Read The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3) Online

Authors: Brian D. Anderson

Tags: #Fantasy, #series, #epic adventure, #epic, #epic adventure magical adventure mystical adventure, #epic adventure fiction, #epic adventure fantasy, #series adventures

The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3) (38 page)

Queen Fasheil spoke. “You believe it none of
our affair that a foreign force is allowed to enter our

Halmara curled his lip. “And what of the elf
army that slaughtered the Angrääl soldiers when King Lousis marched
his men into my land? Is that not a foreign force?”

King Stanis of Calderia, King Tredford of
Yuledan, Queen Illirial of the Saraf's Jewel, and King Victis of
Tarvansia all nodded in agreement.

The elves have as much right to be
here as we,” said Lousis. “They have been here far longer and have
lived among us in peace. The presence of Angrääl is of great
concern to them as well.”

King Stanis spoke. “Is your memory so short?
There are elves living today that fought our people in the Great
War. You may be liberal in your thinking, King Lousis, but for
those of us in the south, we cannot ignore that elves have been a
constant threat to our way of life. They have never forgiven humans
for their defeat...and I doubt they ever will.”

What say you to this, Lord Theopolou?”
asked Queen Fasheil.

Theopolou looked over the council. “King
Stanis is correct. In fact, I fought in the Great War.” This
brought gasps and whispers. “Until recently, I was opposed to a
human-elf alliance, as were most of our elders. But that has
changed. We face a threat that none of us can overcome alone. We
must leave behind mistrust and hatred in order to survive.”

And what threat is that?” asked
Halmara, contemptuously. “The only threat I see here is

You know well the threat I speak of,”
Theopolou replied, calmly. “That you have aligned yourself with the
power you believe will be victorious will not save you in the end.
Should the elves fall and the armies of Angrääl sweep across this
land, do you think your people will remain free?”

If I may?” said Sialo. Lousis nodded
his consent. “The Reborn King has no intention of making war on
this or any other land. He only seeks to strengthen friendships and
create prosperity for all. Lord Theopolou speaks of unity, yet his
own people assault him from the Steppes. He would have you believe
that his people will protect you from the wrath of a kingdom that
has done nothing to offend you. We have not invaded your land, nor
will we ever. It is the elves that seek protection. And what is
worse, protection from their own kind. It is they who would need

Theopolou smiled. “Very well put. I can see
why your master sent you. And I must admit, you are not entirely
wrong. We do need an alliance with humans to survive. Our numbers
are few compared to the vast armies in the north. But if your king
has no intention of making war, then why raise a force so immense
as to rival the armies of the Great War? Such an army can have only
one purpose. Conquest.”

You exaggerate, my lord,” said Sialo,
smiling back. “We have been beset with requests for aid from all
corners of the world. We only raised the forces necessary to
accommodate our ally’s needs.”

I see,” said Theopolou. “Then you
should be willing to allow the kings and queens of this land to
send envoys to Angrääl to seek the truth of the I
correct? Certainly, they would report that tens of thousands of
soldiers are not massing for war, and that their neighboring
kingdoms are not under the yoke of Angrääl. In fact, I could send
an elf envoy along with them. It would certainly ease the minds of
my people. If they departed right away they could be there and back
before spring. Of course, you would remain here to ensure complete

Sialo glared at Theopolou.

What say you, Lord Sialo?” asked
Lousis, clearly amused at the man's anger. “You could remain my
guest until then.”

I, naturally, would have no
objection,” Sialo replied, regaining his composure. “But you would
have to allow me to send word of their coming.”

I think not,” said Lousis. “It may
cause doubt about their findings.”

I must insist,” Sialo retorted. “I
would not want there to be any misunderstandings.”

You could write a letter of safe
passage,” offered Lousis. “Certainly, that should clear up any
potential misunderstandings that might occur.”

Sialo shifted uneasily in his seat.

Enough of this distraction,” roared
King Halmara. His voice echoed through the hall. “I came here to
resolve the matter of the invasion of my land, not listen to my
guest have his honor insulted.”

Indeed,” Lousis agreed. “Though I do
not see where anyone has given insult. The fact is, that foreign
forces invaded and killed those within your rightful

Halmara leaned forward, menacingly. “And as I
said, they were acting on my behest.”

Lousis cocked his head and furled his brow.
“I'm confused. What crime did these people commit to warrant their
slaughter?” He leaned back. “Surly if some crime was committed they
should be brought to justice, not put to the sword without

This brought murmurs of agreement...even from
the southern rulers.

You say that Valshara existed in
violation of your laws,” Lousis continued. “I know your laws well,
your highness. They were written at the same council as ours here
in Althetas, along with the other kingdoms. Since when is a temple
considered an outlaw state? When is a temple looked upon in the
same manner as a brigand or bandit?”

Valshara hid their existence from us,”
argued Halmara. “They have never sworn allegiance to my rule.
Moreover, they support a military branch of their order. You expect
me to sit idly while this so-called temple builds its own army,
beneath my very nose?”

Lousis looked to Ertik, who had managed to
calm himself, and nodded.

The Order of Amon Dähl has never had
an army,” said Ertik. “Any who would say differently knows nothing.
For thousands of years we have been the guardians of heaven and the
keepers of history. Our knights have fought to protect all that is
sacred and have served the Gods since the ancient kingdoms were
young. This is well known to the Reborn King, as he betrayed our
order and seized the Sword of Truth, which we had protected for
generations.” He stood up and looked over the council. “You need
not go to Angrääl to see the Dark Knight's treachery. Temples
throughout the land have been desecrated, their priests and
priestesses murdered. In Baltria, the king has become little more
than a puppet. In Hazrah, there are entire battalions garrisoned
and ready to march. Do you think the people of Hazrah need so many
for protection?

Most of you have heard stories about
my order. Can any one of you say that you have heard stories of our
conquests? We have stayed hidden for so long because what we
guarded could unravel the world should it fall into the wrong
hands. Well, that has happened. The master Lord Sialo serves
possesses a power beyond any of your imaginings. Do you think he
has no intention of using it?” Ertik sat back down, staring daggers
at Sialo.

There was a long pause, then Sialo got to his
feet, his eyes never leaving Ertik's. He sneered, then pushed back
his chair and stormed out. King Halmara stood and followed.

For more than a minute, there was silence in
the hall. Finally, King Lousis stood and addressed the council. “I
believe we should adjourn for an hour.”

The council rose and filed out. Only
Theopolou, Ertik and Lousis remained. A servant brought them cups
of wine.

I hope what I said made a difference,”
said Ertik. His hands trembled as he held his cup.

Lousis slapped Ertik on the shoulder. “I
think it did. If we can sway enough of the southern rulers to our
side, the rest will abandon King Halmara.” He drained his cup. “If
our fortune holds, we may yet turn the tide in our favor.”

What will happen if we cannot?” asked

Lousis shook his head and sighed. “In all
probability, civil war. Halmara will rally the southern cities, and
we will be forced to respond in kind.”

That would be a tragedy,” said
Theopolou. “Let us hope we can avoid it.”

Lousis squinted his eyes and rubbed his
throat. Suddenly, he threw his head back, gasping for air and slid
from his chair.

Theopolou rushed to his side. He looked back
to tell the servant to get help, but the boy was gone. “The king is

Ertik looked at his cup and flung it to the

Are you all right?” Theopolou asked

Ertik could only nod.

The wine is poisoned.” Theopolou swept
the table clear. “Help me get him up, then go find Mohanisi. If he
is not in the manor, he may be at the Temple of

They lifted the king onto the table.
Theopolou placed his hands on the king’s chest and closed his eyes.
Ertik bolted from the room yelling for the guards. Theopolou could
feel Lousis' life slowly draining away as he used the flow to slow
the poison coursing through his veins. Whatever the assassin had
used, it was powerful. He just hoped he could keep the king alive
until Mohanisi arrived. Six guards burst in, swords drawn.

Find the servant who was just in
here,” Theopolou commanded. “And let no one leave the manor. Two of
you stay and guard the door.”

The guards obeyed at once.

Lousis slipped further away as Theopolou
strained to keep his body alive. “Stay with me,” he whispered. “You
are still needed.”

Chapter 25


Theopolou and Ertik, waited just outside King
Lousis' chambers, along with a dozen guards, both elf and human.
The other kings and queens had been secured in their quarters, and
the manor had been sealed. Theopolou prayed that Mohanisi had
arrived in time. The King was nearly dead by the time Ertik had
managed to find him.

One of Lousis' personal guards approached,
fury in his eyes. “The servant has been found dead in his quarters,
and King Halmara and Lord Sialo are not in the manor. It seems they
have fled the city. I'm sending men to pursue them.”

No,” said Theopolou. “There is no
need. They will see justice soon enough.”

But my lord,” said the guard, “the
king is poisoned and the culprits are within our reach.”

I doubt that very much,” said
Theopolou. “Someone like Sialo will have planned well his escape.”
He placed his hand on the guard’s shoulder. “If you wish to serve
your king, send more men to the city gates and scout the
surrounding area.”

The guard heaved a sigh of frustration. “It
will be done, My Lord.”

The door to Lousis’ chambers opened and
Mohanisi stepped out. “The king will live. Though it may be a few
days until he is fully recovered. He was moments from death, and
even my skill has limits.”

This brought cries of relief from the

Say nothing to anyone,” ordered
Theopolou. “Tell the council I wish to speak to them. I will await
them in the council chambers in one hour.”

Not to offend, my lord,” said an older
guard. “But the council may not honor your request. They are a
prideful bunch, and not all of them care much for

Theopolou smiled. “If they refuse, then
threaten to drag them to the chamber by the scruff of their necks.”
He could see the look of fear in the guard’s eyes. Clearly the idea
of threatening royalty disturbed him. “The king nearly died, and it
is very possible one of the other kings and queens had a hand in
it. I swear, you will not be punished if you must

The guard smiled devilishly, then marched
down the hall.

Do you really think one of them had
something to do with this?” asked Ertik.

No,” Theopolou replied. “But I am well
aware that the allies of King Halmara fear such an accusation. I
cannot undo what has been done to the king. But I can use it to our

How do you propose to do that?” asked

With your assistance,” Theopolou
replied. “We must show them our strength. And most of all, we must
help them unite.”

An hour later, the council filed into the
chamber. Mohanisi stood behind Theopolou as they watched them take
their seats. The kings and queens had looks of both anger and

King Victis of Tarvansia spoke first. “What
right have you to summon us?”

You ask me this after what has
happened?” said Theopolou, not hiding an accusing tone.

What are you suggesting?” King Victis'
nostrils flared.

I suggest nothing,” Theopolou replied.
“Only that King Lousis is poisoned, and someone is

It's obvious who is responsible,” said
Victis. “King Halmara is the only one absent.”

That is true,” Theopolou agreed. “But
it begs the question...did he act alone?”

You think to call us here to accuse
us?” Victis shouted, angrily. “How dare you! You are not a ruler of
these lands. What right does an elf have to be so bold?”

Prince Loniel spoke. “King Victis, perhaps
you should ask if King Lousis still lives. That is the first
question I would have answered, and what weighs most heavily on my

And if he does not?” asked Theopolou.
“Will you march under the banner of King Halmara?”

Prince Loniel leveled his gaze. “My father
has long been a friend to King Lousis. Were it not for his ill
health he would be here, and his first question would be about the
well-being of his dear friend. But to answer your question. If
Lousis dies, we may have no choice. We are not blind to the
strength of Angrääl, nor are we the fools you may think us to be.
Without Althetas, how can we resist such an enemy?

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