The Hustler's Daughter {DC Bookdiva Publications} (30 page)

BOOK: The Hustler's Daughter {DC Bookdiva Publications}
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you like what you see?” She asked as she crawled on top of him and purred like
a cat. She started kissing him on his neck and made her way down to his shirt
and started unbuttoning it. Mercedes licked and kissed all over his chest and
sucked on his small nipples. Emilio moaned and grabbed her hair and pulled her
up to kiss him. As they kissed, she pulled down his pants and felt that he was
hard as a rock. She smiled and grabbed his dick. She yanked it up.

Mami, why so rough?”

I like it like that, I like it nice and rough.” Mercedes smiled and she started
jerking his dick up and down causing him to go crazy. She crawled on top of him
and started whispering nasty shit in his ear.

want you to relax while I ride your dick as fast as I can. I want to you cum
all over me and then hit it from the back.”  Mercedes said as she continued
jerking his dick in her hand.

Mami, you’re in full control.” Emilio responded. “I want you to do whatever you
want to me, whatever you want.” He said as he threw his hands up.

you sure about that?” Mercedes asked with a questionable brow.

surrender.” He said with a huge smile. Mercedes bent over and started sucking
all over his neck. She placed soft kisses and left traces on his face and neck
as she grabbed the gun.

told you before motherfucker. The Carters never die!!! Those around us do.”
Mercedes said with an enraged tone.

pulled her gun and aimed it directly at his chest. She jumped off of his lap
and let off 4 shots that hit him directly in the chest and stomach area. She
enjoyed watching his body jerk up and down. It gave her the same feeling that
he had when he took those that she loved.

smell of gunpowder filled the room and she took a deep breath as it tickled her
nose. Mercedes wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. She relaxed her
finger on the trigger of the gun. It was then that she noticed Emilio was still

spewed from his mouth as he tried to speak. He was begging for forgiveness.
Mercedes had no mercy for him; she put the gun to against his temple and pulled
the trigger again.

later, the sounds of sirens grew louder as they approached Emilio’s house.
Mercedes went to the dining table and sat with the gun next to her plate. She
waited for the police to come and take her away. As if in slow motion, she
sipped more of her wine and watched the red and blue flashing lights reflect on
her face. She was in a daze and had flashbacks of Chino, her father, her uncle
and her mother in her mind. She had nothing left to lose. Finally, it was the
end for them. For Mercedes, it was only the beginning.


Her revenge was sweet…




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out the following titles also by Pinky Dior









About the Author


of Boston, Massachusetts comes Ricketta Pryce.

a passion for writing, Ricketta has been putting pen to paper since junior high
school by keeping her journal filled with poems. By 9th grade, Ricketta - or
Pinky Dior, as she is fondly called in the literary world - had finished her
first manuscript. With the encouragement of a teacher, Pinky was inspired to
pursue a career in writing. Now, at age 23, Pinky has several short stories:
Hazel Eyes 1 and 2 {DC Bookdiva Publication}, The Diamond Exchange, Valentine's
Day Massacre {DC Bookdiva Publications}, "Pink Lipstick &
Pistols" short story series. She's also featured in three anthologies,
Almighty Dolla, Bitches Ain't Loyal and The Commission {DC Bookdiva Publications}.

has eight unpublished novels and many more started on her laptop. With more
work by Pinky on the way, make sure you keep an eye out for this talented


















Loving Memory of Lela Williams, I love you and miss you so much, Nana. I just
wish you could have held in there a little longer. I know you would be
extremely proud of me. I always told you about my books and showed you my book
covers, and I know you’re a woman of God and loved going to church. I knew they
weren’t the type of books you would read, but at the end of the day, I knew you
were still proud. I wish you could just be here to receive a paperback book of
mines because that’s what we both were waiting on for so long. I know what you
would do with it. You would probably carry it around in your purse all the time
and say, “This is my grandbaby Ricketta’s book”, lol. I miss your voice, your
love, I just miss your presence. You were that woman, like my second mother. My
life changed completely when you passed away; I stopped writing. I just had,
and still do have, a lot going on. But I know you wouldn’t want me being
stressed out, depressed, crying so much for you and my family. I’m making a
step to change and work on getting my life the way it was. Around the time you
passed, I was blessed with becoming pregnant. I felt like that was you; my baby
girl will have your soul. Thank you, Nana. I love you and I will make you
proud. This book is dedicated to you. I know you’re in heaven smiling down now.


my beautiful daughter Mercedes, I love you so much. You are so smart and I just
can’t wait until you get older to see how much of a good mother I am. I know
you will be proud of me when you get older and I have to be the lead role model
in your life. I don’t want you to ever go through what I went through. I want
you to live the life I never had, and what I promise, I will deliver. You and
my unborn baby girl deserve the world, and Mommy’s going to give it to y’all.
Love y’all.


want to give a special shout out to my mother Tonya for being there for me
through any and everything. Although we have never really had the closest
relationship, I still love you. And I love you more now that our mother and
daughter relationship is getting better. We are much closer than we were way
before. I know your mother isn’t here anymore, but she’s still with you, and
now I have to be your best friend. I appreciate everything that you do and have
done for me. Thank you for keeping a roof over my head, food on the table, and
clothes on my back. I owe you, and I want to be able to do what you’ve done for
your children and me. I have to work my butt off so when you get older, you
will live comfortably and won’t have any worries except your health. I love
you, and once again, thank you.


want to give a special shout out to my older brother Ronnie, aka TEFLON! I’ve
had The Hustler’s Daughter title in my head for many years when I was in high
school. I posted it on the bottom of my pictures and I’m like, this would be a
good title for a book. I remember us talking about it one day, and the ideas
kept flowing, an idea just clicked, and I ran with it. I wrote every day, all
day. I had to stop because my hands hurt, and I wrote part one in less than
three months. Thank God you helped me, because this book wouldn’t be a book
without you. This book is a CLASSIC! No other book like it, and I truly thank
you for helping me come up with an amazing concept! Love you, bro.


my other siblings, Richard, I know we don’t get along, but at the end of the
day, you’re still my brother and I still love you. Maybe one day we can be
closer. To my little sister Rayonna, I know we don’t have a close relationship,
but we still have our sister bond our way, and I love you. Shout out to my niece
Sienna, my nephew Adonis, and their mother Jackie, I love ya’ll and miss y’all
so much!!!

out to Stakkz, the father of my daughter Mercedes and unborn child. I know
we’ve been through a lot. It’s been a long three years. Our relationship was
never perfect, but we had good times. But I appreciate the good, and I
appreciate what you have done. I still have love for you, and I wish you
nothing but the best.


also want to give a special shout out to my two cousins, who I call my sisters,
Shania and Shacora. I know we all had our ups and downs, but we been down with
each other since diapers. So you know I had to give y’all a separate shout out.
We used to wear the same clothes sometimes and people say we looked like
triplets. We had our fun. And at the end of the day we all have grown into
beautiful women and I love y’all forever, my sisters! Rest in peace to your
mother, my favorite Auntie Satori Williams. She bought me my first laptop and I
appreciate her more than ever for that, because if it wasn’t for her buying me
that laptop…I don’t know if I would even be writer. Thanks, Auntie. Rest in


out to my God sister, Shavornya. We’ve had our ups and downs, you know. But at
the end of the day, I love you from the bottom of my heart and we do have a
good bond. We spent so much time together, laughing, chilling. We even worked
at the same hotel. You’re just a good person in general, and I love telling you
what I’m going through and my problems because you’re always there and give
good advice. Thanks to you, I’m starting to realize a lot and take control of
what I deserve. Love you.

out to my home girl Sequaia, author of Model Behavior. We met on Twitter, and
then we started talking on the phone, and then we wrote our first anthology
together, entitled Bitches Ain’t Loyal. She’s real cool peoples. I can talk to
her about anything and I’m glad we met. Although she’s all the way on the west
coast and I’m on the east coast, I know our friendship will be a forever
lasting one, despite the distance.


out to my entire family. There are so many cousins, uncles, and extended family
to write all of your names. But I love you all, and stay strong!


shout out to DC Bookdiva. I know it’s been a long three years and The Hustler’s
Daughter is finally coming to life, to print. In 2010 my life changed forever
and you helped me become a published author. If Eyone Williams didn’t write me
a message on Facebook that day, believing in me, I don’t even know if I would
be published right now. Within a couple of days of reading The Hustler’s
Daughter, I got a three book deal contract and I was excited and in tears
because I’ve waited so long to get published and it was really hard and I was
just about to give up and try to self-publish. So I thank you for giving me the
opportunity to live my dreams, which was to be a published author. Shout out to
the entire DCB team and the people who support us, thank you all!


but not least, I want to give a shout out to my readers and supporters. Even
way before I was published, people and teachers I went to school with had so
much faith in me. They couldn’t wait until my books dropped. I appreciate y’all
waiting so long to actually be able to read something from me in print or
online on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Thanks to everyone who has rocked
with me since my first short story “Hazel Eyes” and is still rocking with your
girl.  I know I have been M.I.A. for a while since my nana died, but I’m back
on the scene, and I may be down but I won’t be down forever. I’m back and Pinky
Dior is here to stay, forever!


for your support, feedback, your reviews, and most of all, your love. Shout out
to my Facebook family. Y’all show me so much love besides my books, and that’s


by DC Bookdiva Publications

BOOK: The Hustler's Daughter {DC Bookdiva Publications}
2.08Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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