The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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Today I will become James’ wife and I could not be happier. Last night I hardly slept and I fear my face looks terrible, but my Ladies keep assuring me I look beautiful. It was short notice, but my mother made sure I had the grandest dress makers to create me a wedding gown that would be envied by everyone. It is a royal blue and made of the richest lace and has a trail that will follow me wherever I go. My hair is decorated with the prettiest jewels and as I am complete, my mother arrives. As soon as she sets eyes on me she begins to cry. “Oh Gracey.” She sobs. “You look perfect.”

“You think James will approve?” I ask mother, giving her a twirl.

“James will be the envy of every man.” Mother replies, making me blush.

“I cannot believe you are getting married!” Louisa claps in excitement.

I have six bridesmaids, all of my Ladies and of course my two sisters, Elizabeth and Isabella. Their gowns are lace as well as mine, but are not the same shade of blue and do not have a trail.

“James has left for the church.” Mother alerts me. “It is time.”

I take a deep breath and we begin the walk through the castle to the front doors. Mother has done a delightful job, she has made sure to have my walk down decoration in delicate flowers, making the walk smell beautiful.

As we reach the doors, the sun shines down on me and I smile up to the skies. My face warms and it is though God himself is praising my wedding day. My carriage is decorated with the same flowers. On the ride to the church I clutch my bouquet and sit quietly. I am marrying the man I love but I feel so nervous.

Half way towards the church we hit crowds of people standing around. “Why is it so busy?”

“These people are here for you my darling.” Laughs mother. “They want to celebrate with you, let them see.”

“How?” I ask.

Mother slides the curtains across on the little window and I see crowds begin to wave towards us. “Princess Grace!” They cheer.

I wave back and they cheer even louder, but now they allow the carriage to pass through so I continue to wave and show them my appreciation. I come to enjoy it, seeing the many citizens who have come to celebrate my wedding to James. I see children of all ages and even babies, some cry at the joy of seeing me and it really warms my heart. I must become more familiar with the people.

We then quickly arrive at the church and when I leave the safety of my carriage, the cheer roars with cheers, shouting my name. They throw their hands out, trying to reach me but by this time I am focussed on one thing, and that is the man inside the church waiting for me.

The crowds quieten as I enter the church and I see James for the first time and I have to smile. James standing at the altar wearing his kilt and everything to match makes me proud of him. He looks very smart in this new and clean version. My heart begins to speed up and I think forward to tonight, my blood warming from my imagination. I did not think it was possible, but as we say our vows to connect us for our entire lives, I fall that little bit more in love with him and I did not think that was possible.

“I do.” James announces to everyone present.

“I do.” I declare for all to hear.

And that is that, I am Prince James of Scotland’s wife. Everyone inside the church cheers and the bells ring, alerting the crowds outside that their Princess is wed and we walk out to a happy and excited crowd. All shouting their well wishes to us and I feel their love pouring through and I am truly honoured.

James and I sit side by side as we ride back to the castle, the roars from around us becoming a fade in the background. I lean my head on James shoulder and he kisses my forehead. “You are my wife.”

I look up to him. “And you are my husband.”

I walk back into the castle in a blissful mood, welcomed by delicious smells of the feast welcoming us.



Throughout the whole feast I watch my beautiful bride and I cannot believe she is mine. My wife.

“Prince James?” Asks one of my father’s council members, Charles.

“Yes Charles?” I answer, not taking my eyes from Grace as she dances with her Ladies.

“Congratulations on your marriage.” He starts. “I was wondering if you had taken our advice.”

Irritated at his rudeness, I take my eyes from Grace and glare at Charles. “How dare you approach me with this subject on my wedding!”

Charles lowers his head to the floor. “I am sorry, but your father wanted you to reveal this secret before you wedded Princess Grace.”

“I am aware Charles, but I did not wish to.” I turn to look at Grace, smiling and having a good time. “I will let her know when we are in Scotland. It will be best.”

“As long as you are sure?” He asks me.

“Of course I am sure.” I snap, trying to rein in my anger. “Now leave me to enjoy my wedding.”

Charles scurries away and I am so angry he has interrupted my happy moment. I return to watching Grace, my wife and love surrounds me and now that Charles has ruined it, I feel nothing but guilt. I should not have kept my secret hidden from her, but I was scared to reveal it. We might not be married right now if I had, I just hope when she faces it in Scotland she is not too angry with me.

Grace’s eyes meet mine and she beckons me to dance. I ignore my guilt ridden conscience and join her.


James and I have danced almost all night, but now comes the time we must leave the party and finalise the marriage. My parents gesture for us to come to them and they confirm what I already thought. The witnesses from Scotland and from the English court along with my parents and my Ladies accompany us both to Prince James’ bedchambers. We hold hands all the way and I begin to break out in nerves. Not from the people walking with us, but from what is about to happen. I have never had sex and I do not know if James has, I assume he has because he is a Prince and most Princes are free to experiment. I did not want to ask, afraid of being hurt but I have never been intimate with anyone. The furthest I have experienced was when James and I undressed in front of one another. If we are both lucky, I could become pregnant tonight and that alone adds to my nerves.

We enter James’ rooms, my husband and his servants assisting him to remove his clothing while my Ladies prepare me. Like James suggested for me to do so, I keep eye contact with him as we become bare for everyone to see. My Ladies stripping me from my wedding gown and revealing my naked skin for my husband to feast on. My eyes wander down James’ body as he is unclothed, his manly body making me itch to touch him. I don’t know how, but James keeps his body toned and lean. A lot of men could learn something from him, because as I look at my husband my mouth waters from lust. I need him. I have never experienced a feeling like this before, I thought I would be nervous and shy. Right now I am the opposite and when we walk down each side of the bed, I become joyful. Our eyes never break as we stand on opposite ends of the bed, James sits on his side and I do the same. I hear the curtains draw around us, sealing us from everyone’s eyes.

“You did so well.” James praises me quietly and I crawl over to him.

I lie down on my back as James kisses me so sweetly. Sighing as his lips touch my neck and his hands travel down my belly. My legs open slightly without my knowledge when James’ mouth wraps around my nipple, his tongue swirling and my head buries into the pillow under me.

James’ hand goes further down and cups my mound, I bite down on my lower lip. James is the first to touch me and the nerves begin to show. I look up to James and he sees my emotions. His fingers stop and he leans down to kiss me. “Are you ok?”

I nod. “Nervous.” Is all I can say.

“Focus on me Gigi.” James begins to kiss me again in a way I have no choice but to only think of him.

As he kisses me, it’s his fingers that play with my nipples and then gradually go back down south. His fingers working wonders and causing sensations within my body I never knew were available to me. My moaning becomes louder and somewhere in my conscience, through the cloud of pleasure, I hear the door closing. The witnesses have gone.

Now alone, James gets up and hovers over me. His smile causing as much of a stir as his fingers were. “I want to lick you.”

“Lick me?” I laugh.

James nibbles on my ear, whispering to me. “I want to make you as wet as I can. The more wet and open you are, the better this will be for you.”

I have heard the first time can be painful, and I am grateful James is trying to ease whatever may be. A single nod to James has him kissing down my neck, then to my breasts and down my body. Ever so slowly her gets lower and lower and I wonder what he intends to do. I am totally innocent at this that I have no clue. James begins to lick at my belly, going even lower until he reaches between my thighs and with one long swipe I gasp in surprise.

His tongue does not stop and I do not know how to react. I never thought of a man licking me
but it feels absolutely divine. My legs part further and James growls as he works me, my moans becoming louder until a burning reaches my belly and I grip onto the sheets. My body takes over and a quivering release spreads over me and I scream. My eyes roll back and I twitch under James tongue and when my eyes open again, James is above me again, watching me.

“I though you beautiful before, but watching you become undone like that was something else.” He nudges his penis at my opening and my body automatically comes alive again.

James licks my breasts against as he presses further. It feels tight and I become restless, I do not think I prefer this method.
Why is this so painful?

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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