The Heart Series: Complete Boxed Set (87 page)

Joel kissed my ring and smiled. “You’re mine now, no backing out.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Looking forward to getting naked with you later,” he shamelessly whispered.
“Can we just sneak off now? Do you think anyone would notice?”

He pressed his lips against mine before stepping back. “I think we are the main attraction, baby, else trust me I’d be inside you already.”

“Joel.” He always was straight to the point.

“What?” You love my honesty.”

“I love you.”

“And I love you too, Mrs Sinclair, but we need to go before Elijah has my balls.”

“Yeah, we kind of need them for later.” I winked.

“Come on, I’ll personally feed you cake.”

“That’s an offer I certainly can’t refuse.”


* * *


“Quiet now, everyone, I’d like to make a toast,” Elijah all but shrieked around the marquee that was erected in the garden of the cottage. It was a good job this garden was huge to accommodate it all. As usual Elijah had gotten everything on the nail. Incorporating in the deep purple and white colour scheme and décor. Each table was dressed so exquisitely it was hard to believe all of this had been transformed within hours. I could only imagine the screeching and wailing from Elijah at the hired help. I think they more than deserved a tip.

“I think it’s the best man that’s supposed to give the speech,” Mike piped up.

“Listen here, you’ll have your turn but as chief organizer, I think I get to say my speech. Now pipe down and have another champagne, as we might be here for a while. Izzy, my bestest friend in the whole wide world, we were destined to meet. We will be friends for life no matter where our path takes us, and that’s why I was honoured to give you this day of your dreams. Of course mine will be far more fabulous, that is a given, but I know you wanted a far more elegant wedding that would suit your taste. I hope it’s everything you dreamed of because today was my pleasure to see my friend get the happy ending she so richly deserved. So let’s raise a toast to the happy couple. To Joel and Izzy.”

Everyone repeated the toast raising their glasses.

“And now onto the good part—the cake!”

“What about my speech?” Mike huffed.

“Oh we’re all over the speeches, now there is cake to be had,” Elijah replied with glee.

Everyone cheered and I couldn’t have agreed more.


* * *


“I think I’ve had too much cake and champagne,” I grumbled, feeling fit to burst in my dress and hiccupping with all the bubbles.

“You’ve only had two glasses. You are such a lightweight,” Joel remarked and on this occasion he happened to be right.

“I know but I may have gone overboard with the cake.” I felt nauseous just at the thought, but I knew once that passed I’d be eager for more.

“That cake is amazing. We need to slice that up and take some home.”

I giggled at the fact that was my exact thought.

“Make sure you get more of the chocolate layer. That is to die for.” Despite the fact, I was cursing myself for overindulging.

“Oh no, I want the strawberry and cream layer. I want you to feed me it later when I’m hungry from having all the sex.”

“So you think you’ll get lucky, huh?” I asked raising a brow.

“It’s my wedding night so I think it’s a guarantee, but you’re always good for it anyway.” A smile tugged on his lips as he watched my reaction.

What a cheek!


“Have you ever turned me down? You know I’m irresistible.”

“Ugh, I hate to admit it but it’s true.” There was no denying it.

“Like I said irresistible.” He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. “I think your head is growing. Are sure you can fit through the marquee when we leave?”

“Trust me, we’ll be leaving soon, along with the cake. I am eating it off that hot body of yours.”

Now I couldn’t wait to leave.

“We have a while before we can leave, we are the guests of honour after all.”

“Tell Elijah to hurry up with the first dance,” Joel replied, looking mighty impatient. From the lust growing in his eyes, I could see he was more than ready to leave. I gave him a cheeky flash of my garter and his eyes widened then darkened.

“Fuck Iz, you sure like to torture me.” He let out a long slow breath trying to compose himself.

“Just giving you a preview for later.” I giggled.

“That’s all you’ll be wearing later. Now where is Elijah?”


* * *


There were smiles and clapping as we made our way to the dancefloor. I sighed as my favourite song began to play—We are Stars by The Pierces.

“I love this song,” I sighed, as I kissed and nuzzled against Joel’s cheek.

“Yeah, you listen to it a lot,” Joel teased, his arms encircled around me tighter.

“That’s because the words are so beautiful and true. All my life the only person I’ve ever wanted to love me was you.”

“Then your wish came true.”

“You’re my dream come true.” He always would remain to be.

“And mine,” Joel whispered.

“I love you, Joel, with all my heart. But even that doesn’t sound quite enough.”

“Hey, I know . . . what we have, it’s something beyond words.”

“It’s our happily ever after.” I sighed.

“I hope I can continue to make you happy, Iz, for the rest of our lives.”

“You just did today, by agreeing to be mine.” I would forever be happy to live the rest of my life with Joel by my side.

Joel smiled softly. His eyes filled with emotion as we fell into a perfect kiss. The day had been beyond expectation and the night that would follow would exceed expectation.

6 Years On



Soft, warm sunlight streamed in through my window. What once was a pleasant way to wake up had now changed into something far different when the usual little bundle of fun dive-bombed on top of me causing me to groan.

“Ugh, every morning.”

“Wake up, Mummy,” an eager voice squealed.

My eye popped open to find my very own miniature me staring back, my little tomboy smiling as she inflicted her usual torture.

Joel walked through the door chuckling. “Now what did we say about letting Mummy sleep, she works late nights, so we don’t wake her up.”

“Mummy, up.” She slapped me on the head.

“Ow, you little gremlin.” I grabbed her and tickled her hard. She laughed till she was almost out of breath.

“Olivia Linda Sinclair, that wasn’t nice, now say sorry,” Joel urged, giving our daughter the serious face.

She frowned at his response. She hated being told off. She was a proper daddy’s girl. “Sowee.”

It was hard to stay mad; she’d inherited Joel’s sapphire blue puppy dog eyes no one in our family could say no too. She even had Mike wrapped around her little finger. Kara and he absolutely adored her. They’d babysit the odd time, but now they had their own little bundle of fun. Lily Grace was born just three weeks ago and was the apple of their eye. Mike had astounded me over the years in how he’d stepped up to the uncle role, so I knew it was a foregone conclusion he’d be a great dad too. Of course Joel and he turned my little baby girl into an Arsenal fan. She was football mad, living in her football strip. We made sure to keep several spares on hand to make up for wash day. Joel lived and breathed our daughter. From the moment she was born he’d had first hold. When he’d kissed her tenderly on the head introducing himself as her daddy, the waterworks had started, the amount of love shining in his eyes sealed the deal. Giving Olivia his mother’s middle name seemed perfect and meant the world to Joel. He spent every waking moment feeding, bathing and rocking her. He barely left her side.

Work had been pretty consistent over the years, some roles taking me away from Joel, but I had lucked out in receiving parts more locally since Olivia arrived. My most recent one playing the role of Rumpleteazer in Cats at The London Palladium. It was my biggest role to date. Elijah’s luck had changed too, going from playing small parts to landing one of the lead roles as Adam/Felicia in Priscilla Queen of the Desert. We all said he was born to play the part, and boy, did he ever. The rave reviews he received only cemented his talent on stage.

Joel put work on the back burner to take care of Olivia. After a popular boy band covered a Phoenix song, it became a YouTube sensation going on to hit number one on the charts. He was then commissioned to write more songs for other bands. Work was hard going but very satisfying, especially arriving home to a shirtless Joel sound asleep with Olivia lying across his chest. Her little, chubby fist covered the tattoo of her name lovingly inscribed beside mine. I would kiss each one each day, and Joel would smile each time. They were my perfect little family, and I treasured each moment we had.

Elijah and Sam were always over or babysitting. Elijah lived for Olivia time. Their spare room had been decked out as a playroom. She was in her element whenever she went over. Elijah spent hours, playing and reading. She looked at him more like an uncle, and my heart melted every time I saw them together. I knew Sam and he would make amazing parents one day. As Olivia had grown, she had taken on more of a tomboy role, dismissing Elijah’s little outfits in favour of her football strip. It had not gone over well, and eventually he conceded that this little lady’s mind was not for changing. So he bit his tongue, but there were times he would still try but fail. Elijah was good at getting his way, but Olivia was the pro at winning him round so she could get hers. She was shameless at times, but I had to admire her spirit.

My dad flew over when he could as the traveling was too much for a little one. They Skyped all the time. I often left them to have random conversations. It made me smile to hear them chatter together. He had inundated us with books, her bookshelf was rapidly growing, which made me happy. I wanted her to be a little bookworm that became lost within the pages of a story. It was the best place to be. I still enjoyed my Kindle time, squeezing it in when I could. My dad kept me topped off in gift cards to keep my one-click addiction going. Though I kept the titles to myself, some were a little risqué to mention, or as Joel would put it porn, but he wasn’t complaining when I dived on him after a heated scene. Despite having a little one, we still found time for each other. Joel was always standing to attention. We just had to be a little creative and faster before we heard those little footsteps making their way to our bed.

My mother was now seeing a guy called Mark. She was happier than I’d ever seen her. Mark brought out her funnier side, which I never thought possible. I was glad she was at a place where she was content. She was great with Olivia. This time bursting into happy tears when we had made the announcement. She regularly had her over so Joel and I could have date night. It was nice to just be alone and enjoy Joel to myself. The night was filled with Joel worshipping me over and over, but we were always up by the crack of dawn to pick up our cute, little bundle of fun. We couldn’t be parted for long.

So today was finally my little girl’s birthday, she was turning three and I wondered where the years had gone. She was fiercely independent and fearless in a way nothing scared her. As for me, my nerves were ripped to shreds, but Joel embraced it.

Within seconds, she was off leaping off the bed into Joel’s arms. I clutched at my heart. It was beating like a frightened rabbit.

“Joel,” I gave him a look of warning and he stifled his chuckling.

“No jumping off the bed. You could hurt yourself,” I chided.

“Daddy, catch me.” She grinned.

She had an answer for everything.

“Now what is the birthday girl planning to wear for her big day?”

She gave me a look.

“No, not today, you wear that all the time.” The lip came out, but I would not fall for that one. “Uncle Elijah got you a nice dress—”

“No.” She shook her head defiantly.

“Please, you can wear your strip tomorrow,” I pleaded.

The lip got bigger, her big blue eyes rapidly building with tears.

“Daddy would love to see you in a dress,” Joel whispered in her ear, in an attempt to make her change her mind.

She shook her more. “No—don’t want to.”

I sighed in despair. “We are going to be here all day at this rate, and I really need to start preparing the food.”

“Come on, let’s go see if we can compromise on something,” Joel said to Olivia, who looked not impressed. I shook my head in disbelief; she was running rings around us.

As Olivia was a summer baby like myself the weather was glorious on her special day. After showering and dressing, I made a start on the birthday buffet. Everyone was arriving at two so I needed to get myself into gear. After preparing the savory snacks and placing them in the oven, I set about making some sandwiches, salad and jelly. Elijah was bringing mini cupcakes along with the birthday cake. The table was soon filled with delicious treats. Joel started putting out the garden furniture so we all could enjoy this beautiful summer’s day together.

I placed the jellies in the fridge to set, Olivia had inherited Joel’s obsession too, when small hands grabbed and hugged my legs. I turned to see Olivia look up wearing T-shirt, jeans and Converse. I sighed in despair but it was no surprise.

Joel rounded the corner and shrugged when I gave him a look, it was pretty pointless if we made her wear anything, she’d just discard it within minutes.

“I tried, baby.” He placed a soft kiss against my lips and I sighed. He still had that effect over me. His eyes heated a little and I smiled, pushing him away playfully. He grabbed me pulling me in.

“Tonight, you are mine,” he growled.

“Looking forward to it.” I winked. He made to move closer when the doorbell rang alerting us of our first party guest. Olivia hurtled towards the front door closely followed by Joel.

“Uncle E,” Olivia yelled excitedly.

Elijah’s face lit up then frowned. “Hello, my sweet girl, now where is the lovely little dress I especially bought you for your big day?”

“Still hanging up,” Joel added, smirking.

“Come on, let’s go and—”

“Nooooo.” Olivia came barreling through and out into the garden, hiding under the tree with Ruby.

“You know she gets that from you.” Elijah walked through pursing his lips before kissing my cheek.

“Hey, I’m in a dress,” I protested.

“I know, god, I have great style.” Of course he was the one to find it, even six years on he was still my personal shopper.

I rolled my eyes continuing with laying out the buffet. “Please tell me you picked up the cake?” I all but shrieked.

“It’s here, Iz, don’t worry,” Sam piped up, walking through smiling, He carefully placed it down before leaning in to kiss me.

“Well, look at you two bronzed gods,” I remarked.

“Yeah, I know. It was in the mid-thirties in Egypt last week. We were literally frying in the heat.” Elijah grinned.

“Well, judging by the tan, you battled through I see.”

“Now now, Casper, don’t be jealous. It’s not a good look on you. I’m off to try my persuasive ways on your daughter to get her in that damn dress.”

Good luck with that.

“I tell you she’s as stubborn as a mule,” I warned.

“We know who she takes after. Remember the tomboy I first met at college.” He poked out his tongue, making a swift exit before I whipped him with the towel.

“Do you want a hand, Iz?” Sam offered, smiling.

“If you could just take the drinks outside that would be a big help.”

After a few minutes I heard squeals, I popped my head outside to find Elijah chasing Olivia while Joel and Sam looked on in amusement.

“No—stupid dress.” She squealed harder when he grabbed her and turned her upside down tickling the life out of her. I could see the delight in Elijah’s eyes. I stood there laughing myself before hearing the front door open as loud voices filled the room. Mike and Kara were here, you always heard them first. My mother was with them along with her partner Mark.

“Hey sis, where’s the party girl?” Mike’s eyes were filled with excitement, carrying a large wrapped present. I guessed it was something noisy. He’d yet to get her a present that didn’t inflict headaches. I made a silent promise each time to pay them back, now I’d get my own revenge once Lily was older.

“She’s in the back garden. Elijah is doing his best to persuade her to put in the dress he bought her.” I took the present from him, placing it with the others for Olivia to unwrap later.

“Good luck with that, he has no chance,” Mike snorted. He was another one responsible for encouraging her.

“Hey Iz.” Kara grinned, asleep in her arms was Lily Grace all dressed up in a sweet little outfit, no doubt due to Elijah.

“Oh let me have a quick hold before Elijah steals her.”

Kara laughed knowing only too well how true my words were. She fussed a little as she handed her over. I sighed, breathing in her intoxicating baby scent.

“Oh I remember when Olivia was this young. They soon grow up.” I smiled looking at her little contented face. The floral headband was almost as big as her. I nuzzled my nose against her cheek, giving her a little kiss before the inevitable happened.

“Oh my god, hand that little princess over, Uncle Elijah needs a hold too.” He pouted and I shook my head at a smiling Kara. she knew him just as well as I did. Over the years we’d become closer despite the time spent apart with work. We kept in touch on a daily basis. The bond between the three of us had become much stronger.

I gave her one last kiss before begrudgingly letting her go, but Elijah’s face said it all. He had waited so long for his own little bundle of joy that my heart ached for him.

He kissed her forehead gently. “Oh my beautiful little princess, you look gorgeous in your outfit and headband. I’ll have to see what else I can find for you.”

“Elijah, seriously you have bought enough,” Kara protested but Elijah just ignored her as he continued to be transfixed with Lily.

Sam walked through and smiled at the sight before him. “Err, guys, everyone is getting a little impatient out there to eat.”

“You mean Mike and Joel.”

He grinned—no other words were needed.

“We’re coming now.” Seriously, these guys were shameless. I walked outside to find Olivia sat pride of place on her daddy’s knee, sucking on her thumb.

All eager eyes rested on me and I smiled. “The birthday buffet is open.”

“Come on, Olivia.” Joel didn’t even give her time to walk, carrying her the whole way as she giggled. They soon came back through into the garden with plates heaped high. Joel carrying both his and Olivia’s while she trotted along behind with their jelly pots. They were like two peas in a pod. Joel placed the plates down and lifted her onto his knee, as they began to munch their way through the food. Mike soon followed, his plate as equally high. Elijah passed on the food to continue holding Lily. He was so smitten, but Sam fed him pieces now and then, which he willingly accepted. I smiled looking around the table at family and friends. My eyes finally rested on Joel and then our daughter. They were my whole world and I giggled as they fed each other jelly oblivious to me staring. Olivia would need changing after this. I think she had most of it down her top, but she was enjoying her special day and that was the main thing.

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