The Line That Binds Series Box Set (46 page)

She shrugged as she dropped the top of her dress onto the garment bag. “Well you better or you won’t get to see that.” The skirt fell to the floor with a wiggle of her waist.

Grabbing her hips, Spaz stepped gingerly around the green skirt and backed Iz up to the wardrobe. He bent down, scooped her up, and then stepped through the opened doors. They disappeared behind some hanging scarves and bags. Izzy giggled then laughed fully when the whole thing shook. A couple of loud thuds followed.

“They probably fell,” I said with a laugh, turning back to LJ.

She lifted her hand to mine, taking my shirt so I didn’t have to hold it for her anymore. “Probably,” she agreed in a pinched voice. She cocked a brow and glanced at my chest.

“What? I didn’t have a tissue,” I said, shoving my hands in my pockets. “Too much?”

“It seemed to be to them,” she said, “but not to me. I’ll look at your chest any time. Thank you.”

I laughed, but it didn’t last long. I was too busy thinking about her bloody nose. “I know you did something for Izzy. And that’s great, but—”

“But,” she cut me off, “we still don’t know enough about the well so I shouldn’t be granting wishes. Except life-or-death situations.” She ended the mock lecture with a cocked brow.

I eased a hand behind her elbow and took a deep breath. “We still don’t know enough, babe. I know it’s disappointing that we haven’t found anything else, and I can see that it’s wearing on you, but we have to keep trying. Okay?”

She nodded and strands of her black hair fell around her eyes. I swept them back and tucked them behind her ears. “I know,” she agreed. “I’m not saying that I want to live with this the rest of my life. The voices and the headaches are a pain, but it feels like it might be worth it if I can do some good. It’s so hard not to help when I know exactly what the person wants and I have the ability to make it happen.” Her eyes shifted around the room, looking everywhere but me.

I cupped her jaw with both hands and shifted her face back to me. “Hey, I get it. I do. I just want you to be careful.” Her big eyes finally looked into mine. “Is this why you looked sad downstairs?”


“We were talking about the car and you looked upset. I just thought it might’ve been about searching. Were you getting headaches downstairs, too?”

She shook her head inside my grip then removed my shirt from her nose, making sure she had stopped bleeding. She bit her lip nervously. “No headaches downstairs. I was just having some thoughts.”

“Should I be worried?”

“No, not at all. I just…” she paused with a deep breath. “It’s going to sound stupid, I know.” I didn’t respond. I just waited for her to finish. “You’ve been stuck with me, cooped up in this house. Izzy said you were avoiding going places so I just thought—”

“No, don’t even, babe,” I said, pushing my fingers into her hair, cradling her head.

“But how can’t I, Ben? I mean, seriously? I don’t want to be the reason you aren’t out having fun your senior year. I felt that way in Summerlin when I had to watch Gavin all the time. I never minded staying home with him, but I also never wanted to hold people back.”

“I’m not
with you. I want to be here, and I would be here even if we didn’t have all the extra crap going on. If you had to watch Gavin. If you were just some weird recluse,” I joked.

She ignored my humor. “I don’t know why. I’m a damn freak,” she whispered, staring at the wardrobe that Iz and Spaz had disappeared into. Her eyes glassed over and turned a deep, emerald green as tears welled inside. It made them even more captivating. But if I had to choose, I’d always prefer their lighter shade. That way I’d know she wasn’t sad.

“You’re not a freak,” I said. She looked at me again, arching her eyebrows skeptically. “Okay, maybe you are a freak. But I like that,” I teased. That got her. She cracked a smile and blinked. The tears escaped her lids and I quickly wiped them away. “I guess I’m not doing a very good job as a boyfriend. I should really take you somewhere out of this house. Like on a real date.”

“Boyfriend? Who said you were my boyfriend?” she teased with a sweet smile.

I clutched my chest. “That one kind of hurt.”

She tucked a corner of my shirt into my back pocket then reached up to my chest, replacing my hand with hers over my heart. Her fingers moved back and forth along my skin, warming my body with their touch. “I think you are doing an amazing job as a boyfriend.” She tipped her face back up to look at me.

I combed my fingers through her hair absently. “Oh yeah? I’m not so sure. If I was doing a good job, you’d never cry.”

“You know you aren’t the reason for my tears.”

“But I can’t prevent them, and that’s just as bad.”

“Not the same,” she said and shook her head. “What matters is that you’re drying them.”

“Still,” I added as her hands moved up my neck into my hair. “I’d rather prevent them from happening at all. That’s the reason I need to keep looking,” I admitted.

“And that’s why you’re not a douche. You’re an amazing boyfriend.” She pulled my face down to hers, effectively ending the conversation.

So I kissed her. I yanked her closer and she stood on her toes, like she couldn’t get close enough. It was what we both needed. To let go of everything else. To get lost in each other for a few minutes without worry or concern. Her body pressed firmly against mine and writhed in a way that made me ache for more. I didn’t want to take advantage of her. Since we didn’t know everything about the curse, it felt like that’s what I’d be doing if we slept together again. Maybe I was being stupid. Maybe I wasn’t. I’d been so conflicted with everything lately that I didn’t know what to think anymore aside from the way I felt about her.

I slid my hands down to her ass and squeezed greedily. She whimpered into my mouth and her hands tugged my hair. That response drove me on. I didn’t want to think about caution or reason. I wondered why I’d been hung up on them for so long. We were trying our best to find answers anyway, why keep her at a distance when I knew we both wanted so much more with each other? It all seemed so dumb right now. I wanted this girl so badly and I’d do anything for her.

More muted noises came from within Spaz and Iz’s wardrobe behind us, reminding me that we weren’t alone. It was probably a good thing, though right now I was screaming inside. With the way her mouth tasted and the way her ass felt, I wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and lay her down right here.

“Ahem,” Spaz said with a cough behind us. “I think we’re going to take off, guys. Should we just see ourselves out?” he added and Iz giggled when LJ and I kept kissing.

I slowed the kiss and opened my eyes to hers. Her lips were full and pouty.
So sexy.
I nipped her bottom lip and stole two more soft kisses as her lips turned up into a smile. “When’s your dad coming home?” I whispered, ignoring Spaz’s question. I needed more of her tonight.

Her smile flashed bigger, but quickly dropped into a frown. “Soon.”

I scowled. “I don’t even care,” I admitted and she chuckled.

“Okay, we’re out of here,” Spaz interrupted again.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said louder to him, but kept my eyes on LJ. I whispered to her, “This isn’t over.”

“Mmm,” she hummed delightfully.

I finally tore my eyes from her as Spaz and Iz started moving toward the drop-down ladder. “Are you guys going to wear any of this stuff?”

“Yeah,” Iz replied for both of them.

“You can take it with you if you want,” LJ said, tucking her dress back into its bag.

“That’s probably a good idea,” Spaz said and we both walked over to the wardrobe to grab the clothes we’d chosen.

“There are too many pieces to figure this dress out alone,” Iz said to LJ. “Can I just come over early and get dressed here with you? Unless you have to work, or you’re planning on doing
something else
before the party?” Izzy said to LJ suggestively.

LJ laughed then replied, “No, I’d love for you to come over to get ready. That would be a lot of fun.”

“Great,” Iz said.

It was good to know the girls were getting along well enough to spend time together. Iz didn’t really hang out with other girls. And as much as LJ said she didn’t fit in with her friends out in Nevada, I knew she had to miss being around girls on some level. This would be another way to keep her mind off of the curse and help her stay positive, as long as Iz didn’t wish for something else.

I ditched my suit by LJ’s room before we walked them to the front door. We all shouted goodnight as we passed Gavin’s cracked door. He shouted back over gunfire and music, but didn’t bother coming out.

Outside, an early evening wind stirred the leaves around the front lawn, blowing some onto the slate steps. It was cold enough to make LJ shiver. I laid my arm across her shoulders and she wrapped herself around my middle, hugging tight.

“So I was thinking,” Spaz started, turning around after stepping outside.

“Oh, no,” I cut him off sarcastically.

Iz and LJ started laughing, but Spaz just stared at me to make sure I wasn’t going to say anything else. When I didn’t, he said, “Funny. Anyway, I’m itching to ride like Gav. We need to do it soon, bro.”

“Yeah,” Iz agreed, clutching Spaz’s arm for warmth. He shifted the garment bag under one arm, picked the other up, and wrapped it over her shoulders automatically.

“I know it’s not something we usually do, but I was thinking maybe you should host a race on your course. Nothing big. Just a few people.” I shook my head before he even finished his pitch. “We could have some friendly wagers. Maybe even race the trails if you’re worried about having it on the property. It’d be an awesome way to end the season, man.”

LJ was quiet under my arm. She pressed her head against my bare chest, just listening. “I’ll think about it. I would have to make sure it didn’t interfere with the event house’s schedule, though.”

“Of course,” Spaz agreed, bouncing a little in place either from the cold or from excitement. Iz’s body moved a little with him and she smiled. “It would be awesome to tear it up with a couple more riders.”

“A couple,” I reiterated. I didn’t want something like this blowing up before it even got started. “I’ll try and get some info on dates, but don’t say shit until then.”

“Got it,” he agreed. “You better get inside before you stab somebody with those,” he joked, pointing at my nipples.

I laughed as LJ ran a finger over one, playfully. He was right: it was cold. LJ’s body heat had kept me from thinking about it, though. “Goodnight, guys.”

“Goodnight,” Iz called back before they jogged around the corner.

After closing the door, LJ ducked out from under my arm and tipped her head toward the kitchen. “Are you hungry?”

“Not for anything in there.”

Her eyes widened. “You are so cheesy,” she said, trying to play it off. But her pink cheeks betrayed her, turning me on more.

Skimming a finger over the pink area of her cheek, I grinned and said, “I know you love it.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Do you need anything?” I asked to be sure.

“Nope,” she said simply. Her fingers made their way back to my chest. Their tips felt electric, sparking along my skin as they trickled farther down.

I couldn’t take the torture anymore. I leaned in and kissed her slowly. But it didn’t last long. I refused to waste time in the foyer when there was a perfectly good bed upstairs. So I gripped her waist and slung her body over my shoulder. She squealed at the surprise and I smacked her ass before jogging upstairs.





While carrying me on his shoulder, he grabbed the garment bag from the hall upstairs, slung it into my closet, and then closed and locked my bedroom door. As soon as we were safe in the privacy of my room, his fingers dug into my thighs, tickling me.

“Ben!” I couldn’t help but to scream. The more I kicked and wiggled the more his shoulder dug into my stomach. His fingers continued their assault on the tender skin high up on my inner thighs. “Stop,” I pleaded. “Please, I’m going to pee.” I laughed so hard tears stung my eyes.

He stopped suddenly and dropped me to the bed. Before I could blink, he was hovering over me. His seductive smile created the dimples that taunted me endlessly.

He knows exactly how to work me.
I stared at him breathlessly, hoping tonight we’d explore each other the way we had on his birthday. I wanted to be that close to him again, to feel his heart pound a chaotic rhythm with my own. Reliving that night, I smiled wider and he cocked his head as if he knew all the details running through my mind.

He dipped his face down, letting his lips coast over mine. “LJ, you smell so sweet,” he whispered onto my lips and my whole body shuddered with anticipation. He felt me tremble beneath him, but he didn’t chuckle or sigh like he usually did before we’d stop ourselves. Tonight, he was as serious as I was. One of his hands grabbed mine and drew it up above my head. He ran that hand back down the soft inside of my arm then pressed it to the bed to support his body. His knees nudged mine and I spread my legs apart so he could settle in between. His other hand took over, slipping under my T-shirt and smoothing along my skin.

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