Read The Mogul Online

Authors: Michelle Marquis

The Mogul (7 page)

Jenny stood up pouting. She grabbed her expensive handbag and flung it over her shoulder. “Sure, no problem.” He listened to her high-heel shoes clicking as she left.

He texted Candy, saying they really needed to talk, but she didn’t reply. He tried again and again, but she wouldn’t answer either his phone messages or his texts. Defeated, he collapsed on the couch and placed his cell phone reverently on the table. What the hell had happened? Why hadn’t she given him a chance and let him explain? Perhaps Jenny was right and he’d handled the whole thing badly.

But hadn’t they had something special together? Maybe it was nothing but sex to her, but even that didn’t make sense. No, he knew the truth. Candy cared for him, he knew it. A woman couldn’t fake that kind of passion. And when he held her in his arms, he knew they were meant to be together. She was his perfect match in every way. He loved being with her and didn’t have to worry about anything when she was taking care of things. He’d never had that with anyone else. What they had was special, and he wasn’t going to let it end this way.

Unfortunately, there was nothing else he could do. He was going to have to go to her house and explain. He only hoped she’d be willing to listen.


* * * *


Mark banged on Candy’s door for almost an hour before she finally opened it.

She stared at him with glassy, bloodshot eyes. “What?”

“We didn’t finish our conversation,” he said. “Can I come in?”

Candy left the door open and walked away. He followed her and took a seat on a tiger-striped chair in her living room. She disappeared into the kitchen.

“Where are you going now?”

She didn’t come back into view from the galley kitchen. “I’m going to make a pot of coffee. You want some?”

“Yeah, sure, why not?”

Finally she returned and took a seat on the edge of the couch. She wore a red Oriental robe fastened tightly around her waist, and he couldn’t help wondering if she was naked underneath.

“I’m listening,” she said as if he wouldn’t know it unless those words had left her lips.

He wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her.
How could you think I would dump you like that? Don’t you have more trust in me?
But then he remembered that this was
, and most people wouldn’t have hesitated tearing her guts out exactly like that.

“Things aren’t like you think they are,” he began awkwardly.

“Oh really? Then how are they?”

“Jenny isn’t replacing you.”

“That’s sure how it looked to me.”

Mark ran his fingers through his thick hair. Everything he said was coming out wrong. “I don’t want you to be my assistant anymore. I want you to be my partner.” There. He’d said it.

Candy stared at him. The hearty roasted smell of coffee filled the air. Suddenly he really needed that cup. He got up and went into the kitchen. He asked her if she wanted a cup too, and she told him she did. He brought two cups out. He placed hers in front of her and settled back into his chair to sip his.

The expression on her face hadn’t changed. “I don’t know, Mark.”

“You don’t know about what?”

“There’s not much job security in what you do. No offense.”

“None taken. But I’m begging you to reconsider. You’re a natural at this, Candy. You can do it. We can do it together.”

She picked up her coffee mug and wrapped both hands around it. “I don’t know.”

He cleared his throat. “Well, no matter what you decide about the job, I’d really like it if we could keep seeing each other.”

“I don’t know about that either,” she said.

That statement hurt. He put his coffee on the table and leaned back in his chair. “Oh.”

She leaned forward as if she could comfort him being just a few inches closer. “Look, I like you, I really do, but this relationship is nuts. We barely get a chance to see each other. The only time we get together is when we have sex.”

“We could adjust our schedules.”

“Like I said, Mark, I really care for you. I just don’t know.”

Mark nodded, defeated, and stood up. “I know. I get it. You’re not the first one to leave me because of my crazy schedule, but you are the most important one. I’ll go.” He headed for the door, hoping she’d stop him, but she didn’t. When he glanced back, she was still sitting in the same position. Her white knuckles clutched the coffee cup tightly.

“See you around,” she said.

He let out a huge sigh. He’d hoped it would loosen the knot around his throat, but it didn’t. He was already mourning her loss. This was devastating. “Yeah, see you around.”

Chapter Thirteen


Candace spent the next two days looking for another job. Even though Mark had called her morning and night both of those days, she didn’t answer. Finally, after she’d snuggled in bed that evening and her phone rang yet again, she answered it.

“Hello, Candy,” he said in a low, intimate whisper. His voice had a sad, hollow quality she’d never heard in it before. Her heart sank a little.


“How was your day?”

“Fine. Busy. What do you want, Mark?”

“I wanted to hear your voice.” He paused, and Candace listened to see if there was a party in the background. She heard nothing but silence. “I miss you.”

“Where are you?” she asked.

“At home alone.”

“Where’s Jenny?” She tried to keep the nastiness out of her tone, but failed.

“At her home, I suppose, with her husband and baby.”

Candace sighed. She hated having these confusing feelings. “Find someone else to be your partner.”

“There is no one else. We’re good together, Candy. You know it.”

“We got together too fast. I’m confused. I’m not sure how I feel about you.”

“I understand. I was confused, too, but now I know how I feel.”

She forced her emotional barriers up. “Oh really? And how do you feel?”

He let out a long, tired sigh. “Work was more fun when you were with me. Everything was more fun. You’re smart, talented, and competent. I’d trust you with anything. We were natural together. Maybe that’s why I took what we had for granted. Tell me what you want, and I’ll do it. You want to start over, take things slow, no problem. All I know is I want to be with you.”

Candace had never had any man say things like that to her. She was scared this was a trick to get her to sleep with him again. “You’re a smooth talker, I’ll give you that.”

“I’m not playing you, Candy.” There was a long silence on the line. “Can I come over?”

A surge of energy filled her. Her heart sped up, and her body heated like it had caught fire. She ached to feel his lips against hers and his hands all over her body. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about us . . .”


It was almost a full minute before Candace replied, but when she did, she said, “Yes.”


* * * *


Mark waited at the door like a condemned man awaiting a death sentence. He was losing her, and it was killing him. He’d known so many women. They’d blundered in and out of his life in a drunken haze, but Candy was the first one who made his crazy world slow down to a crawl. He wanted her so badly it physically hurt to be away from her.

She opened the door and stared at him with those bottomless brown eyes. They were filled with fear and pain, and all he wanted to do was take all that away. He
to make her believe how much he loved her.

“I shouldn’t have let you come over,” she said, but her voice held no real conviction in it.

Mark loved the vulnerability in her tone. He dared to hope she had deeper feelings for him too. She tried to close the door on him, but he pushed his way in. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

Candy was even more beautiful than he remembered from a few days ago. Her dark brown skin glowed like a goddess, and a faint scent of orchids clung to her flesh. Desire overcame him, and he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. She didn’t struggle as he expected she would.

He moved his lips forward and claimed hers in a smoldering, heated kiss. She leaned into him, but only a little, as if it wasn’t something she’d intended to do. Encouraged, Mark picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. There he explored her flesh, running sweet kisses over her face and neck. Her eager hands encouraged him as they ran through his hair.

He was surprised to find her body heating up, like a terrible fever had taken over her. Her passion was hungry and reluctant all at once, a woman betrayed by her desire. In that moment, he fell even more desperately in love. She was so lusty and smart and funny. She was everything he’d ever wanted in a mate and could never find.

Mark took his time undressing her, peeling away her pajama top and bottoms until she was naked beneath him. He placed his hands on either side of her beautiful face. “Why did you leave me?”

Sorrow filled her eyes. “I thought you wanted Jenny.”

“I don’t want anyone over you.”

She took his right hand in hers and kissed the palm. “Something is happening between us, something that frightens me.”

Possessive rage filled him. He tore off a strip of fabric from her pajama pants and tied her hands to the bedposts. She struggled a little, but only a little. Then he loved her with his mouth, gliding it along her neck and chest until he reached her heavy round breasts. There he licked and kissed them, pulling the nipples into his mouth and sucking them with a mixture of cruelty and love. He moved his mouth down over her belly and hips until he reached the prize between her trembling thighs.

He devoured her then, lapping at her like she was the elixir of life itself. She cried out several times, bucking and wriggling to meet his teasing, but he never let her get the upper hand. He lingered there for a long time, bringing her to orgasm over and over again, until finally he, too, climaxed a short time after entering her.

Candy was exhausted, her chest glowing with perspiration as it rose and fell quickly. He should have let her sleep then, but he couldn’t. Instead, with her hands still bound, he entered her once more and worked his lust until she peaked again. He turned her and this time bound her hands in front of her body. Then he took her from the side. Even two hours of working her hard didn’t diminish how slick and welcoming her pussy was.

Finally he pulled out and listened to her tender moans. He took the bindings off her wrists and turned her to face him. She opened her eyes lazily and smiled at him. “That was something else.”

Mark hugged her and buried his face in her neck. “Sleep, Candy. I love you.”


Chapter Fourteen


When Candace woke up, Mark was gone. She rolled over to the spot where he’d lain last night and reveled in his scent. Her body felt more alive than she could remember it ever feeling, but her heart was twisted with pain. Was she making a mistake letting this man so deep into her life? Could she bear to go on without him? Heaven help her, she just didn’t know. Did she want to be a part of his crazy lifestyle?

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