The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything (49 page)

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  • Habits of the Heart
    (Bellah), 47
  • “Hail Mary,” 143–44, 169
  • Hansen, Ron, 49–50
  • Harrington, Daniel J., S.J., 117–18, 156, 286
  • Harry Potter
    series (Rowling), 189
  • Haughey, John, S.J., 373
  • Healthy life, 357–58
  • Hebrews: 4:15, 292
  • Hecker, Isaac, 48
  • Heroic Leadership
    (Lowney), 341, 364
  • Heschel, Abraham Joshua, 44, 71, 286
  • History of the Society of Jesus, A
    (Bangert), 249, 366, 370–71
  • Hitchcock, Alfred, 4
  • Honesty: chastity and, 223; in feelings, 318; in friendships and relationships, 215, 216, 254, 260; Ignatius and, 251; in prayer, 122–26; in the work world, 360
  • Hopkins, Gerard Manley, S.J., 73, 124–25, 269, 325, 376–77, 381–82
  • How Can I Find God?
    (Martin, ed.), 97–98, 117
  • Hughes, Gerard W., S.J., 49, 136
  • Humility: friendship and relationships and, 258–59; Jesuit joke, 208; poverty of the spirit as, 206–7; religion and, 48; sin and, 90; three degrees of, 207–8, 295, 361
  • Humor, 121, 210, 263
  • Identity: acceptance of self, 378–81; becoming oneself, 385–88; compare and despair/individuality, 381–85; finding true self, 378–88; poem, 381–82
  • Ignatian spirituality, 51; as available to everyone, 1–2, 28, 44, 392; being spiritual and religious, 44–50; career or vocation and, 339–88; charism (founding spirit), 3–4; chastity and, 174, 175, 176, 213–30; choosing the more difficult path and, 295; communication with God and, 110; compassion and, 298; contemplatives in action, 7–8, 15, 350, 389–97; decision making and, 305–38; desire and, 57–85; discernment and, 305–38; “discernment of spirits,” 189, 332–36; experts in, 25; finding God in all things, 5–7, 27, 50–51, 99–100, 116, 281, 304, 350, 351, 390, 391; four simple ways of understanding, 5–11; freedom and detachment and, 1, 9–10, 391; friendship and relationships, 231–65; God as goal of, 393–97; gratitude and, 263–65; helping souls, 263, 361; Ignatian contemplation, 145–55; as an incarnational spirituality, 8–9, 390–92; “living rules,” 25, 194; on love, friendship, and human relationships, 234–65; meditation on life of Christ, 292–93; obedience and, 174, 175, 176, 266–85, 297, 304; poverty and, 174, 175, 176, 177–212; prayer traditions, 143–73
    (see also
    Prayer); questions proper to, 7; “reflection-action-reflection,” 322, 365; resources for understanding, 19–25; riches to honors to pride and, 188–92, 294, 361; simple life, 7, 22, 136, 174–212, 238, 279; six paths to seeking God, 29–44;
    The Spiritual Exercises
    and, 21 (see
    also Spiritual Exercises, The);
    a spirituality of work, 347–63; on suffering, 285–98; summary of, 392; Two Standards and, 188–90, 207, 294–95; the way of Ignatius, 25–28; ways the “enemy” or “worst self” works in our lives, 332–36; what a spirituality is, 2
  • Impairing relationships, 248
  • Indifference.
  • Ingenuity, 365–68
  • Inner Compass: An Invitation to Ignatian Spirituality
    (Silf), 63, 95, 100
  • In Pursuit of Love
    (Genovesi), 216
  • Islam, 81, 138
  • Ivens, Michael, S.J., 309, 320, 330
  • James, William, 18
  • Jay, Claude, S.J., 241
  • Jeremiah: 29:11, 138
  • Jesuit Order/Jesuits.
    Society of Jesus
  • Jesuit Refugee Service, 195–96, 198, 277, 303
  • Jesuits, The: Their Spiritual Doctrine and Practice
    (de Guibert), 2–3
  • Jesuit Saints and Martyrs
    (Tylenda), 100
  • Jesus of Nazareth: “blessed are the poor in spirit,” 209–11; blind beggar and, 57–58, 340; coming to people, 85; as craftsman or carpenter, 372; desire for holiness and, 77; Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises and, 395–96; as friend, 108–10; imitation of, 176, 197, 207–8, 295; love of, 81–82; meditation on life of Christ, 20, 292–93, 295–98, 299–304; ministry to the poor, 203; obedience and, 267; parable of the Prodigal Son, 91; parables of, 119–20; points of entry into the life of, 300; on the poor, 196; preaching in the synagogue, 156–60; promise of “hundredfold” return, 233; as religious man, 45; the “rich young man” and, 179–80, 186; rules to disciples, 135; Second Week of the Exercises and, 147; Sermon on the Mount, 205; on sinfulness and the Good Samaritan, 89–90; speaking to on the cross (colloquy), 168; story of the storm at sea, 147; suffering of, 294, 295–98; Third Week of the Spiritual Exercises and, 295–98; unmarried state of, 224; “vowed life” and emulation of, 176; weeping, 300; as the Word made flesh (incarnation), 8, 119; words after the Resurrection, 223
  • Job, Book of: 10:1, 123
  • Jogues, St. Isaac, 25, 271, 296–97
  • John, Gospel of: 9:2, 287; 14:9, 163
  • John III, King of Portugal, 249, 250
  • John of the Cross, St., 66
  • John Paul II, Pope, 274, 362
  • Johnson, Elizabeth, C.S.J., 137
  • Joseph, St., 373
  • Journaling, 170
  • Joyce, James, 4
  • Juana, regent of Spain, 214
  • Julius III, Pope, 22
  • Kane, Jim, S.J., 106
  • Kavanaugh, John, S.J., 182
  • Keating, Thomas, O.C.S.O., 165
  • Keenan, James F., S.J., 89–90, 258
  • Kennedy, John F., 280
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 44, 45
  • 1 Kings: 19:12, 133, 356
  • 2 Kings: 5:1–19, 67–68
  • Knowing oneself, 339–40.
    See also
    Identity; Vocation
  • Kolodiejchuk, Brian, M.C., 139
  • Kolvenbach, Peter-Hans, S.J., 98
  • La Colombière, St. Claude, S.J., 165, 378
  • Laínez, Diego, S.J., 17, 240–41
  • Langford, Jeremy, 349
  • Last Days of Judas Iscariot, The,
  • Lectio divina,
    155–62; action, 159–60; alternate method, 160–62; finding time for, 350; four-step process, 156–60; meaning of, 155; meditation, 157–58; prayer, 158–59; reading, 156–57
  • Lee, Peggy, 64
  • Leonard, Richard, S.J., 137, 142, 290–92
  • Lewis, C. S., 70, 190
  • Liebert, Elizabeth, 58
  • Listening: compassionate, 227–28; “faith sharing” and, 254–58; for God’s voice, 126–29, 356; Ignatius Loyola on, 257; obedience as, 267–71
  • “Living rules,” 25, 194
  • Loneliness, 130–31, 133–34, 226, 301–2
  • Lonsdale, David, 309, 316, 320, 345, 351
  • Lord, Daniel, S.J., 210
  • Lord of the Rings
    (Tolkein), 189
  • Love: chastity and, 216, 217–23, 227–30, 270; commitment and, 224; six chaste acts of love, 227–30; freedom and detachment and, 223, 229; humility and “three ways of loving,” 207; Ignatius’s dictum on, 197, 220, 227, 229; Jesuits in love, 224; leadership and, 364, 368–69; learning to, 27; owning, 223; Pedro Arrupe on, 218–19; praying for loved ones, 230; value of in Jesuit training, 368–69.
    See also
    God’s love
  • Lowney, Chris, 341, 347, 364, 369
  • Loyola, St. Ignatius: asceticism and, 178, 187–88;
    12, 23; battle as key metaphor for, 189; being spiritual and religious, 50; character, 217; companions of, 8, 15, 22; composition of place, the Nativity scene, 149; on conscience, 202;
    16, 21–23, 135, 240; contemplating the night sky, 17; contemplative attitude throughout day and, 350; death of, 16; decision making and haircut, 307–12; on decision-making of superiors, 272–73; on deeds as manifestation of love, 197; on desire, 63; dictum on love, 197, 220, 227, 229; the discerning mule and, 325; divesting of possessions, 186–87; the examen and, 87–97; feast day of, 271; finding God in nature, 171, 172; founding of Society ofJesus, 15–16; Francis Xavier and, 241–43, 260; on friendship, 254; friends of, 237–43, 244, 248–50; “gift of tears,” 302; God as the Almighty Artisan, 383; God as the center of his life, 28; identity of, 1; on indifference, 319; inexplicable feelings during prayer and, 132; ingenuity and leadership, 365; initial conversion, 51, 52–53, 77, 186, 225, 317; Inquisition and, 15, 54; on judging intentions not actions, 235; on
    lectio divina,
    155, 161; letters of, 23–24, 237, 239, 242–43, 249, 369; life of, 11–19, 52–53, 237–43; on listening, 257;
    (speech) from God, 127; in Manresa, 187; as mystic, 13–14, 18, 70, 309; ordination of, 16; on “overloading,” 357; path of moderation taken by, 310; perception of, 17–18; poverty and, 176, 186, 195, 201; prayer and, 145–46; quote on going forward by different roads, 145, 384; reliance on God and, 378; Rubens’s painting, 17; Simon Rodrigues and, 248–50; simple life and, 238; sin of ingratitude and, 264;
    Spiritual Exercises
    and, 9, 14, 19–21, 51, 62, 75, 81; Two Standards meditation and, 188–90; “union of hearts and minds,” 251; women and, 214; writing, prayer, and guidance for, 22
  • Luke: 1:26–28, 131; 1:30, 68; 2:10, 69; 2:52, 372; 4:16–30, 156–60; 5:10, 69; 8:22–25, 147; 9:58, 176; 10:29–37, 119; 15:3–10, 80–81; 15:11–32, 91; 18:21, 179; 22:42, 176
  • Machiavelli, Niccolò, 368
  • Macmurray, John, 39
  • Magis,
  • Maimonides, 44
  • Main, John, 165
  • Making Choices in Christ
    (Tetlow), 150, 312
  • Mariette in Ecstasy
    (Hansen), 49–50
  • Mark, Gospel of: 1:29–31, 216; 3:32, 176; 4, 119; 10:22, 179–80; 10:46–52, 57–58; 12:41–44, 201
  • Marriage, 61, 176, 214, 216–17, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 247, 253, 258, 261, 275–76, 279, 283, 307, 333, 337–38, 340, 342, 349, 377
  • Martin, James, S.J.: at
    magazine, 278, 288, 348; bad decision made by, 330–32; celibacy and, 130, 222–23; colloquy and, 168; confusion about God, 42–43; contemplation of the storm at sea, 152–55; David Donovan as spiritual director, 6
    (see also
    Donovan, David); death of friend and Path of Return to God, 37–38; decision to enter Jesuits, 314–15, 342, 345; decision to stay or leave the Jesuits, 276–79, 305; desire for priesthood and, 59–62; directed retreat of, 106–10; divesting of possessions, 179, 204; entering the novitiate, 178–80; falling in love and, 224–25, 276; father’s illness and death, 78–79, 204, 283–84, 285; friendship and, 244, 251–54; at General Electric, 43, 181, 269–70, 314, 343, 347–48, 368; God as the Great Problem Solver and, 37; Ignatian spirituality and growth, 392–93; incompletion and dissatisfaction, feelings of, 43; intense joy, experience of, 66; as Jesuit novice in Boston, 6, 110–14, 392; job at packaging plant, 352–53; loneliness and, 130–31, 133–34, 205–6, 301–4; Loyola University, Chicago, ministry, and examen, 92–94; mother and, lesson of Presupposition, 236; in Nairobi, Kenya, 83–85, 195–201, 205–6, 209–11, 219, 276–77, 303, 331–32; nature prayer and, 171–72; obedience to decision to delay theological studies, 276–79; Off-Broadway play and, 39–40, 101, 222–23; ordination of, 75; personality test results and, 383; prayer and, 103–14, 115, 129; relationship with God, 81; seeing God in suffering, 287–89; return to Campion Center, 387–88; self-acceptance and, 38384; Spiritual Exercises and, 293, 298–304; temptations that come to, 335; uncommon longings, 71–72; writing career, 278
  • Maslow, Abraham, 56
  • Mass, 169; daily, 112
  • Matrix, The
    (film), 337
  • Matthew, Gospel of: 13:33, 355; 25:40, 196
  • Maxwell, William, 131
  • Mead, Margaret, 361
  • Memories: during prayer, 130–32
  • Merton, Thomas, 34, 43, 106, 165, 166, 293, 314, 342
  • Messiaen, Olivier, 173
  • Metz, Johannes Baptist, 206–7
  • Meyer, Dick, 363
  • “Ministry of presence,” 228
  • Mission, The
    (film), 370
  • Mitford, Nancy, 46
  • Monastic orders, 8, 15; “vowed life,” 175–76, 186
  • Moonstruck
    (film), 226
  • Morality, 207
  • Moses, 118, 140, 162
  • Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light
    (Kolodiejchuk), 139
  • Murray, John Courtney, S.J., 190, 274–75
  • Mysticism: Auden’s experience, 73–74; definition, 69; everyday, 69; Ignatius Loyola as mystic, 13–14, 18, 70; uncommon longings and, 69–72
  • Nadal, Jerónimo, S.J., 8, 18, 311, 350, 351, 354
  • National Shrine of the North American Martyrs, Auriesville, New York, 297
  • National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped, 379
  • New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, The
    (Downey, ed.), 162
  • New Yorker
    cartoon, 259, 354
  • Niebuhr, Reinhold, 44
  • 19th Annotation Retreat or the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life, 19–20
  • Nixon, Richard M., 274
  • No One Sees God: The Dark Night of Atheists and Believers
    (Novak), 45
  • Norris, Kathleen, 175, 266
  • North American College, 6
  • Norton Simon Museum, California, 17
  • Nothing to Be Frightened Of
    (Barnes), 67
  • Nouwen, Henri, 65, 183
  • Novak, Michael, 45
  • Obedience, 174, 175, 176, 266–84; acceptance and, 268; accepting the unacceptable, 304; apostolic, 269; benefits, 270–71; in corporate world, 269; in everyday life, 283–84; everyday life of a Jesuit, 271–73; freedom and, 270; Jesuit joke, 268; as listening, 267–71; Pedro Arrupe and, 300; religious superior and, 266–68, 271–73; as surrendering to God’s will, 267, 271, 279–85, 304; surrendering to the future, 283–85, 297, 304; two stories about, 273–79; Walter Ciszek and, 280–82
  • O’Keefe, Vincent, S.J., 219
  • O’Malley, John W., S.J., 20, 24, 186, 187, 196, 213, 239, 247, 270
  • One Jesuit’s Spiritual Journey
    (Arrupe), 211–12
  • On the Waterfront
    (film), 26
  • Otto, Rudolf, 69
  • “Our Father” (Lord’s Prayer), 169–70
  • Our Town
    (Wilder), 101–2
  • Out of Africa
    (Dineson), 75, 303
  • Padberg, John W., S.J., 9, 264
  • Papacy: Jesuit’s fourth vow and, 270; obedience to, 274
  • Paris, Je T’Aime
    (film), 389–90
  • Patience, 386–87
  • Paul, St., 166, 297, 394; Damascus experience, 313, 315
  • Paul III, Pope, 16, 22, 196
  • Paulists, 48
  • Paul VI, Pope, 275
  • Payne, Alexander, 389–90
  • “Peak experiences,” 56
  • Pennington, M. Basil, O.C.S.O., 165, 166
  • 1 Peter: 5:8, 335 Peter, St., 216
  • “Pied Beauty” (Hopkins), 73
  • Polish, Daniel, 286
  • Poverty, 177–212; as cause of “great delight,” 178; in the
    186; contemporary Jesuit life and, 193–95; dehumanizing involuntary, 197; in East Africa, 195–201, 205, 209–11; Pedro Arrupe and, 211–12; getting to know the poor, 204–5; as imitation of Christ, 176, 178; Jesus on the poor, 196; learning about, 198; relationship with God and, 199–201; remembering the poor, 362–63; “rich young man” of the Gospels, 179–80; simple life and, 177–212; of the spirit, 205–11, 289; voluntary, 174, 195, 197, 270; vows of, 175–76.
    See also
    Simple life
  • Poverty of the Spirit
    (Metz), 206–7
  • Power and Secret of the Jesuits, The
    (Fülöp-Miller), 367
  • Prayer: anger in, 123–24; answer to “Why doesn’t God answer my prayer?,” 98–99; “apophatic,” 162, 163; author Martin and, 103–14, 115, 129; being honest, 122–26; Burghardt’s definition, 8, 86, 114; celebration of Mass, 169; centering prayer (Third Method), 162–67; changing through, 136–39; colloquy, 167–68; communal, 169; Contemplation to Attain Divine Love, 395–96; contemplative, 112–13; Daily Office, 111, 169; David Donovan on the Rosary, 143–45; decision making and, 316–17, 319–20; deepening, 27; definitions, 113–14; desire arising during, 133; directed retreat, 106–10; emotions arising during, 132, 152, 168, 301–2; the examen, 87–97, 391; finding time for God and you, 348–51; four weeks of The Spiritual Exercises and, 20–21; on the gifts God has given you, 76; Ignatian contemplation, 145–55; Ignatian traditions, 143–73; imagining yourself speaking with God, and God’s reply, 128–29; as intentional time with God, 116; Jesuits as contemplatives in action, 7–8; journaling, 170; “katapatic,” 162, 163;
    lectio divina,
    155–62; listening and hearing God, 126–29; for loved ones, 230; meditation on life of Christ, 20, 292–93, 295–98, 299–304; memories arising during, 130–32, 133–34; music, 173; nature prayer, 170–72; no “right” way, 96, 143–45; for our desires, 62; petitionary prayer, 103–5, 113, 124, 126–27, 199–200; physical feelings arising during, 132–33; prayer from Teilhard de Chardin, 164; praying the Rosary, 143–45, 169; Quaker “gathered silence,” 40; reflecting on daily life, 133; repetition, 153; resistance during, 161–62; rote prayers, 104, 106, 169; sadness in, 125; sexual desire and, 125–26; silence and, 139–41; on sinfulness, 76;
    396–97; as transformative, 303–4; ways of hearing God’s voice in, 130–34; what it is, 110–14; for what you desire, 343; work as, 173
  • Preaching to the Converted
    (Leonard), 142
  • Prejean, Sister Helen, C.S.J., 117
  • Presupposition, 234–36, 249, 256
  • Pride, 180, 210
  • Professions of Faith
    (Langford and Martin, eds.), 349
  • Progress Paradox, The
    (Easterbrook), 182
  • Psalms: 23, 132, 160–62; 34:18, 201; 42:7 77, 356; 64, 105; 139, 385; 139:1 122; as basis for prayer, 111
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