Read The Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley Online

Authors: Glenda Riley

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Women, #History, #United States, #19th Century, #test

The Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley (67 page)

Virginia Reel performed on, 159;
women as show riders, 137-38
Hotels: as home on the road, 27, 124, 126, 177;
stays at during retirement, 181-82, 188
Howe, Frank (shooter), 24
Howe, Julia Ward, 132
Hunt, Beatrice Blakeley (descendant), 232
Hunter, Annie Oakley as, 63, 90-93;
apparel for, 134, 188-89;
during childhood, 6, 11-12, 15
Hunter Arms Company, 69
Hurt, R. Douglas (historian), 225
Hutton, Betty, 218-20
I Love Lucy
(TV series), 217

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