The Heart Series: Complete Boxed Set (13 page)

He chuckled and rubbed his hands over his face, looking slightly flushed himself. “I think I need a long cold shower after that.” He shot me a wink, grinning wildly as he headed out the door.

Chapter 11 – Secret’s Out




That would be the only word I’d use to describe waking up next to Joel each morning, to be greeted with the sight of this gorgeous man beside me. He always had the ability to brighten up my day. I left my bed each morning with a gigantic smile on my face. 

God, he was good.

Too good.

Though he’d had plenty of practice I tried to pretend I was the only one he’d touched in that intimate way. He gave me orgasm after orgasm, and my body became so in tune with his touch. He turned me on so bad, sometimes with just a look. He smiled each time, watching me slowly come apart, losing all control in front of him. He knew how much I burned for him, how much I needed him, and that was the biggest turn on for him of all.

Of course he was now thoroughly tending to all my needs, but the thing that intrigued me the most was how he selflessly forgot his own. I think it was his way of telling me he’d changed. That he was no longer the sex hungry guy I’d known him to be. But I was not naive enough to know I had to reciprocate soon. There were only so many cold showers he could have before it turned blue and dropped off.

After one particular orgasm, which left me literally seeing stars, I decided this was the moment.

It was now or never.

I needed to make my move to repay the pleasure he had so willingly given to me.

Joel smiled as my hands slid seductively up his stomach, my nails grazed against his warm skin. He leaned in to kiss me, but I shook my head smiling.  I pushed his firm chest, rolling him over so he was now lying on his back. I quickly sat on top straddling him.

“Iz, what are you doing?” he asked. A look of confusion flashed in his eyes. He was watching me intently as his fingers caressed my hips, slowly hypnotising me with his touch.

“Hmmm, wait and see,” I breathed. A hint of a smile played on my lips, enjoying my little act of seductiveness as I began to take full control.

He moaned softly when I kissed him firmly on the lips. They quickly parted, and my tongue willingly slipped inside, entwining with his. My hand torturously made its way down his body, only stopping to rest on the outside of his boxers. His eyes widened in surprise with the contact before closing. I felt his heart beating rapidly against my chest.

He leaned back into the pillow, groaning his approval as my fingers stroked and worked their way along his length. “Oh god, Iz, that feels so good, don’t stop.” His hips pushed more and more into my hand as low moans of pleasure left his lips. His eyes were screwed tight in concentration, savouring every touch.

I smiled at his reaction, reaching under the material, hesitating slightly before beginning to stroke his very large erection. He gasped loudly when my fingers made contact with the hard velvety skin. His breathing sped up, and his hands grasped the pillow tight.

“Do you like that, baby?” I breathed in his ear and smiled, hearing his breath hitch at my words. His sole concentration was on my hand that was beginning to have the desired effect, in working him closer to an orgasm.

“Yeah, oh god, yeah,” he said breathlessly.

It was so sexy watching him come undone like he’d done to me so many times before. I wanted to give him even more pleasure, for him to feel the intense feeling inside, to hear him shout my name in pure ecstasy.

I teasingly placed slow, soft kisses along his jaw, nibbling and working my way down. His Adam’s apple bobbed furiously as he repeatedly swallowed and gasped for air, focusing on the intensity of his impending orgasm. I kissed it before swiping my tongue over it, feeling his low growl reverberate against my lips. I left to slowly kiss down his toned, hard body and heard him moan his approval.

I took my time teasing and toying each nipple with my tongue. He gasped with delight when my teeth grazed and tugged each one. I ran my tongue along every single muscle and curve, stopping to dip it tantalisingly inside his bellybutton. Then kissed my way achingly slow down his man trail. I heard his breath hitch in anticipation as my lips worked their way nearer. I smiled and paused before gently licking the head. He jerked in my hand, and I stopped, waiting a few moments for him to recover before beginning again.

He groaned loudly as I rolled my tongue teasingly along the head while stroking the shaft. “Oh that feels so good. Don’t stop. Oh god, don’t stop.” His hand rested on my head and his thumb stroked my cheek as we moved together, slowly taking him deeper and deeper into my mouth.

As we developed a natural rhythm, embarrassing flashback images began replaying in my head. It had happened one dinnertime at college with Elijah reading ‘How to Give the Perfect Blowjob’ article from Cosmo. Till this day I always blushed whenever I recalled that memory.

“So Iz, I know you haven’t yet done the deadly deed, so here are a few tips on giving your man the perfect blowjob. You might want to make notes.” Elijah’s face held a look of superiority. I was under no illusion he was an expert in his field. There was a cheeky glint in his eyes when he chuckled, pushing a pad and pen into my hand to take notes.

I glared back at him, blushing deeply. He always was straight to the point regardless of how embarrassing the subject was.

“First tip, sweetie, men like you to take it deep. Open that pretty mouth and breathe through your nose.” He took in a deep breath as if to emphasise his point further.

Was this seriously happening right now?

How was I suddenly receiving sex education classes in the middle of lunch?

But realistically I needed all the help I could get. Despite the fact I wanted to crawl into a hole right now.

If I ever needed a guy’s opinion on anything, then Elijah was the one to ask. I had never known anyone to be so direct and open about everything. He truly never held back and wasn’t embarrassed in the least at his lifestyle omissions.

His pen circled the answer as a smirk appeared on his face. “Same goes for tea-bagging.”

Excuse me, what?

From his smirk he knew I had no idea what that was, but he deliberately waited to see if I had the courage to ask.

“What the hell is tea-bagging?” I had an awful feeling it didn’t have anything remotely to do with making a cuppa.

His eyes flashed up from the magazine. “It’s when you suck on a guy’s balls, taking them deep into your mouth as far as you can. The sensation is incredible. I love getting my balls sucked.” He closed his eyes moaning lightly like he was having a flashback, and I instantly grimaced.

Did he have any boundaries at all?

“So have you done it to a guy?” I asked, curiosity winning over. Though this was Elijah, of course he had.

His eyes snapped open. “Yeah, of course.” He shook his head, looking bemused by my stupid question before returning to his questionnaire.

My fingers picked at the remainder of my sandwich, I had well and truly lost my appetite. “So how do you not gag?”  How the hell was I going to fit all these things inside my mouth?

“You’ve just got to know what your limit is. I like to have my balls played with as well. That’s amazing too, but don’t squeeze too hard, sweetie, don’t want to cut off circulation.”

Wow, I knew we women were great multi-taskers but this list was getting longer by the minute, and that was before we had even got to the sex part.

“So how do you know if you’re doing okay?” I asked frowning, scared I might squeeze a ball too hard and have the guy running for the hills.

He gave me a look. “Trust me, sweetie, you’ll know.”

“Do you spit or swallow?”

“Swallow, it’s good for the skin.” He smirked, shooting me a wink. I shook my head in amusement as we both started laughing. He always was so witty with his one-liners.

I frowned at my next question. Could I actually say the words without blushing? “What if he’s really big though and you can’t fit him in your mouth?” My mouth involuntary opened at the thought, unable to imagine something that large pushed inside.

“Well you got to use your hands and mouth, learn to combine the two.” He started miming the action with a banana, but it was all too much. I burst out laughing, hiding inside my jacket to escape the ridiculous faces he was now pulling.

When it was safe to finally come out, I looked over to find Elijah eating the banana with a grin tugging on his lips.

“Have you ever had someone big in your mouth?” I already knew the answer before asking.

He’d made countless references to accommodating big things, which I’d quite willingly ignored. Since my embarrassment levels couldn’t possibly get any higher, I asked the question now. I knew he’d be very honest with his answer.

He grinned wildly. “Yep, but I’m great at deep throating,” he bragged, giving me a wink.

Now why didn’t that surprise me?

“How do you not gag then?”

He chuckled. “Years of practice, sweetie, years of practice.”

I laughed at the fact he treated it like it was a big achievement. I was pretty sure he’d wear it like a badge of honour if he could.

The sound of Joel’s soft groans snapped me back to the present. I decided to test Elijah’s theory, gently cupping his balls. He groaned his approval, and I worked my way progressively becoming firmer with my touch, which Joel seemed to appreciate more.

Impressed by my multitasking skills, I carried on for several minutes before feeling the build-up as he started to throb in my mouth.

“Oh god, Iz, I’m so close, if you don’t want me to then tell me now.”

Do I?

Would it make me gag?

It wasn’t something I’d spent a lot of time thinking about.

“Oh god, Iz, it’s never felt so good. I love you baby.” His words overwhelmed me, pushing me on. He arched his back in ecstasy, and I knew this was what I wanted. To unravel him and make him moan my name. He came, and I gagged slightly though I managed enough restraint to let him finish.

I tucked him back in his shorts and made my way back up. Joel lay there with his eyes closed tight, wearing the biggest grin on his face.

I kissed him gently on the lips. “How was that?” I asked, already knowing my answer.

“Wow,” was all he could manage as his grin grew wider.

I smiled laying back down, feeling content, until the usual insecurities crept back in. He’d probably received great blowjobs all the time. Why would mine be any different? I frowned, coming down from my high with a thud.

“Stop it,” he whispered.

“What?” I turned to find him watching me.

“Whatever you’re thinking.” His eyes searched deep into mine, and I blushed.

Could he actually read my thoughts?

“I know you’ve probably had hundreds before and the girls were more experienced than me—”

He didn’t even give me time to finish. He grabbed me, pulling me close so our foreheads were touching. “Iz, I’m so turned on by your touch and yours alone. The girls were nothing more than a distraction. With them, it was over quickly to get a release. I didn’t love and care for them. With you, I have this strong connection. I want to take it slow and savour every moment we share together. I love to watch you come apart, to know I have that kind of effect over your body.”

I closed my eyes, knowing how much he truly affected me. “You do all the time, Joel You evoke so many feelings inside and you overwhelm me, the pleasure is so intense. I never knew it could be this good. I want to do the same to you, to make you feel just as good, I know I don’t have the experience . . .”

He grabbed my cheek and my eyes wrenched open with shock. “Izzy, you drive me wild all the time. What you did, well you just surprise me so much, being with you is my heaven. I will never have my fill of you, Iz. I wish you could just realise how amazing you are. I’m going to keep reminding you till you do.”

I was so overcome by his words that I needed a moment. I blushed and turned my face into the pillow trying to calm down. His lips brushed up against my cheek as his fingers slowly stroked my hair. I knew he was patiently waiting for me. I turned my head slightly peeking at him, and he chuckled. He leaned in, giving me a long, slow kiss on the lips.

“I love you, Iz, only you. Thank you for tonight. You are all my dreams come true. I never want to be without you,” he whispered, pulling me into his arms. Our legs tangled together. We couldn’t have got any closer if we tried.

I felt the tears build and despite my attempts to hold them back, one managed to escape. He flinched when it landed against his naked skin.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling me up so our eyes met again. The look of anguish in them set me off even more.

“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just acting like a girl.” I waved my hand dismissively, turning away but he held me tight.

His frown deepened at my attempt to dodge his question. “Izzy, you need to tell me, was it something I said?” He brushed the hair away from my face and caressed my cheek, silently pleading for me to tell him.

“Well it’s just . . . I never thought I would get the fairytale. It’s something I’ve always wished for, but deep down I never thought it would ever happen. It generally doesn’t to girls like me, and well, you’re here in my bed looking all sexy and telling me everything I’ve ever hoped to hear. It’s all too much.” I nuzzled into his neck, needing time to compose myself.

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