Read The Lady Plays Her Ace (The Langley Sisters) Online

Authors: Wendy Vella

Tags: #Regency Romance

The Lady Plays Her Ace (The Langley Sisters) (23 page)

"Let go, sweetheart, I'll catch you," Ace rasped as she arched into him. Slipping his finger inside her, he stroked her, stretching her, then added another and she shuddered, calling out his name. Ace had known she'd be responsive, but seeing her come apart in his arms was the most arousing sight he'd ever had.

"Oh, that was wonderful," she sighed, bracing her hands on his shoulders.

"Yes, it was." He cupped the back of her neck and kissed her softly. "And that is only the beginning."

Ace released his breeches and nearly groaned as the aching tip of his shaft brushed her wet heat.

"Guide me inside you, Thea. Slowly," he added as she reached for him, her small fingers a delicious torture as they gripped him.

"I-I had thought we would be in a bed."

"And we will." Ace's words were hoarse and he felt the tip of his shaft grow damp as she slowly lowered herself down. "Dear Christ, Thea, that feels so good."

She was tight and he was big, so Ace kept still and let her take control, and it was killing him. Every muscle in his body was clenched as he tried to stop himself from driving upwards.

"You feel awfully big. W-will we fit?"

"Yesss," Ace hissed as she lowered herself further. He could feel the tension start to climb several notches inside him, the delicious pressure that built just before his release. Taking her face in his hands, he kissed her hard and lifted his hips, easing himself deeper inside her until he felt her innocence. One more thrust and he was through, buried deep inside her tight wet sheath. God, she felt good, and Ace fought with everything he had to stay still while she adjusted to him.

"Thea, sweetheart, are you all right?" She had buried her head in his neck and he could feel the rapid beat of her heart against his.

"I-I think so."

Ace's laugh was pained. "Are you hurting?"

"It eases now."

Lifting her, he looked into her eyes and saw she spoke the truth.

"Thank God." Ace kissed her again as he grabbed her hips and lifted her off him only to lower her again. "Ride me, Thea, as fast or as slow as you like, but please don't stop."

She gripped his shoulders and did as he asked, at first slowly, her eyes a study of concentration as she worked out what suited her best. Ace felt the pressure of his release build higher as he watched her and felt the tight, wet muscles of her sheath caressing him. Reaching between them, he found the small nub nestled in her damp folds and stroked it.

"Oh, Oliver," she cried as he applied more pressure. Her movements increased and soon she was riding him faster and he was close, but he was damned if he would get there without her. Leaning forward, he took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked it softly. He was rewarded with her shudder and then she clenched tight around him as she found her release. Thrusting up into her, he followed. His entire body shuddered as he gripped her hips. Closing his eyes he rode the wave of ecstasy as she fell forward onto his chest.

The fire crackled softly in the grate as Oliver tried to haul in a deep breath. Wrapping his arms around her, he held Thea against him, needing the soft curves close like he needed air. Dear God, how could he feel so much in such a short space of time.

"Oliver?" She spoke into his shoulder as his arms tightened around her.

"Ssssh." He stood, taking her with him, and made for the bed, laying her down then climbing on beside her. Pulling the covers over them he then settled her against him. She was limp and exhausted. The day had been a long one, fraught with many emotions, and that, what they had just experienced, had rocked Ace to his toes.

Mother of God, he'd never felt that way before

"Rest now, my sweet." He kissed the top of her head and let sleep pull him under. Tomorrow would be soon enough to think about things, and work through how they would move forward in their marriage.


"Christmas is three weeks away, Thea. I have asked Oliver to invite his family and I hope to see you all at Stratton."

"I will talk to him, Joe, I promise. He is very busy at the moment. Something to do with his factory," Thea said, accepting the hug from her eldest brother.

"Will and Luke will be staying here longer as they have business to attend to. They will call on you when it is time to leave, and hopefully travel with you to Twoaks." Her brother and their families were retiring to Twoaks for a few months, where they would spend Christmas…where she had always spent Christmas, until this year. She had come to see them off. Smiling, she urged her brother to join his wife and son in the carriage. Moving to stand at the window, Thea then took the hand her sister-in-law gave her and squeezed it hard.

"We will miss you, Thea. Please try and come home for Christmas."

"I will, Penny."

Billy, her little nephew, waved his hand at her as she blew him a kiss, and then she stood back, trying to ignore the worry on the faces of the two people who had been mother and father to her for many years.

Livvy, Phoebe, Finn and Bella had left earlier, and that parting was no easier as Thea suddenly felt alone. Yes, she had Oliver, but he was most often away doing business things, which left her alone at home with a great deal of time on her hands.

"Where to now, my lady?"

Ted had settled into Oliver's household and appeared happy, much to Thea's relief. It was selfish of her but she did not relish the prospect of losing him, and Oliver did not stop her leaving the house if she had her maid and Ted accompanying her.

"I would like to visit with my husband’s family please, Ted."

Thea watched the darkening London sky out the carriage window as she thought of her life with Oliver over the past week.

He was attentive, yet she was aware that he was still holding himself back from her. When she asked after his business or what he had been doing that day, he brushed her questions aside and asked after her—to which she could reply very little, as her days were spent visiting her family and taking tea. She’d asked if she could use his boxing bag, but had retracted that request at the look of horror on his face. The problem, as far as Thea could see, was that her husband wanted to wrap her up in a soft nest inside the house, and not have her lift a finger or raise a sweat. All things that Thea liked to do, often.

"Oliver, I am no wilting flower," she’d said to him when he’d found her in the kitchens looking through the supplies with the cook. He’d taken the sack of flour from her and placed it back on the floor, then led her from the room. It had been the same when she told him she was going riding with Ted. He’d asked her to wait for him to accompany them, and had, as yet, never had time to do so. She understood his fears for her considering he had not tracked down the man who had tried to kill him, but she had a feeling even if that threat did not loom over them, he would still be the same. It had to stop. All this cosseting was silly and she did not need it nor want it. In fact, the only time he did not treat her like she was made of fragile glass was in the bedroom.

Thea cupped her heated cheeks. Even knowing that no one could see her, she was embarrassed. Their lovemaking was…was…Thea had not words to describe what took place between her and Oliver. Just this morning, he had woken her with his lips on her breasts, and his hand between her legs. She only had to think of him and what they shared to feel aroused. Her body was no longer her own. At the strangest times her nipples tightened and she felt a flare of heat between her legs, just at the thought of Oliver.

She loved exploring his body, kissing his muscles and having him at her mercy as he fought to keep his hands still. Just last night, she’d asked him to instruct her on what he liked. At first, he’d shaken his head, telling her it was not right for her to be doing those things to him, and that had made Thea angry. Slapping a hand on his chest, she then straddled him and told him to tell her or she’d just do what she thought was right. Lord, she had been brazen, but Oliver had liked it, she was sure. If only he was not so protective of her during the day, then her life would be perfect. It was an adjustment for both of them, being married, yet Thea had always ridden her horse and visited people. She'd thought to help out at the orphanage or other charities, yet did not know how to broach the subject with Oliver, considering how protective he was of her. Tonight she would talk with him, and try to make him understand that she needed more in her life.

When Thea knocked on the Dillinger family front door twenty minutes later, she wondered what her reception would be. Besides Daniel, none of the family had come to visit their son in the week they had been married, and she hated to think she was the reason for this.

"Hello, I wondered if the Dillinger family is at home today? I am Lady Dillinger, their eldest son's wife," Thea said as a maid opened the door.

"They are in the dining room, Lady Dillinger. If you’ll come this way, I’ll take you through."

Before Thea could say she would wait for them to finish their meal, the maid had turned away, so she followed, as otherwise one of the family would surely come looking for her if she did not appear.

The noise that greeted her as the door opened made her smile. This was a real family, who love, argued and ate as one.

"My lady!"

Sarah Dillinger rose to her feet, looking shocked.

"I’m sorry to interrupt you," Thea rushed to say. "I just dropped by hoping you would be home, so I could…" What did she say? That she was lonely and had no one else to visit? That she was afraid they did not like her and this had stopped them visiting their son?

"Lay another place, Jane. Lady Dillinger will join us," Sarah Dillinger said, coming to take Thea’s arm and guide her to a seat.

"Thank you," Thea said, looking around the table. "I can remember most of your names from the wedding," she added, looking at the five siblings seated—the twins and Sally and Kate and Mary, who were third and fourth eldest, and on Mary’s lap, sat a little boy.

"Mathew and the others are with Oliver, my lady," Sarah said, sitting once again.

"Please call me Thea." Thea watched as Sarah, Mary and Kate shared a look between them. "Who told you not to call me by my first name?" Thea added, guessing their thoughts"

"Oliver," Mary said, much to the horror of her mother.

"Mary!" Mrs. Dillinger scolded her daughter.

Thea tried to understand what Mary had just said. "Are you saying that Oliver told you all that I must be addressed as Lady Dillinger?"

Mary and Kate nodded, and Sarah looked worried.

"He said you were different from us, and that you were used to being addressed that way…well, not actually that way as you were a lady before, but—"

"I understand," Thea interrupted her.

"He said we were not to call on you or bother you in any way," Kate added quietly.

Thea couldn’t believe Oliver had done that. Surely he didn’t think her such a snob that she wouldn’t want to spend time with his people, the family he had been born into? Dear God, his opinion of nobility was unflattering, and by association, her. Anger made her body hot. How bloody dare he make those decisions for her without even consulting her.

"Here’s how things will progress from this point, Dillinger family," Thea said, slowly looking around the table and meeting everyone’s eyes. "You are to call me Thea, and I would ask that you please visit me and also Oliver, as often as you wish to."

"He’s just trying to protect you, Thea," Kate said softly. "But in doing so, I suspect he is smothering you."

Thea smiled. It was lovely to hear Oliver’s sister protecting him even if she wanted to wrap her hands around his neck and squeeze.

"I understand that, Kate, but I have never really been a person that likes to be protected. In fact, my brothers decided long ago that if they restricted my movements too much then I would do something reckless."

"And did you?" Mary asked.

"Yes, but that will be our secret, and when you next visit me I will tell you all about it," Thea said, reaching for the teapot and pouring herself a cup.

Ace followed his father and brothers into the house. They’d been to the glass factory, where they’d discussed several issues that he had been unable to resolve. His father had a sharp mind, and since Oliver forced him to retire he had learnt to read and write, and gone on to study many things—even going to lectures and dragging his sons along with him.

"Your output will increase, Oliver, mark my words."

"I’m sure you are right, Father." Oliver shared a look with Daniel. Mathew Dillinger had lectured them on just this topic for the past hour.

"I hope there is still food on the table," Peter, one of the middle Dillingers, said.

"We shall have cook prepare more if there isn’t, son," Mathew said, opening the dining room door.

Oliver stopped when he saw Thea seated at his table with his nephew James on her lap. Daniel hit him in the back.

"Move, you bloody ox. I need sustenance."

"What are you doing here?" Oliver said, looking at Thea as he continued to block the doorway, stunned that his wife was here, taking tea with his family.

Color flushed her cheeks at his curt tone, before she rose slowly from her seat and handed James back to his sister.

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