Read The Marriage Merger Online

Authors: Jennifer Probst

Tags: #Romance

The Marriage Merger (16 page)

BOOK: The Marriage Merger
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Nothing but freedom.

Satisfaction and raw lust flickered in his eyes. “There we go,” he murmured. “That’s what I want.” He lowered his head and claimed her mouth.

She opened her lips, nowhere left to hide, as he swept his tongue and conquered every dark crevice, thrusting in and out while he held her head still. Julietta moaned under the savage attack, unconsciously looking to touch him or help guide the kiss. Her handcuffs clinked together. The sound drifted to her ears and caused a rush of wetness to trickle down her thigh.
Mio dio,
she ached for him, but every time she tried to scissor her legs together for relief he held her tight against him, one thigh trapping her wide and open to his touch. He commanded every sensation, wracking shudders from her body while his tongue mated and tangled with hers. His fingers moved from her hair and dropped to her breasts. He stroked and teased the edges of her nipples, still imprisoned by the delicate bones of the corset, until she twisted wildly in an attempt to get more.

He bit down on her lower lip. “What do you want?”

“Touch me.”

He kissed her long and deep and hard, ignoring her request. Then finally broke away. Golden eyes seared and commanded her to reach for more. “Where? If you want something, ask.”

embarrassment disappeared under a craving need to get what she wanted. “Take off the corset. Touch my breasts.”

“Very good.” He reached behind her and with deft skill unfastened the long row of hooks that held the fabric together. She sucked in a breath as sweet air rushed into her lungs, and her breasts sprang free. He cupped them in his warm palms and rubbed her tight nipples. Julietta arched for more. “Like this?”

“oh, please—”

“Tell me.”

“Suck on them.” With a lusty groan of approval, he dipped his head and took one nipple into his mouth. The hot wetness as he pulled and swirled his tongue around and around ripped a cry from her throat. Julietta twisted and once again reached out to hold on to something, but she was bound and at his mercy.

Just like she wanted it.

The thought skittered past. Her nipples throbbed under his talented mouth as he moved from one to the other, but the realization she loved being handcuffed and ravaged like some sort of weak, pathetic female exploded in her consciousness. What was she doing? How could the Ceo of the most powerful bakery in the world beg a man to do dirty things to her while she was helpless? A cold ball of ice settled in her gut, and she was dragged back to the familiar scene. Her body began to shut down, her arousal lessening with every second until— A slight pop sounded in the air as he lifted his head from her breast. Sawyer studied her face. “God, you’re stubborn.” His lower lip quirked. “Thinking too much again, baby? Better up my game.”

“Sawyer, I don’t think this—oh!”

With no transition, softness, or warning, his hand slipped under the lace of her thong and plunged inside.

Her hips bucked in demand and her body wept. The delicious friction of his fingers pumping inside her tight channel contrasted with the light, teasing stroke of his thumb over her clit. She tried to close her eyes to hide from her raw response, but he held her gaze with a fierce demand that refused to let her cower. every naked expression and moan was his. And he reminded her of it with each stroke of those talented fingers.

The combination pushed her toward the edge. Julietta strained toward the rapidly nearing orgasm, frantic to grab on before it shimmered away. Her clit swelled with each flick. The cuffs clinked. Sawyer slid his hand away, curled, and dove deep.

Oh, yes
. right there.

Mio Dio!
” She shuddered, tipped on the edge, and— He backed away.

The climax slid out of reach.

She shook with frustration and anger. “Why did you do that? I was so close!”

“No talking or I’ll gag you.” Her eyes widened. “you’re not even close to ready. As gorgeous as you look right now, I need more. Let’s get you out of these clothes.”

Temper simmered and coiled like a pissed-off snake.

She lifted her bound hands. “I can’t do much with these on.”

The slight whine in her voice filled her with humiliation. He didn’t seem to mind—in fact, he looked quite satisfied with her reaction.

The corset hung down by her tied wrists. She waited to see if he’d unlock her, but he took the piece of fabric and ripped it right down the middle. “That was expensive!”

His expression snapped her lips closed. No way did she want to be gagged. “your clothes belong to me just as you do. I do what I want with them.” He tossed the gar-ment aside. Then grasped the edges of her soaking thong and pulled it down her legs. The heavy scent of her arousal filled the air. He stood back and surveyed her naked body, his gaze probing every inch of her as she stood still under his inspection like a slave girl at auction.

Her belly clenched in lust. She had this weird need to please him, give herself over to anything and everything he wanted. After all, she had no choice anyway. each step led her deeper into a dark, twisted world she never knew existed.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful. More beautiful than I imagined.”

The truth of his words struck home. The erection that pressed against his pants. The burning heat in his eyes as he looked at her. For the first time in her life, she knew this man wanted her as badly as she wanted him. Before, she only experienced the motions of sex, the thoughts of arousal and give-and-take. Now, there was nothing but the bare bones of want, messy and vulnerable and alive. Her chest squeezed with a strange sadness and longing.

Sawyer gave her no time to analyze the emotions. In one quick motion, he bent and slid her over his shoulder and marched down the hall into the bedroom. He placed her on the bed. Cool satin sheets pressed against her over-heated skin. Her legs hung over the edge, feet still clad in her stiletto heels.

“Scoot back, baby. Head against the backboard. Keep the shoes on.”

Julietta inched her way up. He nodded in approval, lifted her hands, and clipped the hook on the cuffs to a chain coming from the wall. It happened so fast, she never thought to protest, until she found her hands bound high over her head. He had chains above the bed? This was a respectable hotel. “I don’t think—”

“I do.” His voice snapped out and silenced her. Again, that crazy rush of liquid heat throbbed in her pussy from his dominating tone. He pulled open the bedside drawer and removed a condom and a rubber band. He laid both to the side and climbed on the bed. She tensed, but he only grabbed the rubber band and slowly tied his hair back. Her legs whipped closed, but he grinned and shook a finger at her. “Bad girl. you never close yourself to me. ever. Unless of course you want me to tie you spread-eagled on the bed.”

Heat sizzled to her core. A moan rose to her throat.

Sawyer clasped both of her ankles and pried her legs apart. He knelt between spread thighs. “Hmm, I think you would like that. Maybe next time.”

Next time? This was insane; she had to get out of here.

She couldn’t be who he wanted, give him the satisfaction he needed with his partners. She was only playing a role, and soon her body would dry up like it always did. Her skin prickled with awareness. This road would only lead to more frustration and humiliation and pain. She had to get out of here, had to— “Look at me, Julietta. eyes on me.” Her panicked gaze swung to his, and she gulped for breath. “you have nothing to be afraid of with me. I would never, ever hurt you.”

The fear faded, leaving only uncertainty. “I can’t be what you want.” she whispered.

His eyes blazed fire. oddly, his face seemed to soften with a possessiveness she’d never glimpsed before. “you don’t have to be anything, baby. you have no choices left— I’ve taken them all away. I’m about to play with your delectable body, and there’s not a damn thing you can do.”

relief loosened her muscles. Her arms sagged within the hold of the chains.

There was nothing she could do. . . .

Whatever she felt or didn’t wasn’t up to her any longer. As she accepted the fact, Sawyer slowly unbuttoned his shirt. She took in with pure greed the gorgeous lines of his chest and shoulders. His pecs were clearly defined, the lean muscled strength of his meaty biceps and arms told her he worked out. Hard. The snowy shirt fell away, and she sucked in her breath at the tight six-pack of his belly. A light smattering of hair dusted his upper chest, but most of his skin was a toasty brown and hairless. She noted several strange marks and scars scattered in various places but had no time to wonder. He lowered himself onto his elbows between her spread legs. Looked up at her naked body. And smiled.

The room tilted at the sight of his wolfish, purely mascu-line grin. oh, he was about to feast all right. on her. every part. The knowledge gleamed on his face, and the promise shimmered from his eyes. The sheer vulnerability of her position horrified and excited her. The image of her wet inner lips pulled open for him. Her pulsing clit on display for whatever he deigned to give her—his fingers, tongue, teeth, lips. Her skin pulled so tight over her bones she fought the urge to pull against her chains and twist with raw need for him to do his worst.

“I’ve spent nights wondering how you’d taste. Dying to dip my tongue into your heat and make you come against my mouth. But I won’t make this easy on either of us.” He paused in the pulsing silence. “you’ll have to beg long and hard before I give you what you want, baby. I’ve earned it.”

He dipped his head.

Julietta had experienced oral sex before. Mostly, she remembered how conscious she was about every action performed, constantly worried about how she smelled, and how she tasted, and if her lover was even enjoying it. She’d faked her orgasms in half-assed, weak ways that men noticed until the only way to gain relief was to break up with them.

Sawyer caressed her trembling inner thighs as he nuz-zled her cleft, moving his face back and forth over the small patch of damp pubic hair. The slide of his roughened cheek stung just enough to cause a delicious burn. Her channel clenched around emptiness, begging for more, but he only played for a long time, breathing her in, murmuring dirty words against her pussy, and rubbing her clit with light strokes evenly on each side.

Julietta dragged in breath and fought for her slipping composure. She wanted to worry about a thousand different things, but her body wept for more—something to take away the growing tension that twisted her muscles and throbbed under her skin. Her vast world began to shrink in tiny increments until all she could focus on was Sawyer’s next move. It seemed as if hours had passed before the first flick of his wet tongue coasted up and down—tiny tastes that only caused more frustration.

Julietta moaned and pulled at the cuffs.

“you’re not giving up that easily, are you?” he teased, using his thumbs to part her even wider. “Ah, your clit is poking from the hood, wanting more. Would you like more?”

She curled her fingers and grabbed desperately for sanity.

“I knew you’d be a worthy opponent.” His eyes glittered with mad lust. “I was right. you taste exactly like an Almond Joy.”

He opened his lips and devoured her.

A long, high shriek ripped from her throat. All expectations of what oral sex was and should be disappeared for-ever under the demanding lash of his tongue. He rotated different strokes in ways that made her toes curl in her fuck-me heels. Licking his way over her entire pussy, he laved the sides of her clit but never dragged his tongue over where she needed it most. His teeth nibbled ever so gently, causing just an edge of pain that tilted her toward climax, but never enough to get her there.

“Please.” Her voice broke but she didn’t care anymore.

“oh, please, I need more.”

“Not yet.” She let out a long string of vulgar curses her mother would have whipped her ass for. His wicked chuckle drifted to her ears. “I just learned some new words. Did you just call the man who controls your orgasm an idiot?”

Her head thrashed from side to side on the plump pillow. His thumb dragged across her turgid nub again in punishment. Sweat pricked her skin. “
Mi dispiace
. Please, Sawyer. I need—oh, God I need—”

“I know what you need.”

He dipped two fingers into her dripping channel. She clenched around him and tried to pull him in, but he moved too slowly, using her wetness to coat her clit and gently massage her aching flesh. Madness threatened. She needed that orgasm more than she needed breath. More than she needed a business contract. More than she needed anything. Her nipples stabbed toward the air in a plea for relief.

“Ask me, Julietta.”

She blinked and rolled her hips as another wave of need and arousal washed over her. Her heels dug into the sheets. “What?”

Sawyer lifted his head. His gaze pinned hers, probing past every barrier she’d ever erected and hitting the dark-est part of her soul. At that moment, she didn’t care. She let him in for that brief moment and gave him everything. “Ask me,” he whispered.

A sob broke from her lips. “Please, Sawyer, please let me come.”

raw possession stamped the features of his face and pure satisfaction emanated in waves from his body. “Good girl.”

He plunged three fingers deep inside, twisting and hitting the spot he had found before with firm, strong strokes.

At the same time, his lips closed around her clit and he stroked his tongue right over the top. once. Twice.

She exploded.

Julietta screamed as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her. Her body shook helplessly under-neath the raw onslaught, the release going so deep inside of her and exploding outward in layers. She was aware of his firm grip on her thighs as he held her open and continued licking her, throwing her into a bunch of mini convulsions that stretched out for endless minutes.

She sank into the mattress, limp and sated. Her muscles shook and a haze drifted over her vision as she fought for consciousness. She had never experienced such an intense, physical experience in her life.

She finally knew what she’d been missing. How could she have imagined this type of sex was even possible? Such mind-numbing, full-body pleasure that stole her sanity and made her soul soar higher than she’d ever known?

BOOK: The Marriage Merger
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