king sure nobody could see me do this" he said, leaning down toward me.

I held my breath as his lips touched mine for the first time in two days. I hadn't realized until that moment how much I missed the feel of his soft lips on mine. He pulled me in until
our bodies where as close as they could possibly be and wrapped his arms around my body as he kissed me deeply.

After a few long seconds, he finally pulled away and smiled at me, making my legs feel like
jello and afraid to let go of him as I was surely going to fall.

"Go to work and I will find a way to call you later" he said, letting go of me and turning back to his bag, which he pushed on until it would finally zip up.

I nodded, "Okay. I will go out the front door and you can go out the back" I said.

e looked at me for a few seconds before leaning down and giving me another quick kiss, "Stop worrying okay? You are learning so much from your job, I need to go out and learn something productive too okay?" he said.

I sighed, "Okay Brandon, I promise I wil
l stop worrying. Be safe, I'll see you soon" I said, slapping his arm affectionately as I turned to walk out of his bedroom.

I walked down the stairs and out of the front door, trying not to look back as I did, but as I turned to close the door behind me,
I saw him looking at me from the living room. I smiled at him as I closed the door, trying to hold back the tears that I could feel burning just behind my eyelids.

I took a deep breath and walked to work, thinking about the young girl who had just learned
that she would never be able to have children. I had expected her to be crushed or at least seem sad as she heard the news, but instead she had smiled broadly. After Vanessa had left the room I asked her why she seemed so happy.

"There was a boy that I gre
w up with that I just knew was the perfect person for me from the first day he pulled on my ponytail. He was told last year that he was infertile and went to live on sector six. Now, I can go and be with him." She had said.

I had pointed out to her that sh
e wouldn't be able to marry him and she just shrugged her shoulders, obviously not really respecting the prospect of marriage in the first place.

That had made me think about myself and the fact that I had not ever wanted to marry anyone. How would I feel
if I was told that it didn't matter, that I would have to marry who was chosen for me and that I was required to have a child with that person. I didn't even want to have children, and I realized that I would begin to resent someone who would force me to do something I had never wanted to do.

As I walked in the door I waved at the girl at the front desk and used my card that Vanessa had given me to get into the door way. I walked into Vanessa's office and saw that she was already there, her hair up on top o
f her head in a loose bun, showing off the long tan neck that had been hidden the day before. She was once again wearing her white lab coat and as she turned and saw me standing there, she smiled, making my heart skip a quick beat as her beauty radiated the room around her.

"Good Morning Randi, you are here right on time" She said.

I smiled and tilted my head slightly to the side, "On time for what exactly?" I asked her.

She rubbed her han
ds together, "Well, the machine just beeped that we have a new match. I am always curious to see who is paired and how they will react to it" she said.

I nodded but knew that I had an odd look on my face, "Do you enjoy it?" I asked.

She frowned, "What do you mean?" she asked.

I shrugged, "I am just curious as to if you truly enjoy this job. I mean, I'm sure not everybody is as happy with the results of how their lives will play out as much as the girl from yesterday was happy to know she wouldn't be getting
married" I said.

She looked at me for a few seconds, "I said I was curious as to what matches are made, and that is true. I am not always happy with the role that I play, but I can't be upset about it as I made this decision to not marry" she said.

"What do you mean? I thought only people who couldn't get married could have your job" I said, wishing I had my notepad in front of me.

"That is normally true. I went through the testing at a pretty young age, as I hit puberty and matured faster than most. I was
only twelve when I was brought in, and at that moment I just knew that I wanted to learn, so I told them that I wanted to go to the university." She said.

"That seems like a hard decision for someone who is only twelve, I knew I didn't know what I wanted
to do at that young of an age" I said.

She nodded, "Yes, that's why I didn't make any
decision that were too big. Well, I was always very ambitious, so I managed to finish grade school when I was only fourteen, rather than the usual eighteen. From there I went to the university and managed to finish there at the highest level by the time I was only nineteen. Most of the other graduates with me were already into their mid-twenties" she said.

"Wow, and I thought I was ambitious" I said.

She smiled, "I was given the opportunity for this job as the previous programmer was retiring and I was the only person graduating that was really even qualified for the job. By this time I knew that I really didn't want someone choosing my partner for me so I took the job and therefore taking any marriage or children off of the table" she said.

I sighed, "Did you want to get married and have kids?" I asked her.

She gave a sad smile, "Yes, I would say that I would have loved to get married and have children, but I didn't want to end up like my parents."

"What happened to your parents?" I asked her, trying to remember everything that she was telling me since my notebook was still stuck inside of my purse as it would look too suspicious to pull it out for what should be a casual c

"Well, they were matched up in their twenties, but honestly they were not even remotely attracted to one another. They tracked my mother's cycle and had sex once a month to try and conceive me. After about six months, my mother finally became
pregnant and they haven't touched each other since. I can't live that way. I want love and passion, things that aren't supposed to exist for me" she said, fiddling with a long stray hair that had fallen out of her bun.

"Wow. Can I ask a question? Just tell
me if it's too personal, but have you ever had sex? Do people have sex before they are matched?" I asked, realizing too late that the question made me sound like an outsider.

She looked at me oddly but seemed to let the oddity of my question pass by her,
"I have, and most of the people I grew up with did. We just made sure to keep it a secret and to always be careful that there wasn't an accident. Though there was one that I can remember" she said.

"What happened?" I asked, interested in the answer.

"She got pregnant and was moved secretly to have the baby. Once she had the baby she came back and was tested and is now actually married to the person that originally got her pregnant. It's odd that they were kind of a secret couple for a long time and ended up being matched by the program. They are probably the happiest people I know, and she is now pregnant with a second child" she said, leaning back in her chair and looked at the large clock on the wall beside me.

"What happened to the first child?" I asked,
wondering if they had somehow sneaked the baby back in too.

"I'm sorry, but we really need to get this match done, can we finish this later?" she asked, skirting around the question.

I nodded and stood up, "Sure, just tell me what you need me to do" I said.


I sighed as I looked down at my watch and realized I had been moving files around for over four hours already. My stomach growled and I decided that I needed to get some lunch. I stood up and stretched, trying to get feeling back into the numb backside.

"Are you ready for lunch?" I heard Vanessa say from behind me.

I turned and smiled, "I was just thinking that I needed to eat something" I told her.

She looked around the room, "Wow you made good progress today" she said.

I smiled, "Thanks." I said, rubbing my butt to try and get some circulation back into it.

Vanessa laughed, "Is your ass asleep?" she asked, pointing at my bottom half.

I nodded, "Yes. I must have been sitting in the same position on the floor for longer than I thought, I can't feel a thing" I said.

She shrugged her shoulders, "That's how it is sometimes around here. Anyway, I know you haven't been in sector 1 for long so I'm assuming you have never tried the food place down the road from here" she said, a q
uestion in her eyes.

I shook my head, "I didn't even know there were any places to eat. I don't have any way to pay for food" I said.

She tilted her head and looked at me oddly for a few seconds, "You don't need anything. You just show them your work badge and they give you food. As long as you are working your government appointed job, you can get pretty much anything you need" she said slowly.

I didn't know how to respond, as anything I said at this point would just magnify the obviousness that I wasn't f
rom this place. I just smiled and walked past her, and down the hall into her office. I grabbed my badge from the top of her desk and turned around to face her, hoping she would have looked over this slip up the same way she had before.

As I turned I saw t
hat she was facing away from me and taking off the white lab coat I had only seen her in until this point. I sucked in my breath as she turned toward me, even more the picture of perfection than I had previously known.

She was curvy in all of the ways I wa
s not, all the way from her round ass to her small waist and up to her large breasts that were obviously natural. It also helped that she was wearing a very tight short gray dress that highlighted every perfect curve.

"You are so hot" I said before I could
stop myself. I felt my cheeks grow hot and knew that I was blushing heavily. I turned my head quickly, hoping my jealousy of a body I would never have wouldn't show.

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